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“Flawlessly nailed it.”
That ridiculously failed jump was too much for me. I couldn’t stop laughing. Mikleo, protect your boo.

Thoughts on what could have been: TOZ edition.
Wouldn't it have been interesting if we had seen Lunarre become more physically monstrous as time went on and he slowly lost his grip on sanity?
When Sorey and Mikleo first meet him he is still pretty human-like with the exception of a few foxlike features. But we see later how his malevolence has grown and how unhinged he has become.
He could still feel vindicated and therefore be unable to purify, but his inner conflict and inability to deal with the emotions driving him could cause him to lose himself both physically and mentally.
This could be the key difference between him and Maltran. They both felt vindicated but whereas Maltran was self assured and accepting of her own feelings and past trauma, and thus kept her humanity, Lunarre was not.
Alternatively, in the anime, Lunarre could experience the same erosion of his humanity but this time events and his own self could battle against his inner demons and, eventually, with the help of Sorey and co., enable Lunarre to at least keep in the form they see when they first encounter him. Lunarre insists he keeps at least that form because he wants to be able to fight alongside the others with the power of a hellion.
However, because he has hung on and is very nearly purified, Lunarre is not nearly as powerful as he would be if he had become a monster. As such, his act to save the team on the battlefield against the Lord of Calamity kills him.
In this case Dezel would have to have been killed off way before this point. Having two dramatic sacrifices would kind of take away from each other I think.