; pfp cred = ﹫lillycrew on Picrew ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ; pfp id: a picrew of a white person with short dark brown hair and headphones, he's smiling brightly and flapping his hands. The background is patterned purple wallpaper, right behind him is a white spiky circle shape framing him. :id end
745 posts
Thatonegaybrit - Myles - Tumblr Blog
every day i wake up and thank god for transmasc butch lesbians
; we js asked our brother to name as many continents as he could and he started with " america, sweden- " and we. we had to stop him there.
; hey, slow down .. life isn't that short and it's actually kinda cool when you js look around for a bit
Hello! I hope you're having a great day! I just wanted to say that you're super cool and I love your blog! /positive
; stopp all the nice asks gri is getting .. making myles emotional !! && xe hopes you're having a a wonderful day too, and if you're not then gri hopes it gets better soon !! anon definitely deserves a nice dayy :D /genpos

1 billion notes and i free him
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome >:p💌 /np
; awhh !! thank you sm anon <33
; reasons myles has been fake claimed ( autism edition )
played with slugs as a kid ??
was too .. happy ..
didn't like the same show that their 8yo autistic sister liked.
said " I'm autistic " instead of " I am a person with ASD "
liked. muted. colours.
wore tights ??
is trying to learn Spanish
doesn't have a caregiver ( apparently parents do not count. /s )
used tonetags
didn't use tonetags
stood still for more than 5 minutes
got worse at being out in public
had too much else going on ( " how did you find the time to be so autistic " )
knew. english.
had thoughts
is queer
had a sense of self that was too complicated
didn't get bullied in school ( homeschooled 💀 )
had good sense of style
wore glasses
expressed desire for facial hair
didn't have short hair
; and many many MANY other things and silly reasonings. gri could talk for hours.
; gri refuses to learn ab maggie smith dying from a random tumblr post. JUST. 💔
OK, but will you love the insane woman who stabs people in the back and does toxic yuri to cope, when he transitions to a man? Hmm? Will you?
; ID: four images of people with tattoos covering top surgery scars. The first one is of someone with barbed wire that goes just underneath their nipples. The second is of two hands, one on either side, reaching out to one another. The third is of possibly large animal bones ( difficult for writer to figure out so sorry ) going underneath the nipples. The fourth and final is of 3 tattoos, one around the left nipple ( from viewer point of view ) that is sharp geometric shapes connected together to create a sort of cracking / chasm shape. The third is in the center of the chest and a tear drop shape with similar shapes of the previous one surrounding it, and the third surrounding the right nipple is supposedly the same as the left side, but is mostly cut off due to the person being angled. :end ID

top surgery tats
; maybe gri is js asexual but adverts like these confuse xim

; is this supposed to make xim want to buy your product ?? why is your model looking at grim like gri js tried to explain the lore of gacha to them. Why is their nipple showing && why're they lying on the floor like that. WHAT EVEN IS THE PRODUCT ?? IS IT THE PERSON ?? THE JACKET ?? THE FLOOR ??? [ pt: the floor :end pt ] LIKE !! WHAT IS GRI LOOKING AT RN AND WHY IS IT LOOKING BACK AT XIM !!
- ⭐🦊
I love your blog name.
; awh thank you !! gri really appreciates that :D yours is utterly amazing too /gen ( it is good tho, fits us perfectly lmao )
i know people often see raph as the most parentified sibling, but- man, Donnie's been responsible for providing for the whole family with his technology (and probably making money) since he was a little kid and he hasn't even gotten any/much positive feedback from his dad for doing that (like no wonder he ties his self worth to his inventions to such extreme, that's been his primary function in his family and everyone takes it for granted)
not to mention, in the scene after Splinter got caught stealing Donnie's car, Donnie straight up yells at Splinter, he reprimands him and even grounds him... and the way this scene is worded it seems like a recurring thing, with Donnie punishing splinter with educational programs and whatnot (and i know its mainly for comedic effect but like- there's a clear angst potential here, he literally acts like a parent to his own dad!) and Donnie's parenting is directly compared to Splinter's later in the show.
though tbh i think all of turtle brothers were parentified to some extend one way or another (yes even leo and mikey), but also- *looks at donnie* yeeeeeah this one had it rough.
Okay actually, while I'm thinking about it, folks who experience romance repulsion, what is the main feeling you would describe romance repulsion as?
At least for me I feel some combination of these things, but there is a clear winner in what it feels most-like. Please leave in the tags any specifics you can, I haven't ever actually heard people describe romance repulsion (or what specifically triggers it! Now that I'm thinking about it, please also add when you seem to feel it) and I'd love to feel less alone in a very specific feeling
If you're all about body positivity but make fun of men with hairline receiding or bald, fat, with a beer belly etc, no you're not.
Pretty sick and tired of seeing people laugh and trash men who are not tall skinny queer looking white dudes and be like "everyone is beautiful" in the same breath.
; ramble / mini rant beloww ↓↓
; so in a discord where they don't know gri is trans && only know xim as myles who uses he / him and is it it weird to say it feels more genuine ?? like when ppl who know xe is trans use he / him for grim, it's not that xe is not grateful && euphoric towards it, but it feels like .. different ?? is probably bc gri overthinks things a lot but .. when ppl in this server call xim myles && use he / him for grim, gri feels moreso. valid and respected .. ? xe has described ximself as " queer " to them but never explicitly said what kind of queer, so yah .. but wdk, gri is having very confusing emotions /neu
; but also gri is very used to hiding ximself, covering up aspects && watering grimself down to be more palatable. xe only js started using xe / grim, talking in 3p && we / us more frequently on here && this is xes personal tumblr for crying out loud !! it's not like this is twitter or tiktok .. but gri isn't sure ab this server, xe loves it && has had many good moments. but with how gri is xe knows it's very unlikely all 190 ppl there will accept every aspect of xim, which xe doesn't expect them too !! it's js sightly sad that xe can't be fully grimself everywhere, gri notices little comments xe is uncomfortable w ( many " YOU'RE A PSYCHOPATH " and " delulu much ?? " comments .. ) which gri knows they likely don't know better but that's not the point yk .. but xe is no surprised, && it's to the extent is bearable. Besides this is probably most fun server gri found so far ..
; honestly gri doesn't know where xe is going w this, js needs to get it out somewhere yk ?? anyways. xe might start using signoffs on grims posts .. !! kinda like anon signoffs you see, gri thinks it makes xim comfortable, which is no.1 priority. also may revamp this blog a little because uhhhmm xe js wants too .. !! not now tho gri is busy next 2 days max probablyyy .. xe appreciates you reading this far, dunno why but tyyyyy for listening. gri hopes you have a really amazing time, and even if you don't xe is so super proud of you okk ?? don't be afraid of being yourself, no reason to be in fear of living. is a gift from the world that you're here and myles loves you in all you are sm <3
- ⭐🦊
God won't be very merciful when your time comes
And I won't be merciful to him either
; can one violently sob but in a happy way ??

; @the-real-gmail explain yourself
the gimmick blogs are like tumblr’s rogue gallery. yes we’ve got some heroes, yes we’ve got some villains, but more importantly if you look over here you will see some freak who devotes all their time to counting the number of “t’s” in a post
reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
; " well if i were you I'd- " if you were me you'd do exactly what I js did because you'd be me. your hypothetical argument SUCKSS