Grim - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Nice. Would have also called them Gromit and Skippy.

Day 7

day 7

posters alone

Day 7
Day 7

fun fact - these are (technically?) their canon full names. the voice actors for the German dub of SF are credited under these names. no idea if this was something cut from the original and accidentally added or something the German creditors just made up for fun.

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7 months ago

Edited from my threads post (not extremely serious but feel free to read): You know when Zach Hadel says "cry about it"? Well actually, I wish I fucking could my dude. Lithium is one hell of a drug. And I wish for a great cry.

Edit for Tumblr:


And for that matter... Can we talk about how many of us liking smiling friends are or were sjws to an extent? Like I know I even get some fatigue with that. Like yeah, not everyone who's female is a woman, not everyone who's male is a man, yeah. Nonbinary people exist. But I don't actually have many comment on whether or not Smiling Friends is a problematic show. Sure, they do a lot of tongue in cheek humor that just rubs me the wrong way sometimes. Especially season 1. I don't think adult swim is going to take it off the air anytime soon. The point of great humor is not for shock value alone, it has got to make sense. Like enchanted forest episode for example. The sexual/romantic tension between Mip and Charlie is real for sure. Don't get me wrong, Mip was a terrible being. But was it because he's gay, or just being a stalker creepazoid? I'd like to think the later. Being a creep. But I know that they said in the dvd commentary that Charlie loves Pim, because he saw Pim in Mip? Okay? But then, why not just have Charlie being with Pim? Unless that's a later plot point in season 3 or even onward. But let's talk about that scene again. Even if Mip and Charlie are flirting seriously, this can also be seen as funny at the same time too. I'm not sure what it is about it? Maybe the settup leading up to it? Hard to say. But maybe because this scene is supposed to be serious... And just IS funny BECAUSE it is serious... Idk maybe that's just part of the charm in these jokes.

Another thing is Frowning Friends. I love their dynamic so much. They proudly declare their love to each other. And this could be seen as platonic too, but I may think otherwise. Then at the end, Grim declares how he wants to "eradicate all Puerto Ricans from the planet"... Woah. Ffs like it did get me a small chuckle but like WTF. Dude, even after processing that, Mr Boss tries to kill Grim and he strongly expressed how he doesn't want to die. This causes confusion among the audience and then Mr Boss tells Grim how he made him jealous. Grim and Gnarly smile and start dancing. And then the kicker. They get shot with arrows by the Renaissance men, Mr Boss unharmed. Now, I don't know if I must reiterate my point again but ... Were they killed because they could possibly be gay? Or we're they killed because they were obviously Nazis and terrible people?? Am I just supposed to pretend like I'm not seeing a pattern here? Gay and awful people deserve death, yes. But just being gay isn't an issue. I feel like this just put smoke into my head but into a good sort of way somehow. Idk i don't think I'll do posts like this all the time but feel free to reblog or comment anything you feel needs to be added. Idk what I'll tag this as yet lol.

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2 years ago
What A Way To Squash A Two Year Art Block. My Goodness. Anyways, I Dont Really Feel Like Trying To Explain
What A Way To Squash A Two Year Art Block. My Goodness. Anyways, I Dont Really Feel Like Trying To Explain

What a way to squash a two year art block. My goodness. Anyways, I don’t really feel like trying to explain what’s going on in this scene. A writer could do a better job of that.

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1 year ago

some friendship bracelets i made last-minute as an accessory for my epel cosplay for otakon!

Some Friendship Bracelets I Made Last-minute As An Accessory For My Epel Cosplay For Otakon!

ace + deuce:

- scarlet/blue/red/navy

- thick stripes

-it took them at least three tries to make (previous attempts ended up in flames)

- there was definitely magic cheating involved


- green/lime/pink

- simple braid

- the pink is for the roses of briar valley

- he thinks braids are more elegant/sophisticated than knotted bracelets


- yellow/brown/cream

- “chinese staircase” pattern

- it’s a more common bracelet style in the shaftlands + sunset savannah

- epel likes it cause it’s savanaclaw colors

vil + rook:

- purple/lavender/gold/black

- thin stripes

- vil saw the first-years making bracelets and wanted to make one for epel too

- rook made the actual bracelet since skill in tying ropes apparently translates to bracelet-making somehow?

yuu + grim (+ ortho):

- white/blue/black

- chevrons

- grim didn’t really do much but insisted it was from him too since yuu is his henchman

- ortho doesn’t have the most dexterous fingers (robot) so he mostly helped keep people on their patterns and measured thread

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1 year ago

Made more memes based on recent posts I've seen on Tumblr

Made More Memes Based On Recent Posts I've Seen On Tumblr
Made More Memes Based On Recent Posts I've Seen On Tumblr
Made More Memes Based On Recent Posts I've Seen On Tumblr
Made More Memes Based On Recent Posts I've Seen On Tumblr

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4 years ago
Drawing For @crazyyanderefangirlfan

Drawing for @crazyyanderefangirlfan

Just Grim being an adorable little gremlin.

Thanks again for requesting!

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1 year ago

Do you think we could get ether version of your Sonic AU Grim in his new platinum jacket?

yyyyuuup 🗣 (meant to get to this sooner lol)

Do You Think We Could Get Ether Version Of Your Sonic AU Grim In His New Platinum Jacket?

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1 year ago
Ive Been Drawing Twisted Wonderland Stuff Because @lettucebee17 Gave Me Brainworms () So Yall Have To

ive been drawing twisted wonderland stuff because @lettucebee17 gave me brainworms (🧠🪱) so y’all have to deal with it too. this is Rook, my favorite french freak, but specifically from THIS summer camp AU. I just think it’s funny if he caught a jackalope and everyone wants him to please put it back would you so kindly.

also woe, cat be upon ye. my Boy.

Ive Been Drawing Twisted Wonderland Stuff Because @lettucebee17 Gave Me Brainworms () So Yall Have To
General Information: Night Raven Camp is a 9 week summer camp that runs through the whole summer, accepting campers from age 16 to 18. Crow

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5 years ago

L'appel Du Vide

L'appel Du Vide

He staggered from one pillar to another hoping that one of them would share his pain.

He walked through his school corridor meeting the judgemental glares of his fellow peers.

He passed by a class and saw a girl getting yelled at by her teacher. The teacher not knowing the pain the young girl goes through continues to batter her with harsh words.

He resumed walking, he realized that this place will never let him fail. No matter how hard things are ,this place will always remind how much he messed up, how he disappoints everyone and how he'll never live up to anyone's expectations.

The cold realization struck him when he found himself on the top floor of the school.

The cold air brushing his face with unkindness. He looks down and marvels how no one knows that he's up here, how no one knows who he is.

He's tempted to take the fall.

He wonders if he will do this will things change?

He wonders if he will do this will people finally realize and stop someone else from making a decision like this?

He truly wonders.

He sheds his jacket wanting to feel the coldness of the evening.

Wanting to be free of any warmth.

But at the same time he wants to be saved

He wants to be warm.

He understands that will never happen.

He knows that he will never experience a mother's love or a friend's trust.

After all who is he?

No one

And that's when he gives in to his temptation.

The earth capturing him in a trance and welcoming him with open arms.

In the few seconds of his flight he hoped that someone would catch him.

Someone would pacify his trembling heart.

But he knows truly that it will not happen.

And gladly welcomes the blackness that will keep him safe from the coldness of this world.

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8 months ago

Grim being Jamils savior and pain in the ass is so funny to me, one minute he’s showing Jamil a bug he found and the next he’s eating it. Jamil doesn’t know if he should scream or thank grim.

He might scream a bunch at first but-

Grim Being Jamils Savior And Pain In The Ass Is So Funny To Me, One Minute Hes Showing Jamil A Bug He

-at least Grim CAN catch bugs in tricky places where Kalim can't reach. Grim just gotta agree to it first.

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8 months ago
@nemiisnemisis My Friend, Leona Also Got Rickrolled That Night. He Went From Being Blissfully Unaware
@nemiisnemisis My Friend, Leona Also Got Rickrolled That Night. He Went From Being Blissfully Unaware

@nemiisnemisis My friend, Leona also got rickrolled that night. He went from being blissfully unaware to having all the cursed/meme songs stuck in his head for days!

Leona: Heeey... sexy lady. Oppan gangnam style
This Is How Chapter 3 Went And You Can't Convince Me Otherwise.
This Is How Chapter 3 Went And You Can't Convince Me Otherwise.
This Is How Chapter 3 Went And You Can't Convince Me Otherwise.
This Is How Chapter 3 Went And You Can't Convince Me Otherwise.

This is how chapter 3 went and you can't convince me otherwise.

This Is How Chapter 3 Went And You Can't Convince Me Otherwise.

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7 months ago

Hi~ Just doing a quick post for easier navigation.

Hi~ Just Doing A Quick Post For Easier Navigation.

(Fox boy belongs to @the-fab-fox)

General indications

Requests, Asks, and DMs : Always open, don't hesitate to come chat. I can't promise fast answers since I'm a mess, but I will check everything out in due time! If I can't do a request for whichever reason, you will be told.

Obviously do be polite and kind thanks. I don't plan to remove the Anonymous option since I know how stressful it can be to start a discussion with someone so don't abuse it. I'm too old and tired to bother with fights so I block and delete easily.

Warnings : There shouldn't be any NSFW in here (or very limited slightly suggestive stuff, at worst) but there might be spoilers. I try to keep them to a minimum but still. They are all tagged "SPOILERS" just in case.

Also please don't actively spoil stories to me lol. I keep myself updated on the big lines, but I usually wait for the ENG release to look for details! (I don't mind card visuals spoilers tho)

Commissions : I do take commissions. I do both fanart and original ideas. No NSFW or full render color (please gods no). Strike me in DMs for more information.

Navigation links

I'm also rambling there

Secondary blog (for non-fandom reblogs)

My stuff

Art tag (mello's drawings)

Step by step tuto and art tips


Asks answers

N2 Squad (Leona/Vil/Jamil)

Overblot!N2 Squad AU

Future!N2 Squad

Look Upon The Light (fic and art collab with @aria-faye) (art in the post's reblogs)

Ashenviper (Azul/Jamil)

Wings!AU (Jamil/Kalim) (Mature/Bloody content, please mind the tags!)


OCs nonsense




Twisted Stories


All the Twisted Wonderland content

My favorites

Reblogs (for fandom reblogs)

Media analysis



Fic Recommandations


I dont read angry asks/threats, and I especially don't answer to them. If you hate the ships I draw:

-you can block the tags (they're all tagged with either #leojami or #n2 squad, oftentimes both) or

-you can block me completely (so you don't see my stuff and I don't see yours)

I promise it'll be a thousand times more effective than trying to get a fight out of me 👍

-with love

-~•°☆ You can support me on Ko-Fi ☆°•~-

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