Tf Rid15 Human Au - Tumblr Posts
Right!!! I loved the first and second one mostly cause they had harlequin in it!!!
Thanks again @mgarmagedon
Lol, I bet Optimus or one of the kids have to tell bee there bad news, but bee doesn't listen to he can hangout with whoever he wants to hang out with!!! Lol
I love!! Your TF art!!! Especially Bumblebee, and honestly, this Bumblebee looks like he could be friends with the suicide squad from DC. lol he looks like he makes friends with Captain Boomerang and deadshot, and it is not till later when he realizes he made friends with criminals
Oh my god!!!! Thank you so much @deadgirlrolling!!!!
You don't even know how much I'm appreciating it dearly and so thankful that you like it :DD

They would be great friends :DD
(besides when suicide squad came out i just got my edgy phase, because I was 12 and I LOVE IT XDDDDDDD)
Lol, I could not stop laughing. strong-arm would!!! She just trying to help him but bee likes his friends!!!
Also, I had a huge!!! Harley Quinn's phase: I could look around my room and find 7 Harley Quinn dolls or figures. If I could
I honestly feel like she would have gotten along fine with tfp Bee and tid bee
Bee: Their nice!!! And they don't mind that I've also been in jail!!!!
Strong-arm: Yeah, because you were in jail two!!!
Bee: That's not fair. I was put in there cause the system suck!!!
Strongarm: 🤦♀️
Lol, deadshot and boomerang are probably asking Amanda waller if bee can join the suicide squad 🤣 @mgarmagedon
I love!! Your TF art!!! Especially Bumblebee, and honestly, this Bumblebee looks like he could be friends with the suicide squad from DC. lol he looks like he makes friends with Captain Boomerang and deadshot, and it is not till later when he realizes he made friends with criminals
Oh my god!!!! Thank you so much @deadgirlrolling!!!!
You don't even know how much I'm appreciating it dearly and so thankful that you like it :DD

They would be great friends :DD
(besides when suicide squad came out i just got my edgy phase, because I was 12 and I LOVE IT XDDDDDDD)
Funniest thing I've seen all day
I love your human version of Bee 🙏

Omg!!! I can see it!!!!
Bumblebee, because Grimlock saw him firstly as a very very VERY close friend, to the state he understood that Bee flirts with him after a longer while. Bee was slowly losing hope that Grim won't even consider him as a possible partner, because he never could get that Bee is trying to get close with him. Maybe he isn't the fastest thinker in the area, but when he understood it, he fully felt in love with this yellow fucker.


I need to tell you that the same guy (Will Friedle) dubbed those hoes in english uwu
YES YES!!!! I love bee as starlord!!! @mgarmagedon
Lol, now I can imagine Ratchet or Optimus going he may have been your dad, but he wasn't your daddy!!! HA!!! Honestly
Yondo is kinda a combination of Ratchet and Optimus
- blue
-yells alot
-caring about bee
-Let's bee get away with things
And yes!!! The thought of bee challenging someone to a dance battle is so on point
Omg!!! Please talk about how bee is basically the transformers starlord it's mad me think and laugh alot
Joined a group at a young age or was raised by a group
Blue father figures
Huge dork
Loves music and dancing
It makes so much sense!!!
This is MY Star Lord uwu

And for sure Grim would be something between Gamora and Drax, because he is the big and stupid guy, but also Bee's husband XDD
Awwwwwww cute family moments!!!
Omg, and then does that mean he leaves the team to go do his own thing!!! Like in the last one cause I can see him making someone else the new leader and leaving 😭😭😭
Probably Sideswipe
Omg!!! Please talk about how bee is basically the transformers starlord it's mad me think and laugh alot
Joined a group at a young age or was raised by a group
Blue father figures
Huge dork
Loves music and dancing
It makes so much sense!!!
This is MY Star Lord uwu

And for sure Grim would be something between Gamora and Drax, because he is the big and stupid guy, but also Bee's husband XDD
Damm bee
Lately I was thinking about how Arcee would react to just see Bee next to her... she would kick his ass until he start to bleed. >:3c

And without text:

Okay now small explanation!
Basically while one of the Steeljaw and Bee's fights they were in the underground where was old Megan space bridge. Steeljaw activated it to go on Cybertron, Bee didn't want to let him do that so they immediately started to fight.
So they went through it while fight! Unfortunately his team didn't have time to cross the bridge, so be was completely alone, the same with Steeljaw.
They start fighting on a open street to the point they were just rolling around from exhaustion and pain. To the point that in the end be start beating him like a violent animal, to just make him pass out.
When Steeljaw finally stopped being a threat for a while, Bee just fell to the ground and start to loudly breathe and cough up blood.
After that he noticed a crowd of people starting to gather around them and from the rest of consciousnesses, he saw a shadow up on him yelling at him and truing to pick up.
And on the pictures you can see basically what happened after he woke up XDD Arcee beat him even more and started to express her anger and sadness!!!
Well, @mgarmagedon honestly, because it made sense to me, they both estranged from their families, especially in their adult hood and azula did some pretty messed up things and bee like I mean I basically did the same thing and ( this is azula after the show) their both ran away from the law and are currently on the run and when they were younger they were happy they had some family and they both had daddy issues
Azula: My dad is the worst man alive and I'm his favorite daughter
Bee: My dad died to make sure that the planet, but it feels more like he left us
If it's doesn't make sense, I'm sorry it just came as a thought last night!!! And idk why it made sense
They're both messed up and want someone who relates to sum it up
Heyyyy Beastie, I know this out of the blue, but I've been thinking and ngl your bumblebee would definitely be friends with azula from atla
Idk why I just feel like they would get along both in prime and robot in disguise
Also your recent art!! Was perfection!!! I felt so bad for arcee but I still for bad for bee!!!
It was absolutely chefs kiss 😫🤌 and it hit me right in the heart, and I might need to go see Ratchet because of that!!
Aww thank you so much @deadgirlrolling !!! 🫀🫀🫀
But in Ratchet's case they met on Earth (fast sketch ik), he almost killed be out of anger, after his happiness of seeing his son alive passed. XDD

And why with Azula? Wasn't she a bad bitch in bad way??? (sorry I'm not that into Avatar...) Can you explain why they would be besties???

He gorgeous

And sketch of him as human, because of yes :)

I mainly got inspired by his alt mode from bayverse mixed with his tfp alt mode

and because he is kinda rock dad I chosen to give him stickers all over.

Dangggggg poor girl
Dang why does his daughter hate him!!! You just won't give your bee a break lol

Story is quite short:
Basically he hooked with some guy while one of his drunk escapades, to the point that without their both full consciousness they chosen to have a kid... and they ended fulling protoform with their CNA :V
And in the next morning, Bee just runaway without knowing that he will soon have a child with random person he saw first and last time in his life.
Later this guy just put her in orphanage and left her there since beginning of her existing, so she only know that Bee is her father and doesn't know nor remember name of the second one.
So after the news all over Cybertron that Bee escaped illegally by using space bridge.
She chosen to break into the place of the 'crime' and check where he went with Strongarm and Sideswipe.
So she went on Earth to find him and kick his ass of leaving her just like that and she joined Steeljaw to do so.
As a funfact I can add her alt mode is motorcycle like her aunty uwu
And Bee has now break, having again so much adventures like in his youth is quite refreshing for him! Just... mistakes of his past are finally coming back to him XDD