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Did Zach’s Disrupto-Bots cause permanent damage to Aviva’s creature power suit technology?
I watched the episode “The Erminator” for the first time today and I had a strange realization.

In the episode, we learn that Aviva now programs new creature power discs of similar animals by taking the foundation of a disc she’s already created and adding to it from there. Furthermore, Aviva makes sure to remove the original information from the disc coding so that the new disc won’t malfunction and cycle through ghost programs of past activations… Where have we heard that before?

In “Creature Power Challenge”, Zach uses his Disrupto-Bots to hack into the creature power suits and reactivate ghost programs of past activations at random. This is exactly what happens when Martin decides to try his hand at making a creature power disc in “The Erminator”, as he forgets to get rid of the old programming before creating the new disc.

This makes me think that Aviva didn’t fully clean the creature power suits of Zach’s hacking. Zach’s disruption code is still somewhere within the brothers’ power suits, and could even still be within the Tortuga as he planted a Disrupto-Bot there as well.

The fact that Aviva and the others don’t seem alarmed by this makes me think that they don’t know it’s happening because of Zach’s past hacking. Aviva seems to think it’s just a flaw in her coding that the ghost activations will happen if she doesn’t program the discs properly. While I’m sure that helps, ghost activations were never an issue until Zach’s interference in “Creature Power Challenge”, which makes me think that he has a hidden advantage here that both he and the crew have no idea about. Unless of course he does realize it and it’s being saved up for some big plot, perhaps for the Wild Kratts movie!
Anyways, just my thoughts about Zach’s hidden advantage. Let me know what you guys think about it!