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Teen Wolf Masterlist

Teen Wolf Masterlist

This is the official Teen Wolf masterlist for this blog! This is new territory for me, but feel free to send in any requests! I love this show and I’m excited to write for it!

Some characters I write for (subject to change)

Teen Wolf Masterlist


Derek defending Reader b/c of their Quietness


Taking a Break (Isaac Lahey)

Stiles having a Crush on Reader

Stuck in a Loop (Stiles Stilinski)

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Hi! It's me again, I was wondering if I could ask a Derek hale x sister! Reader where since the hale fire the reader stop talking to anyone but only her siblings (like laura, Derek and cora) and one day the pack come in to derek's loft and saw reader whispering to Derek a d they ate shocked because even at school she never speak but as soon as she saw them she stop speaking/whispering to him. So the pack always try to make her speak by speaking to her or asking her things but reader either sigh or growl but never speak to them even though they're her pack because she's afraid that they'll die once she will start being friendly with tem, sos some people of the pack start getting frustrated and stiles or someone else make a comment about her being mut or thinking that she was mute and Derek her big brother stand up for her. Please and sorry it's so so long.

Derek defending Reader b/c of their Quietness

UGH YES LOVE THIS🦅🦅🦅 it’s not long bro, don’t even worry about it, I love writing for teen wolf teehee

Idk if I did you justice but I hope you enjoy this!!

Hi! It's Me Again, I Was Wondering If I Could Ask A Derek Hale X Sister! Reader Where Since The Hale

Derek is SUPER protective of you, like it’s not even funny😭

Since you’re with your older brother most of the time, the pack has gotten used to your presence and silence, yet were always so curious to know more about you!

But whenever they’ve come across you, whether it be at school, walking down a street, or even when fighting, you never say a peep to any of them

They obviously know that you somewhat care for them with all the times you’ve saved their asses from trouble, but you’re just so quiet that it’s hard to form a connection with you

I don’t think they’ve actually heard your voice besides from the occasion sigh or chuckle you would let out whenever someone said something funny

At one point they all just assumed you were mute until they one day unexpectedly dropped by Derek’s studio when they hear faint talking from outside his door

Of course they hear Derek’s deep voice, but they also hear a new voice as well

This once is much softer, yet filled with life as they heard the joyful laughing of this unknown person

Stiles being Stiles, homeboy just barges in to see who this new person only to see the surprised faces of you and your brother

“You can talk?!” Is definitely the first thing this dude would say

Your mouth is glued shut at the question and before the group can begin interrogating you, Derek steps in to separate you all

Since then, the group (mostly stiles tho) would try and make you talk

Whether it be about the most random things, they are always in some way waiting for your response

I think Allison would be the one in the pack to understand your hesitance of forming a connection with them because of your terrible pst

She understands your boundaries and only converses with you when it’s only the two of you

Allison doesn’t let her surprise how on her face you you laugh at a joke she offhandedly said to make you feel comfortable

She’s the only one you would actually talk to in private, allowing her to take a place in your heart with how many times she’s saved you, and made you laugh

Scott doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by any means, but sometimes the silence between you both makes him feel awkward

He definitely bugs Derek about it though. Because of how much he asks about it, Derek does fold at one point and reveals why you never speak around them

Scott sees you in a different light at the knowledge of you scared of forming relationships with them, but he doesn’t treat you any differently

He’s learned to embrace the silence and calmness you bring, throwing smiles towards you every now and then when you guys make eye contact

Lydia and Stiles are more of the pushy types, always bothering you about why you don’t talk

Lydia learns to just let I go though after the first few times she tries talking to you

She doesn’t wanna waste her breath when you won’t even respond to a yes or no question😭 you usually communicate with her with your eyes or by nodding your head

Stiles on the other hand won’t let go of it

He’s always asking you questions, waiting for a response before babbling about something else

There are times that he asks sensitive questions which he knows is wrong and insensitive of him but he just wants to hear you speak again

I think we all know how stiles is, pushing someone’s else’s limits until they actually do so emerging to him to him shut up💀

I think Scott might reveal a little about you to Stiles because of how annoying he’s gotten about the subject

Stiles actually gets fed up one random day tho after the group almost gets killed because of your reluctance to communicate with them, making an off handed, and lowkey insulting, comment towards you

“What, are you finally gonna speak at our funerals when one of us dies? There won’t really be a point in doing so though.”

Might not seem like much, but for you, your heart breaks at that

He will admit it’s not his proudest moment

The second the comment leaves his mouth tho, Derek is slamming the younger boy against a way and giving him the death stare

Everyone gasps at the sound of Stiles hitting the wall

Scott tries to make Derek let go, but Stiles was talking shit to his younger sibling and he’s not gonna take that

You quickly walk over though, resting a hand on his arm

Everyone is supposed, even Derek, when you speak

“It’s ok Derek, let him go.”

After a moment of hesitation, Derek lets Stiles go, not before threatening to rip his head off if her ever speaks to you like that

Once he’s backed off, you look to Stiles, eyes filled with hurt and anger

“Are you happy now Stiles?”

And boom, you angrily walk away leaving everyone tense, Allison chasing after you

I think this’ll have a more emotional affect on you because this dude basically forced you to kinda relive a trauma you’ve grown to have

He destroyed the coping mechanism you had, which was keeping to yourself in silence

But maybe this was the push you needed. Maybe you needed someone to break you out of this shell you were in.

It was a difficult and scary process for you, but with the support of Derek and Allison, you slowly began speaking more

Starting with small comments, everyone gave you time and space to go at your own pace when talking with you

I think you would have a stutter because of your limited amount of contact you’ve had with other people throughout the years

So the pack patiently as you get out the words and sentences you stumble on occasionally

They don’t make fun of it, but instead encourage you to continue, especially if you get frustrated when you can’t get out a specific word

They are also there to remind you that they’re always going to be there for you, and that they won’t ever leave you💔

You appreciate so much because that’s been your number one fear ever since the fire that happened all those years ago

While at first things were still awkward with you and Stiles, he apologized the second you guys were alone

He’s super sincere and remorse full of the way he treated you. You accept his apology, but not without giving him the classic Hale threat if he ever does it again🤭

Derek is still super protective of you and always reminds you to not push yourself

You honestly love and appreciate him for that, and often remind him how much you appreciate him

Cora, if she’s visiting, would be surprised to hear you talking freely now. While she gives Stiles the stink eye at hearing how it all happened, she’s lowkey happy that you’ve finally broken from your chains of doubt

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6 months ago

「naps and forgetfulness」 Stiles Stilinski x F!reader


The door clicks shut as you walk into Stiles bedroom. Thanks to your luck Sheriff Stilinski was just getting out of the house when you arrived at his porch and quickly let you in before going to work.

You spot Stiles immediately: he is curled up in his bed with his lips parted slightly and his breathing soft, he is wearing the grey sweatpants you love paired with a plain t-shirt and hair slightly messier than usual.

Despite the fact that you're slight mad at him for forgetting to come pick you up after work, the sight can't help but make you giggle lovingly at his expression and let your purse fall on the floor silently before changing into one of his shirts and boxers.

Stiles continues to remain asleep, unaware of your presence in the room and it doesn't really surprise you, he is a very heavy sleeper, after all, and it’d take a lot more than just a small giggle to wake him up.

His body shifts on the blankets, rolling over onto his belly and you take advantage of his change of position to climb on his bed and body to leave a trail of kisses up his back until the nape of his neck. His skin is soft to the touch, and as your lips leave gentle kisses on his skin, his muscles visibly shudders until you can feel him starting to stir, even if his eyes are still closed.

"mh?" he mumbles with frowning eyebrows.

"excuse me sir? I think you're in the wrong bed, and house" you whisper in his ear after nibbling it softly with your teeth.

His body stiffens when your teeth graze over his ear, but he sighs at the sound of your voice as a soft smile appears on his lips. "Baby, what are you doin here?" he mumbles sleepily but he's not displeased to see (hear) you, on the contrary, he loves when you unexpectedly come at his house to see him.

He moves to turn around on his back and you lift your hips just enough for him to do it without difficulty, only to sit back on his hips when he's done moving.

"I wanted to see if everything was okay, but it seems like it is" you say with a bit of sarcasm in your voice that Stiles catches immediately, he opens his eyes to look at you groggily.

"oh no, what did I do?" he asks, resting his hands on your hips to squeeze them lightly, his face already looks guilty and your heart melts.

"you were supposed to come pick me up at work so that we could spend the night at my house which, as you may remember, is empty because my parents are away, watch a movie, have sex and sleep together so that we could have gone to school together tomorrow morning, does something ring in that pretty head of yours?" you explain with a victorious smile on your face.

"oh, fuck. baby I'm sorry, I swear I didn't forget I fell asleep after coming back home and forgot to set the alarm, I'm so sorry" he says covering his face in embarrassment. “Are you mad at me?”

"No, I've come to terms with it, my friends had warned me, after all" you sigh while resting your hands on his belly and he looks at you confused, you barely manage to hide a smile "that you would get tired of me and keep me around just for sex, like all boys do, after all-"

"ok that's it, you've said enough bullshits already." he says grinning and pulls you by your hands to lay your body over his and wrap his arms around you to keep you there, a squeal leaves your lips between laughters. After all, he knows you're only joking.

"you're stuck here now, forever" he says laughing as his hands start moving up and down your back, he's strong enough to keep you pressed against his chest but even if he wasn't, you would never dream of moving, ever.

"I don't mind" you admit hiding your face in his neck to kiss it lovingly and he sighs, closing his sleepy eyes as if your lips on his neck are trying to lull him back to sleep.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't want you to take the bus to come here" he apologizes again.

"I didn't take the bus, Logan drove me here" you answer and you feel a sense of satisfaction at your words when you hear your boyfriend groan.

"fucking Logan" you giggle "with his- fucking Mercedes and his- fucking crush on you" he keeps on rambling.

"oh come on! he was being nice" you say to lighten his thoughts.

"yeah right, of course he's always fucking nice, he's got a massive crush on you, I bet you love his car more than mine" he mumbles with a displeased expression on his face.

"don't be ridiculous, I love your Jeep" you tell him between giggles and Stiles rolls you two over so that you're on your back and him splayed on top of you and between your legs, now it's his turn to hide his face in your neck.

"and you love me right? more than- and better than Logan right?" he mumbles nuzzling his nose against your neck, and his arms wrap around your body to keep you still, you're definitely not going anywhere anytime soon.

"I don't know, before making such a statement I should ask him if he would ever forget to come pick m- OW!" a harsh bite on your neck interrupts you.

"don't even joke about it" he says against your skin after kissing the still sore spot and slowly moving up your neck until they're next to your ear. "and for the record, you're stuck with me baby" he whispers.

"I'm happy to hear that, now give me a real kiss" you demand.

"yes, ma'am." he mutters before propping himself on one of his elbows to move better his other hand from your hip to your chin, your head now tilted so that he can kiss you properly. His lips move against yours as his body presses yours further against the mattress.

His tongue slides over your bottom lip and you feel him smiling before his tongue slips inside your mouth, all you can taste and feel is him, and as his tongue teases yours you let your hand tangle into his messy hair and tug at it lightly.

His hands move up, taking your shirt with it until it's bunched over your bra before slowly breaking the kiss to remove the piece of fabric.

"what do you think you're doing?" you ask, taking his wrist in your fingers to stop him and it takes a second for Stiles to understand what you just asked, his lust-filled eyes looks at you unfocused. His dilated pupils roam down the length of your body until he reaches your chest and the black bra you're wearing, but almost as if he just realized he's doing something wrong he shakes his head.

"I- I'm sorry, I thought uhm- I thought we were going to have sex" his words drift off while his fingers, still wrapped around the fabric of 'your' shirt, twitch in excitement and anticipation.

"oh!" you laugh "no, no. we're not going to have sex baby" you tell him with a satisfied smile on your face.

"w-we're not?" your boyfriend asks and he can't help but look disappointed when you push him by his shoulder until he falls on his back next to you so that you're able to get up from his bed, he was looking forward to that.

"No, we're not" you confirm and he looks at you in disbelief, eyes and mouth wide open in shock as he props his body on his elbows again to look at you better.

"is it because I didn't come to pick you up from work?" he asks but he already knows the answer.

"You're so smart, love-" you compliment him, walking towards the bed to kiss his lips "now come on, let's go to my house."

"right now?" he asks and there's still disappointment in his voice, but he doesn't protest further as he gets up to start looking for his car keys.

"Yeah! I still want to spend the night with you at mine's" you say as a matter of fact and Stiles hurries to grab his hoodie from where it laid on his desk.

"And- and we're just gonna- watch a movie and call it a day or…?" he asks, his voice is doubtful, and it's clear he's still waiting for a chance to change your mind.

"That depends, are you going to pay for dinner?"

"Like I always do"

"And are you going to forget about me again?"

"Never again, I'll die before it happens a second time"

"Mh… we'll see" you only say walking out of his room and down the stairs with him following you like a kicked puppy.

"Baby, come on! I said I'm sor- are you wearing my boxers? are you trying to kill me?!"


it seems like I also write for Stiles now, lol, enjoy! 💞

Not proofread, I'll correct it in the next days.

Do not copy or repost.

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You're beautiful just the way you are

teen wolf imagine

Summary: Yn gets tricked into thinking the most popular guy in school want to go to the winter formal with her, but he just did it as a dare and leaves her hanging. But stiles her best friend sees and tells her how he feels

Stiles x reader imagine

Warnings: I don't even know ow if I should put warning but there may be slight bullying and body shaming

"Hey Yn"

Yn turned away from her locker to see Matthew Owen' walking toward her.

She furrowed her eyebrows as the senior approached her.

"Hey Yn, I was uh, wondering if you'd want to go with me to the winter formal" he asked her with a dashing smile that made yns cheeks turn red.

"You..you want to go out with me" she stammered"like a date?"

The browned haired boy laughed and gave her a small smile " of course like a date, soooo..... do you want to come with me?"

Yn smiled wildly and blushed as she hugged her books close to her body "yes I'd like to"

"OK then so I'll pick you up at seven?" He asked her leaning against the lockers

"Yeah sure" she answered giving a slight nod

"OK then" and Matthew leaned down and gave her a kiss in the cheek and walking away down the hallway.

Yn stood there her mouth slightly agape and her cheeks rosy.

"Wow was that Mathew Owen's?" Asked a voice behind her. She turned around to see her life long friend and crush stiles.

" yesss!!!" She screeched containing her excitement " he asked me out"

Stiles raised his eyebrows at the shorter girl" excuse me what?! What do you mean he asked you out!?"

"He asked me to the winter formal!" Yn explained" as his date"

" Yn have you seen the type of girls he goes out with?" Demanded stiles " he goes out with those ridiculously hot girls, and those slutty tipes. He doesn't just want you as his date." He started whispering loudly to her and waving his hands around " he just wants to strip you in hi-"

" Wow stiles slow down dude" yn winced cutting him off" first of what the hell? And second what are you so amazed he asked me out?" She asked him cooking her head to the side.

Stiles pursed his lips" because you're not that type of girl that would simply just have sex with any guy, hes probably just playing you." He answered her "that's not you Yn, you're simply not the type"

Yn blinked up at him as if he had just slapped her, not the type. Of course, he's right she's not one of those sexy girls or even the cute ones she was just. Her. Her flat skinny girl that nobody thought of.

"Yn I didn't mean it like that-" stiles started. But yn shook her head and cutting him off.

"You're right I'm nobody's type" and she slammed the door of her locker shut and walked out of the school

"Dude what happened?" Asked Scott coming up behind his best friend staring as Yn walked away.

Stiles turned around ti face him and rubbed his forehead" shit I messed it up, Matthew asked her to be his date to the winter formal"

Scott slowly nodded and then it struck him " but Matthew only dates the slutty girls! Yns nothing like that, what if hes just playing her?"

"I know and I told her, and it sounded as if I was telling her she was nobody's type" sighted stiles out.

"Dude that's messed up"

" I didn't mean it obviously!"

" shes your type"scott told stiles

" exactly".


"maybe he's late" suggested yns younger brother Cory as yn paced around the room.

"Or maybe he just forgot and is off with that Jenny or something" replied Yn as she held her phone in her hands waiting for Matthew to show up and take her to the school.

"You look good by the way"cory complemented his sister.

She stopped and gave him a small smile "thanks cory"

A horn sounded outside.

Cory stood up"thats lucas" he informed yn who had stopped her pacing.

Yn sighted and went to open the door.

Her brothers boyfriend stood in the front door

"Hey yn how are you?" He asked her

Yn pulled up a tired smile and stood aside to let him in." I'm here alright. You k ow Mathew? Well he's supposed to be my date and he hasn't showed up."

" You can drive with us if you'd like. He's probably at the school anyway" offered Lucas.

"You guys don't mind?" She asked sheepishly.

" no of course not" they both answered.

Once at school yn stepped out of the car and lived the boys alone and walked toward the building.

Just as she entered the school she saw Matthew's Ferrari in the school parking lot and made her way inside breeskly stopping to maybe rearrange her hair and put on some more lip gloss.

Once she entered she was drowned by the lights and the music, people dancing and cheap fruit punch.

She looked around for the senior but failed, but then she saw one of his friends and walked over to them.

"Um.. hi? Have you guys seen Mathew around?"

"Wow and you are?" Asked one of the boys staring her up and down as if she was a toy.

"I'm yn? Matthew's date"she answered feeling uncomfortable with the guy looking at her like that.

"OH God really?!"asked one of the Girls" oh you're the one we dared him to ask out" she said and looked at the boy who was holding her by the waist, and the boy looked at her recognition ritten all over his face.

"OH yeah right! Damned that boy played it bad uh?" He said laughing at her

"What do you mean?" Yn asked them feeling as if her heart had just fallen to her feet.

"Go look at it yourself" answer the girl shrugging" he's over at the back"

Yn nodded at them and walked over to the back tears pulling in her eyes.

Stiles who was sitting in one of the tables next to Issac and Lydia stood up to follow her when he saw her face.

When he finally found her after losing her in the crowd. She was standing looking over at a Mathew who was making out with Jenny, ironically just as Yn had predicted.

"OH shit"he muttered and followed yn as she exited the gym and into the hallway.

Yn let ot a chocked sob as she scaped from the crowd, the music. She should have known, she should have known not to have hope or to fantasize. She should have listened to stiles.

"Hey Yn" she heard stiles calling her as he ran toward her, she quickly wiped her tears away and chocked down her sobs.

She turned around to meet him. Stiles looked down at her and started to say something but she stopped him

"Yes I know, I should have believed you, he was just playing me." Yn cleaned a fresh tear that had fell down her cheek" I'm nobody's type im just the flat girl that everybody talks to when they need something"

Stiles instead of saying anything just hugged her as she cried into his shirt, probably staining it but stiles didn't really care.

"That's not true" he told her" you're my type"

Yn slowly pulled away and looked up at him with her tear stained face.

" you may not be anyone's type, but you're mine, and I think you're beautiful just the way you are. Yn Bryant you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I never ever ever want to hear you say other wise"

Yn looked up to his serious face, stiles never really had a serious face but he had now, she looked into his hazel eyes and tried to read him, to see if he was joking or something, but he meant it. It looked like he really meant it.

" you mean it?" She whispered up to him.

"I've never been more serious in my whole life" he whispered back at her. And slowly leaned down. It felt more as if he was asking her if he should. If she really wanted to. And yn leaned up, closing her eyes not k owing what to expect.

The kiss was warm and it filled all her expectations and more. And she got a little confident and kissed him back, moving their lips in the same slow motion. When stiles pulled away. Yn kept her eyes closed for a moment longer, her lips tugging into a gentle smile.

Stiles chuckled and she opened her eyes smiling broadly.

"I meant it yn, I mean it. I really like you, since that day that you gave me half your sandwich back in 4th grade"

Yn giggled" I've liked you longer. Since the day that you presented yourself as mysljsjlajsk" she said pronouncing his name as gibberish.

"That's not how it's said"stiles told her wincing

The stood there for a moment and before it maybe started becoming uncomfortable stiles took both of her hands and told her " that's one of my favorite songs, just don't tell anyone. "

Yn listened and heard a thousand years by Christina parri playing in the background.

"Geez that's so cheezy" she joked "it's one of my favorites too"

"Then, may I have this dance with you ?" Stiles asked her and yn smiled as the dark-haired boy.

"You certainly may"

As they swayed to the music. There and then in the hallway. Stiles leaned down to yn's ear.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" He whispered.

Yn looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

"Only if you really think I'm pretty" she answered jokingly.

"OH I think you're pretty alright" he answered winking down at her.

You're Beautiful Just The Way You Are

So I wrote this imagine because I don't really like my body and I'm not really anyone's type. So I thought why not make an imagine and help people who dislike their body like me. So I just want you all to know that you're beautiful, you're perfect and that one day we will find of "type". So I love you all &lt;;3

A.N I'm also taking request.!

You all!!! Almost a hundred likes!!! Thank you guys so much, you have no idea how much it means. This is literally the peak of my writing hobby. Thanks... all of you my beautiful, gorgeous people. Love you!!!

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