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Joki forever!!! <3

“I Ship Koki x Jimmy. He’s a calm scaredy nerd, she’s a intelligent computer whiz; they are just PERFECT for each other.
Did Zach’s Disrupto-Bots cause permanent damage to Aviva’s creature power suit technology?
I watched the episode “The Erminator” for the first time today and I had a strange realization.

In the episode, we learn that Aviva now programs new creature power discs of similar animals by taking the foundation of a disc she’s already created and adding to it from there. Furthermore, Aviva makes sure to remove the original information from the disc coding so that the new disc won’t malfunction and cycle through ghost programs of past activations… Where have we heard that before?

In “Creature Power Challenge”, Zach uses his Disrupto-Bots to hack into the creature power suits and reactivate ghost programs of past activations at random. This is exactly what happens when Martin decides to try his hand at making a creature power disc in “The Erminator”, as he forgets to get rid of the old programming before creating the new disc.

This makes me think that Aviva didn’t fully clean the creature power suits of Zach’s hacking. Zach’s disruption code is still somewhere within the brothers’ power suits, and could even still be within the Tortuga as he planted a Disrupto-Bot there as well.

The fact that Aviva and the others don’t seem alarmed by this makes me think that they don’t know it’s happening because of Zach’s past hacking. Aviva seems to think it’s just a flaw in her coding that the ghost activations will happen if she doesn’t program the discs properly. While I’m sure that helps, ghost activations were never an issue until Zach’s interference in “Creature Power Challenge”, which makes me think that he has a hidden advantage here that both he and the crew have no idea about. Unless of course he does realize it and it’s being saved up for some big plot, perhaps for the Wild Kratts movie!
Anyways, just my thoughts about Zach’s hidden advantage. Let me know what you guys think about it!
Wild Kratts Theory: Zach’s Invisibility Cloak

I recently watched the episode “The Vanishing Stingray” for the first time and I found that the episode’s villain plot was very open ended, perhaps for a very specific reason.
In the episode, we learn that Zach’s invisibility cloak, which he has deemed his most genius invention, has an unfortunate glitch. The cloak works perfectly unless it gets wet, which causes the invisibility element to glitch and shut off, allowing you to be able to see the wearer.
Zach tries to remedy this problem by attempting to steal Aviva’s new stingray creature power discs, as he believes the discs house the secret to fixing the glitch due to the fact that stingrays can make themselves invisible under water. His attempt to take the discs fails and Zach is actually not seen in person by any of the crew as his plot in the episode ends, only via a hologram projection. Now here’s where it gets interesting.
After the brief hologram interaction with Zach, Martin questions why Zach went after them, saying “Hey, so what did Zach want anyway?”. I think this is the first time I’ve seen none of the crew figure out a villain plot, which definitely gives Zach an advantage. Only he knows that his invisibility cloak doesn’t work when wet and he believes Aviva’s technology is the secret to fixing the problem.

Now, we know that Zach’s invisibility cloak is his most clever invention, seeing as it was revealed in “Back In Creature Time” alongside Aviva’s very important time trampoline. Unlike most of his other inventions, the cloak allows Zach to get away with his evil plans each time he uses it, like how he used it in “Back In Creature Time” to capture Koki and Jimmy and cut off their communication with the others, as well as in “Creepy Creatures” when he was able to successfully steal the miniaturizer while wearing it. We can see the prominence of this invention well over his others, so the fact that they left this plot in “The Vanishing Stingray” very open ended was quite odd to me… Or so I thought.
After some thinking, I came to the idea that this was done deliberately as a prelude to a larger plot, namely for the Wild Kratts movie. The movie would most likely revolve around some big plot about Aviva’s inventions, such as the time trampoline or maybe even a new one, so it would make sense that Zach would be using his invisibility cloak opposite her creation.
In my opinion, I believe there’s going to be a larger plot to further Zach’s quest to fix his invisibility cloak by using Aviva’s technology. I also think that within that continued plot, the crew will eventually find out about the cloak’s weakness and use that to their advantage. I can just picture Koki casually using a spray bottle around the Tortuga to check if Zach is around! Haha!
Anyways, just some thoughts from me! I haven’t seen all of season 6 yet, so I’m not sure if they’ve done anything else around Zach’s invisibility cloak, but I really hope they use this open ended plot in some way! Let me know what you guys think!

Here’s the sketch I’ve been working on! Aviva dragging Zach to their next class in high school!
I like to imagine that Zach and Aviva were originally friendly rivals as kids in science camp and that they ended up going to the same high school after staying in touch as pen pals since their summer camp days. Their friendship picked up right where it left off, the two sharing a passion for science and bioengineering, however Zach began developing a crush on Aviva since she was the first person that was genuinely nice to him.
I would love to see more backstory for the crew and the villains! I’ve had some ideas recently about doing some “Wild Kratts: The College Days” drawings or fics, mostly of Aviva, Koki, Jimmy, and Zach, as I feel like they all went to the same college together. It would definitely be a fun concept to explore!
Young(er) Zach Headcanon?
Why do I have a feeling that when Zach Varmitech was younger (like late teens to early twenties) he was a vibrant, healthy, and very attractive looking young man?
Like I imagine he had healthy undertones to his skin, he had a bit more weight on his body, he did not have bags and dark circles under his eyes, and his face was clean shaven. He just had a youthful vibe to him, and I feel like he might have smiled a lot more back then, genuine smiles, you know? And those smiles also aided in amping up his “attractiveness.”
Not that he isn’t attractive now (okay y’all might not agree, but that’s my personal opinion, I think the man is a walking masterpiece), but I just think the path Zach took in life and the choices he made degraded his health and made him look older than he actually is. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I plan to expand on this thought in another post soon!

I think he looked a lot like that, just with fluffy, less tamed hair, no goatee, and his skin tone was a bit darker, he also likely still had his freckles.
Posted this already as a reblog post, but gonna post it as it’s own post as well:

Here’s the sketch I’ve been working on! Aviva dragging Zach to their next class in high school!
I like to imagine that Zach and Aviva were originally friendly rivals as kids in science camp and that they ended up going to the same high school after staying in touch as pen pals since their summer camp days. Their friendship picked up right where it left off, the two sharing a passion for science and bioengineering, however Zach began developing a crush on Aviva since she was the first person that was genuinely nice to him.
Aviva’s teenage design is based around her outfit and hairstyle as a child and her outfit and hairstyle as an adult. Similar for Zach, although I based his design more off of his outfit and hair as a child as I think the form fitting clothes and hair gel would have come into play when he started Varmitech Industries.
I love to imagine backstory for the crew and the villains! I’ve had some ideas recently about doing some “Wild Kratts: The College Days” drawings or fics, mostly of Aviva, Koki, Jimmy, and Zach, as I feel like they all went to the same college together. It would definitely be a fun concept to explore!
Let me know if you guys would be interested in seeing posts from me about the Kratts crew as teenagers!
Happy International Women’s Day! I love the smart, sassy, strong, stunning women of the Wild Kratts world! These ladies deserve it all!
It’s International Women’s Day!




Let’s hear it for the leading ladies in Wild Kratts! These women are amazing!
These are so cute! Thank you so much for making these with the pics I sent you! I love the Joki ship so much! They are so adorable together on the show! Can't wait to see more of the Koki and Jimmy relationship in future episodes!
Kimmy Edits 🥰
As requested by @creativegenius22 here are some Koki x Jimmy Z screenshot edits! Made poorly by me with the Kawaii Photo App, lol, but these two are so cute so that makes up for my poor execution, right? I hope you all enjoy them regardless! Feel free to use these if you’d like, just tabs me because I’d love to see!

More edits like these of other Wild Kratts Characters and ships can be found here! If you want to request anymore like these, just let me know!
Happy 10th Anniversary Back In Creature Time!

Thank you to both @kaythefloppa and @jokerislandgirl32 for bringing to my attention that the pivotal Wild Kratts episode Back In Creature Time is 10 years old today!
I remember watching this special with my brother for the first time like it was yesterday! The fact that they had made a two part episode and added the time travel element to the show blew our minds back then! I remember every feeling I had when I first watched this episode, from the awe of the reveal of Aviva’s time trampoline and Zach’s invisibility cloak to the absolute chills I felt when that Zachbot almost incinerated the return pad. And the Kratt brothers were really able to get their message about animal extinction across in a deep and powerful way that has stuck with me since.
I could fan girl so much more about how much I love this episode, but I think I’ll leave it off here! Thank you to the amazing episode Back In Creature Time for giving us such a fun adventure and adding so much more to the plot for us to geek about! Both me and my brother eagerly await the return of the time trampoline in all its glory in a future episode! I for one would love to see them travel back in time once more in another Back In Creature Time!
Love these! I just had to make the rest of the crew!

the Kratt brothers!!
Made some for the villains too!

the Kratt brothers!!
Wild Kratts Mood Boards!
I was inspired by @lift-blog to make my own mood boards for the Wild Kratts characters! I hope you guys like them!

I saw a comment saying that Martin and Chris are the original ADHD and autism duo and that simple comment escalated to this

焔 煌煇 (Homura Koki) “★Sports, fun and, a reliable big brother★” "I'll make it the best stage to burn everything!"
“Koki likes flashy clubs and parties- He is often looked up to by kids. He’s good at many sports but, plays soccer the most! He’s often strict on himself. The leader of E-lements!”
Unit: E-lements
Fantasia form: Salamander Killing Blow: Fire Shoot
Age: 23
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Birthday: August 3
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Soccer
Likes: Hot dogs (with lots of chili sauce!), tacos
Dislikes: Watermelon, melon, Shizuku Luka
Voice Actor: Taku Yashiro Image sources: in-game, and twitter Special thanks to jun (@AMAJIKIS on twitter) for their english translation. The link to the original translation: https://twitter.com/AMAJlKlS/status/1019423165800382464/photo/2 Also check their current active account: @shinomiyagis https://twitter.com/shinomiyagis Special thanks to the currently inactive Idol Fantasy FanWikias: https://idol-fantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Koki_Homura and https://i-fan.gamerch.com/%E7%84%94%20%E7%85%8C%E7%85%87 Author’s note: Homura and Shizuku don’t get along, so I added them to each other’s dislikes. It is normally not apart of their profiles. Added Leader to his profile, as it was not originally there.

Keep on creature adventuring!