Fantasy High Sophomoreyear Spoilers - Tumblr Posts
The Bad Kids and Their Hands
Fig: Does nail art (usually of her friends, recently it’s been gold feather details); she had a set once where each nail is modeled after a different type of yogurt and she made gilear get matching ones with her; keeps her nails short because it makes playing the bass harder; if she gets them done she gets acrylics with pointed tips; she has like? Small dainty hands and she hates it; wears lots of rings and def has some stick and pokes on her fingers; whenever she takes pictures she makes sure her wrists are visible to show off her tattoos; her fingers are stained darker because she smoked a lot freshman and sophomore year
Gorgug: Picks at his fingers as a nervous tic--has gotten better since he’s made friends; Kristen saw how messed up his hands were and offers to heal them whenever they get really bad; has started to play around with his drumsticks instead; his hands are so big and he loves holding his friends’ hands; he lets Fig and Zelda paint his nails before shows or big battles; he has so many callouses; his hands are also so warm and gentle; he’s very careful with his hands and surprisingly dexterous; whenever someone touches the spot where the leaf cut his hand in Hell he jumps; everyone makes him compare his hand with theirs and he’s always so embarrassed; he has some insecurities about his hands bc they’re strong still but the skin is tight and they’re super veiny (they look old and he’s insecure about it)(Zelda will kiss his knuckles and coo about his “little old man hands” and he gets so flustered)
Adaine: She tried to get acrylics once and the weight of them was Very Bad, so she doesn’t get them; she also doesn’t like the feeling of polish on them; Ayda taught her a spell though that uses special ink and she will paint protective runes and spells on both her nails and those of her friends; Adaine has very pretty hands; I get like pianist hand vibes? I also feel like she’d have French (Elvish?? Lol) tips maybe?; she used to be very Particular about her appearance but now her hands are rougher and always ink stained and she loves it
Riz: His mom used to make him trim and blunt his claws but he keeps them long now; Adaine paints runes and protection on his nails a lot, especially the first couple of months after sophomore year; he cares about their appearance the least so he can’t be bothered lol; he’s another spindly fingered lad, his veins are def visible; the magical tattoos from Critical Role exist for this specific headcanon and Riz has tattoos on both his hands in emerald green that increase his dexterity; he uses his hands a lot so jewelry isn’t practical but his mom gives him his dad’s wedding ring and he wears it Always; he thinks with his hands and will mimic moving the lines of his clue boards when he’s really deep in thought
Kristen: Her hands are honestly how she casts her spells so she takes really good care of them; short, stubby fingers; she used to bite them a lot as a kid and has only recently started growing them out; her hands are so freckled; she does funky little dances like Ally does; she is also a hand-holder and will reach out for her friends; she’s trying to grow her nails out a little bit to look like claws so she can match Tracker; you know the pic that’s like? a woman with acrylics except for her second and middle finger? something like that; her hands are always So Warm; wrists are part of hands so--Kristen made everyone friendship bracelets and everyone (even Fabian) wears them (there’s def a little magic in them)
Fabian: He also has nice hands; this boy has not worked a day in his life he has beautiful soft hands; still working through shit so he doesn’t paint his nails but he does like the look of it; he always has lotion and it is always expensive and ocean themed; slender fingers; Adaine’s are longer than his though; he has lots of little moles on his fingers and tops of his hands; Fabian also feels like the type to wear rings; now that he’s multiclassed he’s started tapping rhythms onto every available surface; he has a different rhythm he taps for each of the Bad Kids so you can tell who he’s thinking about by watching his hands (because he’s still working on the “tell your friends you love them out loud” bit)
riz and kalina’s conversation in hell is currently just. polluting my brain. just. god, riz seeing his father bound and gagged and tortured like. god he’s just a kid man he’s 17? 16? they’re babies man. and don’t even get me started on “You know what the kind thing to do with that gun would be” because i’m still weeping
hello i would like to propose sklonda x pok x gorthalax to the council. no i will not be taking criticism at this time.
the emblem for sklonda x pok x gorthalax is a three-tiered cake because sklonda is absolutely going to have her cake and eat it too!! she’s got devil and angel food baby! after having to deal with the bullshit of freshman and sophmore year this woman deserves a bottle of Elven wine and all the cake she wants.
Gorthalax makes a special office in his villa. Originally it was just for the Gukgaks--a work space for Pok when he was on missions that brought him to the Bottomless Pit, a place for Riz and Fig to work on legal issues in Hell when they came by, a place for Sklonda to study for her law school exams. He would walk by and see the family all working together on their individual projects, desks covered in old coffee mugs and notes and family photos, and his heart was always so fond of this little family. And then one day there’s another desk n the office, and Sklonda is sat atop it and Pok is leaning against it and Riz is half-asleep in the large office chair (much larger than any of the other Goblin-sized furniture in the office). “Figured it was about time the family office got an update.” Sklonda smiles at him, and Pok isn’t looking at his wife but at Gorthalax, eyes full of the same love and admiration he never thought he’d see directed at him. “Fig said she’d just share a desk with you, but I think there’s room for one more. Maybe you and the kids can go pick one out the next time you’re in the Prime Material plane?”
watching lou react to the return of baron is the funniest thing i’ve ever seen. and then making my heart hurt immediately BY DESCRIBING RIZ’S FEAR. GOD. I’M SOBBING. FUCK. RIZ GUKGAK I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU
riz’s greatest fear is not being with his friends anymore and not having a romantic relationship and getting left behind. and imagine him coming out of sophmore year having a big poly relationship with the bad kids and the validation that baron was wrong and that he is worthy of love and his friends aren’t going to leave him because they love him and he loves them and this, what they’ve found and built together, is the purest act of love that riz has ever seen.
everyone being so mad that riz’s greatest fear is sleeping on the job is so funny i’m loosing my shit. that’s so funny. oh my god.
fig scrying on ayda and seeing her so desperately trying to raise fig’s earring to her mouth to try and speak to her, to reach her, because fig is calling for her, her paramour needs her, and being unable to is so heartbreaking. that scene gave me goosebumps. i’m still sobbing over it.
hi aelwyn and adaine in the nightmare forest and just,,,”she’s a baby” hurts so badly in all the best ways. as an older sibling just watching aelwyn strugglir ng to decide between her sister and her family. adaine wanting to make new memories with her sister. aelwyn seeing herself broken and seeing herself in the aftermath of calethriel tower. Seeing her realize who she really is and seeing that adaine chose to love her after seeing every broken, messy, tragic part of herself. adaine saying “will you be my big sister? i’d love to have you be my big sister.” is so fucking heartbreaking. the counterspell. “i’m sorry.” adaine’s furious fist. everything about them is so, so poetic. there is so much tragedy in the abernants and it is so, so beautiful.
aelwyn abernant love my life. god. “i don’t deserve this i don’t deserve you” and adaine just insisting that it’s not about deserving, it’s not about earning. aewlyn knowing that adaine will be the next oracle. the promise of a bunkbed. two sisters who have found each other again and god. the abernants can hold so much love in them. if aewlyn doesn’t get her fucking bunkbed by the end i will riot.

💕Ooh, spooky, I hate it!! :D💕
I LOVE the maidens groupchat
hey today’s mood is crying over the hangman turning into his true form and running through the nightmare forest to find fabian
Bad Kids Social Media 2: The Sophomore Year Edition
because i have no self restraint, part one is HERE
Sophomore Year Spoilers Beware
So yeah things got freaky during spring break.
The Seven Maidens were moderating the finale livestream chat. Just think twitch stream, but everyone has jumped in to the season finale without knowing anything about the show except for a couple compilation clips and the random photos of kalina that melted down the internet for a couple days
No one knows what the heck happened because it was from the point of view of Riz’s tie so a bunch of stuff wasn’t even seen on the stream, video essays are made trying to dissect and understand what happened, the Bad Kids explain NOTHING when they get back
A million memes are made of kalina’s death cause that’s one of the most stable and clear parts of the whole VOD since riz was doing his whole dramatic pose and one-liner before shooting
They will randomly reference things that happened (shrimp party, leviathan, how much fallinel sucks, chungledown bim, etc) but with no context so the internet is left to piece it together like increasingly sleep-deprived conspiracy theorists
Previous conspiracy theories end up overlapping so people decide Gorgug was the elven oracle the whole time since they’re 75% sure the elven oracle is SOMEONE in the group and someone calls Gorgug the greatest wizard of the age in a fantasy instagram live video or something. Gorgug visibly not being an elf does not stop them.
Thanks to all the nonsense their popularity skyrockets. Riz even gets to the double digits on his follower count.
Adaine still doesn’t get any social media. One day she gets on Fig’s accounts to do an ‘Ask Me Anything’ and just blatantly lies to every single question.
They pretty much all act like spring break was just a normal holiday, and their feeds go back to normal songs, flower pictures and musings about ice cream that it had been before.
Fabian’s Fantasy Youtube channel now includes dance tutorials. Riz still includes all the outtakes where he faceplants on the ground and tangles himself up in his sheet.
Kristen tries to get Cassandra’s name out there via the internet by just sharing selfies of her and an actual goddex just hanging out together. A lot of people don’t believe it until she follows up with videos of Cassandra performing various miracles
Vlog Series: Me and my new Goddex: Remaking a Religion and pranking my friends! (NOT Clickbait)
Fig helps Ayda set up some fantasy social media, she finds it fascinating. Doesn’t use it a lot but when she does she likes every single post Fig or one of the others have made, leaves comments on a lot of them, and makes massive threads about spells and other things she’s been researching recently, and lots of pictures of Gaf
Gorgug gets contacted by like, engineers and scientists about the satellite and how he got his crystal to work out in the middle of nowhere and accidentally wins the equivalent to a Nobel prize for it.
His acceptance speech is him thanking every friend and family member he can think of and then being like “i just wanted to talk to my girlfriend” [cue applause]
Aelwyn had social media but it went inactive like a year ago so people straight up thought she was dead, which she finds funny after a few weeks of therapy. Has a different story for why she disappeared every time she’s asked
Ragh and Tracker post pictures of their trip to Fallinel. 95% of their captions are dunking on elves
hi i’m just going to think about Prom King Ragh for the rest of my life. Like. God. Ragh’s junior year was a mess.
Imagine him standing behind Dayne, watching him about to be crowned. Watching the first boy he ever loved about to be crowned King Eternal with his girlfriend. They look beautiful together. And Dayne’s parting gift to him was a black eye and a promise that he wouldn’t say anything. And Ragh still loved him, of course he did! And if it means keeping Dayne in his life, then he’ll stand behind him like he always did. He’ll be the first to kneel before the Prom King Eternal. Ragh’s always been dumb muscle, a stupid knight here to help the King get his way.
And then shit hits the fan and his King is dead on the gymnasium floor. Ragh isn’t too sure what he wants anymore. But his King told him to kill the Bad Kids (the only people who were nice to him--really nice to him) so Ragh will do what his King asks. It’s not like he’s going to make it, anyway. The Bad Kid’s killed him once--what’s to stop them from doing it again?
Except they don’t kill him. Except Gorgug kisses him at prom and tells him that he’s a lot more than he thinks he is (Jawbone said the same thing, too, and that resulted in him getting a black eye and a kiss on the same day. He’s not sure who he believes). And Gorgug asks him to fight and that’s a lot easier than processing everything else. So Ragh helps save prom and everything is good. And then Spring Break comes and goes and is a whole mess in of itself. His mom sort of dies? He attacks his friends again. He sees Dayne Blade in hell (and that takes several sessions with Jawbone to unpack all of that again). He’s crowned the Crab King and passes it on to people who might deserve it more (seeing Riz in the oversized crown was very funny, he had to admit). And then they’re back at Elmville for the last bit of the school year.
Prom rolls around, and he knows the Bad Kids are conspiring. They’re more obvious than usual, which makes him nervous. Prom night comes and while there’s a little trepidation, the court is announced. Gorgug is announced to be a prince, Zelda a princess. He can see Fabian rolling his eyes in the background, but he’s grinning wide. And then the King is announced, and Ragh can’t believe it.
He never thought he’d be Prom King. He never thought he’d be much of anything. But Fabian slides up next to him and tells him that it’s a good look for him, and Gorgug whispers something to his girlfriend and kisses him again, and Tracker and Kristen are whooping. Adaine reads his future (even though he knows it doesn’t quiet work like that). Riz shows him a little conspiracy board he made about who would be Prom King. Fig dedicates a song to him. It’s nice. He’s surrounded by his friends, by people who love him, and Ragh knows he’s a lot more than just dumb muscle, just a Knight to someone else’s ambition.
He’s Elmville’s first gay Prom King. And it’s pretty fucking amazing. Hoot Growl Baby.
what if ragh came back after adventuring for awhile and became a teacher at aguefort? hell, what if he became a COUNSELOR at aguefort? he’s been though it, man, from nightmare forests to having his mom die to coming out as gay. nothing surprises ragh barkrock anymore. and sometimes you just need a hug from someone way bigger than yourself to make all the scary stuff away.
The Bad Kids but They’re All Paladins Because I Said So
hey what if all the bad kids multiclassed into paladin huh. what if they did that. like. god. i can already imagine all their oaths. like. ahhh!! (read more under the cut it’s so long i’m sorry)
Fabian: Honestly Oath of Glory came to mind first. “My name is Fabian Aramais Seacaster and I am here to be great!” And well! He made friends and is now learning to help and support his teammates into being the greatest crew that’s ever walked in Aguefort’s halls. This is definitely a pre-Leviathan Fabian. Post-Leviathan Fabian is Oath of the Open Seas. “I believe in you, Spring Break!” The need to be known because of surpassing his father is gone. He is finally free to become his own person. There is so much Fabian has suppressed and now his life is open and vast like the ocean. He wants to be known, he wants his friends to be known, to support his friends who have supported him--who have always supported him-- and he will lead the way for the Bad Kids’ names to become legends.
Fig: Oath of the Ancients. It surprised her at first, to be honest. She’s clawed her way to finding herself, the people she loves. For a while she devoted herself to Vengeance. She was angry, at herself, her parents, the world. They wanted a demon? Fine. She’ll become the greatest demon the world had ever seen. She’ll be Daddy’s Little Demon, his right hand, just as soon as she found him. But the more she learns about people, about the world, about herself, she finds herself going back to her Elvish roots. The world is shit, life is hard, but there are some things truly worth living for. She found so much light in the world--through music, through Ayda, through her friends, through Sandra Lynn and Gortholax and Gilear--that she wants to spread it to every corner of Solace. She wants to help other people find their light.
Riz: Oath of the Watchers. Post Sophomore year, for sure. Riz is working not only on the Material Plane but also for the Celestial Plane. He’s here to make sure shit doesn’t get too fucking crazy and (though his father said it softly, like he was afraid Riz would be upset,) make sure that Fig doesn’t start the apocalypse with her new Archdevil status. Riz is hiding in the shadows, diligent and hard-working (too hard, honestly!) to make sure the planes remain balanced. His mom is just grateful that he’s not a warlock (she might have ascended to fight Pok herself if he had started enabling Riz more than he already is). He, on accident (and maybe on purpose) has accidentally abjured Fig to Hell. Riz is never going to be the type to be in the front, like Gorgug or Fabian, but he’s very good at making sure all of his friend’s backs are protected. It’s the least he can do for his friends, who all watch over him, too. Work is love, and no one works harder than Riz Gukgak.
Adaine: Oath of Vengeance. Please imagine Adaine’s Furious Fist plus Divine Smite. Adaine Abernant is a girl on a mission. She’s going to right the wrongs against her and she’s going to do it with magic and her fists, thank you very much! She has spent so long feeling weak, feeling powerless, and she’s not going to take anything from anyone anymore. No one is going to hurt her or her family. Adaine is the Oracle of the people, and there have been many people wronged in the world. She has the strength of her friends, of her sister, of Jawbone (her dad!!!!) at her disposal. And she will right the wrongs the Elves have done against the world one furious fist at a time.
Gorgug: Oath of Devotion. This one was a hard one, and I’m not entirely sure it fits, but. Gorgug loves his friends. Loves his family. There is so much quiet, powerful devotion to his friends that it makes my heart hurt. He has the “dumb paladin” going for him, but Gorgug isn’t stupid. He knows so much! He has been touched by so many people in so many ways, and he let’s their influence shine through his actions. He’s so brave. And so, so kind. He pushes his friends to keep going, inspires them with his own quiet strength. Gorgug might be the one to deal the final blow to an enemy, but he’s also the first to extend his hand to help him up.
Kristen: Oath of Redemption. Another post-Sophomore year. It’s a complicated mess of redeeming Cassandra and her years as the Nightmare King, and her own quest to redeem herself for her previous Helioc actions. It’s learning to express herself and all the parts of her--good and bad. Learning to seek truth, to talk about each issue from every side and find a peaceful middle ground (or reject it entirely, when learning what utter bullshit it is). But taking the time to help others understand what was wrong with their thinking, with their beliefs, kind and open and always, always questioning. Because doubt is perfectly normal! They live in a world full of magic and time fuckery and her vice principle tried to kill her freshman year, so. Doubt is often warranted. But Kristen Applebees will meet all doubt with a warm smile and an open heart, because the road to redemption is never easy, especially in sandals, but the journey is well-worth it.
riz hissing in hell is so funny. omg. imagine it continues post-hell. the hangman is just constantly hyping riz up to embrace his feralness. “don’t be so stuck up, the ball. show my master the ferocity you possessed in hell!” just riz letting loose and getting wild in situations that are hinged on him being intimidating. riz causing a scene while they’re playing uno. riz wrestling with gorgug and fabian. riz just letting himself express every part of himself without fear of rejection.