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![RUPTURED [SWAT-DONOVAN ROCKER]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3bee820385e2e0d3dabdeaedbac550e6/42bcf4a8d2974baa-9a/s500x750/54d8e245ac1bda58b50598f0f9fd50fe3b8201a9.gif)
description: rocker notices y/n isn’t feeling well, but she brushes him off. until she can’t.
tw: violence, weapons, talk of injuries/death.
wc: 2,968
a/n: long time no see! i have changed my user and made a new wattpad account, xofern!
“Y/N, you here?!” Donovan asks as he opens her front door. He’d been waiting for ten minutes for her to come out, but there was no sign of her. He’d dug her spare key out of her hiding spot and let himself in.
He moved into the living room and watched as she stepped off her stairs. Y/N looked like hell, she was pale and sweaty.
“Hey sorry, it’s been a morning.” She apologizes, grabbing her bag and keys.
“It’s alright, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He says, taking her bag from her and running his eyes over her frame again. “Are you okay?”
She nods, grabbing her water bottle before he can. “Yeah, just some cramps.”
Donovan nods before leading her to the front door, she locks up and he forgoes putting her key back yet.
He notices the grimaces as she walks and tries to get up in his truck. He also notices her grabbing and pushing on her lower abdomen, and eating the tylenol and ibuprofen like it’s candy. Twenty and Fifty Squad were working together today, so he was able to keep an eye on her himself.
Donovan wasn’t the only one who noticed her condition, Deacon caught him before the teams went out to another location, attempting to catch a now serial killer.
“Rocker?” Deacon stops the younger man.
“What’s up Deac?” Rocker asks, stopping before they get out of the briefing room.
“What’s up with Y/N? She isn’t acting like herself.” Deacon questions, nodding over in her direction.
Right now Chris is looking at her quizzically. Rocker can’t tell what is being said, but he could guess it’s pretty similar to the conversation he’s having now.
“I had to go in and get her this morning when I picked her up. She is normally waiting outside for me. She looked a little better than she does now. Her excuse was cramps.” Donovan sighs, watching the woman as she presses on her right side again.
“You think she should sit out on this one?” Deacon questions.
Rocker scoffs with a grin, “Good luck getting her to do that.”
“Yeah.” Deacon smiles, “She’s a little headstrong, isn’t she?”
“A little?” Rocker laughs as they walk out to get suited up.
Y/N had gotten into a tussle with an unknown male at the house. He had some height and weight on her, but she felt she was doing alright. That is until the man didn’t go down after getting tased or shot. He’d gotten her a few times with his hunting knife, but at this point she couldn’t tell where.
“Y/N/N, your status?” Hondo questions through the radio.
As she is dodging the man’s punches, she attempts to call for backup, but he tackles her into the wall. She hears the metal of her weapons hitting the ground and cringes.
Now there’s a big issue.
She groans loudly before pulling her leg up to her chest and using it to push him off of her.
“Does anyone have Y/N/N’s location?” Rocker asks. She can hear the panic in his voice, and she can hear him running somewhere.
“She had gone out to the back of the property to search a shed.” Luca replies, starting to head that way.
The man grabs Y/N by the hip and tosses her out of the door into a tree. She scrambles up, grabbing the last weapon she still has on her, a knife and holds the handle in her hand.
“You wanna keep going, or are you done?!” She shouts.
“Let’s fucking go bitch.” The man roars before running at her again. It is now that she notices the size of his pupils. They are huge.
Y/N plunges the knife into the man’s torso multiple times without any reaction. She tries other methods to take the man down, but they are unsuccessful.
He lifts her up again, throwing her into some large rocks.
Before she can get up he starts slamming his foot into her abdomen and stomping on her.
She tries to fend him off by plunging the knife anywhere she could reach, but eventually he stomps on her hand, making her lose the last weapon she had.
“LAPD SWAT! Put your hands up and get down on the ground!” Rocker yells as Luca, Tan and Deacon run up behind him.
The man steps on her chest before looking up at the officers.
Y/N lets out a strangled breath, trying to get the man off of her. She’s running her hand along the rock pile, looking for one that she can pick up and use.
“Get the fuck off of her now! I will drop you!” Rocker yells again.
The man grins wickedly before he jumps, landing on her abdomen.
As soon as he makes contact, Rocker pulls the trigger, hitting him center mass.
He falls to the ground with a loud thump and Y/N rolls over, curling in on herself and coughing out a sob.
The men run over to the two, Rocker beelines for Y/N and the others go to the man.
“Y/N! Don’t move!” Rocker says as he gets on the ground with her. “Command, 50 David, roll me an RA now, I’ve got an officer down! We also have a suspect down, northeast corner of the property.”
“50 David, who’s your officer?” Hondo questions.
Deacon looks at the panicked expression on Rocker's face as he tries to move her and answers for him.
“Hondo it’s Y/N. It’s bad. We are going to need an escort to the trauma center.”
“Y/N/N, come on, it's me. Please say something.” Donovan begs as he pulls her body away from the trees and rocks. He sits with her again and pulls her in between his legs.
“Donovan, I-…” She whispers, latching onto his forearm before her eyes roll back.
Donovan’s eyes widen as he sees the blood all over her. “No, come on. Please!” He shouts as he yanks her gear off, looking for the source of all the blood.
Deacon hurries over to help him. They get her duty belt and her shirt off, revealing multiple large gashes in her abdomen that are gushing blood.
“Shit.” Deacon mumbles. He grabs his radio again, “Where’s that RA at?!”
“They’re approximately five to ten out.”
“Deac, she doesn’t have that long. We need to leave, now!” Rocker demands, putting her in position to throw her over his shoulder.
Deacon looks at Luca and he nods, “Prep Black Betty! We’re coming!”
Rocker throws his friend over his shoulder and takes off. He can feel her blood running down his shoulders with every step he takes.
Chris and Hondo are standing at the back of Black Betty, waiting to help pull their teammate in. They both take one of her arms from Rocker and guide her body in. Rocker jumps in behind them along with the rest of 20 Squad.
Rocker hits the ceiling twice, “Let's go Luca!”
They all begin packing her wounds and holding pressure as Donovan sits with her head on his lap. He’s brushing his knuckles across her cheek bone, waiting for her to open her eyes. He realizes just how pale she is in contrast to the dark blood splattered all over her
“Her blood pressure is tanked! She’s bleeding too much!” Hondo informs. Throwing the bare minimum medical equipment they have off to the side.
“I see the medics! I’m pulling over!” Luca shouts.
“Just hold on a few more minutes. I need you to stay.” Donovan whispers to Y/N as he brushes her hair back.
The back doors burst open and Luca helps Rocker get Y/N out, they jump into the ambulance and place her on their stretcher.
Rocker stays planted by her side and Luca hops out, “We’re going to give you guys an escort!”
The paramedic starts an IV while Rocker wraps the blood pressure cuff around her bicep and places a pulse oximeter on her cold finger.
Rocker only speaks when asked questions, regarding her injuries, medical history, allergies, if she takes any medications. He’s able to answer the questions, he’s been friends with Y/N for five years and they spend plenty of time together between work and their hangouts.
He can’t bring himself to look at her abdomen, so he continues to watch her face. Studying her features and the cuts and bruises she obtained in the fight.
“I should’ve gone with you.”
Rocker hadn’t stopped pacing since the nurses forced him into the waiting room. The rest of Y/N’s team watched on as he made his own personal trail around the room.
They had been quietly talking amongst themselves when Hondo stood up and moved towards his fellow Sergeant.
He placed his hand on Rocker’s shoulder, catching his attention. “Why don’t we go get something to drink and get some fresh air?” Hondo tried steering Rocker out of the hospital and Rocker pushed him off.
“Don’t!” He flinches away, “I will lay your ass out.” Rocker warns, fists balled up at his sides.
Hondo nods and steps away, going back to where he was sitting next to Deacon.
“I could’ve told you that was going to happen.” Deacon chuckles quietly as he finishes responding to Annie’s message.
“What is going on between those two? They are as close as a couple but they both say they’re not.” Hondo asks as he watches Rocker pace.
“They’re in denial.” Deacon shrugs. “They both have admitted they like the other but won’t do anything about it in fear that it will ruin their friendship.”
“I have a feeling this is going to change that.” Hondo replies. His phone vibrates, Hicks’ name flashing across the screen, “Make sure he doesn’t spiral too much.” He gets up and walks outside.
A while later the surgeon comes out to the waiting room. Rocker is the first one to spot him and goes up to him, catching everyone else’s attention. The group of officers crowd the surgeon, awaiting news.
“Y/N will be alright. She had quite a few different internal injuries, a broken wrist and some ribs, all of which were repaired, except for her appendix.” A look of realization crosses Rocker’s face. That must’ve been what was wrong with her earlier. “It looked like it was seconds away from rupturing, so we removed it. She is still getting blood and fluids, plus she’s pretty hopped up on pain meds. She will have a lengthy recovery, but she will be okay.” Everyone lets out a sigh of relief before the surgeon continues, “She’s asking for Donovan?” The surgeon questions and the team thanks him, Rocker follows him to the post op room she’s in.
The surgeon knocks on the door before entering. The nurse is in the room with Y/N, giving her some medication through her IV.
“Hey Dr. Edwards. Vitals are looking much better, I’m just giving her some Zofran and will be getting some water to sip on when she wakes up a bit more.” The nurse informs the surgeon and then sends a smile towards Rocker, “You must be Donovan. She’s been asking for you while she’s awake.”
“That would be me. Has she been awake often?” He asks, moving over to the side of her bed. Rocker smiles while he watches Y/N sleep in the hospital bed. She’s cleaned up now and her injuries are patched up.
“Every twenty to thirty minutes, she seems to be becoming more lucid each time.” She replies, sitting a cup and a pitcher of water on the table on the other side of the bed.
Donovan nods, deciding to sit next to her bed and leans his head back against the wall, his fingers playing with the blanket draped over her.
The nurse quietly walks out of the room with a grin on her face.
It feels like hours but it had only been about half an hour when Y/N’s hand moved around. Donovan felt it and nearly jumped out of his seat, he reached out for her hand and squeezed.
Y/N’s eyes open and look around for the warm hand that’s holding hers. When her eyes land on Donovan, tears start streaming down her face.
She pushes herself up and tries to get out of bed. Donovan quickly stands up and stops her, sitting next to her on the bed and pulling her into his side.
“What’s wrong? Are you in pain?” He asks, running his hand up and down her arm.
“I woke up and you weren’t here.” She cries, playing with her IV and pulling on it.
Donovan catches her hand in his and holds it so she doesn’t take her IV out.
“It’s okay, I’m here now.” He replies, trying to comfort her, but she continues to cry. Donovan hopes it’s just the drugs and not her actually being upset. He pulls her closer to him and reclines back in the bed, then holds her head to his chest. “I’m going to stay right here with you, okay?”
She nods her head and puts her arm across his torso, quickly falling back asleep.
Y/N eventually wakes up once more of the drugs have worn off. The first thing she notices is the searing pain in her abdomen. The second thing is Donovan’s signature cologne and the warm body pressed against hers. Her wince is what alerts Donovan to her being awake again.
“What hurts?” He asks, sitting up.
“My stomach mostly. I feel like I was fileted open.” She replies, sitting up and resting her hand on her abdomen. She notices the bloating from this morning is worse. Her stomach feels like a rock. “What the hell?” She pokes again, but it still feels like a rock.
“What?” Donovan’s concerned voice pulls her out of her head.
“Feel.” She grabs his hand and places it on her stomach, pressing down a bit.
His eyebrows raise. He knows it’s just swelling from her injuries and the surgery she just went through, but he can’t help that this is them in the future, feeling a baby bump for the first time.
“It’s just from your surgery. They had to repair a lot.” He informs her, unsure if she knows what the surgeon did. “Also, those cramps you were having earlier? Those were actually your appendix trying to burst.”
“Sweet, two for one special in the OR.” She laughs, slowly laying back on the bed.
Donovan frowns at her attempt at joking, “You’re really not funny.”
“Hey, I’ve got to make at least one joke.” She whispers, laying back down, but leaving space for him.
He sits there for a few moments rubbing his face, which probably still has her blood on it, along with his shoulders, neck and back. He had washed his hands, but didn’t bother taking the time to clean up anything else.
“What’s wrong Donovan?” She questions quietly, grabbing onto his belt loop.
He sighs and lays back, now shoulder to shoulder with her. “It’s nothing.”
“No.” She mumbles, “You're avoiding looking at me and you are always looking at me.”
It takes him a moment but he finally says, “I was scared.” His voice cracks, “All of a sudden no one knew where you were and your radio kept keying up. I was afraid I wasn’t gonna get there in time.”
“You heard it?” She tears up.
“Yeah, pieces of it at least.” Donovan replies, fiddling with the blanket again.
“I’m sorry you had to hear that.” Y/N wipes under her eyes, to clear the few tears that have fallen.
“If I hadn’t heard it you’d probably be dead right now.”
“My hero.” She giggles. She immediately regrets trying to make a joke when he tenses and gets up, pacing around the room.
“It’s not funny Y/N.” He whispers, running his hand through his hair. After the day he has had all of his gel has disappeared and his natural curls are coming out. She pushes herself up and attempts to stand. “God, please sit. You're going to hurt yourself.” He pushes her shoulders back down and crouches in front of her, placing his hands on the top of her thighs.
“Talk to me. Please.” She begs, cupping his jaw.
She can see the tears trying to fall off his waterline, but he is trying to hold himself together.
“I thought you were going to die, Y/N.” He whispers. “I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.” The tears finally fall and hers aren’t far behind.
“I am still here Donovan. I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.”
“You didn’t see yourself, you had no color, most of your blood was outside of your body and you were cold Y/N.” Donovan chokes.
She grabs his hand, placing his palm on the left side of her chest over her heart. Her skin is much warmer, and he can feel the steady thump against his hand.
Donovan pushes himself up, and puts one knee on the bed next to her, bending down so their faces are level.
He doesn’t even have time to think before he surges forward and catches her lips with his.
Y/N doesn’t hesitate to return the kiss. She wraps her good arm around the back of his neck. Eventually they have to pull away from each other to breathe.
“I was trying to tell you that I love you before I passed out.” Y/N admits.
Donovan smiles before leaning in again, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
“I thought I’d never hear you say that.” He chuckles, “I love you. More than you will ever know.”