Grimlock - Tumblr Posts
[ongoing visual revamp soon <3]
.....something just happened

Awww!!! I love so much this moment
A big voy playing catch 😭💗
Idk what to say about this but its funny

Scavengers sketch T3T
i love them so much

"After many, countless lost battles against Power Rangers, Lord Zedd and Rita have no choice but to unleash an ancient evil upon their enemies" -------------------------------------------- First/Next -------------------------------------------- Transformers, Grimlock, Power Rangers, Red Ranger belong to their rightful owners This digibash i guess belongs to me
Grimy and his adopted son.

Got Earthspark grimlock today

it is dangerous to go alone, take this.
Hello, fellow tumblr users!
if you have a drawing suggestion, like from TFP, G1, RB, RID2015, or TFA, I'd be happy to draw it! I have artblock right now so if you have any ideas you can message me directly or do an ask!
POV : Sanemi givings warnings to Tanjirou for keeping his demon sister before judging Tanjirou's friends

Based on a TF RID comic panel because it reminds me of them

Rescue Bots Academy headcanons (with a touch of angst)
Hotshot has a (rather poorly) hidden inferiority complex
Heatwave unintentionally adopted Hotshot
Neither has any idea how it happened, Hotshot just became Heatwave's son one day
Blurr has visited the Academy at some point, and he was both glad and upset at how Heatwave has changed
On the one hand, he's happy the recruits and especially Hotshot are getting a good mentor,
But on the other, he's upset that he never got that version of Heatwave, and sometimes he wonders if it's his own fault
Grimlock treats Dinomode Hoist like a dog treats its puppy
Hoist has been scruffed on several occasions
Medix loves bats
Even before the incident with Mr. Flappy, he collected books about bats and loved watching documentaries about them
Autistic Medix, Wedge, and Hoist
ADHD Whirl and Hotshot
None of the recruits have any idea their teachers (except Heatwave) have more than one alt mode
Whirl is a scraplet colony, specifically the one Whirl Sr. Adopted in MTMTE
Whirl Jr. aroace
Colonies of metal-eating pests don't have much interest in romance, as it turns out
Ratchet changed for the better when he found out about Medix
While he is no longer afraid of dinobots, Hoist still finds actual dinosaurs a bit unnerving
This probably has to do with them being organic
While training to use a hose, Hotshot nearly passed out. Several times.
While bats are his favorite, Medix loves most types of animals
The only exception to this is deep-sea creatures
He does not understand them and he does not want to understand them
Wedge has had a brother
The way Medix's family found out he could magnetize was by finding him on the ceiling
Whirl Jr, in her most basic state, looks like a bot-shaped scraplet, with a silver body, solid blue optics, and thin limbs
A lot of bots find this appearance unnerving
Transformers Art Dump!
Over the last 2 months or so, I binge watched all of the live action movies and the aligned continuity shows! Here’s what I’ve made while watching

@tf4ever lol loved it and if i not to much to ask can I see team prime to first meeting steeljaw , you know who like him who didn't but as always keep up the good work 👍 👏
Hey you should do more of the bumblebee and steeljaw family please I really like them and I honestly have a lot of headcanon like maybe steeljaw like to hit on bee and bee hates it but doesn't want to make a seen in front of the kids so he just deals with it lol but grandpa Optimus will step in sometimes lol
Tbh I didn't expect people to actually see this as a family au plot if that's what you wanna call it.
During Family events:
@deadgirlrolling had a headcanon that durring family reunions and such, Bumblebee will bring a friend or coworker to help him out with the shitshow. Steeljaw being the jealous ex husband will usually try to make out with BB and act like a bitch to his friend, almost always because he's drunk. So they're divorced, but Steeljaw is still embarrassingly possesive. Often it involves OP or Thunderhoof trying to force or drag him off poor Bumblebee.
Drift and Fracture argue over how their kids behave. Like they'll argue about how the other should parent or who's kids are better. Usually Fracture will piss him off by trying malk him or show off how well he's living compared to Drift.
Strongarm and Sideswipe aren't too excited over their "siblings" and durring these catastrophic family gatherings Strongarm usually just reads or studies, anything with books or an excuse to get away from the hell hole. Sides on the other hand would totally start rivalry groups, clans, whatever you wanna call it.
Grimlock and Underbite are no different then in the show. The fighting, the stupidity definitely shows especially when their drunk. Grimlock will get involved in conversations he doesn't understand a lot and he just gets confused.
Underbite you can always count on to get drunk regardless. Usually he's the reason everybody knows if sideswipe spiked the punch or not cause he'll eat and drink anything on display.
(Thats all I have time for but feel free to request more! And please don't feel like you have to request anything if you don't want to or can't. )
Hot Rod makes up an excuse to bail on his friends because he’s often sidelined and he feels like he's the third wheel of the friendship group.
(Bee & Windblade & Arcee & Grimlock)
Hot Rod feels lonely and goes for a drive. Soundwave invites Hot Rod over to hang out with him and Shadow Striker. They decide to go out to the club. Hot Rod is having a fun time with Soundwave and Shadow Striker; until they run into Hot Rod's friends.
Hot Rod’s friends get upset/mad at Hot Rod because they can’t understand why Hot Rod lied to them and prefers the company of Soundwave and Shadow Striker over them.
Thanks :)
I don’t mind if this goes on AO3
"Hot Rod? We're planning on hanging out today, do you want to join?"
He thought about it for a moment. He didn't have anything planned today but he also didn't want to go.
"No sorry I'm busy."
He lied.
"Are you sure? We never see you anymore."
"You saw me two weeks ago."
"We used to see you all the time. You should come with us. We can find you a date if that's what you're worried about."
Feeling embarrassed he refused again feeling slightly called out. As much as he enjoyed hanging out with his friends. He always felt like the third wheel.
"Maybe some other time."
"Are you absolutely sure you can't come? What are you doing anyway?"
"I'm working. There's a lot of neutrals arriving and paperwork that needs sorting."
His friends sighed in annoyance.
"Always working, you're turning into Prowl."
"We should start calling you that."
Feeling uncomfortable he wanted this conversation to end.
"I'm hanging up now. I have work that needs to be done."
"You do that Prowl. We'll have a fun time without you."
"Okay bye."
He hung up relaxing into his couch with a sigh. He loved his friends, but he didn't feel like being ignored all night or expected to find a date, if he didn't want things to be awkward.
He tried watching one of his favorite shows but he wasn't in the mood. After talking to his friends he was reminded of how lonely he was. It seemed like everyone was getting together and he was falling behind.
Looking around his apartment he stood up wanting to leave. It no longer felt welcoming. It was too big and too quiet without anyone to fill the space.
He was so lonely and he wished he could find someone, but no one ever seemed interested in him. They found him too loud, too annoying and just too much in general. Only using him for a quick frag and then leaving him right after. Not even bothering to stay and cuddle which destroyed him every time and made him feel like he was nothing more than shareware.
Going for a drive. He didn't have a destination in mind as he let his mind wander taking him wherever.
He recieved a message from Soundwave asking if he wanted to hangout. He thought about it for a moment. Debating what to say. He didn't want to be alone right now and agreed to meet up with him.
When he got to Soundwave's apartment. He felt nervous when he realized Shadow Striker was also there. They hadn't talked much by that point and he was worried about being a third wheel again. Before he could back out Soundwave pulled him inside.
Feeling uncomfortable he glanced at Shadow Striker, while sitting on the couch. Soundwave sat next to him and wrapped an arm around him. He looked at him in surprise and the Decepticon shrugged.
At first it was awkward but as time passed. He found himself having fun. They had a lot more in common then he realized and they didn't make him feel left out.
He slowly relaxed into Soundwave's arms. The two cuddling together. He didn't even realize how close they were. Until Shadow Striker smirked. Giving them a pointed look.
He blushed feeling embarrassed and went to move away. When Soundwave pulled him closer. His spark speed up and his entire face felt like it was on fire. Soundwave absentmindedly stroked his back and he barely suppressed a moan.
Cuddling against him felt so good and he didn't even realize how touch starved he was until now. They continued hanging out. Talking about movies they've watched and music they've listened to. Soundwave would occasionally play whatever song they were talking about.
They were having so much fun. He didn't even think to say no when they invited him to the club. Forgetting why that might be a bad idea.
The three of them were having a fun time at the club. Shadow Striker went to flirt at the bar. She left them with a wink telling them not to get too frisky. He blushed and Soundwave ignored her.
He pulled him closer his large hands wrapped around his waist as they danced. The two of them were so close and he admired the way the clubs lights bounced off Soundwave's plating. All around them people were dancing but he barely noticed. All his attention was on Soundwave who somehow pulled him closer. He leaned down and he felt his spark skip a beat. They were about to kiss when he was startled by his friends calling his name.
He turned around confused when he suddenly remembered his lie from earlier. He cringed, planning on explaining himself. When they gave him a hurt look. Realizing he lied to them and wanting to know why.
They began grilling him. Wanting to know why he didn't want to hang out with them and why he lied. He didn't even get the chance to explain himself.
They kept asking him questions about why he was hanging out with Soundwave and Shadow Striker instead of his friends. He began feeling overwhelmed and wanted to leave.
His friends were making him feel like he was a horrible person and bad friend because he chose to hang out with someone else. They refused to listen to him or even let him speak.
He was about to run away. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed when Soundwave and Shadow Striker both stepped in. Telling them it wasn't their business and they were the ones always making him feel left out.
Soundwave noticing him having a panic attack. Took him out of the club where he started to cry, feeling overwhelmed and guilty for lying to his friends.
He should have gone with them and just sucked it up. Now he felt like a horrible friend. Who betrayed their trust. Soundwave pulled him into a hug reassuring him that he wasn't a bad friend and that he deserved to be happy and hang out with people who made him feel special.
Feeling exhausted he wanted to go home. Soundwave walked him home and when he got there, he collapsed into bed falling asleep immediately.
Soundwave tucked him in and put some energon by his beside table. Along with some medicine for the headache he'd have the next day.
He went to leave when he grabbed him. Soundwave gave him a confused look realizing he was still asleep. He tried to remove his hand when he pulled him into bed. Before Soundwave could react he cuddled against him with a sigh. His arms and legs wrapped around him, leaving Soundwave trapped.
Accepting his fate. The Decepticon pulled him closer and the two fell asleep cuddled together.
Omg!!! I can see it!!!!
Bumblebee, because Grimlock saw him firstly as a very very VERY close friend, to the state he understood that Bee flirts with him after a longer while. Bee was slowly losing hope that Grim won't even consider him as a possible partner, because he never could get that Bee is trying to get close with him. Maybe he isn't the fastest thinker in the area, but when he understood it, he fully felt in love with this yellow fucker.


I need to tell you that the same guy (Will Friedle) dubbed those hoes in english uwu