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Co-op Battle Roulette Update Duration: 10/4 (Thu) 16:00~
5☆ Hermana and 4☆ Lunarre will be added to the options of co-op roulette prize spreads (here is how to select a spread).

Hermana, P.Kanonno and Rose can now be evolved into 6☆. Their Evolution Crystals are also added to the roulette prize spreads (they can be selected).
Characters details under the cut.
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Top 10 Roles of Kenji Nojima: INPO

10. Fox McCloud - Super Smash Brothers

9. Seung-Gil Lee - Yuri On Ice

8. Lu Xun - Dynasty Warriors

7. Eiji Okumura - Banana Fish

6. Kongwai Tao - Tales of Innocence

5. Natsuya Kirishima - Free

4. Hikaru Ichijo - Super Robot Wars

3. Fernand - Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia

2. Tuxedo Mask - Sailor Moon Crystal

1. Albedo - Genshin Impact
We are so fucking back