Super Robot Wars - Tumblr Posts
Lelouch: I'll kill Relena, lol.
Heero: That's neat. I'm still killing you.

What Lelouch didn't take into account is that Heero and Relena's love language is MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION.
Remember that the last time someone tried to use her this way he fired a double barrel buster rifle at their location till it exploded.

Shin Getter Robo by Jun'ya Ishigaki
Top 10 Roles of Kenji Nojima: INPO

10. Fox McCloud - Super Smash Brothers

9. Seung-Gil Lee - Yuri On Ice

8. Lu Xun - Dynasty Warriors

7. Eiji Okumura - Banana Fish

6. Kongwai Tao - Tales of Innocence

5. Natsuya Kirishima - Free

4. Hikaru Ichijo - Super Robot Wars

3. Fernand - Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia

2. Tuxedo Mask - Sailor Moon Crystal

1. Albedo - Genshin Impact
this is like, my favorite thing about super robot wars.
just it’s insistence to go “all of these shows are one canon, everything is happening at the SAME TIME”
i really like it :3
you know as someone fairly new to Super Robot Wars (30 specifically) i'm just curious
did anyone else ever think like. the presence was gonna be "oh so for whatever reasons, maybe portals in time and space which lets them all interact!" and in turn get completely caught off guard when the opening prologue talks about the One Year War and then kaijus and then fucking Emperor Lelouch was here too and then Mazinger Z is also canon
This Week On Triple Thoughts!
We look at Majestic Prince! A 2013 anime that will have you going "What the hell are they doing" from start to finish! Do I regret watching Majestic Prince? A little bit yes, but at least I got five cute rabbits out of it