Fuck The Patriarchy - Tumblr Posts
An Angel loses her wings Everytime a Woman belittles another Woman online for her beliefs which contradict her male worshipping, male centered life.
"He touches me in ways which makes me uncomfortable" Dump him
"He hates it when I talk to other men" Dump him
"He grows out his facial hair" Dump him
"He tries telling me what to do with my life" dump him
"He doesn't let me go out with my friends" Dump him
"He raises his voice at me" Dump him
"He makes me uncomfortable" dump him
"bu-" just fucking Dump him.
You as a Woman, have no right in telling adult men what to do, it's their lives and none of your business. Men are stubborn and won't listen anyways, they do respond though. With violence, Dump his insecure nonchalant porn sick unromantic ass and get on with your life. There's an infinite amount of things to do in this world and you're gonna spend it all on some moids? Please...
Actually shooting people can be a kink and can help with trauma from being shot. So if you try to kink shame. Your a disgusting bastard, fuckmoid. Have a terrible day WERM 😘
To daddy doms: Let’s not fixate on the other person for a second, you like to pretend your sex partner is your child? I see, no I get it. Hey, unrelated but could you take a good look at this for a second?
not anti porn in a "muh dick don't work no more" way or in a "these fucking whores are ruining this generation of good christian men" way but in a "i think women are human beings" way
Radfems, were just so fucking smart man. Our movement deserves a nobel prize instead we're threatened by moids on Tumblr and chronically online 12 year olds on tiktok 😭
If I gave you a box of chocolates and said 9 out of 10 were rotten, you wouldn’t call that a good box of chocolates would you? You wouldn’t say well there’s one good one so it must be a good box either.
I Have little to no idea how God was ever perceived as a man??
God created life, just like us women
God is merciful and just, just like our nature
She was thrown away with her ideas and had some pagan inspired deities replace her as. A way to spew terrorism. Just like our sisters had their ideas destroyed and replaced by their husbands and men's selfishness.
We need a Religious Deconstruction, Reconstruction and Revisionism movement, ASAP!!
"bihet" "Radfem/💍" "he's different" "I don't hate men" "shaving bcuz of sensory issues" "traditionalist Radfem" "they/them Radfem" ""radfem" but shes just h8ing on trans ppl" "transfemme" "kinda terfy"
Do you girls argue with WERMS online? Or do we just stay in our own communities, like I'm mad but I also don't want Dylan mulvaney to find my account,lmfao.
Replacing male centered language for you
Mankind- To be used for negative inventions
Womankind- To be used for positive inventions
Sex worker- prostituted woman, sex trafficking victim
Underage woman- child
Bitch- snake
Cunt- Rude
Slut- shameless
Whore- horrible
Bitchy- narsassistic
History- Herstory
TERF- Radical Feminist
Trans Woman- Trans identified male
non binary-gender non conforming Womyn/man
Virgin- She hasn't had sex before
Honour killing-Religiously charged femicide
Tantrum- Mantrum
Non consensual sex- Rape
SA - Sexual Assault (contrary to popular belief,you can write these words on tiktok instead of 🍇,SA, ect)
Revenge - Seeking out Justice
Incel - Rape apologist
Woman - Womyn
Beauty tok - Capitalist tok
Feminine - Graceful/Nurturing/Beautiful/Kind/Soft
Masculine - Rough/Aggressive/Red blooded
Gay Misogynist - Dick Me
Teen porn- Child rape videos
Hero- Shero
Motherfucker - Fatherfucker
Menstruation - Womenstruation
Son of a bitch - Son of a Scrub
I'm going to be updating this, suggestions are welcome.
Girls, send me some Tumblr arguments where there are already Feminists vs moids arguing, I get really nervous when doing it alone but I don't want to sit around and not do anything. Help is very much appreciated.
Dont you think, that if men cared so much about false rape allegations. That they would try to be a lot more careful around women? Not staring at them, Only asking for sex once instead of begging,making her feel guilty for rejecting him or nagging her until she unwillingly gives in? Stopping whenever she wants to matter how close, to orgasm he is? But they don't. Fear of a false rape allegation is just a reaction of guilt and fear of being caught. Moids have no heart.
The daughter of Cameroon's president has said she hopes that her coming out as a lesbian can help change the law banning same-sex relations in her country.
President's daughter hopes coming out will change anti-gay laws
Strange how there's a country dedicating a festival to penises, using the words "dick"and"cock" in everyday language is completely normal. And since 5th grade seeing kids draw them literally everywhere. But if you dare make anything artistic about a Vagina, you're a transphobic, disgusting, inappropriate shameless whore?
Something with paraphiles is that, consent is technically "important" to them but is usually treated as a little disclaimer you forget about right after.
During sex, both parties must be in total consent at all times, asking each other if they're ok even after sex.
This isn't the case within the Paraphilia community.
Consent for them, just means a two letter word, no matter the state of mind of the person, why they're doing it and no matter if any sort of coercion or manipulation happened in the process. I can guarantee you no Dom is asking his sub why they agreed to it because they simply do not care. It turns them on even more knowing that their rape fantasy is one step closer to becoming true, these people would rape a woman if they wouldn't get caught or it became legal. Well they are already doing it. My heart aches for the women in those communities. FBI gotta start tracking these paraphiles down.
I'm gonna assume most of these moids are from the US. If so can somebody PLEASE put up a petition to get these monsters behind bars? If I don't see any I'll do it myself.
Wow guys, men sexualizing and objectifying women sure is empowering! Just look at these if you don’t believe me!
TW: Rape, abuse, femicide, torture, pedophelia, racism and slurs, etc.
TW: Rape, dismemberment, femicide, racism, slurs, abuse, incest, pedophelia
Some of these subs and images have tens of thousands of subscribers and likes. This is not an isolated incident. I have thousands more of these screenshots, but I’m limited to ten on tumblr. Keep telling me how being the object and target of men’s sexual desires is empowering, how porn and BDSM aren’t directly related to misogyny and male violence against women.
Wanting to look at childism posts on Tumblr just for the poster to have TERFs kys and talking about how we need to lower the age of consent 😭
@radfemsiren did you not read it correctly? OP simply asked a question, there's no reason to get mad over this. As someone who's also been through abuse I can verify that the view of the general group in which a person is abused you may become distorted. If we want women and girls to join our community then we have to be ready to answer their questions. Trust me no feminist is for child abuse, were against misogyny no matter what they did. Prison is well deserved.
hi i love your content 🦚🦚🦚 i just wanted to ask since your blog name is "Liberate women and children" and its that does Radical Feminism include ALL women? Im asking this because im trying to get into it but i have been a victim of child abuse at the hands of my mother and so i wanted to know if it ncludes child abusers too, id like to know, tysm!! 🫶
Omg ur mom abused you? Well I guess patriarchy and female oppression don’t exist anymore , you got me 😔
Please let all other middle eastern women know too, sound the alarm! Afghani woman, Iranian women, Yemeni women… the oppressive regimes and systemic violence is over! Yay!! ☺️
The radfem feeling of seeing a girl making fun of herself for views 😔
Me when a Radfem sister tries shaming me for my beliefs but she's Het partnered, tirf, inconsiderate or a Zionist:
"X should have voted in 2016 if they didn't want this to happen!"
We did vote.
We won by millions of votes, we were the majority.
And yet, we lost, and a man who tried to overthrow the govt w/ a violent coup was able to appoint three judges who can serve undemocratically for life.
These are the things people would have rioted over in the past, and would have been seen as being on the right side of history.