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This Fic Said Living Shadows And I Went Absolutely FERAL. (darkfic! Mind The Tags)
This Fic Said Living Shadows And I Went Absolutely FERAL. (darkfic! Mind The Tags)
This Fic Said Living Shadows And I Went Absolutely FERAL. (darkfic! Mind The Tags)

This fic said “living shadows” and I went absolutely FERAL. (darkfic! mind the tags)

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Hello everyone, this is Lyn. Although this will certainly not interest anyone.

here's why I was away and didn't post.

Lately I've been feeling kind of weird, lately I've hardly been sleeping at all. I sleep like 2-4 hours a day. And my problems with my knees are back, but even worse than they were… it's fair to say that I'm probably losing my mind :D. I don't eat at all and for some reason I don't feel like eating, I don't sleep and I have no rest from the pain in my knees and legs.

To put it in my own words, I feel like the living dead, surviving on caffeine, RC coke and one other thing I'd rather not mention.

But I'm fine, I'll post as soon as I have time or rather peace. AND OFC DONT WORRY IM FINE, im seeing doctor in few days..

So long, Noobs. -Lynz0washer

(yes for some reason im listening MJ AND YOU WILL LISTEN HIS SONGS TOO...for some reason..bcs annie isnt ok..rn.. XD)

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