Terfism - Tumblr Posts
For a "transfemme" you sure hate a lot like a homme 😂
This is how fetishists see children btw;
This is pedophilia. These people want to rape children but it's illegal so their doing it to brainwashed vulnerable adults. The fact that this type of shit is open makes me wanna vomit. These are people who most likely go outside,work jobs,ECT and that means that there's a high chance, that they come into contact with children almost everyday. I pray this becomes illegal and child rape fetishists are executed. Disgusting pieces of filth.
"Radfems are just yt middle aged conservatives who only care Abt themselves!!!1!!11!"
Radical Feminists:
Grown ass 32 year old and a creepy pedophile incel💀
I hope these people aren't member's of society
I just KNEW the comments were gonna come for this appearance 😂😂😂
But no actually, how does one's hair get that greased up? 💀
Look what this dude said to me on tiktok. He made up a whole scenario in his head and projected his porn addiction onto me. He legit thinks he's a lesbian 🤣
When you find an account which is like...the PERFECT balance of radical feminist beliefs. Enough male hate to not be conservative, enough trans hate to not be a tirf, enough of anti sw posts to not be a Libfem, enough writings to make thought progress and enough petition offerings to make enough practice progress.
NOOOOOOO 😭 and that's why y'all should be careful by which friends you pick.
I really hope the filter doesn't get enough use until it's expiration date.
If you for the life of you, cannot orgasm without your partner doing weird shit to you then you have a paraphilia.
Lets stop making fetishes sound like something normal,name it for what it actually is. And by recognizing it as a medical disorder, it's more common for these people to go and seek out help.
You can't have a religion stating how everything is going to end help in progression 😭
I might get doxed for this but here goes: I’m a TERF. I like this term because it’s actually concise and accurate. I am a radical feminist and I exclude transgenderism from my feminism because I see it as being in opposition to my definition of feminism. You may disagree and (respectfully) argue in opposition but I have come to this opinion after a solid ten years of on the ground trans activism. Yes I have quite literally been going to protests and rallies, contributing money, working for orgs, etc since I was 10 years old. And I have recently come to the conclusion that I have devoted my life to something that, to put it in a vulgar manner, makes no fucking sense.
Essentialism is the idea that something (i. e. a gender identity unaligned with one’s sex) exists just because it must and therefor requires no further definition or evidence. An example of this is when religious extremists say, “A woman’s place is bearing children because it has to be” and they are incapable of expanding their argument further beyond ‘that’s just how it is’ or references to the Bible. Do you see where I’m going with this?
There is no science behind having a “male brain” or a “female brain” this is a misogynistic lie that was debunked decades ago.
I have a female body and this is a scientific fact. Gender is an essentialist ideal that is not provable beyond circular logic. “I am a woman because I am one” is the same argument as “Jesus exists because the Bible says so”. It holds the same validity.
So why are we making laws based on religion? What happened to separation of church and state?
Alright but just because two people aren't dangerous, doesn't mean the ideology isn't dangerous. Allowing men to enter Women's exclusive spaces based on feelings has proven to not end well for us, also Feminism has always been gender critical and dont try to argue how we're not true feminists lol.
If you for the life of you, cannot orgasm without your partner doing weird shit to you then you have a paraphilia.
Lets stop making fetishes sound like something normal,name it for what it actually is. And by recognizing it as a medical disorder, it's more common for these people to go and seek out help.
Imagine we make a Radfem Sorority house
• There will be a Boundary discussion before proceeding
• The monthly rent is Feminist pins
• The entire Library is full of Feminist ideology
• Andrea Dworkin's birthday is worth a huge celebration
• Each evening, at 5'o clock sharp. We will discuss Feminist theory over a cup of tea and a tray of biscuits
• Activities include; Making Posters, Monthly Protests, Writing Books together, Streaming underrated female singers and watching the Hand Maid's tale
Also we're called the Dworkinettes and everybody in town fears us.
Just a cat wondering how not everyone has already grasped that, gender ideology and the trans movement is just another way of men preventing women from being in communion with each other thus, further destroying their evil societal system known as the patriarchy. They knew we're too powerful. So, they got some men to dress up as us, reduce us to what their species thinks we are and bash us for trying to preserve our hard earned rights for ourselves. Typical male narcissism, wanting to keep every accomplishment to themselves.
A reminder that if we as Women want to progress, we need to bite back at the dogs.
We're not gonna progress by staying quiet
We're not gonna progress by submitting to men
We're not gonna progress by letting misogony into our lives
We're not gonna progress by letting men invade our spaces
Make posters, assemble protests, join protests, glue stickers on the lampposts,sign petitions, do something even if it's small. Every action counts, even by small actions we're letting other Women and Girls know to not back down and that we're here for them.
Oppression is over a millennium overdue, It is time to take action.
An Angel loses her wings Everytime a Woman belittles another Woman online for her beliefs which contradict her male worshipping, male centered life.
"He touches me in ways which makes me uncomfortable" Dump him
"He hates it when I talk to other men" Dump him
"He grows out his facial hair" Dump him
"He tries telling me what to do with my life" dump him
"He doesn't let me go out with my friends" Dump him
"He raises his voice at me" Dump him
"He makes me uncomfortable" dump him
"bu-" just fucking Dump him.
You as a Woman, have no right in telling adult men what to do, it's their lives and none of your business. Men are stubborn and won't listen anyways, they do respond though. With violence, Dump his insecure nonchalant porn sick unromantic ass and get on with your life. There's an infinite amount of things to do in this world and you're gonna spend it all on some moids? Please...
not anti porn in a "muh dick don't work no more" way or in a "these fucking whores are ruining this generation of good christian men" way but in a "i think women are human beings" way
Radfems, were just so fucking smart man. Our movement deserves a nobel prize instead we're threatened by moids on Tumblr and chronically online 12 year olds on tiktok 😭
If I gave you a box of chocolates and said 9 out of 10 were rotten, you wouldn’t call that a good box of chocolates would you? You wouldn’t say well there’s one good one so it must be a good box either.
"bihet" "Radfem/💍" "he's different" "I don't hate men" "shaving bcuz of sensory issues" "traditionalist Radfem" "they/them Radfem" ""radfem" but shes just h8ing on trans ppl" "transfemme" "kinda terfy"
Do you girls argue with WERMS online? Or do we just stay in our own communities, like I'm mad but I also don't want Dylan mulvaney to find my account,lmfao.
Replacing male centered language for you
Mankind- To be used for negative inventions
Womankind- To be used for positive inventions
Sex worker- prostituted woman, sex trafficking victim
Underage woman- child
Bitch- snake
Cunt- Rude
Slut- shameless
Whore- horrible
Bitchy- narsassistic
History- Herstory
TERF- Radical Feminist
Trans Woman- Trans identified male
non binary-gender non conforming Womyn/man
Virgin- She hasn't had sex before
Honour killing-Religiously charged femicide
Tantrum- Mantrum
Non consensual sex- Rape
SA - Sexual Assault (contrary to popular belief,you can write these words on tiktok instead of 🍇,SA, ect)
Revenge - Seeking out Justice
Incel - Rape apologist
Woman - Womyn
Beauty tok - Capitalist tok
Feminine - Graceful/Nurturing/Beautiful/Kind/Soft
Masculine - Rough/Aggressive/Red blooded
Gay Misogynist - Dick Me
Teen porn- Child rape videos
Hero- Shero
Motherfucker - Fatherfucker
Menstruation - Womenstruation
Son of a bitch - Son of a Scrub
I'm going to be updating this, suggestions are welcome.