Sunkist - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Miss Sunki..

Miss Sunki..

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1 year ago

this is my new pet cardboard cutout of a dog

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1 year ago

rank the hlvrai characters NOW!!!! (/nf)

OHOHOHO OK HOLD ON not giving explanations rn maybe later

Tommy & Ben(e)ry








Helicopter Heap

The Skeletons

i dont hate a single hlvrai character, theyre all so silly :]

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5 months ago

Hi đź©·

A request: two Ghoulettes of your choosing. One of them has never been with another Ghoulette. (Cause idk, not a lot of them in the pit?) And she is SO nervous, and just wants to make the other one feel good and loved. I'm NOT projecting. (Yes I am.) There's lots of soft sweetness, hair being tucked behind ears, and maybe some shoulder kisses and tears. But everything is sweet and loving and inexperienced Ghoulette had nothing to worry about!!

Thank you for your consideration, you're my favorite đź©·

Oh Lenci, I will do my best! As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve never written anything sapphic and it’s mostly because I take issue with my own body. Dysphoria and all. However I am trying really hard to get over it and this will be a challenging yet welcome task. (Please don’t feel bad for asking at alllll this is not me complaining, this is me over explaining like I do with everything and also preemptively making excuses in case it sucks.) So here we go, please be gentle with me 🥺 ok I came back here because it’s done and omg I’m sorry if it sucks idk what I’m doing!! In typical fashion I can’t write anything short and I’m very sleepy so I didn’t proof read it but I will fix errors tomorrow. I hope you enjoy Mist getting the soft and sweet treatment she deserves.

Pairing: Mist/Sunshine

Rating: Mature/Explicit

CW alcohol, oral sex, vaginal fingering, and some mush

Under the cut.

As soon as Sunshine, or the fates that brought her to the surface, saw fit to bless them all with her presence, Mist was captivated by her. Ever since she held her trembling form as she materialized in the sun drenched clearing in the middle of the wood behind the Abbey.

Something new suggested by Mountain and Cumulus, did the new ghouls need to be summoned in a dark and dank pit? Perhaps it was tradition but that wasn’t reason enough.

It was hard to tell that day if the light radiated from the mid afternoon sun or from Sunshine herself, either way Mist had to shield her eyes, looking at her through the narrow breaks in between the fingers she held in front of her face.

Mist usually hung back, she was a part of the ritual for her experience and her power, not because of her warm welcomes. But as soon as Sunshine was held captive inside that bright shaft of light, confused and disheveled, Mist’s body moved before she permitted it. Pulling the blanket from Mountain’s large hands and draping it over the Ghoulette with uncharacteristic gentleness.

Even smothered by that piece of cloth, as they made their way back to the Abbey as dusk descended, Mist swore it was her that was Sunshine’s light illuminating her path, not her keen sight in the dark or the out of place flashlight that Dew mostly used to shine on the canopy of trees above them.

Ever since that day Mist found her sharp edges softened by Sunshine, never far behind, basking in her warmth. However, perhaps she thought even her dulled edges were still too sharp for the ghoulette, or that Sunny had no shortage of suitors, she never truly closed the gap between them.

And so when Sunshine stumbled over to her with sun-warmed skin and a cherry flush blooming underneath her freckles, Mist almost leapt out of her skin. She managed to remain in. Her corporeal form as the heat from Sunny’s delicate fingers penetrated the skin and grounded her.

Once the shock wore off, Mist giggled as Sunny pulled the flower crown from atop her auburn curls and placed it haphazardly over Mist’s left horn.

“Oh, I knew the pale blues and violets, and the bright fuchsia would suit you.” Sunny beamed.

Mist wished she had a mirror to see.

“I made it for you. For the celebration. Do you like it?”

“You made this for me?” Mist doubled back, she knew her tone could be flat, her expression unreadable, perhaps she sounded irritated. “Yes, I love it - it’s beautiful.”

“I’m glad.” Sunshine realized the still held one of Mist’s wrists in her hands and considered letting go, but instead she swallowed no small amount of fear and asked “Will you dance with me?”

Sunny must have known that Mist did not dance, that she stood away from the crowd with a drink in her hand and an aura of indifference. She preferred to observe rather than engage.

Sunny did know, and maybe it was the mead, maybe it was the excitement of the festivities, but she didn’t care. And upon seeing the hopeful smile rounding Sunshine’s cheeks, Mist didn’t care either. She allowed herself to be swept into a series of clumsy and delirious twirls cushioned by the dense lawn of clover that had become the makeshift dance floor.

Soon the inky night sky excused the remaining sun and it was by the bonfires and lanterns that Sunshine and Mist still shuffled their feet, Mist laying a cool hand on Sunshine’s bare shoulders, Sunshine’s arms wrapped loosely around her waist.

They were peripherally aware of the fact that the crowd was thinning out, the others seeking their beds but certainly not for sleep. It must have been well past midnight, Sunny stifled a yawn.

“Oh, are you tired? You can - go.” Mist cringed, it sounded as if she was dismissing her, as though she needed Mist’s permission to leave.

“No, it’s just the alcohol. I’m awake. So awake.” Sunshine felt herself growing bolder, which seemed impossible earlier in the evening considering how much convincing she had to do with herself to finally release Mist’s hands, moving her own to grip her waist, her hips, to graze the small of her back with her fingertips.

Mist was so much taller, and the way that Sunshine lifted herself on to the very tips of her toes, gripping Mist’s shoulders for balance was so endearing that Mist almost didn’t realize what she was doing until she felt Sunny’s soft pink lips ghosting across her jaw.

Mist tilted her head meeting her the rest of the way. Sunny tasted like the sweet drink they’d been consuming all day, like peaches, syrupy and warm. Answering the question Mist wondered as she found her herself staring at her petite angular face, at her pronounced Cupid’s bow, at the way her pink tongue flicked out from behind her front teeth when she laughed.

If there was anyone still milling about when their lips met, they were gone now. The kiss finally broken by the burn in Sunshine’s calves as she struggled to stay on her toes. Both sets of eyes swept the area around them.

When were the fires snuffed? The food taken away? The music stopped? Just a few lanterns remained. Likely out of consideration for the two ghoulettes who had been glued together all night with no end in sight.

When their eyes finally circled back to one another they found themselves sinking down into the trampled clovers. Mist reached for the strap of Sunny’s dress that had slipped off of her freckled shoulder and froze, holding the strip of fabric in her hand, unsure of whether she wanted to turn it to its former position or ease Sunny’s arm right out of it.

Sunny answered by shrugging the other strap off, allowing Mist to ease the fabric the rest of the way, the silk pooling around the slight curve underneath her belly.

This was not the granted, heated encounters Mist was used to. Born out of need, lacking in any real romantic feeling. Not that she didn’t care for those she slept with, but nonetheless, just friendship, much to the disappointment of many heartbroken ghouls and over the years.

Mist didn’t know how to move slowly, how to touch with intention, how to be gentle. She knew claws scratching, bruises from crashing into furniture, teeth and fistfuls of hair.

Perhaps that’s why she avoided Cirrus and Cumulus. She just knew it wouldn’t be like that. Maybe she would feel things she didn’t want to feel, or wasn’t ready to feel.

She tried to allow her intuition to guide her. Twirling her fingers around the errant curls that had escaped her bun, placing soft kisses along her narrow jaw, trailing her nose down Sunny’s neck and hearing her sighs blend with the sound of crickets chirping.

As Sunshine brushed strands of long silvery platinum away from her face, as she ran her tongue along the curve of her pointed ear, as her fingers brushed across the sides of her neck, across her collarbone, dipping below the neckline of the loose hanging tank she was wearing, another unfamiliar sensation lighting up the nerves on her face. Tears, ticklish on her skin, cooled by the evening breeze.

But the sigh that drifted from Mist’s mouth to her ear told her that Mist wanted to continue. As did the hands tugging at her waist, pulling her closer, pushing the bulk of fabric over the curve of her hips, living a shimmering blue puddle beside her.

Sunny’s ran her hand along the hem of Mist’s shirt, feeling a nod on her shoulder, she lifted the fabric up and over Mist’s head, gathering her long hair in one thick bundle to keep it from getting caught up in the fabric. Such a simple gesture but one full of care and consideration had fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. Sunny felt a few roll down her back.

Mist started to feel a bit foolish, acting like some fumbling, delicate virgin. As if Sunny could read her mind, she whispered into Mist’s ear, “I know this isn’t what you’re used to. But I care about you. Always have. Just let me - let me make you feel good.”

Mist let out a shuddering sigh, nodding, she allowed herself to be eased to the ground by Sunny’s unexpectedly strong arms. When their lips found each other again, with unexpected urgency, Sunny’s touch remained soft, slow, almost teasing.

Sunny traced her finger along the curve of her breast, tracing along her skin in a circle until she reached her hardened nipple, capturing it between her index and middle finger, she let her fingers glide back and forth until Mist was writhing under her touch, crying out in sharp gasps that she muffled with Sunny’s curls.

Sunny’s hand drifted lower, making its way to the waistband of Mist’s boxers, toying with the fabric, tentatively dipping her fingers underneath the elastic. The way Mist’s hips twisted to meet her touch causes the heat building in her core to flare.

Mist reached for her slim wrist, encouraging her to go lower, her fingers dipped between Mist’s slick folds, pushing her far closer to the edge than she ought to be from one single, excruciatingly light touch.

“Let yourself go. Cum for me. It doesn’t matter. Time isn’t real.” Again, as if Sunny intuitively knew every stray thought that crossed her mind. “We have all night, let me show you how many ways, how many times. It’ll just be the first of many.” She resumed with a circular sweep of her fingers across her clit that had Mist driving her hips against her arm.

“Good girl.” Words Mist had never heard in reference to herself, that likely no one dared say to her. That made her absolutely burn from the inside out.

She found her arousal building again at a breakneck pace as Sunny lowered her boxers and slipped them off her long legs while Sunny licked into her mouth with that sweet, soft tongue. She broke away, positioning herself between Mist’s legs, she gave her thigh a gentle squeeze.

Mist whimpered, parting her legs further, laying on her back, a position that typically left her feeling exposed and powerless. A feeling she didn’t enjoy. But the warmth in Sunny’s eyes dissolved her fears, she forgot them entirely at the first sweep of Sunny’s tongue. Now it was she that was harmonizing with the crickets until her cries overtook them completely.

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1 year ago





Thank you everyone who voted for Cujo!! Onto the next rounds we go!! I personally will not be posting anymore Cujo stuff, but even so, please still vote for Cujo in all the upcoming polls <3

As for the Sunkist and Scooby people-

good game guys! You two both put up a really good fight! Respect for your passion for your beloved puppies <3 🫡 Hopefully next time, yea?

Aight, bye, Imma return to my Little Nightmares stuff now o/

Ultimate Good Dog Left Side round 3

Ultimate Good Dog Left Side Round 3
Ultimate Good Dog Left Side Round 3

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