The Dream - Tumblr Posts

Sketchuary / Week 2
The Song / The Firey / The Glow / The Cloud / The Dream / The Sleep / The Silent
Elizabeth B.
oh, to be cuddling your significant other on a rainy day, hidden underneath a pile of warm blankets

rest and relaxation with namjoon 📖 (cr. dwellingsouls)
I kinda wanna be a little witch in the middle of the forest. Is that too much to ask?
Imagine washing up on Dinotopia and getting a talk saying "unfortunately, you can't escape this island! You'll never go home or see your loved ones ever again" & then while you're crying they say "I'm sorry, you'll just have to live on the island of dinosaur communism for the rest of your life" and you look up through your bleary eyes and go. Wait what
I am a very normal person who does normal people things <- this is a lie he goes on Vacation to Chicago yearly in November and December despite having no family there and isn't even from Chicago
used to have this and now I don't and lemme tell you, I miss that shit so much 😭

Concept: Instead of having to think, a fully-formed novel outline magically appears in my brain.
Literally can not wait to get my own place so that I can walk around in cute little slips and lingerie,touching myself whenever I fucking feel like it.