The Double - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Sweetheart, We All Know You Want Her To Step On You!

Sweetheart, we all know you want her to step on you!

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9 months ago

Duke Su:

Duke Su:

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9 months ago
I Knew There Was Something Between Them.
I Knew There Was Something Between Them.
I Knew There Was Something Between Them.
I Knew There Was Something Between Them.

I knew there was something between them.

THE DOUBLE 墨雨云间 (2024)

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9 months ago

Meanwhile, in Episode 23 of The Double, Lady Jiang:

Meanwhile, In Episode 23 Of The Double, Lady Jiang:

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9 months ago

wait wait wait.

you mean to tell me that the Princess wants to use the Royal Diviner to basically say Jiang Li is evil as a way to kill her and got the step mom involved. Except the Royal Diviner is the ex lover of the step mom who was disfigured by the step mom's dad. And then when he came to see the step mom after she was married, she had one last bang then SET HIM ON FIRE to kill him?

This is the guy who is the key to the Princess' and step mom's plan?

Wait Wait Wait.

Like I don't know where this will go, but at the moment it's really funny to me. It has disaster written all over it and is gloriously extra.

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9 months ago

Duke Su has seen countless plays in his life, only to find out his all-time favourite performance is Li lounging in his private parlour.

Duke Su Has Seen Countless Plays In His Life, Only To Find Out His All-time Favourite Performance Is
Duke Su Has Seen Countless Plays In His Life, Only To Find Out His All-time Favourite Performance Is
Duke Su Has Seen Countless Plays In His Life, Only To Find Out His All-time Favourite Performance Is
Duke Su Has Seen Countless Plays In His Life, Only To Find Out His All-time Favourite Performance Is

He admires her as if she were a priceless art piece; and leave it to Xiao Heng, a true connoisseur of art, to recognise a masterpiece when he sees one.

Duke Su Has Seen Countless Plays In His Life, Only To Find Out His All-time Favourite Performance Is
Duke Su Has Seen Countless Plays In His Life, Only To Find Out His All-time Favourite Performance Is
Duke Su Has Seen Countless Plays In His Life, Only To Find Out His All-time Favourite Performance Is
Duke Su Has Seen Countless Plays In His Life, Only To Find Out His All-time Favourite Performance Is

The whole scene feels so intimate and, with that seeping light and light breeze, looks like a painting; also the the fact, that he offer her his private quarters to sleep while he is unabashedly drinking her in the whole time, even after she opens her eyes.

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9 months ago

The Double (Ep. 26): A place to rest your head

"Everywhere else is not comfortable, but the place you picked sure is not bad."

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

Can we just take a moment to gush about THIS scene?

There's so much going on here and it's equal parts delicious and beautiful. Look, the writers and director of The Double don't always get it right, but when they do? Perfection. Fangfei and the Duke might now be one of my fave OTPs ever.

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head
The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head
The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head
The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

I've said this before but one of my favorite elements of The Double's storytelling is its use of extended metaphor, particularly its use of theater to represent Duke Su's character. Not only does he put on a good show but he also appreciates one. And Fangfei looks like a piece of art he can't help but admire.

Look at how lovingly the camera glides over her to represent his gaze. He could stare at her for hours and never grow bored. It's sexy but also incredibly intimate, especially since there's nothing really else in the frame but their faces. Both might say they lack a home, but it seems like they've been able to carve out a space for only the two of them just fine.

(See all those window and doorway frames within frames--they’re like a cocoon, protecting them from the outside world.)

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head
The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

But unlike Rapist Zhou, Duke Su doesn't want to conquer and possess Fangfei like an object, and you can immediately see him repressing the rage he feels at seeing her bruises in the close-up edit that lasts a beat too long.

It ties back to their earlier conversation about her wanting to switch roles with him and be the player instead of a pawn. He doesn't balk or make fun of her desire to see the world from a more powerful vantage point and instead clarifies whether she'd like him to be her pawn as well.

The fact that he knows what she has suffered at the hands of her ex husband and Rapist Zhou but only asks about what would make her feel empowered? Telling you, the man is trauma-informed. He knows when to ask questions and when to shut up.

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

And this close-up shot after the camera slowly pans from her bruised wrist to her gently smiling face? This shot made my heart twinge.

That Fangfei felt comfortable enough to come to his home and even rest in his private quarters after almost being assaulted is so incredibly telling. She knows he's gazing at her bruises and she smiles at him because she trusts that he'd never do the same.

I love that his presence gives her space to heal. It's such a marked difference from when they first met in that room.

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head
The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

SIDE NOTE: Whenever she gets to use that fan on him, I will go freaking feral.

Give me what I want, show.

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

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9 months ago

Jiang Li and Duke Su:

Jiang Li And Duke Su:

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9 months ago




The Double (Ep. 26): A place to rest your head

"Everywhere else is not comfortable, but the place you picked sure is not bad."

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

Can we just take a moment to gush about THIS scene?

There's so much going on here and it's equal parts delicious and beautiful. Look, the writers and director of The Double don't always get it right, but when they do? Perfection. Fangfei and the Duke might now be one of my fave OTPs ever.

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head
The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head
The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head
The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

I've said this before but one of my favorite elements of The Double's storytelling is its use of extended metaphor, particularly its use of theater to represent Duke Su's character. Not only does he put on a good show but he also appreciates one. And Fangfei looks like a piece of art he can't help but admire.

Look at how lovingly the camera glides over her to represent his gaze. He could stare at her for hours and never grow bored. It's sexy but also incredibly intimate, especially since there's nothing really else in the frame but their faces. Both might say they lack a home, but it seems like they've been able to carve out a space for only the two of them just fine.

(See all those window and doorway frames within frames--they’re like a cocoon, protecting them from the outside world.)

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head
The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

But unlike Rapist Zhou, Duke Su doesn't want to conquer and possess Fangfei like an object, and you can immediately see him repressing the rage he feels at seeing her bruises in the close-up edit that lasts a beat too long.

It ties back to their earlier conversation about her wanting to switch roles with him and be the player instead of a pawn. He doesn't balk or make fun of her desire to see the world from a more powerful vantage point and instead clarifies whether she'd like him to be her pawn as well.

The fact that he knows what she has suffered at the hands of her ex husband and Rapist Zhou but only asks about what would make her feel empowered? Telling you, the man is trauma-informed. He knows when to ask questions and when to shut up.

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

And this close-up shot after the camera slowly pans from her bruised wrist to her gently smiling face? This shot made my heart twinge.

That Fangfei felt comfortable enough to come to his home and even rest in his private quarters after almost being assaulted is so incredibly telling. She knows he's gazing at her bruises and she smiles at him because she trusts that he'd never do the same.

I love that his presence gives her space to heal. It's such a marked difference from when they first met in that room.

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head
The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

SIDE NOTE: Whenever she gets to use that fan on him, I will go freaking feral.

Give me what I want, show.

The Double (Ep. 26): A Place To Rest Your Head

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9 months ago

Intrigued by peach blossom goddess on MDL mentioning that the princess in this novel/drama might be inspired by the real Princess Taiping.

Intrigued By Peach Blossom Goddess On MDL Mentioning That The Princess In This Novel/drama Might Be Inspired


During the reign of Emperor Ruizong, she was not restricted by anything, the emperor issued rulings based on her views and the courtiers and the military flattered her and majority from every civil and military class joined her faction, so her power exceeded that of the emperor.

In 690, Empress Dowager Wu wanted to remarry Princess Taiping to Wu Youji, a grandson of Empress Dowager Wu's uncle Wu Shileng (武士稜). Wu Youji, however, was already married, and Empress Dowager Wu secretly had Wu Youji's wife assassinated so that Princess Taiping could marry him. 

Eventually, however, a rivalry developed between her and her nephew, Emperor Ruizong's son, Crown Prince Li Longji. Both of them were hostile in power-sharing and they fought for the monopoly over power. After Emperor Ruizong yielded the throne to Li Longji (as Emperor Xuanzong) in 712, the conflict came to the political forefront, and openly, the court became a manifestation of conspiracy rather than the administration of the empire; in 713, Emperor Xuanzong, according to historical records, believing that she was planning to overthrow him, acted first, executing a large number of her powerful allies and forcing her to commit suicide.


I find this intriguing because I've seen criticisms of the princess storyline online - not the dramatic licence aspect, but in general the princess wouldn't have that kind of power & conflict. But history is often stranger than we presume.

Looks like subbers translated Palace of Desire on YT here. I checked it out, the translation looks excellent.

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9 months ago
The Double (2024) Dir. Bai Yun Mo, Lu Hao Ji Ji, Ma Shi Ge Ep. 26
The Double (2024) Dir. Bai Yun Mo, Lu Hao Ji Ji, Ma Shi Ge Ep. 26
The Double (2024) Dir. Bai Yun Mo, Lu Hao Ji Ji, Ma Shi Ge Ep. 26
The Double (2024) Dir. Bai Yun Mo, Lu Hao Ji Ji, Ma Shi Ge Ep. 26
The Double (2024) Dir. Bai Yun Mo, Lu Hao Ji Ji, Ma Shi Ge Ep. 26

The Double 墨雨云间 (2024) Dir. Bai Yun Mo, Lu Hao Ji Ji, Ma Shi Ge – Ep. 26

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9 months ago

the hottest thing about the ship in the double to me is not when he rocks up to save her in the nick of time, nor when he looks after her health, nor when they fake date, et cetera et cetera et cetera. it's when he tells people, just trust her. she can do it. don't underestimate her. he believes so fully in her competence and her capabilities. he's also aware that there are limits to what she can do alone, and he doesn't leave her in the lurch when she needs backup. but neither does he insert himself when unnecessary, because he trusts her to know what she's doing and to be able to do it. that's my actual kryptonite.

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9 months ago

oh wait so her name is actually xue li? xue fangfei is like her courtesy name or something? so when people call her a'li (as in jiang li) they're also by coincidence calling her her actual name? (unless the tones are different, i can't tell)

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9 months ago

Quick thoughts about The Double Ep. 28

Quick Thoughts About The Double Ep. 28

This was a WILD episode. I loved this exchange between Fangfei and the Duke:

Fangfei: I've been panicking trying to figure out how to pay you back so I tried to find an excuse. I used to think I would pay you back everything I owed you. Now that I've done the math, I don't think I can. Duke Su: Don't pay me back then. Fangfei: You'll suffer losses. Duke Su: I can afford it.

Kyaaaaaa. So we've entered the "what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine" phase of the relationship. She's stayed the night at his place, he's dug up a body for her, and now they're sharing bank accounts before even one kiss? I love this couple.

Quick Thoughts About The Double Ep. 28
Quick Thoughts About The Double Ep. 28

Also, those adorable smiles!

I knew some shit was about to go down and spoil the mood before the end of the episode. Soft hours never last in a Cdrama.

Quick Thoughts About The Double Ep. 28

I always suspected Tong-er would die sometime during the show because she'd been such a constant presence on screen and there's often a break in gothic stories where the heroine has to "go about her quest alone" but I wasn't expecting it so soon. She never got her life of peace and luxury and damn that hits hard. My eyes got misty at the haircutting scene.

But it was this subtle use of visual parallelism in the framing and camera movement that truly hurt me. I love the show's melodramatic flare but it's the quiet moments like these that hit harder.

Quick Thoughts About The Double Ep. 28
Quick Thoughts About The Double Ep. 28

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9 months ago
I'm Sorry, I Can't Be With You Till The End.
I'm Sorry, I Can't Be With You Till The End.

I'm sorry, I can't be with you till the end.

The Double 墨雨云间 (2024) Dir. Bai Yun Mo, Lu Hao Ji Ji, Ma Shi Ge – Ep. 28

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9 months ago

once a character in a dramatic story, especially if they are a side/supporting characters, starts talking about their future plans to live a life of peace and quiet after turmoil, heartbreak, and trauma... the narrative grim reaper is in the shadows like this

Once A Character In A Dramatic Story, Especially If They Are A Side/supporting Characters, Starts Talking

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9 months ago

I am loving the double but I can't help feel that the main couple's relationship is so transactional, all she does is ask him to do things for her and all he does is do them. I understand the drama is about her revenge but I thought when she said she didn't want to be a burden and that she's be his pawn too she'd actually help him with his schemes she doesn't have any power but she's very smart and could certainly contribute and help. They both have bigger fish to fry and his also involves loosing his parents but he spends so much time helping her because obviously he loves her I would've liked to see her do the same even occasionally.

Anon, have you seen Episode 28 yet? This scene made me squee:

Fangfei: I've been panicking trying to figure out how to pay you back so I tried to find an excuse. I used to think I would pay you back everything I owed you. Now that I've done the math, I don't think I can. Duke Su: Don't pay me back then. Fangfei: You'll suffer losses. Duke Su: I can afford it.

I Am Loving The Double But I Can't Help Feel That The Main Couple's Relationship Is So Transactional,
I Am Loving The Double But I Can't Help Feel That The Main Couple's Relationship Is So Transactional,

Their love language is digging up dead bodies and hosting exorcisms for each other.

The ledger might be more in her favor but they clearly match each other's freak.

I Am Loving The Double But I Can't Help Feel That The Main Couple's Relationship Is So Transactional,

Although your question makes me think what would happen if they were to get married.

A key theme of The Double has been Fangfei learning to express her desires and to step into the chessmaster role she was born to play. In her previous marriage, she shrank herself to make space for her husband's career and appease her in-laws. That self-sacrifice ultimately left her with nothing more than an open grave and a shovel to the head so with the Duke she uses transactionalism to make sure the scales of their complicated relationship never tip more in his favor than hers.

I Am Loving The Double But I Can't Help Feel That The Main Couple's Relationship Is So Transactional,

But in encouraging her autonomy and putting his trust in her, Duke Su has also given her room to bloom. It's a completely different relationship than with Shen Yurong, which opens a lot of narrative possibilities around how will Fangfei's story end, especially as she has always avenged those who have helped or sacrificed for her.

Will the big cathartic moment be from her avenging herself? Or will it be from avenging the Duke and his family because his grievances are now hers? Will she ultimately have to make a trade-off between her plans and his? Or will the tradeoff really be between revenge and her own healing?

As another man's wife or companion, will she truly feel equal and at peace?

I Am Loving The Double But I Can't Help Feel That The Main Couple's Relationship Is So Transactional,

I can't believe we only have like 10 more episodes to dive into any or all of that 😭

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9 months ago

Gah, I love ALL of this @lovedoesnotconquerall!

I wish they hadn't cut out the line “you don’t have to compromise to anyone, including me" because it's so perfect for their couple dynamic.

Gah, I Love ALL Of This @lovedoesnotconquerall!
Gah, I Love ALL Of This @lovedoesnotconquerall!

And great observation about the set design and how cold and barren the Duke's home is. Something I had noticed about Jiang Li's quarters is that it's similarly uncluttered and monochromatic save for the gorgeous flowers Fangfei planted. Even interior design wise they're suited for one another. :)

SIDE NOTE: I'm probably reaching here in my analysis but there's a lovely motif of flower that connect the two, no? Especially red and pink.

Gah, I Love ALL Of This @lovedoesnotconquerall!

Fangfei has always been surrounded by flowers, whether that's the blossoms she danced under with Shen Yurong or the chrysanthemums she planted when she first moved into the Jiang residence.

But as the seasons change and she grows closer to Duke Su, we see her surrounded by even more flowers, especially roses. It's like she has bloomed in through his presence.

Gah, I Love ALL Of This @lovedoesnotconquerall!
Gah, I Love ALL Of This @lovedoesnotconquerall!
Gah, I Love ALL Of This @lovedoesnotconquerall!
Gah, I Love ALL Of This @lovedoesnotconquerall!

And she injects a bit of that color back into his own life.

I am loving the double but I can't help feel that the main couple's relationship is so transactional, all she does is ask him to do things for her and all he does is do them. I understand the drama is about her revenge but I thought when she said she didn't want to be a burden and that she's be his pawn too she'd actually help him with his schemes she doesn't have any power but she's very smart and could certainly contribute and help. They both have bigger fish to fry and his also involves loosing his parents but he spends so much time helping her because obviously he loves her I would've liked to see her do the same even occasionally.

Anon, have you seen Episode 28 yet? This scene made me squee:

Fangfei: I've been panicking trying to figure out how to pay you back so I tried to find an excuse. I used to think I would pay you back everything I owed you. Now that I've done the math, I don't think I can. Duke Su: Don't pay me back then. Fangfei: You'll suffer losses. Duke Su: I can afford it.

I Am Loving The Double But I Can't Help Feel That The Main Couple's Relationship Is So Transactional,
I Am Loving The Double But I Can't Help Feel That The Main Couple's Relationship Is So Transactional,

Their love language is digging up dead bodies and hosting exorcisms for each other.

The ledger might be more in her favor but they clearly match each other's freak.

I Am Loving The Double But I Can't Help Feel That The Main Couple's Relationship Is So Transactional,

Although your question makes me think what would happen if they were to get married.

A key theme of The Double has been Fangfei learning to express her desires and to step into the chessmaster role she was born to play. In her previous marriage, she shrank herself to make space for her husband's career and appease her in-laws. That self-sacrifice ultimately left her with nothing more than an open grave and a shovel to the head so with the Duke she uses transactionalism to make sure the scales of their complicated relationship never tip more in his favor than hers.

I Am Loving The Double But I Can't Help Feel That The Main Couple's Relationship Is So Transactional,

But in encouraging her autonomy and putting his trust in her, Duke Su has also given her room to bloom. It's a completely different relationship than with Shen Yurong, which opens a lot of narrative possibilities around how will Fangfei's story end, especially as she has always avenged those who have helped or sacrificed for her.

Will the big cathartic moment be from her avenging herself? Or will it be from avenging the Duke and his family because his grievances are now hers? Will she ultimately have to make a trade-off between her plans and his? Or will the tradeoff really be between revenge and her own healing?

As another man's wife or companion, will she truly feel equal and at peace?

I Am Loving The Double But I Can't Help Feel That The Main Couple's Relationship Is So Transactional,

I can't believe we only have like 10 more episodes to dive into any or all of that 😭

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