Sunset Boulevard - Tumblr Posts
Drowned face down in cherry Jell-O? It's practically a trope now.

The EMTs found him face down in a half a tub of Cherry Jell-o. He was buried with his comically large spoon.
Woman’s Day April 1953
When I get older I'm either going to be Betty White or Norma Desmond. There is no in between.

“Alright Mr DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up……”. Norma Desmond, Sunset Boulevard. This wee one hopped over, took care of a bit of grooming, then, struck a pose… could I resist? Bon Samedi, mes amis!

Hollywood star girllllllll

Pia Douwes and Maya Hakvoort in the same roles
Note1: I couldn't find pics of Maya as Velma and Milady, so I have to leave that to everyone's imagination
Note2: while they played the same character in 3 musketiere, the productions were not the same, they were different musicals by different writers/composers, based on the same story. Unfortunately I couldn't find much information about the St. Gallen one with Maya from 2000
Note3: just to make it clear, I didn't make this post to compare them to each other (apparently people like to do that, at least in the comment section of YouTube), I love both of them very much and I think they're both freaking talented and stunning

Sunset Boulevard (1950) dir. Billy Wilder

oh to be there ..