Taehyung One Short - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

That’s the Alcohol Talking

25 Days of Christmas Challenge

Prompt: Day 4 - The Last BTS Show Before Christmas



I was sat side stage at the last BTS show of the tour, my boyfriend and his band performing their final song to the Seoul crowd. The audience cheered as the boys said their thank yous and goodbyes, embracing each other as they came off stage. Myself and a few other girlfriends clapped for the talented group, beaming at how proud we all were.

Once they had finished congratulating each other I ran over to Taehyung and embraced him in hug, not caring how sweaty he was!

“Do I even have to tell you how amazing you were, and how proud I am of you” I said, placing a kiss on his lips.

“Yes, because I never tire of hearing you say it” he smiled, his cheeks still flushed from performing. “Sorry I’m so sweaty by the way.” He said, causing me to hug him tighter.


“Management has organised a meal to celebrate?” Namjoon informed the group.

“Sounds good!” Hoseok replied, as we all followed each other back to their dressing room for the boys to freshen up.

I sat down, talking to Taehyung while he got changed “how do you feel that another tour is over?”

“It’s always a little sad, but it will be nice to finally have a break for a bit” he replied, unbuttoning his white shirt and slipping it off. I couldn’t help looking down at his fit, caramel figure, even after two years of dating. He didn’t have the six pack that most girls would drool over, but he was perfect to me. If he noticed me staring he didn’t say anything, spraying himself before slipping a simple white shirt over his head. 

“Everyone ready?” Hoseok asked, slinging his bag over his shoulder, a mumble of ‘yes’es from the boys. I stood up, grabbing my own bag from the table as Taehyung did the same. As we started walking he slipped his hand in my own, giving me a small smile as we headed out to the vans.


Their management had hired out a function room at a very expensive restaurant in the city, kindly supplying a meal for the band, their girlfriends, management and the tour crew. Everyone was enjoying a couple of drinks, following the very filling meal. I was sat catching up with Jimin’s girlfriend, when I felt the couch dip next to me and a head resting on my shoulder.

“I should probably go and see where Jimin is at” she said looking at Taehyung and then back at me, smiling, before standing up to find her boyfriend.

Taehyung lifted his head, as I turned to look at him. “Hello you” he smiled, a mixture of sleep and intoxication evident in his eyes.

“Hello there” I smiled. 

“You know something, you’re the most beautiful person in this room” the smell of vodka hinted on his breath.

“I think that’s the alcohol talking” I laughed.

He took my own drink out of my hand and placed it on the table in front of us, grabbing both my hands and shaking his head “No. I could lose my vision tomorrow and you will still be the most beautiful person in any room.”

Before I even had the chance to answer his lips were pressed firmly against my own. Alcohol always seemed to make Taehyung more confident and become overly affectionate in public. Thankfully the room was dimly lit, and everyone else was too invested in their drinks and conversation to even notice us in the corner.

His lips tasted of a mix between the alcohol and the fruity flavoured lip balm he had recently put on. When we pulled away he placed his forehead against my own “I love you, Y/N” he whispered.

“I love you too, Tae.”

He smiled, resting his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. I looked down at my phone which showed it was 2:30am. “I think it’s time we got you home” which received a sleepy nod in reply. 

We said our goodbyes to the boys and thanked their management for the meal, before quietly slipping out to a waiting taxi. 


It was after 3am when I had finished removing my make up and changed into my pyjamas. I walked out of our en suite to find Taehyung already in bed lightly snoring. I climbed in next to him, turning off the bed side lamp. Without waking up, he wrapped his arm around me as he felt me lie down next to him, always needing something to hold when he slept.

“Goodnight my super star” I whispered, before closing my eyes and snuggling into him.

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