Sun Moon - Tumblr Posts
Going absolutely feral over this design.
Happy Eclipse Day! Here in Grand Rapids we aren’t within the path of totality but we will get to 94%, which is pretty exciting. This celestial babe is Rex because today is also Rex Manning day. An important yearly reminder not to dwell. No, not today 🌘

this are some old designs that I made back in 2020

I really loved them, each one for different reasons.
I made them with ink and then took a photo and move values on photoshop, thast why it has so grainy lines.

I been thinking on doing some FNaF SB adaptations of the daycare with this designs.... maybe even solar lunacy....... but I'm not sure... I need time to draw...
Thanks for the tag! This is an interesting one, and I’m not gonna lie, I had quite a hard time coming up with something for this, but I think I got something ^^
(The fact that Ali made baklava already makes him NTA. Baklava covers all sins)
AITA for living a double life?
My (25F) girlfriend (23F) is a really famous indie game developer. If I told you who she is, she’d get doxed, as she has millions of fans who always beg her for a face reveal, but she always refuses them. Anyway, because of this, she doesn’t tell anyone what she does for a living, and the only people who know are myself, her parents, and her best friend (Who I also can’t name, because he’s even more famous than she is). Ever since I started going out with her, my roommate Myrna has been a bit suspicious of her. She doesn’t approve of the fact that she won’t let me tell her anything about her, but my girlfriend for obvious reasons has to be very careful about her identity, and I’ve promised her that I won’t share anything that she tells me with anyone else. Myrna begrudgingly accepted this at first, but then things took a turn for the worse when Orpheus started with these magical terrorist attacks on our city (It’s a long story), and she noticed that I keep disappearing whenever he appears, and my girlfriend keeps having to delay her work or cancel her streams when he appears. The reason for that is that my girlfriend, on top of being a famous indie game developer, is also a magical girl destined to save the world from Orpheus, and I’m her sidekick, so whenever Orpheus appears, it’s up to us to stop him. Myrna is now starting to suspect that my girlfriend and I are the magical girls stopping Orpheus’ attacks, and she’s now angry with me because I’m leading a double life and she had no idea. She says that we’re best friends and that I should be able to tell her everything, and I agree, but I have to keep the fact that I’m a magical girl secret, and I have to protect my girlfriend’s identity. Our identities cannot become public knowledge, but Myrna says that I should be able to trust her enough not to share my secrets with anyone. AITA?
Tagging @wyked-ao3 and @mauannacreates!
✨OC Reddit AITA Tag✨
Aha! A crossover from Reddit! Thank you for @mk-writes-stuff for the game, and thank you for tagging me here @willtheweaver and here @theink-stainedfolk ❤️✨
Rules: Make an Am I The Asshole? post (look at r/amita or r/AITA for examples if you haven’t seen them) for an OC. The community will then vote to see who is the asshole in the given scenario.
Noah from YWIMC is a redditor, so he’d probably be on this forum:
AITA for giving my roommate the cold shoulder after he dragged me to a party?
Hey, everyone! I had an argument with my roommate, and I’m trying to see whether or not I’m in the wrong here.
So for context, I (25M) am NOT a partygoer. I’m in grad school ffs, I have deadlines to meet and my thesis to do. I can’t waste time at college drinking my grades away. This behavior concerned my roommate (1000+M 28M), who is the direct opposite. He loves to chat, goes out to parties, and is generally a really cool guy to be around. He’s usually really nice and careful about my boundaries, but there have been a few things that annoyed me.
For starters, he sometimes comes into the bathroom while I’m showering despite me telling him to give me privacy. Recently he started sleeping in the same bed as me after his evening prayers. It was awkward at first, but these little things I could let slide…until last week.
So roommate (let’s call him A) approaches me while I’m finishing up one of my assignments. He’s all like, “Hey, OP. There’s a party tonight and I think you’ll really benefit.” Um hello?? I told him that he could go without me and that I was busy with my project. A huffs and stated that, “You’re always working on your computer. Relax a little, sadiq.” Again, I told him I was busy and that he could take my bag (He can’t go too far without it; it’s a weird thing that’s a little hard to explain) if he really wanted to go. A was adamant that the party wouldn’t be the same without me.
This is where I may be TA, but wasn’t sure: I told A that I didn’t want to be around a group of C averages pissing my college tuition away, and that if he wanted to associate with that crowd he could go right ahead. A finally leaves me alone and goes to the party, letting me finish up my paper.
But then, A came BACK to the apartment, grabbed me, and forced me to go to this frat house. (Thank God I finished my paper and hit save before he did this). It was loud, people were obnoxious, and I was tense the whole time. I ended up taking an Uber home early, and have been giving A the silent treatment since.
So, AITA for not wanting to go to a party with my roommate?
Update: A has since apologized and made me baklava, but I’m still pretty pissed.
This is fun. I’m going to (gently) tag: @tragedycoded , @wyked-ao3 , @gioiaalbanoart , @jev-urisk , @drchenquill , @honeybewrites , @nczaversnick , @finickyfelix , @autism-purgatory , @sableglass , @words-after-midnight , @aintgonnatakethis , @ominous-feychild , @mysticstarlightduck , @saturnine-saturneight , @davycoquette , @thecomfywriter , @addicted2coke-theothercoke , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @lychhiker-writes , @zackprincebooks , @paeliae-occasionally , @agirlandherquill , @avaseofpeonies , @topazadine , @thatuselesshuman , @moltenwrites , @rivenantiqnerd , @writeahurricane , @differentnighttale , @houseplantblank , @lavender-gloom , @smellyrottentrees , @48lexr , @saebasanart , @theaistired , @mundanemoongirl , @fantasy-things-and-such , @clevah-girlboss , @corinneglass , @alinacapellabooks , +open tag for whoever wants to join!

ꐦ •᷅ࡇ•᷄) 🌞 🌜 sun&moon <3 .. ☆ カード

I'm safe. I'm with you.
![[ID: Digital scribble of Sun and Moon. Moon's lounging in Sun's lap with sun's arms around them. Sun's sobbing with little "snff" noises and Moon has a tired smile, patting Sun's leg while saying "I'm kidding it's fine". End ID.]](
A lil scribble of Moon concerning Sun
btw i figured it all out and life is about laughing with your friends & listening to your fave songs. you’re welcome
I am plagued by uncontrollable affection for my long distance best friend who lives so far away (texted me 2 mins ago)
thinking about how good friendship is… two people just like each other….and choose over and over to spend time with each other……quite special how diverse human relationships are..every friendship is special and u cant be close friends with everybody…..for some unknown reason certain people just enjoy each other..and i think we take for granted how fantastic that is
What do you think about platonic love .
the air i breathe the water i drink the earth that holds me upright