Supernatural French Mistake - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Could you please write one based on the episode " french mistake" where Dean and Sam come to the real life and end up Meeting Jensen and jered's boyfriend( who is really young, like 20/21) and they get nervous because in supernatural world he is a evil angel that tried to kill they a lot of times, but end up loving him cuz the human him is lovely and caring and they even use the situation to get some cuddles and kisses? Thank you very much♥️

Yeah, I can write this ♥️

French Mistake


The brothers come crashing through the window, the crew watch them. They stand up and look back at the crew in confusion. 

“Alright, everybody, that’s a wrap.” Robert yells out before turning to the brothers. “Go get cleaned up, then go home to your boy.”

Sam and Dean both become more confused. 

Two people come along, guiding Sam and Dean to some chairs in front of mirrors.

A woman comes at Dean with a makeup pad, trying to rub it against his face, but fails as he moves away. “Woah, what are you doing?”

Two fingers swipe across his cheek, making him look at his brother with some makeup on his fingers.

Dean looks at his reflection, bringing his hand up to his opposite cheek. “Oh my God. I’m a painted whore.”

The two get cleaned before they walk outside to see Misha.

“Hey, Cas, do you know what’s going on?” Dean asks.

Misha questions back of what Dean means as he goes through some pieces of paper.

Dean snatches the papers out of the man’s hands to go through it. “It’s words of a script.” He takes a closer look. “Misha?” 

The brothers walk off to a car as someone had called out their ‘names’. “Misha? Jensen? What kinda of names are those?”

After being dropped off at their ‘home’, Sam opens the door to hear the TV going in the lounge.

Following the sound, they see (h/c) hair from the back rest of the couch.

Your Saint Bernard perks his head up to see who came in. Your head does the same.

A smile forms on your face.

Getting up from the couch, Sam and Dean take a step back, seeing that you’re the angel that tried to kill them several times.

“What?” They let you walk towards them to give them a peck on their lips.

“Uh, nothing.” Sam manages to get out.

You start to talk about the little adventures you and the dog had during the day as you cook them some food.

The brothers try to keep up with what you’re saying, but Sam is playing with Tony’s fur, for Dean, he’s just watching you move around with the smell of the food you’re cooking is hitting him in the face.

After minutes pass, the three of you are seated in the lounge, and Tony seated in between your legs, sniffing at your food. 

“Tony, you had your food.” You move your upper body forward to nudge your nose against his.

“Dude, I think I’m in love.” Dean says quietly to Sam.

“Yeah, with the food.”

“Nah.” Dean speaks out with his mouth full. He swallows before saying, “Well, yeah. But, he’s not the evil angel he is. I mean, we don’t even own a dog. And what was up with the whole set up thing back there? Plus, I’m a painted whore.”

“In general, you are a whore.”

Sam whines as he gets a punch to the shoulder.

“Jens, why’d you hit him?”

“He’s being a pain.”

You chuckle as you stand up, grabbing their plates and going to the kitchen to put them on the counter. You dish up bowls of pie and ice cream.

Coming back with the bowls, Dean immediately has a smile on his face, taking the bowl happily as Sam thanks you. 

“Hmmm.” Dean moans, mumbling away of how good the pie is. “Always loving the homemade pie as usual.”

“You made this?” Crumbs fall out of his mouth as he points the spoon to the food.

“Never let you watch me make it ‘cause I know that you’d try and steal a piece before Jared and I get any.”

Finishing up with the dessert and the dishes next to the plates from dinner, you’re seated in between the brothers to give them cuddles.

Sam has one of his hands buried in Tony’s fur as his other is intertwined with yours.

Minutes pass of watching what was on the TV and your head on Dean’s shoulder, you had fallen asleep.

“Totally not a evil angel.”

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