Tea Is Life - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

I’m just chiming in to say that Ireland has the second highest tea consumption per capita in the world behind Turkey, the UK coming up behind us in third, but obvz that UK figure also includes Northern Ireland. So what I’m saying is the island of Ireland is full of absolute tea fiends and I can fully see Niall passing this on to his family. 

pynch tea parties binch like just ronan fixing himself and adam a cup of fucking tea 

in the middle of the night when one of them had a nightmare

or when it’s 3am and adam can’t sleep bc he’s worried about school and ronan says ‘fuck off you’re gonna stop studying now’ and makes him some chamomile tea

when they get home from a long drive and it’s a stormy afternoon and ronan puts on a fire in the fireplace in the living room and they sit and drink tea and watch films

rose hip tea for adam on misty mornings at the barns when it’s fall and the air is crisp and he wraps himself in one of ronan’s hoodies and leans against the back porch railing, and ronan comes out a couple minutes later and snuggles up to adam from behind whilst his cuppa steeps way too fucking long left inside on the kitchen counter and he ends up having to water it down a LOT because ew bitter

just pynch drinking tea together, okay?

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2 years ago

quick what’s ur opinion on tea. everyone who sees this is obligated to answer in some way

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1 year ago

; obviously if someone asks you if you want Tea they mean Tea. But if they ask if your hungry for Tea or what's for Tea, they mean Tea not Tea. But if they say would you like a cuppa or a cup of Tea, they mean Tea and not Tea. Then again you could be called for Tea but also for Tea, and if your lucky you could be called for Tea with a cup of Tea and all sit down at Tea time to enjoy your Tea. 🦝

mmmm ... English.

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7 months ago

; tea is the best burny flavourless water ever

quick what’s ur opinion on tea. everyone who sees this is obligated to answer in some way

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