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The Bad Kids and Their Hands
Fig: Does nail art (usually of her friends, recently it’s been gold feather details); she had a set once where each nail is modeled after a different type of yogurt and she made gilear get matching ones with her; keeps her nails short because it makes playing the bass harder; if she gets them done she gets acrylics with pointed tips; she has like? Small dainty hands and she hates it; wears lots of rings and def has some stick and pokes on her fingers; whenever she takes pictures she makes sure her wrists are visible to show off her tattoos; her fingers are stained darker because she smoked a lot freshman and sophomore year
Gorgug: Picks at his fingers as a nervous tic--has gotten better since he’s made friends; Kristen saw how messed up his hands were and offers to heal them whenever they get really bad; has started to play around with his drumsticks instead; his hands are so big and he loves holding his friends’ hands; he lets Fig and Zelda paint his nails before shows or big battles; he has so many callouses; his hands are also so warm and gentle; he’s very careful with his hands and surprisingly dexterous; whenever someone touches the spot where the leaf cut his hand in Hell he jumps; everyone makes him compare his hand with theirs and he’s always so embarrassed; he has some insecurities about his hands bc they’re strong still but the skin is tight and they’re super veiny (they look old and he’s insecure about it)(Zelda will kiss his knuckles and coo about his “little old man hands” and he gets so flustered)
Adaine: She tried to get acrylics once and the weight of them was Very Bad, so she doesn’t get them; she also doesn’t like the feeling of polish on them; Ayda taught her a spell though that uses special ink and she will paint protective runes and spells on both her nails and those of her friends; Adaine has very pretty hands; I get like pianist hand vibes? I also feel like she’d have French (Elvish?? Lol) tips maybe?; she used to be very Particular about her appearance but now her hands are rougher and always ink stained and she loves it
Riz: His mom used to make him trim and blunt his claws but he keeps them long now; Adaine paints runes and protection on his nails a lot, especially the first couple of months after sophomore year; he cares about their appearance the least so he can’t be bothered lol; he’s another spindly fingered lad, his veins are def visible; the magical tattoos from Critical Role exist for this specific headcanon and Riz has tattoos on both his hands in emerald green that increase his dexterity; he uses his hands a lot so jewelry isn’t practical but his mom gives him his dad’s wedding ring and he wears it Always; he thinks with his hands and will mimic moving the lines of his clue boards when he’s really deep in thought
Kristen: Her hands are honestly how she casts her spells so she takes really good care of them; short, stubby fingers; she used to bite them a lot as a kid and has only recently started growing them out; her hands are so freckled; she does funky little dances like Ally does; she is also a hand-holder and will reach out for her friends; she’s trying to grow her nails out a little bit to look like claws so she can match Tracker; you know the pic that’s like? a woman with acrylics except for her second and middle finger? something like that; her hands are always So Warm; wrists are part of hands so--Kristen made everyone friendship bracelets and everyone (even Fabian) wears them (there’s def a little magic in them)
Fabian: He also has nice hands; this boy has not worked a day in his life he has beautiful soft hands; still working through shit so he doesn’t paint his nails but he does like the look of it; he always has lotion and it is always expensive and ocean themed; slender fingers; Adaine’s are longer than his though; he has lots of little moles on his fingers and tops of his hands; Fabian also feels like the type to wear rings; now that he’s multiclassed he’s started tapping rhythms onto every available surface; he has a different rhythm he taps for each of the Bad Kids so you can tell who he’s thinking about by watching his hands (because he’s still working on the “tell your friends you love them out loud” bit)