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deja vu - kuroo tetsurou ft. Kenma genre: angst | notice: song fic | --- - where kuroo fell in love with someone to get deja vu of you. [ part 1 | part 2 ] other notes: this fic is heavily inspired by Olivia Rodrigo's deja vu ;) the playlist dedicated for this story. (< click here)
enjoy your meal!
You knew Kuroo and Kenma since the three of you are still young, you knew about their flaws and golden qualities but more importantly you became too fond of Kuroo and Kenma, on the other hand also knew that. He knew how your eyes linger a little longer when it comes to Kuroo, Kenma watched you feel enamoured while you watched Kuroo. Kenma watched you so much that he knew you loved Kuroo more than just a friend. Kenma, always watched you, trying to figure out if Kuroo feels the same with you.
To his luck, he watched Kuroo’s eyes watch every moment, every scenery whenever the bedhead is with you. Kenma also watched the first time Kuroo looked at you as if you’re the most fragile thing in the room. Kenma watched Kuroo and you fell in love with one another.
Kenma was always there with the both of you. Gosh, he can’t even get over the fact that he stayed up all night hearing Kuroo talk about you and you greeting him in the morning only to tell him about your dreams that you wish to achieve with Kuroo. The blonde already fed up with too much information to the point he just blurted out that you two should date.
Kenma watched his two best friend love each other, he watched the both of you trade jacket’s even your jacket actually doesn’t fit Kuroo, he watched you laugh at every Kuroo’s chemistry joke, he watched the both of you sing the songs in Pitch Perfect and Glee even though sometimes you two are out of tune, and he watched you and Kuroo brag to your friends that you finally found someone to keep and to hold for a lifetime. Kenma always wanted this to see Kuroo with a smile on his face and a joy creeping up your lips.
He also was one of the first persons who knew where the two of you went when you two ran away from town.
From Kuroo's perspective, he got everything in his arms and that was you. He can’t forget how thankful he is that there’s this person he is able to share his strawberry ice cream with. He felt at ease with you, he felt home with you. He also regretted that he never got to tell you that he loves you a lot sooner, but you assured him everything is fine.
At night when he holds you tight, your hair would fall in his arms as you both sway to Billy Joel’s Uptown Girl, and a Cheshire smirk in his face. And when the morning comes, you showed him your hiding spots, you showed him a place where it is peaceful, you showed him your safe place as Kuroo knew how your hands moved when you’re nervous, he watched you lips turn into smiles when you see him, he knew your mannerisms and jokes that always makes him laugh.
A small pond close to yours and his old school, that’s your favorite spot and now, also his. He would hold you close when he’s there with you playing soft songs that you and he knew, as he tells you that he loves you in between the chorus and verse.
He still remembers the night where he slept by your side while you tell him your dreams and hopes for the both of you. He still tastes the time when he heard you bragging to his friend that he is so unique.
Like from the beginning Kenma watched you two fall, he also the first one watched the both of you break.
Kenma watched Kuroo’s eyes leave yours whenever his new friend enters the room, Kenma watched Kuroo’s hand leaving yours and guiding the other person in the room. He watched Kuroo’s jacket on his friend too. Kenma watched the sweetness of strawberry ice cream start to get bitter. Kenma watched Kuroo leave you.
He watched Kuroo break you.
Who would’ve thought he would be here, watching Kuroo kneeling in front of someone he never really knew asking their hand in marriage, there Kenma sees your image in the pond next to your old school and his, there he watched Kuroo making another person that’s not you to be his. He watched Kuroo once again fall with someone, look at someone as if they are the most fragile thing in the world, he watched Kuroo trade jackets with someone, he watched Kuroo telling the jokes you used to tell him, he watched Kuroo fall in love with someone and fell out of love with you.
But among other things, one thing that Kenma cannot seem to unsee is whenever he sees Kuroo with that someone, he sees you, Kenma sees your mirroring image, doing the things you used to do with Kuroo.
Here he is now, staring at Kuroo, in a room where people are waiting for the groom to enter the room. Kenma watched his friend preparing for a marriage.
“Kuroo, when you enter the place where you will say ‘I do’, please be honest with me..” Kenma uttered a simple glimpse from Kuroo while Kuroo fixed his hair. “When you call her, do you almost say [Name]’s name?”
Cause they actually sound the same. “With everything you did with [Name], was [Name] just your type?”
Kenma argued and his voice got a little louder making Kuroo stand up and look at him firmly. “I bet you danced her with Uptown Girl, like you once did with [Name]!”
By now, Kuroo and Kenma had their first hardfist argument. At Kuroo’s wedding day.
“When are you gonna tell her that you and [Name] did that too?” He asked, making Kuroo bite his inner lip, Kenma walked closer to Kuroo and looked at his eyes. “..She might think it’s special but Kuroo, it’s all reused!”
Kenma watched tears coming out of Kuroo’s eyes as he looked away from Kuroo and stared at the empty wall behind Kuroo.
“I’ve watched you for a long time, Kuroo. And don’t act like you didn’t do things with [Name], like trading jackets? Singing along with Glee? Give me a break, Kuroo.” He sighed, while letting his hand ball into a fist meeting Kuroo’s face.
“Do you get Deja vu, when she’s with you?”
That was the last thing Kuroo ever heard from Kenma’s voice, as he left the room and entered his own wedding ceremony, there he saw your eyes when he walked on the aisle, he saw your eyes in the crowd and visioned himself next to you. He met your eyes in the crowd and he now realized, someone took your spot that should be yours.
A spot that was yours--supposed to be yours. He met your eyes, wishing he can turn back time. His eyes left you for a moment and you were gone. Kenma watched you leave the ceremony and when Kuroo reached the end of the aisle he met Kenma’s gaze and whispered.
“I do get Deja Vu of [Name], Kenma.”
At last Kenma watched Kuroo again as he breaks from the inside and as Kuroo wishing this was only a dream--a nightmare that he can wake up anytime.