Teutates Taranis - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

As soon as I saw this guy on screen, I knew I had to draw him.

As Soon As I Saw This Guy On Screen, I Knew I Had To Draw Him.

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9 months ago
"you're An Annihilator? Heh... Can You Annihilate My As-"
"you're An Annihilator? Heh... Can You Annihilate My As-"

"you're an annihilator? heh... can you annihilate my as-💥"

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8 months ago
Teutates: Do You Feel Or Not Feel Bonita?

Teutates: do you feel or not feel bonita?

Yog: hmm..... I feel bonita...

Teutates: wonderfull.... Because you are bonita....



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9 months ago

💀🥩Teutates Taranis ⛓️🩸

Teutates Taranis
Teutates Taranis

Welcome back joey jordison!!

Teutates Taranis

Blank version under cut!

Teutates Taranis
Teutates Taranis

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9 months ago

I do not submit myself to the idea that ALL of the nightmare counterparts are exact replicas of the normal neightbours (you can't tell me the Ah Puch is Teutates parent or sum..).

BUT! I DO think some share similar relationships:

Drugia and Xezbet are 1000% joined in (un)holy matrimony.

Barbatos and Exael aren't related but they have known each other for a long while. Basically brothers from another mother.

Lilith and Anazareth ARE sisters too... but from other mister.

Chaugnar and Nyogtha are married too. But they don't see each other often :(

Yog and Quachil are a weird case. He tried to make a ritual to summon god-knows-what (sponsored by Chaugnar 👍), it came out successfully wrong, and summoned Quachil instead. And now they are stuck in a sort of mascot/child situation?? Like yeah, Quachil seems really young and needs some guidance but she's also very much parrot-like??? Sometimes just seems to act like Yog's shadow.

Yan Luo and Orcus uuuhhhhhh... They love each other but is more carnal than anything??

Teutates and Ah Puch are roomates, a type of really twisted and psychopathic frat bros even.

Dagda and Izanami... is complicated. Both are roomates, yeah, but oh boy... does Dagda have the fattest crush on Izanami. She's just bewitching and beautiful to him. He wishes they could become something other than friends... Izanami on the other hand, is oblivious of this thing and "friendzones" him constantly.

But idk those are just thoughts...

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8 months ago
I Went Out To Annihilate Things

■▪︎■▪︎■▪︎■▪︎■I went out to annihilate things■▪︎■▪︎■▪︎■▪︎■

This is my first time doing an art spread! Still feeling inspired by TNMN, and I wanted to contribute to the fandom. There are several other characters I know I want to draw.

For Teutates, I was going for Death Metal meets Celtic thunder god (based on his namesake). I tried to give him Steven's nose shape but idk if I succeeded.

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7 months ago
I Just Can't Take Anything In TNMN Universe Seriously.
I Just Can't Take Anything In TNMN Universe Seriously.

I just can't take anything in TNMN universe seriously.

Btw. Ah Puch and Teutates has "toxic brothers/dad and his son kinda" dynamic. Though, Their relationship =/= their neighbor counterparts' relationship. I think Steven gets along well with his dad and loves him(So as Mclooy do) :)

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7 months ago

Teutates: *proceeds to scream sr. pelo style*

Teutates is so cute and funny in your style. Can we have some more content with him?

Sure! Another annihilation time, but...

Teutates Is So Cute And Funny In Your Style. Can We Have Some More Content With Him?
Teutates Is So Cute And Funny In Your Style. Can We Have Some More Content With Him?
Teutates Is So Cute And Funny In Your Style. Can We Have Some More Content With Him?

This time Ah Puch had enough with him. Cause nobody has the right to touch HIS bunny slippers!!!


Teutates Is So Cute And Funny In Your Style. Can We Have Some More Content With Him?
Teutates Is So Cute And Funny In Your Style. Can We Have Some More Content With Him?

Don't worry. Teutates is just "a bit" picky about compliments...

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6 months ago

TNMN Nightmare counterparts hcs potpurri

I could talk about them individually but this is just as hard as it is, so enjoy.

Xezbet Xerbeth: Zexbet and Chaugnar are best friends. Actually, Chaugnar was the one who presented Drugia to Xezbet. Yan Luo sometimes takes him on "missions" to let him feast on dying people's souls. (the last one isn't originally mine but I do not remember who posted it first. So, if you are there 1. manifest yourself 2. i hope you don't mind me adopting this hc)

Drugia Fleuretty: Her eyesight feels more like that one of a fly (mildly pixelated). She tends to not see her husband for long periods of time, she ends up missing Xezbet so much that she finds it hard to concentrate in her job. One time, she felt so out of place, instead of making her characteristic nightmares, ended up creating a more uhhhh... fanciful image of Xezbet instead. Izanami still reminds her of that.

Barbatos Barrabam: Excellent sense of smell, can smell you from farther than you probably imagine. This also makes him an undeniably picky eater with anything other than isn't meat, spicy food or potato chips. (He's a chicken nuggies kid frfr)

Exael Lanithro: Aside from being a jeweler, he's an skilled blacksmith. He made Yan Luo and Orcus a very special jewelry piece for their engagement (and eventual marriage ofc). Very eloquent in his manner of speech, uses fancy words at times. Tends to hang out with Teutates and Ah Puch.

Abducius Morail: Most of his piercings were made by Exael (although Exael particularily raises his prices on purpose for this freak and this freak only). He did... that, to his eyelids after a Britney Spears type of meltdown. Always carries eyedrops with him.

Lilith Lilitu Lilit: She is initially very snippy with people she doesn't know but eventually softens up and is actually really a treat to talk to. Sometimes curses her neighbors for the darndest reasons. A woman of leisure, above all, she has to be under strict vigilance (together with Ah Puch) so she doesn't go overboard. If she isn't sticking around to Anazareth she's stuck like glue to Barbatos.

Anazareth Anazarel: Unlike her sister, her personality remains stern and ominous through and through, mind you, if you do get to befriend her, she has your back. She and Chaugnar casually exchange goods for rituals. She is, by default, the designated sober friend whenever Lilith goes into party mode, and frankly, she's just so sick of all of that...

Chaugnar Faugn: The designated Only sane man™ (together with Quachil). He often helps Zoth with his rituals and he could become firends with Anazareth too if it wasn't beacuse she swindles the hell outta him. Loves Nyogtha to death but he's emotionally constipated, he compensates this by letting his actions speak for him (buying Nyogtha new tools, bringing her lunch when she's at work, etc.)

Nyogtha Z'mog: Sometimes her limbs detatch from her body. She tends to send electrical currents at times, the neighbors discovered this after they had a pool party and a couple of them got electrocuted. She loves Chaugnar, sometimes she wishes he would be more open with his affection, but she knows that she can't change that and that she is sure that Chaugnar loves her just as much.

Zoth Ommog: If he wasn't such a pervert he would be the nicest guy around, as Izanami puts it "he only forgives married/engaged people". Assists Chaugnar in his rituals a lot, Chaugnar does the same in return. Never turns down a favor, he is kind in his own way. Is VERY nearsighted (hence the squinty eyes), uses his tiny hands in case he really needs to see something up close.

Shub Niggurath: Cold blooded, literally, she can't survive in the cold due to her reptilian nature (a parallelism about how crops, plants and sometimes animal life die due to winter). Shub tends to seek for heat, so she tends to be a bit invasive about people's personal space. According to her: Barbatos, Drugia and Zoth are the warmest and feel the nicest. The rest just don't do much for her. She finds herself repelled to Orcus, Ishtar and Exael, they are just too cold for her! She treats her hair/snakes as pets.

Yog Sothoth: Quite distant of his neighbours, but never disdainful. Only became close now that Quachil is there. Speaking of Quachil, he summoned her after a failed ritual to summon something else. When he's on the hunt he often leaves Quachil with the others. Now with the huntings, he sometimes harasses Barbatos by following him around and pestering him; this has made Barbatos beat the crap out of him in many occassions before. There's a running gag of him lighting on fire when exposed to any source of direct light.

Quachil Uttaus: Doesn't remember much of her life before coming to the Astral Circle. She's basically a baby angel, yeah she's the same age as Anastacha but she's still way too young for an angel. Acts more like an annoying, snarky pet to Yog, he will still take care of her and everything, but god if Quachil doesn't get on his nerves sometimes. She LOVES shiny stuff, gold and jewelry in general, and often times she has been caught oogling at others' jewelry.

Yan Luo Wang Diyu: Stern, but often very self absorbed and forgetful (in contrast to Mia who is sweet and focused). She takes no pleasure in her job, it all simply is the way it is; she's vastly professional about it. Sometimes takes Zexbet with her so he can take the souls of those who are about to die. Nobody knows for sure where she found Orcus but they have been together ever since.

Orcus Dis Pater: Nobody knows were he came from or where did Yan Luo find him but nobody really wants (or dares) to ask. Most of his clothing is made of human flesh and parts (Think of Ed Gein). All of his external veins are really sensitive. In one moment, one of his veins got snagged in a door handle causing him great pain and prompting Yan Luo to change all door handles into ones that wouldn't harm him. There's a running gag of him getting into the darndest accidents possible.

Ishtar Ereskigal: Easily the nicest resident of the Astral Circle (Zoth comes second place). Like Orcus, she's somewhat fragile, her skin is really just waiting to peel off at any second. Shub and Ishtar are good friends and all of that but their needs raise a wall between them. Incredibly, she is a very clean person and keeps her pets in line so they don't overly-disturb the neighbors. Sometimes uses her rats as messengers.

Teutates Taranis: Excellent musician, but tends to annoy his neighbors with his loud and constant playing (not that he cares). His relationship with Ah Puch could be reduced to "Can't live with you. Can't live without you", a bit toxic tbh. Takes great pride and care of his hair, NOBODY is allowed to touch it, except for Quachil since she's gentle enough to play with it. Sometimes he even gives Yan Luo hair treatment to keep her hair beautiful and silky. Hangs out with Exael quite often.

Ah Puch Xilbalbá: Just like Teutates, he's a great musician, but isn't as serious about it as Teutates is. He can remove his mask but doesn't feel comfortable at all (a mixture of light sensivity plus a heavily scarred face). This man is built like a wrecking ball, solid, heavy and strong as shit; most likely has destroyed a lot of stuff just by throwing himself around. Just like Lilith, he's a man of leisure and tends to overkill it at parties, but obviously, he's far more destructive than Lilith. Hangs around Teutates and Exael, since their professions are really similar.

Dagda Crom Cruach: Like Nyogtha, he comes apart easily, maybe a little TOO easily. Him and Xezbet hang out and all of that but they don't seem to fully get along. He has a huge crush of Izanami but literally doesn't know how to act on it. He's one of those mofos who has WAAAAY TOO MUCH free time in their hands.

Izanami Yomi: She works along with Drugia and they get along pretty well but they can get petty at times. She has an inordinate amount of dirt about the rest of the entities in the Astral Circle. Bilingual, speaks english and japanese and has a very monotone voice (she probably sounds like this). Izanami is unaware about Dagda's crush on her.

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6 months ago
TNMN Tier List!

TNMN tier list!

The Nightmares Edition: Do they hate humans?

Explanations under the cut:

Would like to see humanity crumble to dust in the palm of their hands

Shub Niggurath and Xezbet Xerbeth: Is nothing personal, they would say. But if humanity disappeared tomorrow they would celebrate. Big time. You know what they said: The best moment was in the past and the second best one is TODAY. Mind you, according to Shub, she feels that Xezbet doesn't even try to work towards his goal because he thinks he already won.

Would like to see humans in agonizing pain

Abducius Morail and Teutates Taranis: Between the two, Teutates is certainly the most merciful, he kills quick and he kills en masse. Abducius on the other hand, likes to take his time and make sure people FEEL something. Basically, quality vs quantity.

Wouldn't kill (Unless they want to)

Exael Lanithro, Yan Luo Wang Diyu and Ah Puch Xilbalbá: Exael can certainly be... an experience, he always reassures to his victims that whatever he does is purely professional; when he's not torturing humans, you can hear his thoughts echo throughout the torture chamber, they can either be calming and interesting or the most disturbing shit you have ever heard. Only kills when he is bored with his victims, but he's usually quick with that one. Yan Luo is the same as Exael, whatever she does is purely professional, she doesn't meddle feelings, or at least she tries to; because there have been people in which she has taken their lives away from them because they had provoked her wrath. Ah Puch as being as rowdy and uncontrolled as he is, to him, what matters most in the art of bone breaking is who actually deserves it, which to him is most everyone tbh; with some people a broken arm is enough punishment while others need to have their skulls smashed.


Anazareth Anazarel, Chaugnar Faugn, Drugia Fleuretty, Izanami Yomi: Anazareth honestly couldn't care less about humans, but she does act like she's above them. Chaugnar holds nothing against humans, but his job goes above everything and his word is sacred. Drugia, more than evil, she's naughty, she just loves to mess with people, she doesn't hate anybody but to her, free entertainment is more important. Izanami is very lax and only targets certain people, if you aren't in her radar of victims, she simply doesn't give a shit about you.

Have some relation with humans

Quachil Uttaus, Yog Sothoth: Quachil is often the one that observes from afar but that doesn't mean she has never come in contact with the human realm, she's multidimensional and somewhat omnipresent after all. With that being said, she acts more vigilante than anything, and brings misfortune to anybody that she deems fit, yes, even people who have been previously spared from it. Yog has had the tendency to follow Barbatos around in his huntings and Barbatos, as to "make this guy useful for once" often uses him as bait to lure humans towards him. When he's not "working" with Barbatos, he often goes around terrorizing random people (kinda like Drugia) but when he needs to eat, he holds no barrens.

Interested in human life

Ishtar Ereskigal, Lilith Lilitu Lilit, Barbatos Barrabam: Ishtar is quite knowledgeable in human history and has extensively studied great historical plagues along the years; she knows where to hit humans. Lilith, being an undead and having previously lived among humans, she knows how do deal with them, what scares them what they like and how to approach them. Barbatos is pretty close to humans, as his job so dictates, so he had his fair share of experiences with humans; but he would be lying if he said that he has never given second chances to humans or listened and participated in their conversations.

LOVES Humans

Dagda Crom Cruach and Zoth Ommog: Dagda tends to hang around a lot in farm houses, the taller the grass/wheat/corn fireld, the better. He likes to see humans living their lives, even after being born from tragedy. Of course, he doesn't let himself get caught by people, the few times he has gotten caught, he terrifies everyone with no exception. Zoth is uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh... he likes humans, he thinks they are all just a bunch of funky little dudes and stuff. If you wanted to join and assist in any of his rituals, he would gladly let you participate (even if you were one of the preparations for the rituals); other than that, if he REALLY likes you, you might get extra priviledges around the Astral Circle or he might give you the praying mantis treatment, whatever he feels like doing.

Oscillates between two or more

Nyogtha Z'mog and Orcus Dis Pater: Their stories can't get more complicated™. Nyogtha being the victim of a particularily gruesome death when she was a human and after she was revived through very unethical methods, she was initially on the very top tier and was helbent on having humans die for once and for all. Eventually, the more she dealt with human graves, the more she was able to see herself in some of their deaths and helped her regain some humanity. With time, her hatred died down and is now more neutral towards humans. Orcus bears a really fluctuated view on humans, he switches from absolute undridled hatred to infautation on a whim, nobody is sure onto why he suffers from such changes, Chaugnar has speculated something regarding a past life but nobody knows for sure. Most of the the time he can be found in the "Have some relation with humans" tier.

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5 months ago
(oh God I Gotta Tag These Mfers Again Don't I?)

(oh god I gotta tag these mfers again don't I?)

Uuuuuhhhh pretty self explainatory board but I do got l o r e to share:


-Abducius and Exael share a relatively similar story of origin (almost the same as Pinhead, the character that Exael was based of). Unlike Abducius, Exael never came to terms or a developed a sense of enjoyment over what happened to him and what he does for a living.

-Izanami was the camarographer of a modeling agency. She used to be constantly abused by her peers due to her appearence. Was the victim of an accidental death. One day they went too far with their tasteless pranks and while these people didn't kill her immediately, she did die from he injuries and so she swore she would get them and make them look as ugly as they considered her.

-Yog used to be a normal, regular child with a human mother. That was until her mother was brutalized by a vampire. The vampire, seeing the child, decided to spare him by turning him into one of his kind. Of course, Yog doesn't remember any of this as he was just in that age of barely being able to speak. He has these mysterious glimpses and memories that he finds no explanation for.

-Lilith and Nyogtha were victims of murder by horde for different reasons. Nyogtha, was killed under suspicion of witchcraft/voodoo, she didn't only get killed but also got cut in many parts. To add insult to injury, her corpse got robbed by a scientist and was revived through unethical methods (as if exhuming and stealing her body wasn't bad enough), turning her into a flesh golem. Lilith does come from a lineage of witches, her mom is one. After being swindled and left in disgrace by an ex, she set herself on her mind to hex the guy (but didn't quite bring herself to do it). The guy started to experience bad luck and blamed it on Lilith. One day, while visiting her mother, along with Anazareth (they were already living in the apartment) a furious crowd came for her and her mother and the two got killed while Anazareth was out buying something. Anazareth, as a last resource, came to Yog and asked him to turn her into a vampire, which worked and now Lilith is a vampiress witch.

-Drugia used to be human a very, VERY long time ago, she was interested in the oniric world and the human mind, an intellectual that secretly feasted on these topics (secretly, because god forbid she, a lower class woman was ever literate). Eventually, she created a method that could allow her to really get into this metaphysical dream world, and it worked! It worked too well... She doesn't even remember when she started or stopped being a human, but that doesn't matter anymore, she trascended her body/humanity and was out of bounds with the human world, she could do whatever.


Ah Puch has a very human looking body, but then you realize that he is more solid and way more heavy than a human, this is why he's such brickwall. It doesn't affect him, more than it, it helps him with his job.

Teutates, aside from his sharp teeth, green-ish skin and generally reptiloid appearence he has a very normal human anatomy, at least externally.

Yan Luo can adopt almost any shape that she wants, but she sticks to the usual. Anatomically speaking, she's very much conventionally human, except for the fact that she is very light and solid (no organs, no bones, nothing).

Anazareth is half human half demon. Got her demon side from her father while her mother was a regular human. She is way stronger than the average human, has more stamina too. Also, needs less sustenance, she doesn't eat a lot or as often but a complete meal can keep her going for a long while and sleep is reduced.


Quachil is an angel but even then, the form she has now is not her final form.

Xezbet is a vague, evil entity that decided to steal the appearence of a medieval french monk during the 15th century.

Shub and Ishtar are corrupt godly figures more than anything, used to be nicer and ONLY caused famine/brought plagues when they were displeased or disrespected. Now, they just... do it because they can.

Chaugnar is a mysterious figure, an entity forgotten by time. Possibly came as a mockery to certain other figures throughout history, leading people astray with the premises of his cult and yet, humans still come to him.

Barbatos is a species of demon. Like Anazareth, displays superhuman strenght and stamina, but unlike her, he needs A LOT of food to keep going (since he burns it off constantly) and needs regular sleep.

Dagda is a scarecrow, a doll, looks vaguely human. Is only alive because of grieveous energy leftovers.


Orcus and Zoth... Both were speculated to be humans in the past but also, they don't truly possess any... indicatives that this might be the case. Maybe there could be a possibility Orcus was a human, but Zoth? They are blank, and Zoth doesn't even seem to remember much. Where could he come from?

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