That Dream Was Cool But It Also Sucked - Tumblr Posts
I had a dream about the future androids it was interesting. Spoilers I guess for Scream 6 also even though it was also in the first trailer.
But I had a nightmare about being chased in an abandoned grocery store as my oc (which is surprising my own mind was able to dream about my oc) I was chased by the future androids 17 and 18 and I guess the store part had came from scream 6 I guess with the whole hiding from the killer in a store but I watched that movie like 2 weeks ago already but I guess I still had it on the back of mind, while I was thinking about dragon ball. I kept waking up too and that's literally one of the only few dreams I had in my life where I would actually go back into the dream and finish where I left but I really wanted to keep waking up cause I started being chased by them down a hall or something and it legit scared me enough to try and wake up.