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Lee Dong-Wook: King of Bromance

Whom I went for VS whom I stayed for... <3
TV series I've watched in March 2022

The End of the F***ing World - Season 1 & 2 (2017-19)
- Check my previous review of season 1 here
- The season 2 will always be memorable to me because I've binge watched it with my cousin. We talked about it the whole day. I know, whenever I'll watch it again, I'll miss those moments.
- Season 2 also had some serious issues dealt with just like season 1. Bonnie's character hit close to home. I want to hug her. I also want to hug Alyssa and James. They've been through a lot.

Sweet Tooth (2021)
- A world slipped into chaos as a contagious virus breaks through and babies are born as part animals.
- This is the perfect time to watch this show with your family. It is quite emotional.

Our Planet (2019)
- From the grassland to the forest, from the ice covered world to the hot desert, from the fresh water to the high sea, this series shows varieties of habitats of the living beings of our beloved earth.
- This nature documentary is quite different than any other I've ever seen. It discusses the climate change in a way to make people actually worry about the situation. I highly recommend it to all of my followers.
- You may feel like to cry if you're an animal lover.

Strangers From Hell (2018)
- A small town boy moves to a residence of the city where he encounters many creepy strangers.
- I've never imagined this series would be that much deep. It is very detailed and the work is a piece of art. One of the best kdramas out there.
- It's very gruesome and violent. Definitely not going to recommend it to the faint hearted people.
- To be honest it gave me nightmares. I couldn't sleep properly at night for a whole week and only slept at daytime. My mind was totally wrecked.

The Tale of the Nine Tailed (2020)
- A nine tailed fox leaves his position as a forest deity to search for his reincarnated love.
- Though it is a fantasy and romance series, I mostly enjoyed the interaction between the gumiho brothers. And to be honest, I love Lee Rang <3
- Another best part of the series is the mentions of all the different sorts of mythical creatures. I love to know about mythologies of different countries.

Persona (2019)
- An anthology of short films with metaphorical meanings.
- Apart from the fact that each episode was directed by different directors with the same lead actress I don't want to say much about it. Watch it to find out. It's great BTW.

How can these all characters be played by the same person? Speaking of range...
I’m Here For You...
Fandom: Tale of the Nine Tailed
Pairing: Lee Rang x reader
(y/n= your name)

Why isn’t he answering my calls? He was probably upset about something. And that something definitely had to do with his brother.
I know Lee Rang for only some months. We’ve met at a bookstore where both of us were trying to buy the last copy of “Moby Dick”. We got into a huge fight over that. Finally I managed to get it since he was only hoarding all editions of the same book.
Though he was acting like a spoiled brat, I secretly liked him a lot and I’m pretty sure he found me amusing too. Since then, we occasionally met. In our brief time of acquaintance he had already complained about his brother an awful lot. And judging by his words, that brother is pretty indifferent to him.
When we talked on the phone this morning, Rang told me he was on his way to meet his brother. And now he isn’t receiving my calls. That means the meeting didn’t go well. I needed to meet him. I had already checked the bar he usually goes to and he wasn’t there.
“This little idiot is making me crazy!” I thought. Then a message came to my phone. Lee Rang had finally replied to my anxious texts.
“I’m home now. Too tired to talk.”
Seriously? This was his answer? I can’t believe it.
I angrily walked towards my car and started to head to his home. He was acting distant again. He was probably depressed. Thinking about it made me so sad. I wished he told me what’s going on with him honestly.
I didn’t bother knocking on the door since it’s never locked. When I walked inside, I found him sitting on the couch with a wine bottle on his hand.
“He’s drinking again. This is not good.” I thought.
He looked up and simply went back to enjoying his drinks without saying anything to me. I sat beside him.
“Will you tell me?” I asked.
“There’s nothing to tell.”
“I’m here for you, Rang.” I told him, “You can trust me.”
“Why did you come?” he turned to me and raised one of his eyebrows to look tough.
“I was worried about you.” I answered honestly. He turned away and started to gulp down the wine from the bottle.
“Is this about Yeon?” I finally asked.
He suddenly stopped and slowly turned to me, “Didn’t I mention that I was too tired to talk?”
How could he say something like that? Couldn’t he see how worried I have been? All this time, I was trying to understand him better. I did everything to make him feel like he wasn’t alone. I was always there for him when he needed me. All I’ve ever asked was to be honest with me. Can’t he at least do that?
“I wish you would trust me enough to tell me the truth.” I stood up. It was better to leave him when he is in a mess. Otherwise we’ll both end up hurting each other.
“y/n” he called from behind as I walked towards the door.
I looked back. I could see tears forming in his eyes as he slowly walked towards me.
“I’m sorry.” his voice shook.
I nodded and hugged him. He hold me into a tight embrace and started to sob. We stood like that for a while. When he finally stopped, he looked at me with a little confusion in his eyes.
“I guess,” I whispered, “this is the part where we kiss?”
He smiled, then took my face in both of his hands and finally kissed me...
Your Wish Is Granted
Fandom: Tale of the Nine Tailed
Characters: Lee Rang, Reader, Reader’s stalker.
(y/n = your name)
Requested by @skater-girl1997

It was like a dream. I still have to look at the piece of newspaper, that I have put on my wall, to remind myself that the night was actually true.
I went to a nearby bar to get some drinks to help myself sleep. But it was a wrong idea, coming to the bar alone. I saw Alex.
Alex started following me on Instagram last month. He sent me a text saying that I looked pretty at a party. Naturally I replied with a ‘Thanks’. But since then, he kept texting me all the time even though I showed no interest in talking to him. After a while he started to show up everywhere I went. Finally, he asked me out and I told him that I wasn’t interested in him at all.
That should have been the end. But instead, Alex decided to stalk me. He would not approach me directly but will look at me from a distance. It was driving me insane.
He was there, at a corner, pretending to drink while glancing at me every now and then. I couldn’t let him know I was alone. I desperately looked around me to find someone to talk to.
And then, I saw him. A handsome man in all black. His hair was dark and so was his eyes. There was an unmistakable hint of charm about him. Most importantly he seemed to be alone.
Without thinking what to do next, I went to him straight and hugged him.
He struggled to push me away but I whispered in his ears, “There is a man following me. Please help!” Then I let go.
He glanced behind me and saw Alex looking at us. He gave a sly smile and nodded at me, “Do you want me to get rid of him?”
“I would love to get rid of him. He is been stalking me for the past few days. It’s creeping me out.”
“Your wish is granted.” He said.
I didn’t understand what he meant. But he ordered two drinks for us and gave one to me. “If you want me to pretend to know you, we have to talk, right?”
“Yeah. My name’s y/n. What’s yours?”
“Lee Rang.” he replied rather dramatically.
There is something in the way he talks. It makes me curious and gives me chills at the same time. “How old are you?” I found myself asking.
“How old do you think I am?”
“I dunno. You look so young and ancient at the same time.”
He laughed, “Good thing that you said ancient!”
I was about to ask what that means when Alex came to interrupt us. “Who is he?” he asked with some authority.
“As if I have to answer that.” I muttered.
Lee Rang stood up and went closer to Alex. He said something like, “Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere?” Then suddenly Alex left without saying a word.
“What was that about?” I asked.
Lee Rang again came back to his seat. He looked at me and said “Finish your drink. We’ll go for a walk.” I felt suffocated inside the bar. So I accepted his offer.
We were walking while the chilly air of the night surrounded us. I had a sudden urge to hold his hand. “Are we still pretending to be together?” I asked.
“Will it hurt if we do?” he raised his eyebrows and smiled at me.
I felt something silly going on inside me whenever I see that smile of his. I grabbed one of his hands. He let his fingers slipped between mine’s. We were walking hand in hand just like a couple. The moment felt so magical.
At a little distance I could hear sirens and a lot of people gathering over a tree. I could tell by the look of it that some accident might have happened.
I said, “Let’s go and check.” and let go of his hand and ran to the spot. Pushing my way forward I saw a car was hit at the tree. There was a boy inside who stayed motionless. As I looked closer, I saw that it was Alex.
I quickly looked around searching for Lee Rang. But he was nowhere to be seen.

Just something I made...
It’s Pretty Silly But...
I’ve been forcing my elder sister to watch “The Tale of the Nine Tailed” with me; which she doesn’t find interesting at all and I realized that she’s just like Yeon as a sibling whereas I’m like Rang.

Here’s why I think like that,
My sister and I are inseparable. We share a bond like no other. We are both the same kind of crazy. And I think our craziness has made our connection stronger. I won’t go into details but I think you get it.
Anyway, now the thing is, we almost always watch movies/tv series together. We interpret them in our own ways, make theories, fanfiction etc. together. That’s a part of our friendship.
But since she had to move to the University campus for 2 months (this was the very first time we had to stay apart), I felt her absence almost all the fricking time. For the first time in my life, I’ve realized how clingy I am to her.
It was between those times, I’ve watched “The Tale of the Nine Tailed”. I’ve already mentioned that we both are kinda obsessed with fictional worlds. So, I’ve immediately fell for Lee Rang and I couldn’t wait to share my feelings with her. I’ve waited everyday, thinking I’ll watch it together with her again when she’s back.
Now she’s back and I’ve been practically begging her to watch it. And after many emotional blackmails she half heartedly agreed. The problem is, it doesn’t feel like the way I’ve imagined. I can’t really explain all my thoughts (mostly feelings) to her as openly as I did before. She can’t relate to anything and she is really hating it.
I have to persuade her to watch every single episode. We had watched till episode 8 and she is still not liking it. And I’m kinda tired of forcing her.
Can you see the parallels? I think you do. I’m so fucking pathetic like Lee Rang. STUPID ME...
My Mysterious Neighbour
Fandom: The Tale of the Nine Tailed
Characters: Lee Rang, reader, some bullies.
TW: Bullies (nothing too violent)

I couldn’t believe that my friend left for home without me just because I was in a detention. I waited for her when she was there. Now I had to walk home all alone through this seemingly vacant road.
I was in a really bad mood as I walked home thinking how terrible the day had been. As if the day could have been worse, I heard footsteps behind me. “y/n”, I stopped to turn back when I heard someone calling me, “where is your little girlfriend who’s always stuck to you with a glue?”
It was Henry, the biggest bully in our school. I noticed that his three sidekicks were also behind him chuckling like idiots in his not-really-funny joke. Then I saw something which sent a chill down my spine. Henry had a pocket knife in his hand.
“What are they gonna do to me?” I thought to myself as they approached me taking some slow steps. I knew Henry was not right in his head. Juniors from school feared him. But fortunately I never had to encounter him and his group. But I guess, my unfortunate day had arrived.
I knew there was nothing I could do since they were more in numbers. But I still needed to try. So I turned back and ran as fast as I could. I was never a good runner. In fact, I always came last in school races. They eventually caught up with me and one of them grabbed me by the hair. Tears came through my eyes as a sudden pain shot through my head.
“Stop!” I shouted at Henry and struggled to get free. They were all giggling like some crazy people. I doubt if any of them had any sanity left in them.
Then I saw a car came and parked beside us. They let go of my hair and I ran toward the car. I was relieved to see Lee Rang stepping out of it.
Lee Rang was my neighbour. We had crossed path once in a while but never really talked. I found him uniquely attractive and wanted to get acquainted. But he always seemed like he had some urgent works and also there was always a girl with him.
He was surprisingly alone today and it seemed like he wasn’t busy either. “Need a hand?” I wondered whom he asked that question. “Of course not the bullies!” I thought to myself. Then he gave me reassuring smile and my temporary fear melt right away.
“Why don’t you come one at a time at her?”
“Who the fuck are you?” Henry shouted back at him.
Rang gave a sly smile and said, “Trust me, you don’t wanna find out.”
This made Henry mad somehow and he came at him with his knife. Rang grabbed his hand and twisted it, making the knife fall on the ground. Henry screamed in pain. The others didn’t dare to move.
“I’ll let you off today, little ones.” Rang told them, “Only don’t let me catch you again.”
Then he came back and lead me inside his car. We got in. He looked at me and asked in a rather gentler voice than before, “Are they angry tears on your face?”
“Yes!” I burst out, “I hate it came this way. If only I could punch him in his face!”
I didn’t expect Rang to laugh at this. He gave me twisted smile and asked, “then why don’t we go back and make your wish come true?”

Anger💥 - portrayed by Lee Dong Wook
Strangers from hell
Tale of the nine tailed

Wookie+ chair = complicated relationship 🪑💔

Natural mood- booster!💊

The cutest frenemies ever 👬

The Masterpiece 🦷
Strangers from hell

Certified heart-throb ❣️
Lee Dong Wook

Q- What’s the funniest thing that you’ve read about yourself online?
A-I don’t really read online comments much. But one of the comments that I remember is “ Lee Dong Wook is fucking handsome! Tell him to stop it”(laughs) I wondered if this person is criticising me or is it a compliment? I laughed when i saw this comment.
Lee Dong Wook for Tissot 2022

And this is the guy who played Seo Moon jo…🪓
pro of duality👥
Lee Dong Wook in “Roommate”- reality show

the softest big baby 👶🏻
Lee Dong Wook in Roommate reality show

Call me when u want
Call me when u need
Call me in the morning,
I’ll be on the way📲
Lee Dong Wook in
Nine tailed fox
Strangers from hell

Like an angel 👼🏻 … or dentist?🦷
Lee Dong Wook for “Dermapot” advertisement