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It’s been four days and I’m getting worse help 😭
All I want in life is for David Rossi to call me kiddo
I’m watching the ep where Reid is stuck in Garcia’s office (bc he got shot) and they are both so competitive 😭
Morgan : Rules are made to be broken.
Hotch: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Spencer: Uh, piñatas.
Emily: Glow sticks.
Rossi: Karate boards.
JJ: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Morgan : Rules.
The BAU 🤝 having daddy issues

{I'm sorry it's been bothering me forever I had to get it out}
Henry in 7x24, "Run", has allowed me to see why people have children. Like, I strongly dislike loud annoying kids, but holy moly that little one is so cute I think I'll cry

the og thought son

Stand by Me Headcanons

Warnings: mentions of sexual abuse, child abuse, and trafficking.
I really do have too many ideas in my head and not enough time to write full stories for them all. So here’s another oc I made awhile back. For Criminal Minds. Of course this is again platonic.
This little girl was born in Grants, New Mexico. However at two weeks her mother disappeared and her father moved them to Harbor Springs, Maine to be closer to “friends.”
Her father is in no way a good person.
By age two she was sleeping on the floor in the basement with a series of other children. She was always the youngest and only girl.
Wondering why the other children got taken when new people came around.
Despite the circumstances the boy actually are very protective of the little girl as protective as they can be.
She develops a brother sister relationship with most of the boys.
They can’t protect her forever.
At age three she’s violated for the first time by a pair of her father’s “friends.”
This leads to a more within drawn personality, trust issues, and dissociative behavior amongst other things.
Develops a type of Androphobia. A fear of men.
Being less affectionate and trustful to the boys in the basement though they’ve done nothing wrong.
At age four her father and the guys face some heat for their trafficking ring and decide to get out of dodge.
Amid the chaos another child helps her escape. While she does get far enough to hide in a ditch by the road. The older boy isn’t as lucky.
She’s found by a nice couple and brought into the Police Department.
Complete emotional detachment and dissociative behaviour.
When the department discovers she was one of the trafficked children. Guess who they call to help find the others?
The Behavioural Analysis Unit.
Derek, Spencer, Rossi being the team tasked with investigating the area you were found.
First meeting J.J. as the Hotch suspects the child would be more open to an interview done by her.
She’s not here for it. She just sits in her chair.
Derek, Spencer, Rossi don’t find much, however they find the other child’s hoodie with a name on the tag. ‘Daniel’.
They return to the department to regroup and rethink their approach.
Hotch asks Spence for his opinion on the little girl.
When Spence meets the child for the first time he recognises her stance, and behaviour as dissociative.
He gets some ice cubes.
The child slowly comes back too, immediately bursting in to tears in response to her proximity to Spencer and Hotch.
She attaches herself to J.J., however she still refuses to speak.
Coloring pictures that unintentionally help with case.
Being curious about the man who gave her ice cubes.