Super Fav - Tumblr Posts

❥ summary: they love you so much it hurts
❥ characters: gorou ; yae miko ; shikanoin heizou ; mona ; xiao ; collei
❥ content: some angst but mostly fluff, gn reader
❥ note: this was so much fun!! i worked soo hard and i hope you enjoy it!!

he pulls himself to a sitting position besides you, and stubbornly stares straight ahead at the drifting clouds, wishing his gaze would stop falling to your face. "i'm glad we're friends," you say with the happiest of expressions, and you look so contented, so truly at peace that it almost causes physical pain. "i really like being around you."
"yeah," he manages, and holds his tongue as best he can, focusing on the clean line of the sunny horizon and forcing down what rises in his throat and threatens to push its way out, allowing himself barely a selfish thought of saying his greatest desire out loud, that thought that in itself is a betrayal to both the friendship you treasure so much and to you.
"but i want to be -- " he bites his words back at the last second, a hand falling limply to his side, and he watches you stand up, your hair blowing gently in the wind, wishing with all his heart that he could be a person you expected to always be beside you. but you don't bother to check behind you to see whether he's following, even though of course he is, he always is. and he could never fault you for being oblivious, not when it's his own fault that he's too nervous to speak up.
of course, it's not your fault you're his only weakness, the person that makes his breath hitch and him stumble when it matters most, and he wishes he could blame you for everything, the terrible words that choke him and the wish to forever be close to you, but he knows that it's only his fault. and he can't do anything about it because when you laugh, your eyes crinkling with mirth and happiness -- it's like the whole world disappears.
she smirks, and laughs, and curls her hair around one finger as she speaks to you, and wonders if you know she's helplessly hyper aware of your reactions, that after so long of keeping her eyes on you it simply became muscle memory.
the hopeless truth that she scans you after every sneaky comment to see if you're turning red, the absurd adrenaline rush that it gives her to see you knocked off balance for barely a moment. it almost feels sadistic, how she loves the power she lords over you, wants you to feel the electricity in her fingertips when she brushes her hand over your skin.
but at the same time she wants you to be flattered, to see how hard she's trying, how much she's hoping that you'll return one of those tiny compliments she says as often as breathing, and she prays that you're catching on even with how you seem to brush off her comments like crystalflies alighting on your sleeves, so used to it that it seems more routine than sincerity at this point. what would she give for the same treatment from you ... ?
how embarrassing, she thinks, that she's memorizing every little part of your face so hopelessly, watching you when she hopes you're not looking because she just couldn't look away for a moment longer. she barely knows what she's searching for but she just loves how you light up in a blush when she startles you with a compliment, and she thinks that even if it is embarrassing she'd be able to put up with the mortification if it meant spending every waking moment with you.
it's hard for him to admit when he's wrong. after all, his role has been unquestioned detective for so long, his words always having been thought of as law, that after the initial feeling of adrenaline and superiority came a sense of lulling into boredom and security. there's never been a case he couldn't crack, an argument he couldn't win, no wall in his way as he walked down the path that he had easily carved out for himself, by himself.
but it's with unflinching confidence that you step up and argue, with a smooth charm and steadiness that rivals even his, and you knock the blade from his hand with one strike, a singular piece of evidence he failed to consider, and force him to recognize his newfound laziness in this world where his verdict is final and taken without question.
he somehow loves it, loves the terrifying sensation of his breath being taken away, rendered speechless for the first time in who knows how long. that someone could finally counter his reckless announcements, his arrogant dependence on the irrational factor he called "intuition", brings him a heretofore unfound joy that he can't help but relish. a challenge, a race that he had previously been running alone, that makes him feel alive like nothing else.
the detective with no shame and no weaknesses, somehow brought to his knees after being graced with your presence, who runs like the wind itself and spends every waking moment on the move, finds himself slowing down for the first time. he can only reason that he must treasure his time in this waking dream so pleasing; knowing that someday it will end -- that it must -- but praying that the moment never comes.
before she met you, she had locked herself into an endless struggle, a perpetual purgatory of her own making that she regretted with every exhausted breath. she bore it alone on her own back, pained by the knowledge that this terrible, bland existence was of her own making. a pitiful story that kept her unable to ask for help, struck silent at the idea of explaining the result of the vain desire she had followed across the world.
she had seen it in herself, the glimmering of boundless potential like the reflection of a starry night sky in the sea, and reached grasping for her dream. far from her home, constantly barely scraping by, she found herself a stranger, somehow invisible to everyone who passed her by ... the brilliance that she upheld as her greatest belonging, the only treasure that she would always possess, going unrecognized.
but you had seen her somehow, understood the prideful astrologist who fights an uphill battle for respect, become the one person able to push past the waspish bitterness she had somehow rightfully harbored. you had offered your help, a hand up, wanting nothing more than to clear away the thick fog that had seemed to hide her true self from view. it was a gesture that said nothing less than "i care about you", a gesture she had silently hoped to see for so long.
and she took it; flushed with embarrassment, finally allowing herself to understand that she couldn't do it alone, and being set free by it; becoming finally able to showcase the erudite, archaic wisdom she was so proud of. you had presented her thoughtlessly and thoughtfully with what she needed and wanted most. you had helped her, refusing to let her feel indebted, and yet she would give anything in the world to make you happy, the person she loves most in the world and the person she thinks deserves all it has to offer.
it's an unfamiliar feeling, the complete lack of animosity and hostility and suspicion, the gaze upon him being a kind one for the first time in what seems like millennia. yours is a face he could never be tired of seeing, someone who clearly, truly cares for him. for so long he had been trapped in his strained, painful routine; an unshakable, constant underlying tension stole into every interaction, made him even seek a slight relief in the comfort of battle knowing he would return there eventually, no matter how long he was away.
now, however, that artificial relief is replaced with the truer feeling of admiration, maybe even a quiet adoration for you that he holds within himself, treasuring as the best version of him there is, understanding silently that he is capable of loving another person and that even after all this time he has not lost his humanity. you truly seem to bring out the best in him, and it means more than he could ever put into words.
he almost feels weightless, safe, like being with you is a shield that hides him from the world that demands his help in every waking moment, a softness that allows him to melt into the moments that he silently longs to spend with you forever. it's a gentle, serene exhaustion that overtakes him in a matter of moments, a silent pensiveness not unlike floating in the ocean and allowing yourself to be carried along by its gentle waves.
and he feels so strangely happy about it, finally somehow some semblance of normal, just another teenage boy with a person he likes. but he thinks this feeling must be more than the simple "puppy love" that everyone seems to go through, because with the way his breath falls away when his eyes fall on you, he can't imagine how anything in the world would ever get done.
how could she ever allow herself to expect someone to love her? it's a question that she asks herself every day in disbelief at the way she settles into the motions of a relationship with you -- someone who offers a comforting eventuality that she thought would be difficult to ever find again. how ridiculous, such a question, that she would imagine there was someone willing to stay with her for so long, and yet you have, and it's almost a miracle to her.
she thanks the archon that she thought had forsaken her a time ago, but clearly that wasn't the case, because you became her blessing in disguise, and as you would tell it, she became yours. it still surprises and flusters and pleases and amazes her every time she hears your praise, your thrillingly sweet compliments, and she's more than a little embarrassed to admit that they make her feel so joyful to hear, but when she tells you this with a rose-red blush you simply smile and offer yet another.
it's shocking to her that you would accept her as she is, with her flaws, the huge deal breakers that she has always imagined them being. it was impossible for her to believe there was anyone in the world who could ignore them. the many that she has are so seemingly obvious to her, and yet it's like you don't even notice them, or if you do, you simply look past them and see the real her that she has only ever wanted people to love.
and you do, you love her, and she knows because you tell her so, tell her as often as you think she needs to hear it and as often as she wants to hear it. this is her happy ending that almost feels too amazing to be real, but it is, and she feels so heart-achingly happy that it fills her up with an almost chokingly powerful love that brings tears to her eyes, you are her one and only, someone she would be thrilled to be with until the end of time.

thank you so much for reading, and pls leave a like + reblog + follow if you enjoyed!!

#. synopsis! — how they love and like to be loved .
#. characters! —thoma, kazuha, albedo, itto, xiao .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. part I! — you can find the first post of this prompt with diluc, kaeya, childe, zhongli, + ayato: here .

𖦹. ━ THOMA !!
Thoma gives physical touch & words of affirmation. Thoma is an expressive person, both physically and with words. He's not very shy, and is especially open with you, and because of that, he feels very free to be his true and authentic self. He likes to offer you a variety of his natural charms, from giving you praise and compliments to holding your hand and pulling you close to him. Forehead kisses are a must for him, —he thinks they're sweet and romantic. He also loves pressing kisses to your temple and cheeks, just to see the smile that tugs at your lips when he does so. Thoma also offers verbal admiration for you whenever he can, and sometimes, he'll simply bring something up out of nowhere just to pay you a heartfelt compliment. He's incredibly charming, and he uses that to his full advantage. Expect some form of physical touch whenever he sees you: a hug, a kiss, holding hands, etc.
Thoma likes to receive quality time & physical touch. Thoma is a popular person in Inazuma. People call on him to help with any number of random things, and he often gets busy because of it. That said, he loves spending quality time with you, and when you make time for him in your schedule, he'll all but drop every other thing in his life just to match your tempo for a while. Spending quality time with you means getting to know you even better, and he sees it as an opportunity to learn even more about you, inside and out, no matter how long you've already been together. Thoma also likes to be physically coddled sometimes, —clinginess in small doses is incredibly endearing and attractive to him. Hang off his arm for a while, ask to cuddle with him even when it's nowhere near time for bed. Play with his fingers or sit with your legs across his lap. Sleep with your head on his chest or tucked away in the crook of his neck. He loves to have the crown of his head kissed.

𖦹. ━ KAZUHA !!
Kazuha gives quality time & words of affirmation. As someone who has suffered through the loss of someone close to him in his lifetime, Kazuha knows that time is both precious and always of the essence. He also knows that it's important to say what you mean and mean what you say. Because of that, Kazuha offers affection and love in the form of time and praise. Anything you do, he wants to support you the way you support him. He wants to be a stable, soft spot for you to fall back on, —because he feels that you've done the same for him. He wants to be a pillar of support for you in the journey you're taking together on the open seas of love. Whenever he can, he will be by your side. Just as well, Kazuha will let you know when you're doing well, when you're exceeding the expectations of those around you without even noticing it yourself. He won't let insecurity eat at you without a fight.
Kazuha likes to receive words of affirmation. Though Kazuha isn't particularly or inherently insecure, he is human. He has his moments of low feelings, and sometimes, he feels guilty for not being able to do more for those around him. When he expresses those feelings to you, or when you sense that they're welling up inside him, —the best thing you can do is directly tell him that he's much more than his lowest moments. He doesn't need much from anyone, but when he desires reassurance, he will seek you out. Affirm him. It won't take much, maybe just a few words to let him know that he hasn't failed and that nobody blames him for things not always going as planned. He takes much of the blame for communal shortcomings onto himself. Help him alleviate that by telling him he deserves to be loved and deserves to be proud of himself.

𖦹. ━ ALBEDO !!
Albedo gives gifts & quality time. As a devoted alchemist, Albedo spends a large portion of his time studying various things and seeking answers to his questions for the universe. However, he is sure to make time for you, and in doing so, he seeks to show you that you are just as, if not more, important to him than the subjects he studies so diligently. He often sketches when he's with you, making you a staple muse for his creations. Albedo offers artistic gifts to you often as a show of his love. You inspire him, light the creative side of his brain on fire, and he repays you for that by handing the ending products over to you for safekeeping. They're his soul, his fervor, his feelings all spilled from inside him to his canvas of choice. Albedo values time and art like the sun's warmth to the flowers of Teyvat. He offers both to you in hopes of becoming your sun, even along the chilling hills of Dragonspine.
Albedo likes to receive acts of service & quality time. Just as Albedo gives you his time, he values the time you give him just the same. When you choose to spend an evening with him, he knows you care so deeply, and there's nowhere else in the world he'd rather be. All those questions he has about life and where it all stems from leave him in those moments, as if his heavy heart can rest for a while. There is no other time he feels so ineffably and inherently human. Albedo also greatly values your efforts to help him with his studies in whatever way you can. Having you there to hand him things, help examine changes with him, take note of things that might slip past him. . . It lets him know that you value his hard work, —that you value his questions and his curiosity. Even the smallest task you perform for him makes him feel infinitely grateful.

𖦹. ━ ITTO !!
Itto gives physical touch & acts of service. Itto is a bit clueless about all of this, —love, and how to do it right. If there even is a right way to do it at all. He doesn't know what all he should do, how he should react to certain things. . . He's playing it by ear to the best of his ability, just hoping that it's enough. The best things he can muster are physical affection and acts of service, because they're things he's seen in typical relationships, and he wants to do whatever he can to make you feel most at ease. He doubts his own ability to perfectly match presents to you, and doubts he'd be able to perfectly articulate his feelings enough to offer words of praise. So, Itto shows his love physically most of the time. He loves to hold your hand, loves to give you hugs, and likes pressing kisses to your cheeks when he musters up the nerve. He also likes to do things for you when he can: don't expect to carry anything heavy around him! Ever!
Itto likes to receive words of affirmation. Because everything about this is so new to Itto, he seeks validation from you often. He'll ask if things he's doing are okay, if he's going too far or not going far enough, —he'll ask before holding your hand sometimes. When you affirm him, he feels both relieved and relaxed. He gets a lot of encouragement from you telling him that whatever he's doing is okay, —welcomed, even. He gets increasingly more comfortable because you tell him that he's doing well. He relishes in praise that you give him no matter what it's for. Itto thinks about compliments you pay him for days after they've been said, letting his heart swell each time he recalls it. He's a bit of a lovesick fool, and he would do absolutely anything just to make you smile! Let him know his joke was funny and watch him light up!

𖦹. ━ XIAO !!
Xiao gives gifts & acts of service. Physical touch and words of affirmation are newer to him, and while he's definitely getting used to them as time goes on, Xiao tends to default to his more comfortable areas when he wants to show overt affection. Thanks to his constant moving about through Liyue and his proclivity for gift giving, you have a collection of little things Xiao has picked up for you over time. Rocks with interesting patterns and designs, flowers that you've since pressed for safe keeping, shells from the sandy shores, and more. You treasure them fondly. As someone who likes to keep busy and isn't fond of being idle, Xiao does things for you whenever he gets the chance. Whether big or small, he's likely to go out of his way to complete a task just to make your life a bit easier. If you ever need help with something, you needn't look further than your surprisingly attentive lover! Having held many important jobs throughout his lifetime, Xiao is observant and quick to act: two traits that he puts to magnificent use when it comes to you.
Xiao likes to receive quality time. As far as maintenance goes, Xiao isn't high on the spectrum. He doesn't love to be the center of attention, even if it's one-on-one, and tends to avoid it to the best of his ability when it weighs heavy on his shoulders. Even so, he likes spending time alone with you (even if that just means sitting somewhere in Liyue in silence.) Though he thinks it to be a bit selfish; Xiao wants to take up your time every now and again. He wants to be the center of your world for a while, —wants to feel the silent devotion that seeps from your beating heart into the quiet between the both of you. He likes folding himself into the spaces between the breaths you take, curling into the warmth of your aura when the world slows down and even the karma he carries with him seems to settle itself.

Xiao With a kid (headcanon)
Note: There isn't a lot of Genshin headcanons with them having children so for the sake of being a simp for those headcanons I'm making my own!
Warning: major fluff and some angst and complete chaos 🤩 LONG

Xiao with a child is going to be extremely chaotic
It was hard to even befriend Xiao in the beginning
Then getting into a relationship was an even bigger roller coaster
So having a child? A mini version of you AND him?
Buckle up and get ready to educate the poor man
I believe Xiao wouldn't be keen on having a baby, for the sole purpose of not knowing how to raise one
Once he found out, his level of being over protective raised by a billion.
Gotta go to the bathroom?
Welp he's seen you naked before
Need to clean the kitchen, okay well he'll use his anemo powers to help sweep
Need to take an afternoon nap? Nap buddies!
He will be supportive no matter what
Tummy kisses when your sleeping
Rubbing your belly when your in pain
Will get angry when the baby causes you pain
"Hey, is that any way to treat the woman who's incubating you?"
When the baby is born, Xiao will not hold them
Not because he doesn't want to, but he doesn't know how and doesn't want to accidentally harm them
Even if you teach him, he would still deny it and claim he will wait for the baby to get older
Xiao fell in love with the baby when they opened their eyes for the first time and stared into Xiao's eyes
The infant stages in Xiaos opinion was an absolute nightmare
The loud crying at all hours of the day and night
Not being able to depict what was wrong with them or what they wanted aggravated him to the core
Mainly because he felt useless
You explained the best way you could to Xiao how to differentiate the cries
But for a month or so all the cries sounded the same to him
Didn't hold the baby until they were 3 months old
Sorry but you were doing the night shifts solo for a while
Xiao would be away for quite some time due to his duties
He would find himself missing your presence along with the baby
Which actually motivated him to do his duties to the extreme
Xiao wanted to keep you and the baby safe at all times
No evil demonic creatures will ever reach you two no matter where you happen to be
As the baby reached the level of crawling (6-9 months) he found it even more difficult
He didn't understand why babies try to grab everything and shove it in their mouths
It aggravated him to the core
Xiao's heart beats fast whenever the baby smiles or laughs at him
Especially since he doesn't even try to make them laugh or smile
He holds the baby more than you
Sorry, he's whipped for his child
If you have a girl, she would inherit his golden eyes, and hair color
If you have a boy, he would inherit your looks
Xiao would raise the baby the no matter if he has a boy or girl
But since the two genders are treated differently in the real world, he would obviously do certain things different
Dies when his baby reaches out for him when they're crying
It warms his heart to see a pure innocent being genuinely wanting his attention and affection
It was a whole different ball game when the baby took their first steps
While you freaked out and leaked out a couple of tears, Xiao stood there frozen
He's like "Wait- why are they walking already? Are they even old enough? Weren't they just born yesterday?"
Time flies by so quickly with children and that realization hit him deep
When the child turns one, you have a little birthday celebration with Zhongli, Madame Ping, and the other fellow adepti
Uncle Zhongli is in the house
Zhongli would hog the baby from the other adepti
You can't tell me otherwise
Continously complimenting the child's features
No one expected Xiao of all people to procreate, so yes Zhongli was going to be extra
Xiangling personally made the cake for the baby, but sadly couldn't be there due to cooking competitions
After singing happy birthday, you blew the candle out and everyone cheered
The look of pure confusion on the child's face had everyone (but Xiao) laughing
The baby grabbed a piece of cake and immediately shoved it into their mouth
It was over
The baby was demolishing the tasty treat, and you made sure to take pictures
Each adepti gave the baby a special and unique gift
Madame Ping gave them a small teapot, which won't be useful until they get older
Ganyu gave the baby a small snowflake charm for protection from evil spirits
Yanfei gave them a small pyro gemstone, to protect them from any kind of fire
Zhongli didn't give them anything, for the gift he wanted to bestow on the child would not be useful until they are older
After the party, you and Xiao sit by your fireplace and stare at the baby as they play with some of their toys
Both of you upset that they are growing up so fast
Now, I believe around the ages of 3-5 is when Xiao "believes" that parenting will become easier since they can do a lot for themselves
He's dead wrong
One minute your child has a food fight with their imaginary friend
Drawing on the walls and floors
Stealing Xiaos spear on the daily
Sneaking out to hunt for Hilichurls
Screaming and hollering having a meltdown in public
Then they're being the sweetest creature in existence
There is no in between
Your child admired Xiao as Liyues defender and wanted to be strong just like him
Xiao dismisses those ideas making your child even more determined to be strong like him
On their 5th birthday is when Zhongli finally gave your child their birthday gift
That's right
He gifted your baby with a Geo Vision
Xiao was furious at first, having a vision meant that the child would eventually want to leave home and get into all kinds of danger
But when he saw how happy his child was, showing off to him their new vision Rex Lapis had gifted them, the anger within him disappeared
Your child begged Xiao everyday for him to train them
He denied it for two months after being gifted the vision
So the child went to Uncle Zhongli for guidance on their vision
Got offended so he decided to train them
Uses a spear just like him
Now there isn't always happy moments
Since Xiao has a quick temper and his words come out rather harsh, it ends up causing his child to get upset often
Which breaks Xiaos heart
The wake up call for him to watch how he speaks is when their child yells that they hate him and runs away
You yell at Xiao yourself about the way he's been acting and force him to look for your child
He searched for hours to only find the kid sitting on top of the mountain that over looks Liyue Harbor
At first no words were exchanged
But then Xiao said two words that had the kid burst into tears and squeezing the life out of Xiao
"I love you Daddy! I'm sorry! I don't hate you!"
As another form of an apology, he took your child to a cavern filled with Geo Crystalflies
The Crystalflies flocked to your child, as if the were happy that they were there
"Look daddy! They like me!"
A rare smile appeared on Xiao's lips
In conclusion, Xiao as a parent would be a a loving father that would protect them from anything
This is my first work in over a year! I hope you guys liked it! It feels so good to be back on Tumblr, I missed all my little Sunflower Yings so much! Genshin Impact has taken over my life so why not write about it? If you guys have any requests about what I should write next please spam my inbox!
-ping ping
Hiii!! congrats on 400 followers >< for your event, can i ask for a reading with xiao? c: my initials are MLS, sun sign leo, moon sign virgo, and i'm a generally quiet and shy person, anxious and depressed but working through it, hanging in there and still moving forward pushing through whatever life throws my way trying to see the happy things there are in life lol! i'm also laid-back and a bit perfectionist at times, if that makes any sense? i'm caring, but sometimes i don't know how to express myself exactly like i want... and my main love languages are quality time, physical touch and words of affirmation! thank youu c:
( ace of wands & two of cups ) - Well. Quite a lot of potential if I've ever seen any. I don't wanna say "destined by fate" but truthfully, it gives me soulmate vibes. There is a deep, deep connection between you two. Xiao is almost frightened by it but his intrigue outweighs that. Xiao deeply desires someone caring and calm with many ideas roaming around in their head. There is a lot of unspoken understanding between you two, almost as if you have an energetic connection from past lives. You and Xiao are able to grow and heal together without much effort at all. It all comes about very naturally. One can't really thrive without the other.
You two have a lot of harmonious energy together, truthfully. I saw a wheel in my reading which I interpreted as a cycle. So I'm gonna say that the two of you likely have a deep soul history, intertwined from past lives together and found each other again. Very sweet, very powerful energy and very romantic :3
{ Xiao x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } Xiao is quite willing to fight for you.
{ Warnings } Mentions of Violence, Non-Graphic Depictions of Violence, Descriptions of Injury, Mentions of Death.
{ Notes } This can be read as either platonic or romantic. There has been no proofreading. It's an idea I've been sitting on for a long time inspired by this Comic by shiba_sketch on Instagram.
{ Word Count } 1,402
It was known well in advance that you would have to face the Shogun, you had even trained for this experience. Resonating with Electro greatly increased your tolerance to the element, reduced the pain of receiving a shock, and it was easier to maintain control of yourself. But what you hadn’t anticipated was the sheer power of the element when wielded by the Raiden Shogun.
A burst of Electro hits you, simultaneously freezing you in that moment and ending in an instant. The way it burns through you forces out an agonized cry, but you don’t lose control of yourself. Your tolerance to Electro had gone up once you acquired use of the element, which was likely the only reason you remained standing. The pain is bearable, but barely.
Adjusting your grip on your sword, you faced the Shogun with a noticeable grimace. It was hard to catch your breath and collect your scrambled mind. Fortunately, with all you’ve been through, fighting came naturally.
It was like your body moved on its own, slashing at the Shogun. She responded to your attacks with unnerving nonchalance, almost mechanical in her movements. The difference in power between you becomes more obvious as she sends you sprawling with her next strike.
As Electro shoots through your nerves, you realize that it wasn’t the force of her blow that sent you flying, but rather the force of your own muscles seizing. There was a simultaneous feeling of numbness and searing pain, the combination enough to disorient you as black began to creep into your vision.
“You are too great a threat to Inazuma’s eternity. So, now you shall perish.”
The words spoken by the Shogun were enough to draw your attention, you were barely able to lift your head as the Shogun’s blade raised to strike in a way you recognized. You’d heard stories of it, of course, but you’d also witnessed the same technique used to reduce La Signora to ash. The Musou no Hitotachi.
Fear jolted through you with an intensity you had never experienced before, sending adrenaline thrumming through your veins. The sudden surge was enough to push the black back from your vision and give you a brief moment of clarity on the gravity of the situation. It was too late, though, you were battered badly enough that you couldn’t bring yourself to even sit up, much less get out of the way in time. Your mind blanked and the only thing you could do is call out for help.
Immediately after calling out the name, a feeling of regret settled in you. What were you thinking, calling him into such a dangerous situation? Perhaps it was okay, he probably wouldn’t be able to hear you or even teleport all the way to Inazuma. That would be for the best, you thought as you lowered your head to the ground again.
“You called?” The thoughts racing through your mind were squashed as a plume of black smoke and Anemo particles appeared before you, Xiao emerging from within. He holds a familiar polearm at the ready, prepared to fend off whatever had been causing your distress.
His appearance was enough to not only silence your thoughts but also make the Shogun hesitate in her strike, sword lowering to her side. It doesn’t take long for the yaksha to decipher what is going on.
“This isn’t your fight, Adeptus. Move aside, this person is a threat to Inazuma’s eternity,” the Shogun commands, ignoring the stormy expression Xiao wears as he turns to face her.
“If you threaten the Traveler again, I will put your eternity to the test,” Xiao snarled back, standing firmly between you and the god.
It’s all you can do to force out a soft rasp of his name, the sudden wave of nausea preventing you from telling him to leave. But this time when you call his name he doesn’t respond, the entirety of his focus on the opposing god as he lifts his mask to his face.
You can’t make out what they’re saying anymore and you can’t even remember closing your eyes as the scene fades to nothing.
When you come to again, you no longer sense the immense presence of Electro. Looking around, you realize you’re not even in Inazuma anymore. Instead, you appear to be in Liyue moving through the halls of the Wangshu Inn.
“Stop struggling, go back to sleep,” a familiar voice commands.
When you look up to see the source, the fact you are not walking yourself dawns on you. Instead, Xiao is carrying you towards a bed. When he sets you down gently on the sheets you can’t find it in yourself to stay awake any longer, falling asleep just as he asked.
The next time you wake up, your head feels much more clear. You’re able to sit up immediately, looking around the room Xiao took you to upon returning to Liyue. There’s no one in the room with you, and for some reason, you feel a bit disappointed to find yourself alone. But there is a glass of water and a bowl of some sort of soup sitting on the bedside table. It must not have been long since it was placed there, you can still see the steam rising off of it.
You lean back with a sigh, wondering where Xiao went. You hadn’t really seen the fight between him and the Shogun, but you knew he was well enough to get you both back to Liyue. That much didn’t stop you from worrying about his condition, though. You contemplated calling out to him, glancing up to the ceiling in your pondering. You didn’t need to think any further than that.
“Archons, Xiao!” you curse, having spotted his figure sitting in the rafters. “Don’t scare me like that.”
Xiao blinks owlishly at you, as though he doesn’t understand your reaction, before deciding to disregard it and dropping down from the rafters. He looks to be in fine condition as he approaches the bedside, you can’t see any wounds or obvious signs of pain, at least.
“You should eat,” he says, picking up the bowl of soup from the bedside table and offering it to you. “You’ve been asleep for two days, and mortals don’t do well when deprived of food.”
If the circumstances were different, you would have made a remark about how water is actually much more important than food for the amount of time that had passed. But since Xiao had, presumably, fought a god for you and was now trying to take care of you, you took the bowl from him with a soft expression of thanks.
The bed dips a bit as he seats himself at the edge, watching you eat a few spoonfuls of soup. He doesn’t say anything while he stares and despite that, the situation feels entirely comfortable. There’s a feeling of relief that begins to wash over you, the sudden realization that you and him both are alive when things very well could have ended for the both of you a few days ago.
“Xiao, what happened after I passed out?” you asked, deciding not to beat around the bush. You weren’t even sure if there was a delicate way to ask it.
“I fought the Shogun,” he says simply, but upon seeing your expression he decides to elaborate. “I didn’t kill her if that’s what you’re asking. We simply traded blows until she ‘acknowledged my will’ and let me take you back to Liyue. I wasn’t greatly injured, either, if that’s your concern.”
There’s a large part of you that is soothed by the knowledge the Shogun is alive, that outcome likely comes with the least amount of fallout. But there’s another part of you that feels immensely guilty for putting the Adeptus in such a situation, despite everything working out. At least, it worked out well enough that there were no casualties.
“I wanted to apologize for calling you, even though it all turned out okay it was reckless of me to put you in such a situation,” you tell him, finding it difficult to get the words out. But Xiao only furrows his brows at this.
“I’ve promised you that I will come when you call and protect you. That is a promise I will not go back on. For you, I would fight a thousand gods.”
If Xiao Dated You

At first, he's unsure. He doesn't know if a weapon like himself should be able to love, especially loving someone like you.
But after awhile, he let's himself be comfortable with you, and grows very protective. He isn't smothering, but if anyone or anything threatens you, he's there.
He's extremely careful not to hurt you or your feelings, watching what he says for the first time in ages.
He tries to balance his work and his life, all because he hates leaving you alone. However, he doesn't meet with you often, since his karma is contagious.
He's absolutely clueless on normal dating customs, which leads him flustered for most of them.
He sends you letters on a regular basis, to make up for his absence. He hopes they make you happy.
He's extremely aware of your boundaries and never, ever dreams of breaking them. You matter to him.
You're one of the few people he'll come to when called.
"Beautiful, Wonderful, You." | Xiao
Content: gn!reader, major character death, violence, gore,
Synopsis: His happiness slips through his fingers.
a/n: love is dead and so is my motivation. unedited as always ;P

You're as warm as the sun on a spring afternoon. Xiao would argue that your warmth could rival even the comfiest of blankets.
When the pads of your soft fingers trace along every dip and blemish that marked his skin, he could only sigh into your touch. A fleeting, whimsical, and too-pure-for-this-world being such as yourself would be safer away from him. Away from the nonsensical slaughter and burden of death that gripped onto his soul like a vice.
As much as he hated to admit, he was wrapped around your finger. Helplessly drawn to you and catering to your every need. Be it the desire to experience the crisp air atop Mt. Hulao or a simple walk along the harbor; Xiao would do it. He'd take you to the very top of Celestia if you so wished, hand-in-hand plucking the stars from the endless sky.
Even now, as the comforting warmth he so cherish pooled beneath your trembling body, Xiao couldn't bring himself to release your icy hands.
He could feel your heartbeat slow, much too slow for a healthy mortal such as yourself.
Mortal. Yes, you were mortal. You were always destined to die before him. He'd accepted that fact, but continued to bask in your ever-loving devotion regardless.
He knew death would claim you, but was it too much to ask for a little more time.
His gloved hand was soaked, pressed against the gaping wound on your side. The feeling of blood pouring relentlessy past his trembling fingertips made him sick to his stomach.
"That doctor," he hissed through gritted teeth. Glowing amber eyes raking over every bruise, scrape, and gash that marred your precious flesh. "That doctor can heal you. I will not let you--"
A little more time.
He couldn't bring himself to finish, not when your next shaky breath ended in a choked garble. "Hurts, Xiao-"
The adeptus cursed, nodding. He could make it. You would live, live a long happy life by his side. Karmic Debt be damned. He'd trade his life for your smile.
Such a beautiful smile.
Memories of dancing amongst a thunderstorm, splashing water and soaking through your clothes. He'd scolded you, mortals were far too fragile, you'd get sick the next day.
You never liked to listen to him.
As you lay dying in his arms, he could only fling curses and empty promises to nurse you back to health.
He cursed the monsters that attacked you.
He cursed Celestia for cutting your life together short.
He cursed you for not calling for him a second sooner.
He cursed himself for being unable to save you.
Let this be a nightmare.
He'll wake up, with you in his arms, pressing a flurry of kisses against his tear-stained face. Alive and well, you would promise not to leave him.
He would protect you. He'd fight harder to make the world a little bit safer for you. He'd work to make you happy and healthy, so you wouldn't be taken from him.
"I'm sorry."
Xiao watched the blood dribble past your lips. "'m sorry, Xiao."
How could you be so kind, even as you take in your final breaths? You, who had been nothing but kind and loving with a monster like himself.
Beautiful, wonderful, you.
He shook his head, relishing in the fleeting warmth that remained in your body. "You- You're tired, right?" Xiao murmured, leaning down to press a kiss against the crown of your head. "I'm sorry, I'll do better next time."
Warm, you thought. Xiao was as warm as the sun, comforting and kind, even as your eyes slipped shut.
Headcanon situation:
when XIAO secretly harbors feelings for f!reader

a/n — sorry to disappoint those who are looking for gender neutral types, but this is a female-specific headcanon cause I much prefer to writing it like this and i'm a female so she/her is being used here.
this was carelessly proofread so read at your own risk!

in the time window between friends and lovers where feelings are ambiguous and nothing is official, Xiao is someone who plays tug-of-war with his heart. He wants yet doesn't want; unwilling but yearns a lot.
Xiao is both selfless and selfish in that sense; selfless cause he often tells himself it would be for the better that she did not end up with someone like him, but selfish cause he already made that decision for her, not giving her a chance with him.
for Xiao, progressing into something official would require a slow-burn development, a very slowwwww-burn plot for him to get there.

when someone hits on her + he is jealous af:
Xiao isn’t good at expressing himself (we all know that) so if he sees her in a situation where someone hits on her, he would just watch. Not because he doesn’t care. He thinks he doesn't have the right to interfere in her love life, and it would be selfish of him to hold her back, though he could be dying from jealousy inside.
He would not intervene until it is clear that she doesn’t want to hit on. Until that happens, he would turn the other way. Probably staring when he thinks she's not looking.
while he does nothing but stare and trying to be indifferent to this, his body language gives away his displeasure seeing someone hit on her:
-the furrow between his brows. somehow ends up glaring at the person.
-arms locked across his arms, fingers digging into his biceps.
-his shoulders stiff
-Xiao is featured with piercing eyes but when he is annoyed or jealous (in this case) , the gaze in his eyes becomes more piercing (?) that it could kill if he were to possess such ability.
it's as if his effect of karmic debt is acting up, but it's not. it's just him driving himself crazy, trying not to pay mind to that person's advances toward her. he would give off this dangerous vibe which would make the nearest idiot run away from him (except for the idiot flirting with her ofc, otherwise xiao wouldn't be having this problem trying to contain his frustration HAHAH)
--> here is a short scenario I wrote for above.
BUT of course if she is clearly in tight situation, being the one who's receiving unwanted flirting and just can't seem to shake off the person, he would definitely step in. (ho hoooo, that oblivious shameless flirting dumbass better get the hint!)
in such situations, he would just walk over, and with the coldest glare and the iciest voice, he would tell the idiot to leave her alone.
And if that doesn't work, he would just tug her away, walking away wordlessly with her hand in his.
but if the other guy wants to pick a fight, his polearm would be summoned into his hand, and he point it at the person threateningly, warning him together with the coldest stare and iciest voice. (i doubt he would do anything to hurt the idiot though; i think that's against his policy.)
when he thinks about her:
more than often, the adeptus would find himself thinking about her — wondering where she is, what she is doing, how she is doing.
without her noticing, he would watch her from roofs when she is the city or the cliffs when she is in the wilderness — perched on them and follow her, leaping from roofs to roofs or cliff to cliff, trees to trees (anywhere high and where he could watch undetected - omg what a stalker HAHAHA)
doing all these stalking because:
he promised himself to stay away from her. still, the karmic debt he carried wasn't safe.
watching over her and making sure he was there to protect her when she needs it is his love language — Xiao is someone who loves quietly.
He wouldn't admit it aloud, but he missed her. he longed for her; the yearning in his heart kept him wanting more. if he can't be close, he want her to at least be in sight.
— for him, seeing her is enough. Xiao is this adamant about keeping her at an arm's length away. as mentioned above, he is both selfless and selfish when he loves someone. Xiao would rather hurt himself, drown himself in his feelings for her than threaten her safety by putting himself beside her.
but because of the distance he placed between them, she who feels the same wouldn't know that he feels so much for her. So this is the selfish part of Xiao's love — he has already decided he was not right for her, for her.
Xiao opens up more around her than anyone else.
canonly featured in the latest archon quest, Xiao would only confide his thoughts, his feelings (not his romantic feelings for her ofc, but things such as Bosacius as he'd done at the end of the archon quest) to the traveler.
he would definitely express himself more, ask questions about humans out of curiosity at times (i've read that he is actually curious about humans and what they do), and he wouldn't try to hide that curiosity.
i also imagined that as Xiao and her grow closer, he would allow himself to nod off beside her.
according to Xiao's voiceline:
"Who's there? Oh... You think I sleep? You have no respect for the ways of the adepti."
He doesn't seem to like being caught dozing off? Seems to me, he took being drowsy a sign of weakness and vulnerability. He's more guarded even if he had to snooze for awhile. It's not really surprising though. Given how Xiao has to battle his entire life, he is a warrior, well, General Alatus in fact. So letting his guard down is a big deal to him, and sleeping is one that makes him vulnerable.
I'd say once he grows closer to her, he would be comfortable enough to doze off beside her, or even on her (ofc, not on purpose. i can imagine he would be that comfortable around her to let his guard down completely and let his body go limp as he sleeps).

that's all i can think of for this little headcanon. i hope this was interesting? and the scenario is good?
—written on 17.06.2022

warning! spoilers ahead - do not interact if you haven't played the latest archon quest. this is also not proofread so read at your own risks.
—during 2.7 perilous trail archon quest, i really thought xiao was gonna die. i had so much i want to say to xiao for doing what he did or even suggesting his sacrifice in the middle. i totally side yelan's view. i had to write this.

when she called his name, Xiao half expected to find her in a perilous situation, possibly swarmed by evil demons or hanging off a cliff. His jade spear was already in his hand, the muscles in the same arm tensing for a battle and the fierce glint his eyes wore had a protective flame in them.
instead, Xiao found himself standing inside a small lit cavern, eyes alert to every inch of the space. for a bone-chilling second, he almost believed they were back at the Chasm once more until his eyes met the gaze of the moon outside the little opening behind him.
understanding and relief dawned upon him when he confirmed they were not in that unforgiving depth they narrowly escaped weeks ago.
checking that there were no signs of danger, the polearm in his hand was put away, dissipating as he was left standing over a dancing flame, staring in puzzlement at the sleeping figure across him.
his silent, steady footsteps followed him as he stepped around the makeshift fire, dropping down to a knee to catch the murmured words fumbling out of her mouth.
"...Xiao. no please, Xiao." his eyes widened. "we won't leave without you. i won't leave here without you." a sound like a sob broke through.
a residual nightmare from then. the piercing gaze in Xiao's eyes softened with a realisation and a hint of melancholy.
he reached out a hesitant hand, hovering over her forehead for a lingering second before meeting it. calloused fingers ran over the ridge between her brows.
a ridge of his own appeared between his brows as her voice grew heavy with tears under his hand. the sobs breaking through her words continued.
"i'm here." the murmur of her name after was soft, as subtle as the breeze blowing in.
reminded of how he nearly lost his life, he thought he felt the heavy weight of his own tears at the back of his throat as he shook her. the desperation in his eyes was quiet and seeking.
a startled gasp accompanied her as her eyes sprang open, and they were filled with tears and panic. there was confusion in them in the few seconds of silence as she lifted her head off the ground, staring back at him.
the tensed silence ticked by, before the tension on her face fell with relief and gratitude.
"...Xiao." another surge of tears sprang from her eyes once more.
"...i'm here, still here." Xiao swallowed thickly; he wasn't sure those words were for her or him.
he made no move to stop her when she rose from the ground to throw her arms around him, her face buried into his shoulders.
"promise me you won't do something like then again." the glint in his eyes wavered quietly as he touched a hand to her trembling back, palm sliding up to caress the back of her head. "d-don't ever discard away your life like it's nothing. you're not disposable."
his eyes closed, his ears focused on her fear tremoring in her words. "promise me, Xiao, please. cherish yourself like I cherish you."
"...i'm sorry." his voice shook. "and i promise."
jealous! XIAO
Headcanon situation: when XIAO secretly harbors feelings for reader

a/n: okay so, this is just a little piece to paint out my headcanon (link right above).

Arms locked across his chest, his piercing eyes watched her like an eagle. Back resting lightly against the rounded pillar in the corner of the general store, the number of curious gazes fleeting over to Xiao as if he was part of the display items behind the glassed shelves did not fall past the adeptus' notice—
A lithe figure of lean, sculpted muscles with a large, intricate jade green tattoo that stretched across the skin of his right arm, he had a presence — quiet yet intimidating, with intense eyes piercing out from his handsome face.
—Xiao was not the tallest in the room, but it was no wonder their eyes stayed drawn to him.
Like a prickle to his skin, he could feel these mortals staring; annoying him like noises in the background. Though he doubted because they recognized or much less know of an adeptus like him existed.
in the two thousand years of his life, he'd never dreamt he would let himself stand among mortals to be gawked at, but here he was, doing just that.
All because he wanted to know and understand her more, he agreed to be brought around Liyue Harbor — the mortal civilization Morax spent centuries to build.
It wasn't so bad, trying out the various food made by humans, seeing the structures that was built and rooted across the grounds with the guidance of Lord Geo, watching how humans interact with each other. Most intriguing was what she enjoyed doing, enjoyed eating or how she interacted with others.
His day with her in the city was fairly pleasant until she decided that she needed to restock her supplies. It was obvious even to him that the young man over the counter held some kind of infatuation towards her. For someone who was slouching and trying to hold their head up with a hand like it had the weight of a giant boulder, it was obvious from how the man's face lit up the moment she approached the counter.
He had observed the acts of familiarity the others they met going around the city had displayed towards her, and this was different. He may have avoided many social interactions with others, but he was no fool not to notice the way the man behind the counter was beaming under her attention.
Xiao tried not to stare too long. Once again reminding himself with a bitter taste in his mouth that anyone else but him was a safer choice for her.
Who was he to feel upset over who she talked to?
Xiao blew out a seething sigh, forcing his attention somewhere else, but only for his eyes snap back to her when her laughter came ringing over.
He felt the frustration churning inside him soften a tad at the sight of her open, smiling face. This lasted for short seconds before the tension on his face returned to him; once again reminded of the source of his irritation by the loud, boisterous laughter joining hers.
Shoulders stiff, Xiao dragged out another sigh, eyes reluctantly falling away from them.

—written on 17.06.2022
" my oath to you . "

pairing : xiao x f!reader
genre : smut with plot, angst themes/undertones
tw! : near-death experience on reader's side, mentions of blood
summary : when you accidentally get into a life-threatening situation, the vigilant yaksha struggles to control his feelings. he had to feel you, he just had to inhale your scent, listen to your beating heart, and perhaps more.
warnings : sexual content, overprotective behavior, slight obsessive tendency mention, unprotected sex pussy-drunken state mention, emotional sex, cumming inside etc
You barely had time to breathe when you inevitably noticed the utter severity of your circumstances. Shiver travelled down your spine, your body tensing up in fear of what seemed like it would result in death with one trivial mistake. After all, you were unfortunately aware of the sheer overwhelming number of the agents surrounding you- ten of them as you could see.
"I must say I'm put off by the lack of honor. What could the Fatui want so desperately from a mere Liyue citizen that ten of you come ambushing a single target?" You scoffed at the lack of reply, all that they provided was condescending giggle from some. Clearly, they seem to be perceiving your abilities and words as no more than a pest.
A small voice at the back of your voice demanded- call him. Call his name, you know he'd come for you.
One moment filled with hesitation slipped past your fingertips- there was always possibility of him being preoccupied. Perhaps you could fight them off alone, then find means of escape. You couldn't always rely on him, could you?
Then another moment past, your thoughts were left unanswered as the agents came charging at once. You desperately tried to fight off the ones who came in offense. Holding your stance and defense was the best you could do against them, and even that was proving to be a threatening task. Your stamina was already running low from returning from a lengthy journey, not to mention your electro energy having difficulties breaking through the shields of some.
The voice called out again, this time with more desperation- Call him! You can't last against them, they outnumber you!
You used a significant fraction of your remaining elemental energy and released a shockwave, knocking away the ones close to you to regain gap enough to at least call for Xiao. With half the mind to finally realize your current state was incapable of holding all of them off, your grip on your weapon tightened.
As soon as you could, you opened your mouth and tried to call out for him, only for you to realize moments too late that a pyro agent in front had finished preparing his slash, and was dashing towards you with full speed. Your mouth went dry, eyes wide from fear, panic and- there won't be enough time, not even Xiao could possibly arrive faster than a blink of an eye-
Then your vision went dark.
All you could remember was a wisp, and then a furious, murderous force of wind knocking away the Fatui agent in front of you. Your body was swept into someone's arms, holding your trembling body with a tight grip. Even without opening your eyes, you could feel the familiarity in his scent, his protective hold on you. You opened your eyes and whispered his name while yearning for nothing more than his blazing warmth enveloping your figure. And judging from your shivering body, the fear from a near-death experience remained very much evident.
"The information was right, we have to report it back to Lord Harbinger!" One of the cicin mages yelled out, signaling the others to escape. With one slash of his polearm, Xiao silently saw to it that the ones attempting to leave were... hindered. The mastery of battle arts he possessed was definitely a sight to behold, you had to admit.
The hand wrapped around your waist tightened, Xiao's mask glowed in an eerier dark color than you remembered. His fury, bloodlust and wrath was almost visible to bare eyes- the air growing thicker each passing minute. Xiao made the slightest of movements, and he was keeping the Fatui agents unable to escape, yet still wounding them little by little. Almost as if he was deliberately taking his time.
You flinched slightly when a cicin mage let out a bloodcurdling scream from whatever blow Xiao landed on her, you avoided looking at them when you could. Xiao surely then, noticed your uneasiness with the sight of blood.
Placing you on the ground gently, Xiao ripped out a long strip from fabric on his sleeve. With incredible amount of stone-cold calmness, he wrapped the fabric around your eyes, like a blindfold.
"Don't move and keep the fabric on your eyes." Even with your sight obscured, you felt calm since Xiao was there with you. As long as he was there, you knew no harm would come. You nodded, silently remembering once again that he could have easily ended the battle the moment he arrived. That he could have swung his spear with one precise blow and possibly ended all of their lives with no more than a lift of his finger. You gulped, since it left only one option as to why he had been taking his time with them. Perhaps he did not see the reason why as to their death should be quick and clean.
Surely enough, their voices did not quiet down as fast as you expected. Your brows furrowed in slight discomfort from how some sounded like they were pleading for mercy, and then the eerie silence following. Stopping Xiao didn't seem like an option, however. After all, you imagine you too, would finish someone off yourself if they had threatened Xiao's life.
Amidst your thoughts, you noticed that it had finally fallen silent around you. When you reached for the fabric around your eyes, Xiao's gloved hand prevented you from taking it off.
"Keep it on." I don't want you to see this brutality- this evil I'm bound to commit as long as I walk this earth. Xiao's thoughts echoed silently inside the safety of his mind, the idea of you being frightened by him leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.
To you, Xiao's voice sounded ambiguous, like he wasn't even sure on how he felt then. The both of you struggled to find words to say when he lifted your body with ease (being an adeptus, this proved itself to be an action of utmost ease to him), and teleported to where you expected to be your familiar room in Wangshu Inn.
Your vision slightly wavered from the sudden light when Xiao slowly pulled the fabric off your eyes. When your sight cleared, there stood Xiao, amber eyes fixated on scanning from your head to toe for signs of injuries. Surely enough, minor ones were bound to be left behind.
"You're hurt." You two murmured at the same time to one another. You referred to the slight cut on his forearm, a small one that you imagine is stinging like hell at that point. Xiao's brows furrowed as he kneeled down and slowly caressed your calf. You hadn't even noticed the slight scrape on your lower calf, it didn't hurt at all.
"It's fine, I can't feel anything really." You tried to comfort Xiao, but his expression visibly fell somber.
"Did you kill them?" In an attempt to divert his attention from your scrape, you managed to ask him the question in slight curiosity, slight concern on what his answer would be. After all, if he had really killed them, would that be a diplomatic problem for Liyue and Snezhnaya? They were usually regarded as diplomats, after all.
"I don't fancy murdering humans." Noticing your concerned expression, Xiao replied curtly. His sullen expression never changed.
"Why didn't you call out for me?" His voice was eerily grim, cold. The tone he used cut through your heart like a knife, and perhaps you deserved his brusque attitude after what you got yourself into.
"You didn't call my name, not once. What were you thinking?" Xiao's voice got louder as he spoke, roaring and demanding answers from you. You had never seen him like this, absolute fury burning in his eyes, his grip on your ankle grew tighter as well. You avoided looking at him, squirming in what felt like regret, the discomfort making your stomach drop.
Xiao's heart was beating too loud, too fast for his liking. Just the mere thought of your helpless expression when that lowlife attacked you, how your mouth fell open and no sound left them, all of what he had seen sent a bloodcurdling feeling of terror, horror through his veins. Heavens, he was about to lose you. On the land he was sworn to defend. The events flashed in his mind like a rewound tape, Xiao clutched his shirt in frustration and lack of awareness on how to control this swarm of unsettling emotions.
"I saw it, the hesitation in you. Do you- lack faith in me that much?" Xiao's golden eyes glistened in what looked like conflict. His mind raced with millions of thoughts, what if he had lost you there? What if he wasn't there around the area? What if he didn't make it in time? He gritted his teeth, the realization that mere swift connection of coincidence and luck were what allowed him to save you today made his blood boil. Not from you calling his name, just because coincidentally he happened to be around the area. Otherwise... he refused to think further if things were otherwise.
"...I'm sorry, Alatus. I really am." You didn't have any other words to say, fully shouldering your irresponsible, immature thoughts of solving the problem alone that had almost cost you your life. You kneeled down as well, and grabbed Xiao's hand. Slowly slipping off his gloves after seeing that he didn't seem to mind, you held his both hands in yours in an attempt to calm him down. You were holding his hands in yours, skin warm, alive and breathing in front of him. This was the least you could do.
Xiao half-hated how you managed to calm his racing thoughts and heart with a mere touch of your skin. It made him feel vulnerable sometimes, but today he didn't have the privilege to question such trivial matters. As he once again glanced at your slight scrape that looked like it may start bleeding, he suddenly remembered how you looked when he came to your rescue. Trembling like a leaf, your eyes avoiding the sight of blood- blood he unfortunately was too used to. The sight, smell, texture on his skin or clothes, everything about it was nothing unusual for the vigilant yaksha. But just then in his arms, Xiao painfully remembered how you tremble even in his hold. Blood scared you, murder, death, violence... they all scared you. Of course it would- he had half the mind to remember that you were a fragile mortal. You should be scared of them, naturally. But does that not mean that you were bound to be scared of him, too?
Once again, Xiao's rational mind failed to function for once. His golden eyes only held his instincts as far as you could see.
“I love you.”
Your eyes widened at Xiao's words. You had scarcely ever heard those words from him before. Even if he did say it, he would normally whisper in a tone quieter than the calm nocturnal breeze, as if he didn't even want you to hear him. But just now, he-
"I love you." Once again, Xiao repeated with the same voice, unwavering, almost confident tone in his confession.
The moment your eyes met, his breath is on yours in a heartbeat, lips molding against one another like second nature. You shivered slightly when he pulled you closer by cupping your face with two shivering hands, his slightly calloused bare hands always felt pleasant on your skin. Amidst your relief and blood rushing to your head from the overwhelming emotions, Xiao whispered the precious words of oath tenderly again. Once and twice more, you lost count with how intensely he embraced you in his warmth.
“I love you.” Again, he whispered against your lips. You sighed into the kiss, slightly taking notice of his vocal tone- you were certain you had never heard this hopelessness? want? from his normally monotonous voice before. He sounded so... expressive. Just as you tried to reply, your chance was stolen again with how desperately he clung onto you, his kiss mesmerizing as always.
In the heat of the moment, Xiao pushed you to the bed, not parting your connected lips and laced his fingers with yours. You barely managed to gasp into the kiss when he firmly pressed- or rather, slammed your slightly-trembling hands to the mattress. After he pulled away from the kiss reluctantly, he took a few moments gazing at you. You couldn’t help but frown at his complex expression whilst he lightly caressed your body under him. His amber eyes were as radiant as they were in your lovestruck daydreams.
Leaning in closer, Xiao took a moment to rest his head in the space between your neck and shoulder. His tense body visibly relaxed against the warmth of your body while trying to steady his shaky breath to listen to the sound of your heartbeat better. After all, you were okay. God, after all the chaos that struck, after everything that happened- you were okay, you were with him… alive underneath him. He thought he lost you. He saw you- He- He saw all too clearly how you gazed at him. He saw the look in your eyes with gaze full of fear, panic when you couldn't even manage to whisper his name for one last time and- fuck, his mind clouded over with wrath, disappointment, and concern again-
You noticed how his face almost grimaced, eyebrows furrowed in deep concern and worry. With how tightly he was holding you, pressing his lips, kissing every inch of your skin he could, it was hard not to notice. With a deep sigh, you lightly pulled your hand away. Your original intention was to caress his cheeks to calm him down as little as you could.
“Xiao- ”Well, at least attempted to before Xiao’s eyes shot open and slammed your hands back down again.
“Don’t.” You took a sharp breath and stared at him with wide eyes at his sudden actions, making his expression soften once more apologetically. Even if he didn’t verbally express it, you knew how hard he tried to treat you gently, kindly as mortals expressed.
“… Please. Let me feel you.” You relaxed and caressed his hand holding yours with your thumb, taking notice of his pleading gaze. It was ultimately your fault too, endangering your mortal self as he criticized often. You gulped and pushed away the frightening thoughts of what could’ve- what was about to happen if Xiao hadn’t sensed you- if Xiao had arrived merely a millisecond later than he did.
Xiao's entwined fingers pinned your hands down deeper as he placed chaste kisses on your neck. You couldn't help the sigh of pleasure, his lips simply scattered what seemed like innocent kisses on you. Your relaxed state changed when he started sucking, greedily inhaling your scent and nibbling on your sensitive skin. Even the smallest scrape of his sharp fangs made your back arch, whining in his ear for more.
The concept of leaving marks on your lover's body never appealed to Xiao much. When he saw you, his eyes always adored how pretty your skin looked, clean, unbruised and unhurt. The body he worshipped and loved more than anything, he frankly did not understand why leaving bruise-marks were desirable. Until now.
"X-Xiao?" You noticed how he was attempting to leave hickeys on purpose, to your surprise. This is new. He pulled his hands away from yours and instead placed one on your shoulder, other gripping your jaw to offer him space to leave his marks.
"Stay still." His authoritative tone sent a wave of arousal through your body, more so when Xiao sunk his fangs around the hickeys forming on your neck. You couldn't help but notice how restless Xiao was today, his actions and kisses all felt desperate, needy.
"You're beautiful." While you were overwhelmed with how his hands were pulling at your clothes and barely wasting any moment to dive right back into worshipping your body. Every inch of you was his to mark, kiss, and adore. Even tarnish, if he pleased. A twisted sense of pride overtook his senses.
His hands felt incredibly warm against your burning skin, every inch of you yearning to feel more of Xiao. His hands explored your body, caressing, grabbing and undressing as he saw fit. Your hands also moved on its own to undress him, revealing his toned chest, a pretty sight to behold. As soon as you were done with taking off his clothes, he pushed you down again, lips planted onto yours in a shared vigorous kiss. A fresh sense of arousal flared through your body from how different he was today, he wasn't as careful and gentle as he was. No, he was commanding, desperate, needy and... And you liked it a little bit too much perhaps.
"Xiao..." You suddenly felt unable to wait any more, you needed to feel him inside. Peppering kisses down your body, he hastily pulled at your trousers and underwear, then gazed at you from in between your legs. The sight alone had your breath hitching in excitement.
"I- I can't take it anymore, can you..." You found yourself stumbling over your words when Xiao's warm tongue licked a stripe on your inner thigh, peppering soft kisses towards your glistening cunt. He ran his fingers over your heat, faintly reminded that your wetness was a proof on how much of an effect he had on you. Xiao's sight was fixated on your expression as he left love bites on your inner thighs as he did with your neck, his amber eyes darkened in insatiable lust. The similar pride from earlier clouded his senses each time your face twisted and moans left your puffy lips.
Pride. Yes, that's what he felt. After all, only he could do this to you, make you feel this way- Make you his.
Your eyes fluttered open when you heard rustles of Xiao taking off his remaining clothes. His normally neat hair was slightly messy, radiant golden eyes much darker and clouded than your memory serves. He pressed your foreheads together, leaning in as close as he could. Your warmth calmed him down, perfect body molding so prettily in his hands.
"I love you." Your heart swelled with a swarm of emotions from how vocal he was. Finally for the first time today, you had the chance to reply.
"I love you, Alatus." You circled your arms around his shoulders, attempting to feel him closer. That was all he needed to hear.
Your mouth fell open when Xiao sunk his length into your cunt, your nails digging into his shoulders in desperation. The dull pain mixed with the pleasure of being stretched open clouded your senses, your body tightening around him in natural response. Almost immediately when he pushed all the way in, both of you let out a sigh of pleasure.
When he finally notices the relaxing in your muscles and perceives your comfort, Xiao begins moving against your heat. With every thrust, your cunt seemed to suck him in as he dragged himself out to the very tip, then slamming it back in. Your cheeks felt hot to the touch when lewd sounds of skin slapping and mattress not-so-subtly creaking filled the room. Two bodies burning with desire, love and lust, your vision went hazy form the overwhelming emotions and physical pleasure. Before you could tell, you had absolutely zero control over your voice as you let out the embarrassingly loud moans spill despite your attempt to restrict it.
Xiao's burning gaze never left your face, your eyes and how your body reacted to him. His brain short-circuited, entirety of his thoughts were screaming - (name). (name). (name). He greedily observed, drank in your body’s reaction to him. If this is how he can make you look and sound- He wanted more.
"You're so beautiful..." Xiao molded his lips against yours as soon as the words left his mouth, sucking on your tongue in a needy manner. His quiet moans escaped into the kiss, along with your gasp when his hands hold onto your waist and slams harder into you. His pace remained stable, yet his forceful, deep thrusts sent shocks of pleasure through your body. When he proceeded to grind lewdly against your core, your voice trembled as a high-pitched moan was ripped out of you. Xiao noticed how your body tensed up, amber eyes observing you in a lust-driven stare. The higher he realized he could take you, the greedier he became for your pleasure.
You were acutely aware of Alatus' gaze on you, his stare was never subtle to start with. The hungry look in his eyes, the way he had his way with your body, he didn't even look like he was fucking you into the mattress for his own pleasure. In fact, his eyes darkened, pace got faster each time your moans got louder. Your pleasure was his greatest oasis- to a man starved to quench his thirst.
"I'm all yours" You managed to form the words that's been lumped at your throat for the entirety of today. Xiao's eyes briefly glossed over in pleasant surprise.
"I'm yours, Alatus. I love you, I love you so much." You ran your fingers through his hair, gazing into his eyes. He looked the prettiest on top of you like this.
Suddenly like a switch flipped in his head, Xiao grabbed your hands and resumed his hard, deep thrusts. Only this time, the pace got faster as each moment passes by. Your mind couldn’t focus on anything else other than the sweet sensation of his thick cock filling you to the brim and forcing out sounds you didn’t know you could produce. When he dragged his veiny cock over your sensitive spot, you shuddered at the feeling.
With each moan he heard from you, the hazier Xiao's mind became. You were with him for life, you loved him as he did you. Your hearts were one and you were his- his, his, his. All his.
As the possessive thoughts flooded his senses, Xiao grabbed onto your hips harshly and started moving your body in response to meet his thrusts. The way he forced his raw cock, used your body to freely match his pace sent a flare of heat through your body, the arousal coating Xiao's cock almost starting to drip onto the sheets.
"Y-You like this." Xiao's voice trembled subtly in sight of pleasure, yet his authoritative tone withheld. You nodded vigorously, unable to form coherent sentences without stumbling over your words.
"Tell me what I can do- more to make you feel better" Your pussy clenched around his cock even more when he asked so adorably how to please you. Pulling your hips against his even harder, you noticed his set-pace faltering as his orgasm approached rapidly.
"I'm already really close-" You managed to reply and reached out to rub your clit against his movements. The moment you started flicking, circling your clitoris, an electric feeling of pleasure made you moan out loud, your vision slowly fading to white. Trails of fire was threatening to break loose in your lower stomach, your high approaching. With a violent shudder, your orgasm hit you hard, like a wave of burning flames taking over your figure.
The sight of you so desperate for him was what sent Xiao over the edge. His beautiful, beautiful lover, all his under him. His own eyes glossed over in pussy-drunken state, he couldn't stop his hips, he just couldn't go another second without the intoxicating feeling of your warmth squeeze around him. Your body twitched from the dull aftershocks of overstimulation, yet you still wanted more. So did Xiao.
You see, the more he indulged in his pleasure-driven force, the greedier Alatus felt. All he wanted was more, more of you, more of your body, pretty moans, and this overflowing emotions, warmth in his chest- (love).
I want you, I want all of you- Xiao wanted to whisper into your ear, repeat it until you finally realized how desperate he was for you. Perhaps it was beyond greedy to desire more of you while fucking you, but it was of no importance. From how tight you squeezed around him when you came so prettily, all of the memories and your beauty overwhelmed him- and just as he drank in your overstimulated sight, Xiao's movements went tense. His cock pulsated inside you, and you gripped the sheets in an attempt to keep what little shred of sanity left in you. Both of you panted, basking in each other's afterglow.
With an endearing look in his eyes, Xiao leaned in closer to claim your lips once more. You smiled into the kiss,
and the rest was history.
I saw a post in the xiao tag that gave me a very hot mental image i want to share with the world
!● warnings: gn!reader, threesome, usage of strap, they/them pronounes, very smut, NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
Xiao didn’t know how he ended up on a chair in Yelans office. You and Yelan were on the ground kneeling, currently undressing his pants. It should only be an official meeting to discuss some business around Liyue Harbour since there was a minor accident on your account. But it then ended up with you calling for backup from Xiao to talk with Yelan. And now as an agreement, Yelan and you were more than eager to please Xiao as he deserved it. Yelan rubbing and caressing Xiao’s inner thighs causing him to shiver. Her hands were cold against the Yakshas skin. While her hands wander to stroke on his clothed lengths, you were giving him small kitten kisses on the other tight looking up to him to see his face. Xiao had his eyes closed, brows frown together, red cheeks and concentrating only on the touches you both gave him. Both of his hands were buried on the arm of the chair. None of you three were talking, just enjoying the time together. Until Yelan freed his cock out of his underwear. It springs right out, all hard and pulsating. You chuckled and helped Yelan get rid of his underwear. “Didn’t know that a Yaksha could get quickly aroused like this.” Yelan stated this while tapping on his shaft, while you were puffing warm air to his twitching dick. You loved to tease him this way. Not a sound was coming from Xiao, he was completely concentrating not to moan out. It was too embarrassing for him. Yelan’s eyes and you meet each other which causes both to smile and start making Xiao feel good. As soon as he felt both of you kissing his dick from the tip to the bottom, he opened his eyes and let out a soft sigh. His chest started to rise up and down faster as you both added your tongues on his dick. It was amusing to see him trying to hold back while his dick started to leak with pre-cum. Yelan concentrated on the tip of his dick, licking on his slit carefully while gently enclosing her mouth on it. You were licking a little bit down and massage his balls. Thinking so badly to get filled by him. “I… I don't want to cum yet. N-not like this.” You heard Xiao saying it out loud with soft moans. Both of you stopped your motions for a bit, before Yelan popped his dick out her mouth. “Well, I do have a strap and I don’t think (y/n) will might if we fill them up.”, her smile said it all. She knew that you were a slut for both of them, so why not suggest it.
Your cheeks burned from the heat they both gave you. Xiao was ramming his dick inside of you as if his life depended on it, while biting and sucking on your back while Yelan had her strap right in front of you pushing it inside of you too. She gives you soft kisses all over your face and makes sure that you are also enjoying it by rubbing on your sensitive nipples. “Ah, ah, ah… y-yeah right there~” You pushed against Xiao who found your special spot inside of you which made you moan out crazy for both of them to go faster. Not gonna lie, but this turned Xiao on, the way you reacted and moaned to his every rough and hard thrusts. Yelan also enjoyed herself a lot, seeing your fucked up face. Caressing, biting and sucking hard now on your nipple while meeting up with the speed Xiao had. Even she was near her climax as much as you were. Xiao also felt that his dick could explode inside of you anytime which was visible for you and Yelan to notice it. “Come on, little Yaksha. Cum inside of (y/n), breed them~” Yelan said it with her own soft moans. Oh how she will wait until you have come before she will take care of her own pleasure. Xiao thrusts started to get faster and faster until he came inside of you with a loud moan. “(y/n)!” Calling out your name while pumping all his seed inside of you. Soon enough this pushed over your edge which made your legs all wobbly and shaky when you also cum since Yelan was still pushing herself in and out of you. Xiao let go of you slowly, sitting tired on the chair and watched how Yelan pushed you on her desk to finish herself off too. It didn’t take long and she also came with a high pitched moan, tossing her head up letting herself go with her high before giving you a deep and naughty kiss. “We should do this more often.” Xiao said, already in his pants and disappearing in seconds. You laughed exhaustling and hugged Yelan. That was an amazing meeting and both of you agreed on doing it as much as Xiao also wanted it.
haii !! if youre comfortable with it i would like to request xiao with the prompt "Sooner or later, you'll understand. I had to do this. This is for your own good, okay? Let me take care of you." for your drabble event. fem or gn pronouns / descriptiona are fine in my opinion. other than that no other specificities you can write it however youd like, im looking forward to it if you do !!
Hello! Thanks for requesting! I hope you enjoy!
link back to the drabble event!

“Xiao, let me out, please?..” You cried out, reaching out for him from your cell, the room was cold, even though you had more than enough blankets and trinkets to keep you busy in your prison.
“I can’t, I really can’t..” he whispered softly, letting himself indulge in your touch as he slid your hand onto his cheek, you could feel his tired sigh into your palms.
“Yes, you can. Please, Xiao. If the Qixing finds out what you’ve done, they’ll-“ He hissed at the mention of another, baring his fangs at you, angered. You backed off in surprise at Xiao’s sudden behaviour. Xiao felt annoyed that you kept asking the one thing he could not give you, your freedom.
Xiao knew this was wrong, he felt it in his skin when he tightened the chains on your wrists, or how he fed you through the bars of your cells like a dog. Xiao knew, but he also knew that it was necessary, to keep you here. You wouldn’t be put in jeopardy, nor would you feel anything other than happiness, nor you would never need to call his name for anything else other than his attention.
You were safe, he repeated to himself like a mantra. He purposefully ignored the way you cried for him to let you go, for him to remove the chains and let you see the daylight not from a small window of the cell. It tortured him that you needed more than just him.
Why must you ask for the day? Or for your freedom, when you have him? Why must you ask for everything else other than him?
Xiao slammed his fists into the bars of your cell, it rattled in response. You feared the worst, knowing that although this adeptus had cared and tended to most of Liyue, he was still a force not to be reckoned with. Your lips quivered in fright as you anticipated what Xiao would do next as he huffed, trying to calm himself.
“Xiao..please.” You whimpered out, scared. Your fear intensified as he opened the cell door, he only ever entered when you’ve done something wrong, and for once you didn’t know what could’ve ever set him off to be as angry with you.
Xiao was never proud of being angry with you, even if he was an adeptus who struggled to deal with his karma and his feelings, he hated doing anything else besides making you happy.
Xiao walked towards you, his bangs covering his eyes as his steps felt dreadful to your soul. He stopped right in front of you before he crouched down, looking through his bangs, at you and your feared expression.
A hand was reached towards your face, his thumb placing itself into the corner of your lips, the rough fabric of the leather made you flinch, Xiao continuing to swipe it over. You were so confused that you failed to notice the tingling feeling it gave as he traced your lips.
When Xiao was satisfied at admiring your features, he leaned in to give you a kiss on your forehead, before leaning away. Something in you compelled to ask what and why he did that for.
Your mouth opened, but nothing came out. You were silent. Xiao watched you try to speak. A ghost of a smile was on his face as he got his results. He had done something, and he won’t tell you. Well, he hasn’t told you because you can’t ask.
You opened your mouth once again, not a single vocal sound came out, you tried to scream, to cry, to call for Xiao, your hands instantly wrapped around your throat as you felt yourself become even more frustrated.
Xiao didn’t want to look at you as you threw your tantrum, more so because he didn’t want to come face to face of the measures he had to take. Xiao didn’t want to see the heartbreak in your eyes when he takes another fragile piece of your freedom once again, your speech.
Xiao left the cell, closing and locking you in once again, his face refusing to turn to you. Xiao started to walk away from you, from what he had done, when a huge clang hit the bars. He looked back, seeing a small wooden trinket on the floor, he had carved it for you.
You huffed and panted in anger, staring at him with rage and disbelief. Xiao could only open his mouth and—
“Sooner or later, you’ll understand. I had to do this. This is for your own good.”
You were appalled at his response to your fit of anger, your jaw dropping in disbelief.
“So please, just let me take care of you.”
"have you ever thought about dying?"
"excuse me?" xiao asks after a beat of silence.
"have you ever thought about dying?"
the adeptus goes quiet for so long, you almost think that he hadn't heard you, but the familiar little twitch of his lips and the way he furrows his brow shows he must have.
"i am immortal... why should i concern myself with thoughts of death?"
you shrug and look out, over the balcony of wangshu inn.
"i dont know... surely you've wondered what happens when adepti die, right?"
"why are you so fixated on the topic of death?" he turns to look at yo sharply, suspicion crossing his face. you shrug and sigh, staring down far below at the ground.
"i just... wondered is all. you'll live much longer than i will and.... i guess i'll just miss you in the afterlife... i just wanted to be able to see you again."
you gasp in surprise as he suddenly places his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to look at him. theres a bit of panic in his eyes as he searches your face intensely.
"are you sick? injured? why do you think you're dying?"
"w-what? xiao- no... no... i just meant, when i do die. i'm not dying right now... i think," you offer him a weak smile and he gives you a stern look in response.
"do not joke about your life like that."
you grimance and swallow thickly, gently placing your hands on top of his, which are still gripping your shoulders.
"right, sorry."
"i do not know what happens to adepti after their death..." he admits with a sigh, his fingers digging into your skin a little harder, "but know this, mortal, when you are gone i will still love you. i will be yours for eternity, an infinite number of life times... even if you are not here with me."
After the battle against Osial and urged on by Paimon, Lumine tracks Xiao down to confess her feelings, only to find him on a family outing with you, his wife and your son.
Xiao ♡⊹˚ Couldn’t have known [SFW]

fem. reader (3rd person) ; don't know whether to tag this as angst, or fluff, or both??? It just depends on the perspective I suppose. Xiao and reader are married. Cw. for unrequited feelings of a third party.
5k words.
notes. Poor Lulu, it's okay babygirl I'll try to do you justice on another drabble in the future <\3. But at the same time I got to give Xiao some semblance of peace with wholesome family time so I suppose I can take the heartbreak. Hope you enjoy ✧˖°.

The wounds within the nation were still fresh. The Harbor was on edge, its people doing the best they could to return to everyday life as part of the destroyed homes had already begun reconstruction. If before the battle with Osial the fatui were at the very least viewed as neutral, they were now deeply hated by every Liyue citizen, the organization being completely shut off from the outside as some people even resorted to physical violence as a response for their involvement with the tragedy.
Suffice to say, Liyue was still shaky. Their God was gone as far as most knew, and the Qixing was the top of the food chain now. And despite having averted the crisis fairly well, most couldn't help but wonder, would they be able to protect them as well as Rex Lapis had? Some were hesitant, whilst others clung with the hope that it would be smooth sailing from there. After all, even if their God was gone, his adepti still remained, as well as the now hailed Hero of Liyue. They would be safe.
Lumine hadn't quite gotten used to the flair of being hailed a hero still - after all, her primary reason for being there was to look for her brother, simply having stumbled upon more chaos that she was shoved into without her being fully aware. Even still, she knew better than to have turned her back on an entire nation on the verge of crisis, and so she had stayed and stuck around far longer than what she would've initially liked. It wasn't all for naught, though - she met new wonderful people, got to know more of the world of Teyvat and its customs and cultures. She got to hone her skills and become stronger, as well as, as her gut told her, take a step forward towards the truth.
Among the many she had met, one had seemingly stuck around in her mind - Xiao, the lonesome Conqueror of Demons that would mostly stick around Wangshu Inn. Admittedly he'd been rather curt at first, yet it soon became obvious he carried more on his shoulders than what he would admit. And on that, as well as other things, Lumine found herself relating to him. It was slow progress, but Xiao had begun to open up as well, leaving her small cracks from which she could peek into. It was as though he was testing the waters, seeing if she would find him repulsive or unapproachable. He wasn't, not to her.
He had been there for her, during the confrontation with Osial. It had been perhaps one of the only times thus far on her journey where Lumine had truly felt like she wouldn't make it, were it not for the aid of her allies. It had been a day filled with raw emotions, amplifying them beneath the surface and under the obvious threat from which they had lived through. And it was only after the fact, when she had taken some time to rest and ponder, that the emotions began to set, carving themselves into stone.
"I think it's quite obvious what needs to be done." Paimon had placed her hands on her hips, hovering close to her face as she gazed upon her with narrowed eyes.
"Oh? What are you talking about, Paimon?" Lumine feigned ignorance, an eyebrow being raised as she made a last ditch effort to avoid the topic.
"Don't play dumb with me, missy! I know you very well, you know?" The fair haired fairy pointed her finger to her, before shaking her head. "It's obvious you're head over heels over the lonesome adeptus Xiao. And the last thing I wanna see, is my companion regret not confessing her true feelings."
Well, she had to give it to Paimon. She could be simply and only driven by food, sure, but she had a more keen eye than what Lumine had really thought.
The traveler huffed with a weak laugh, her head shaking. "No no, I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?!" She seemed utterly flabbergasted. "Wait, you're not even denying it-"
"What if I make him uncomfortable?" She thought aloud, eyebrows furrowing. "Or, let's say that I do manage to confess. What then? I can't expect him to leave Liyue behind."
"No one has to leave anything behind. We can always periodically return to Liyue Harbor while we travel!" Her flying companion suggested, her head nodding at her own proposal.
She watched as Lumine seemed to consider that idea, a small sigh leaving her lips as she pondered over her options. As a seasoned adventurer, she had to, along her journey, learn to always consider the less favored outcomes an option. Were she to be rejected, she and Paimon would simply have to haste their move to their next nation… Yet, the idea of it not ending like that… It alone seemed to be enchanting enough for her to, in the end, decide to go forward with Paimon’s proposal.
“It’ll go well, trust Paimon on this one!” She kicked her smaller feet in the air, her eyes sparkling with great hope for her companion. She helped Lumine pack before they were to head off to Wangshu Inn, the hailed Hero of Liyue feeling nervous for the first time in a little while. “There’s no way it won’t end well, Lumine! After all, you’re downright perfect!”
She couldn’t have known. Paimon couldn’t have known, either. It honestly was something even most adepti didn’t know of - it was something Xiao kept close to his chest, only a select few knowing about that side of him. He cared naught for finding a partner, never had in the eons he’d existed for. He saw no need.
That was, until he had met [F/N]. A mere mortal, yet one he loved with his whole being.
It had been rough to come to terms with his emotions. It had been rocky, a steep climb for [F/N] to be allowed in; yet somehow, she had managed to reach the peak, finding at the end of her journey a side Xiao would only reveal to her - it was always present, in the way he gazed upon her, his golden eyes reflecting the warm sunset that would bathe them each dusk that she visited him in Wangshu Inn. It was always present, in the way his gloved hand would hold her own, delicately, almost afraid to break her as if she were made of porcelain. He wasn’t one to outwardly express his emotions, yet the silence with him had felt comforting. It felt like a safe haven, Xiao finally finding a semblance of peace each time [F/N] would bless him with her presence.
He was very well aware of the fleeting existence mortals led. It broke him each time he thought about it, yet, as [F/N] had asked him of, he’d always tried to think instead of the present. Even still, it was always something that had been at the back of his mind, ever since he’d finally accepted his emotions, and allowed her into his life. It gave him all the more reason to ensure she was safe, that only those who he could truly trust knew of her existence - for, when he couldn’t be there, they would ensure she wasn’t in danger.
And this worry only doubled when [F/N] had confided in him that she, indeed, was carrying his child. Well, it had certainly been a surprise, and Xiao… He at first panicked. He had never thought about ever loving someone, let alone creating a little one alongside another. It took a lot of talking, a lot of gentle touches and hugging. But in the end, like everything else with his [F/N], Xiao knew it would be okay.
On that lovely day, [F/N] and their youngling had waited for him by the Inn, their usual room ready and waiting for them. By that point, the boy was only two, yet he already showed so much life and personality that it never failed to knock the wind out of his father. As per usual, Smiley Yanxiao would, exclusively, allow [F/N] access to his kitchen so she could cook food for her little boy, as well as her husband who would be arriving later as he’d promised - why? Her almond tofu was simply the best, and whenever Xiao could, he’d rather eat hers than any other chef’s. And who was she to deny her diligent beloved, who worked tirelessly to defend their land? When compared to all the terrifying work and responsibilities Xiao held, a simple dish felt like child’s play. Yet he always, always cherished such an act so deeply, it felt like it was the other way around.
[F/N] had already fed their son before Xiao had arrived, gently holding him in her arms as they walked calmly across the Inn’s upper balcony. Patting his back with rhythm, her eyes peered out into the distance, the wind blowing ever so gently across her face, eyes shimmering with the light of the sun as all was peaceful. She hadn’t even heard Xiao arrive, his figure simply appearing on the wooden rails near her, his body perfectly balanced on the small surface as his mask dissipated before either of them could see him. His face, previously scowling with the horrors he regularly faced, immediately softened upon landing on the two people he loved the most, spear neatly placed away as his feet finally touched the balcony.
“Qingxin…” He called out his beloved, watching as she turned around with the same amount of love and excitement she would always display whenever he arrived. It never failed to melt his heart.
“Xiao, you’re back!” [F/N] sighed in relief, eyes softening as she hastily made her way to him. Meeting halfway, he carefully embraced her, foreheads touching as he felt his weary body finally relax. “Welcome home, my love.”
“...Thank you.” He murmured, his lips brushing against the top of her head as his hand rested on her lower back. His words felt heavier than a simple sign of gratitude, one that ran deeper and meant far more. One that [F/N] understood far too well, but didn’t dwell on. Instead, she smiled his way, her arms still carrying their bundle of joy with care.
“Papa!” Their young boy chirped out, his attention clearly gravitating towards his father. His little arms were already stretching out, yearning for Xiao to hold him after being apart for a long while. And while Xiao always showed hesitancy to, he never found the strength to deny his little son.
Carefully the adeptus picked his son up, the softest smile making its way to his pale face as his golden eyes gazed at his son’s. [F/N] had always stated how his son was a mirroring image of himself, and with each passing day, Xiao could deny that reality less and less. His hair color was the same deep dark green, streaks of a lighter tone along his tiny locks. His cheeks, chubby, hid away the smallest little pointed teeth that resembled his own. His eyebrows, never furrowed like his father’s, displayed the same shape and sharpness. The only thing he seemed to have picked from his mother had been the color of his eyes, the same beautiful shade Xiao could drown himself in - and even still, the eye shape had been taken from him, the same little diamond pupils staring back at him with the wonder and adoration of a pure child. His child. He still could hardly believe it.
“It’s okay, love. Here, just like this…” [F/N] gently coaxed him, noticing how his arms trembled the slightest - mostly due to exhaustion, but always partially to anxiety. After all, what if he tainted his little boy? What of his karmic debt? Everyday he prayed such a thing would never happen, hoping he would develop some kind of resistance due to his bloodline; yet even still, it was always a possibility.
His little arms flailed around, practically leaping for Xiao’s embrace as he hugged his neck. Xiao couldn’t help but let out the quietest of laughs, holding him with more confidence under his wife’s guidance. His eyes landed on the vajra necklace he would always have around his neck, one of the many religious items he’d given the two of them in order to ward off evil when he himself wasn’t around. In truth, [F/N] did it more to ease her husband’s mind than anything, but that was something she’d take to the grave - she knew she was safe even when he didn’t stand next to them, but then again, she would never be one to go against his wishes; they were never many, anyway.
“You must be tired. Here, come sit. I made you your favorite.” [F/N] smiled his way, signaling for him to sit at the table they would usually take. Without hesitation he followed suit, his eyes following his wife’s movements as she presented him his dish.
“Thank you, qingxin.” Xiao murmured, his eyes softening at the sight as he could finally feel his heavy soul at ease. He took his seat, carefully shifting his son to sit on his lap whilst securing him with one arm around him - more of a precaution than anything, for the simple fact his little one did behave wonderfully most of the time.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to hold him while you eat?” [F/N] smiled, humored by the absolutely endearing sight of her husband holding their little one. The way his cheeks gained the faintest hint of color didn’t escape her gaze, yet she knew better than to embarrass her poor little adeptus.
“No need, I can eat like this just fine.” He responded.
Or in other words, No thank you, I really want to hold our little boy like this. [F/N] already knew her lover very well despite his attempts at keeping himself at arms length for the longest time, so reading in between the lines wasn’t difficult. All she could do was nod her head, a delightful smile across her lips as she sat with them, pleasant conversation filling the air. How had their day been, where they had gone, who they’d been with… Xiao listened to it all, his leg bouncing gently, up and down, up and down, his child content with the rhythmic movement as his tiny hands rested against his arm.
The sky was still painted in the loveliest strokes of oranges and blues upon the pair arriving at their final destination. The journey had been otherwise uneventful, only further filling Lumine with the slightest creeping anxiety as the tall Inn was seen in the distance. Surely, she had figured, Xiao would be there. It was the only place she knew he’d have any sort of roots in, and given the fact she dared not abuse her permission for calling upon him, she figured paying a visit was the next best option.
“Come on, that’s the Wangshu Inn in the distance!” Paimon pointed, her smaller body flying across the air as her friend picked up the pace as well. Her stomach already rumbled after their trip, and truth be told, the little fairy already planned to grab herself a few plates whilst watching from the distance the scene unfold.
“Hey, wait up Paimon!” The young woman sighed, her scarf blowing against the wind as they hastily came closer and closer to the structure.
There were very few guests aside from the regulars, of which the owners could count with their fingers. Verr Goldet was finishing up taking care of a few details at the front desk before she heard a set of steps rushing up her stairs, her eyes gluing to the entrance of their Inn before she finally spotted a familiar figure.
“Ah, Lumine, Paimon! What a surprise to see you once more.” She smiled kindly, her hands resting in front of her figure as the blonde woman caught her breath. “And what brings you to the Wangshu Inn tonight? Seeking to book a room?”
“Hi miss Verr-” Lumine smiled amidst the heavy breathing, both her and Verr being cut off with Paimon who happily interjected.
“Hi boss lady! Is Xiao back yet?”
“For the last time, I am not ‘boss lady’.” Verr shot her a look, to which Paimon silently apologized for. “And… May I inquire as to why you’d like to see him at such a time?”
Usually, Verr Goldet wouldn’t be one to deny them the knowledge of the Conqueror of Demons’ whereabouts; after all, they were friends and allies. However, given the company he currently had, the woman couldn’t help but wish to avert any unwanted visitors to their family time. Not to mention, she herself, as well as her husband, had gotten quite protective of [F/N] and their little one - as if, by some strange mortal bond Xiao couldn’t quite understand, they had considered them their extended family.
“Oh… Are we intruding on something?” Paimon asked, her voice growing softer.
“Well, it’s just that, as you know, the Conqueror of Demons is a very busy adeptus.” That much wasn’t a lie. “He’s expressed his wish for visits to be limited for the time being, lest something be really urgent.” …That however, was something he himself hadn’t requested of her.
“Oh, if that’s the case-” Lumine, being understanding as she was, attempted to avert the situation. After all, they could always ask for some of his time the following day.
“It kind of is.” Paimon however, once more, chimed in. “After all, we came all the way from Liyue Harbor for this!” She was now planting her hands on her hips once more. “Besides, we won’t take long.”
Verr Goldet’s expression didn’t falter, though she was rather ticked over how they seemed to not catch the hint. “Well, even still-”
“He’s probably upstairs, isn’t he? If not we can always call on his name. Come on Lumine, up we go!”
“Hey, I’m talking to you!” The owner was practically left to speak to the wall as they were already up the flight of stairs, her eyes widened as she sighed in frustration. Hopefully, she prayed, it wouldn’t be a big ruckus; not that [F/N] would mind, ever. More so from Xiao’s end.
Being practically dragged up to the balcony by the suddenly overtly strong Paimon, Lumine nearly trampled on her own feet as she could feel her heart palpitate stronger and louder. The heat that rose to her face couldn’t be hidden for any longer, and all she could hope was that Xiao was there, and that all would go well. Why was she so… Nervous? She’d fought against many monsters, defeated abyss mages, aided in the saving of Dvalin and the defeat of Osial, yet how was a simple opening of her own heart causing such a ruckus within her?
The husky voice of Xiao was unmistakable as they finally reached the balcony, her head turning to her right as she took a deep breath. He seemed… To be calmer, at peace. His voice softer while still speaking in the usual tone she had grown used to. Paimon let go of her hand as she flew ahead, silent for long enough until the adventurer was able to pick up another voice - an unknown one, being a soft and female giggle.
“Xiao! Xiao, you in here?” Paimon called out, rounding up the balcony in search of the adeptus.
In the table in which they stood, the Conqueror of Demons seemingly froze, his eyebrows immediately lowering as a smallest scowl reappeared on his face. He held his child a little tighter, his head turning to gaze to where the known voice had come from. [F/N] followed suit, her head turning before landing on her husband once more, curious over anything else whilst silently inquiring him who it could be - after all, he seemed to know who the voice belonged to. And in most other circumstances, he wouldn’t exactly mind to hear the talkative pixie nor her friend, yet when it came to such sacred time with his family… He couldn’t help but feel his mood grow sour.
“Oh, there you are-!” Paimon chirped whilst Lumine came right behind her. However, she stopped in place, no longer approaching him. The voice died on her throat before she gazed around, her colorful eyes skipping through the two unknown people.
“...You two.” Xiao called out, his body having already turned in his chair while remaining sat still. His hands were holding his son in his lap, who too eyed them still, though his carefree expression deeply differed from the seemingly annoyance Xiao displayed. “What’s the matter? Is everything alright?”
“Ah, you’re… Accompanied…” The white haired guide seemed to have suddenly grown embarrassed, her eyebrows furrowing softly as she felt even smaller under the intense gaze the Conqueror of Demons sent their way. “...S-Sorry, we didn’t know-”
“Didn’t Verr Goldet tell you?” Xiao had let out without thinking much, his wife to his side softly muttering his name he cleared his throat. It was only then his face seemingly relaxed, gazing back at her for a mere moment.
“Are they your friends?” [F/N] smiled kindly, her hands extending briefly before taking their little boy into her arms once more.
“...Yes.” Xiao nodded his head. The way his beloved’s face lit up was enough to melt him away, finding it outright adorable how she seemed to always… Be happy, whenever he spoke of others he held in high regard. To him it was strange, how she apparently thought it was such a big deal.
“It’s alright, go and talk to them! We have the whole night ahead of us,” [F/N] warmly reassured him, while Xiao attempted to keep the pout from forming on his face. The last thing he wanted to do during his family time was have guests over, but since they probably had gone out of their way to get there… He didn’t want to cause a bad impression to [F/N], anyway. “We’ll stay here, since we don’t know if it’s something private. If not, just look our way and we’ll join you straight away!”
His boy seemed to agree with his mother’s statement, babbling on as they both watched Xiao hesitantly get up from his seat. The Adeptus calmly walked their way, his gaze somewhat sharper than what Lumine would’ve liked. Unlike Paimon, who was still somewhat oblivious, she had already begun to piece the puzzle together - the way he had glanced at that young woman, the way they had been sitting together, the way the little child looked so similar to him… It was difficult to think of any other possibilities.
It was difficult to keep oneself from breaking down at the realization.
“...Yes, Paimon, Lumine?” The traveler had been shaken out of her thoughts as his eyes bore into hers, patiently waiting for them to speak up.
“Hi Xiao,” Paimon took the lead upon Lumine taking longer to talk than what she would’ve guessed. “We didn’t know you had company, haha… So… Who are they?”
“...” It wasn’t as though Xiao himself was exactly bothered with Paimon’s general nosiness, more so he was annoyed they had been interrupted for seemingly meaningless banter. Here he was, thinking there was something wrong and his assistance was needed, actually getting up from the table where his family stood to greet them for nothing happening after the fact.
His head turned around to gaze back at his wife, who bounced her leg up and down slightly to amuse their son as he would usually like. Their eyes met, and with the softening way in which he looked at her, [F/N] understood everything was alright. It relieved her to know so, taking the moment to get up and hold their son before approaching them with a kind and sunny smile. Paimon and Lumine watched as they approached, the little youngling’s eyes scanning them before landing on the adeptus once more, refusing to look anywhere else after the fact. Up close, it was even more undeniable who exactly the little boy was, his hair color and shape exactly the same as Xiao’s, as well as his little brows who sported a much more relaxed expression.
“Hi! I’m [F/N]. Pleased to meet any friends of Xiao.” [F/N] spoke softly, introducing herself to the pair before her baby was wriggling in a vain attempt to jump out of her arms.
“Papa…” He shyly mumbled, his arms stretching in his direction as he seemingly didn’t give up in his pursuit of remaining in daddy’s arms.
Lumine couldn’t help but smile weakly, even as her heart wilted. The image before her was… Adorable, she couldn’t deny that. The way Xiao’s face gained color, embarrassed by the display of affection to a crowd as his significant other attempted hushing their son from interrupting them. And despite the utter shock she felt from not only realizing Xiao had a lover but also had already formed a family, she couldn’t help but glance at them still.
“It’s alright love.” Xiao murmured, the last word barely above a whisper as his cheeks were by that point the same shade of the jueyun chili. “Here, let me hold him.”
“Ah… Sorry. He really wants daddy time, huh.” [F/N] laughed softly, carefully letting go of the boy before his arms were wrapped tightly around his father’s neck, his face nuzzling against him as he hid his gaze from the strangers. The young woman turned to the pair, who remained quiet, an apologetic smile on her face. “I apologize, he can get quite shy around new people.”
“No, don’t worry about it…” Paimon let out in struggle, the cogs inside her head nearly visible as she was rather late to the party when it came to figuring out what exactly the relation was here.
“So,” Xiao broke the chit chat short, clearing his throat before attempting to be… More courteous. Not for himself, but for his wife. “Is there anything I can help you with? After all, you did call out my name.”
“Ah,” Suddenly Paimon remembered what the exact initial plan was, panicking inwardly as she floated rather awkwardly around Lumine. The adventurer, on the other hand, seemed outwardly calm, the forced smile on her face remaining. “Well, about that-”
“We just thought of passing by to bid our goodbyes,” Lumine finished it for her, leaving her companion quiet and Xiao somewhat surprised. “Since Liyue is stable now, we’re thinking of continuing our journey towards Inazuma.”
“...Oh, I see.” Xiao responded, tone quiet as he nodded his head gently. “Are you sure you’re ready to leave?”
“Yeah, it was… About time, anyway.” Lumine awkwardly laughed, her hand rubbing the back of her neck as she averted her gaze for a solid second. “We still have a lot of questions that need answering.”
[F/N]’s expression shifted to worry and sorrow, somewhat bummed that they wouldn’t join them for a little longer, or she wouldn’t exactly get to know personally those friends of her husband’s. More so, the concern on her face also extended further to Lumine, something in her gut telling her the young woman before her was hurting deeper than what appeared to be. Call it a woman's intuition.
“I see. Inazuma… You’ll be far away.” Xiao thought aloud, his arms shifting gently to ensure the comfort of his son as he seemed to calm down in his embrace, lulled to sleep by his husky voice. “Still, if you ever return and need any help, you know how to seek me out.”
“Please be safe out there.” [F/N] added, a soft smile ever present on her face before her gaze jumped between them. “Still, it’s getting late for you to begin your journey back… Won’t it be best to stay the night and leave in the morning?”
“No, we’ll be fine.” Lumine shook her head, the bitterness in her tongue being swallowed as she smiled [F/N]’s way. She couldn’t hold anything against the woman in front of her - she was being nothing but kind to them. “If we get to the Harbor by dawn, all the better.”
“Ah… Alright…” [F/N] understood, still thinking of ways to help them however she could. “Would you like for me to pack you some food, though? It’s a long way back.”
Xiao couldn’t help but glance his wife’s way, his gaze softening as the smallest smile rose on his lips. He simply couldn’t have enough of her, not ever, especially when she displayed the same caring nature that had broken down his walls in the first place.
Lumine however, only wanted to leave as soon as possible. “No, it’s alright thank you. We’ll be going now, yes Paimon? Goodbye Xiao, [F/N]. Stay safe.”
And before the floating pixie could even have a word on the matter, they were already descending the stairs, the young woman’s legs sending her flying as her mind blurred to a shapeless stain. Before she even realized they were already far from the Inn, Paimon’s soft tone of voice attempting to call her back as she nervously tried to apologize, try to cheer her up, try to distract her…
It wasn’t Paimon’s fault. Neither of them could’ve known, really. She’d suggested their visit in high hopes after all, it was alright. She would be alright. After all…
The way Xiao smiled so softly. The way he glanced at [F/N] in such a matter, the way he held the young boy with such care. He looked happy. He was happy. And even if it wasn’t with her… Lumine was sure one day, the sorrow would subside and substitute itself with happiness for him.
He deserved it all and more.

We love Reiner’s glorious hard abs but He would eventually have a dad bod, END OF DISCUSSION. (Jean loves both)

my contribution for the eruri wedding zine :^) subire la version en español en twitter (q es a mi criterio la version mas comica)

between traveling and visiting family for the holidays, I hardly had time to prepare for eruri week. OTL So here is this slapdash thing I just did for Day 1: Memories/Past. Levi remembers the moment he fell in love with Erwin. ucu
some of my favorite of those wit storyboard rough sketch things

(what he yellin about??)



i’m normal about this

