Sword Art Online - Tumblr Posts - Page 3

7 months ago
I Am Nega-Kirito. I Go Outside On A Regular Basis, Eat Balanced Meals, Sleep The Recommended Amount Of

“I am nega-Kirito. I go outside on a regular basis, eat balanced meals, sleep the recommended amount of hours, and feel comfortable enough outside vr games to admit that my preferred pronouns are she/her.”

I Am Nega-Kirito. I Go Outside On A Regular Basis, Eat Balanced Meals, Sleep The Recommended Amount Of

“Well, that doesn’t sound too bad, honestly.”

I Am Nega-Kirito. I Go Outside On A Regular Basis, Eat Balanced Meals, Sleep The Recommended Amount Of

“Also I only kinda like Asuna.”

I Am Nega-Kirito. I Go Outside On A Regular Basis, Eat Balanced Meals, Sleep The Recommended Amount Of

“Dear God…”

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6 months ago
Kirito Egg Moments 6.5: Sword Lesbianism

Kirito Egg Moments 6.5: Sword Lesbianism

The trope of lesbians loving swords is a tried and true one, and it's incredibly common (at least in the circles I'm in and around) for lesbians but somehow particularly trans lesbians to post thirst traps with swords.

They work.

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6 months ago

so I started playing on of the sao games (Alicization Lycoris) and just finished chapter 1, which unlocks the "create character" screen

which means you can just force fem Kirito, but it just goes from:

Kirito with gender set to male, wearing pants and a coat

to this once you flip to female:

Kirito with gender set to female, wearing a coat and thigh highs, with slimmer shoulders and breasts, slightly daintier posture

Which feels funny, in a 'didn't need to change much there, girl!' sense

(This game has a lot of very forcefemmable npcs, btw)

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6 months ago

Important message from Kiri!!!

Important Message From Kiri!!!
Important Message From Kiri!!!
Important Message From Kiri!!!

what do you mean its not wednesday

You have no idea how badly I needed these thank you so much

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5 months ago
Left Outfit Goes Insane

Left Outfit goes insane

Left Outfit Goes Insane

The curved chest plate and giant hood

Left Outfit Goes Insane

The flared waist and v curves on the undersuit

Left Outfit Goes Insane


Left Outfit Goes Insane

Def a fave from me

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5 months ago

the seed engine gender situation

(i found a fascinating little tidbit that massively adds to an earlier observation re: the transfem kirito situation)

ok so *about volume 5*

ive already talked about the whole situation with alo having manual character gender choice while later games such as ggo use brainwaves, and the implications this has for character generation

The Seed Engine Gender Situation

^volume 3 (note the word "chose")

The Seed Engine Gender Situation

^volume 5 (egg-cracking character generator)

and the fact the avatar from the former got converted to the latter game with the knowledge that the gender was almost certainly a "stuck" variable when the ggo engine got to work on it

The Seed Engine Gender Situation

^also volume 5

ok so all of this is established stuff ive posted about before

but id go a step further actually, specifically because of a certain little inconsistency i found

ok so, when the guy tries to buy the account for the rare avatar-type, right, there's this exchange

The Seed Engine Gender Situation

^the sheer reaction here; this avatar type is *extremely* rare

The Seed Engine Gender Situation

^and then this exchange; but hold on! that doesn't line up with what's said 2 fragments earlier!

and indeed! the account *isn't* 3 years old at all! it's not the sao one, it's the alo one!

The Seed Engine Gender Situation

^end of volume 4! it's not the original account! its only playtime is the time she played in ALO! it's only a couple months old!

so why the rare as fuck avatar?!


i theorise that the M-9000 type avatar is a failsafe, specifically for converted accounts from manual-gender-choice games that don't align with the brainwaves

it's not a "reward for playtime" at all, its rarity comes from how weirdly specific the generation criteria are

it's an avatar literally *only* transfem eggs from converted accounts get!

it's been right there the whole time hidden between the lines!

The Seed Engine Gender Situation

^dense fucking egg

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4 months ago

kazuto vs kirito is something i think of all the time and can never articulate. there’s something extremely applicable to several different circumstances in a story about a person who built a persona to escape and then found the weight of that persona to be inescapable.

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4 months ago

i don't know if i should be glad or disappointed that ceruledge only came out after i stopped playing the newer pokemon games

I Don't Know If I Should Be Glad Or Disappointed That Ceruledge Only Came Out After I Stopped Playing
I Don't Know If I Should Be Glad Or Disappointed That Ceruledge Only Came Out After I Stopped Playing
I Don't Know If I Should Be Glad Or Disappointed That Ceruledge Only Came Out After I Stopped Playing

id have been fucking insufferable about this thing look at it

thang giving me borderline gender envy even now, if 14y old me had been exposed to this there'd be no survivors

instead i just get gender envy from kuroyukihime's black lotus avatar

I Don't Know If I Should Be Glad Or Disappointed That Ceruledge Only Came Out After I Stopped Playing
I Don't Know If I Should Be Glad Or Disappointed That Ceruledge Only Came Out After I Stopped Playing

she did it better anyway

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4 months ago

destiny unchain online is the only sao clone that actually deserves the title imo

and there's not even a death game involved! because it was never about the death game!

it's about trauma and fucked up ethical dillemmas with simulated people and also the protagonist is transfem

duo is an sao clone that actually understood the assignment and does something interesting with the premise and also commits to forcefemming the eggy protagonist both ingame and irl and it slaps

(something something kuroyukihime means this is also the case with sao but you get the idea)

im vaguely baffled it's real tbh

like they *commit*

Destiny Unchain Online Is The Only Sao Clone That Actually Deserves The Title Imo
Destiny Unchain Online Is The Only Sao Clone That Actually Deserves The Title Imo

egg cracked by soul translator with the serial numbers filed off. in chapter 2

and then she's stuck in game for 3 months while her body is being remade irl

and like... it's good! it's genuinely done well! (stares at chapter 109)

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6 months ago

Hey! I want to start writing on here :D

If you guys could sent requests I would love that, I'm not the best at writing but i don't really have anything better to do?

I can write for, mha, dungeon meshi, genshin impact, ghost and Konig from cod, sds and sao.

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7 months ago

Well hello there my lovely people , i hope you're having great days and a wonderful summer <3 <3 <3 Enjoy your summer vacation , whatever what you do and when you're going , put your hearts up , rock n roll , explore more !!!!

Well Hello There My Lovely People , I Hope You're Having Great Days And A Wonderful Summer
Well Hello There My Lovely People , I Hope You're Having Great Days And A Wonderful Summer
Well Hello There My Lovely People , I Hope You're Having Great Days And A Wonderful Summer
Well Hello There My Lovely People , I Hope You're Having Great Days And A Wonderful Summer

So,i have been obsessed with these sketches , yesterday , so i wanna say that i will not only post my guitar journey, my singing etc, but also my sketches , which i find it aesthetic cable : no matter the drawing, there's a voice to be heard through the face of a drawing person or object and the colouring of fullest expression<3 <3 <3

Well Hello There My Lovely People , I Hope You're Having Great Days And A Wonderful Summer
Well Hello There My Lovely People , I Hope You're Having Great Days And A Wonderful Summer

Sketching in general is an expression of colouring or pencil beauty with an exceptional job that it offers * * * *




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5 months ago
I'm Just Obsessed With This Hairstyle : Asuna's Hairstyle From Sword Art Online !!! A Lot Of People There

I'm just obsessed with this hairstyle : Asuna's hairstyle from Sword art online !!! A lot of people there will ask me the question : Why are you so obsessed with these serries , no this anime ( sorry just confused) ??? Lol , guys :) i have to say that i remembered watching this tv show when i was younger or watching it through edits ( maybe ) ... Well I can't remember well :( Anyways i was happy doing this hairstyle , I love Asuna so much , she is awesome ;) I adre Kirito too :) Recently i checked out the new hairstyle and fashion trends and i had to do something lmfao ;) Sorry... It was just a work of art , that's how i imagine it , if you truly ask me , but it also seems like cute yet sweet , however:) Have a good one 3333

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