The Giggle - Tumblr Posts
“Why did this face come back?”

It might be a little on the nose, but I kind of think this is what Fourteen is here to do.
There’s Two of Him Now: The David Tennant Story
“Why did this face come back?”

It might be a little on the nose, but I kind of think this is what Fourteen is here to do.
I do have questions about bigeneration, but the thing I keep thinking about is the fact that this ending romanticizes HEALING.
There was always a kind of nobility in the Doctor’s suffering. But this special didn’t mince words: You don’t have to be miserable. No one wants that for you. You can be happy again. Yes, you. You can take care of yourself. Yes, you. The people who love you want to take care of you. Yes, you.
Nine: Keep the domestics outside, yeah? Weird of you to insist on having a mum and a boyfriend, Rose, but do keep them out of my business.
Fourteen: My favorite niece! My best friend! My brother-in-law! Granddad Wilf! Mad Auntie Mel! I love you all so much! I’ve never been this happy! My family!!!
I was explaining the ending of The Giggle to two of my coworkers this morning, and one of them was like “didn’t they already clone that guy once?” and I was like “yeah it was a whole thing, but that was a long time ago.” The other coworker asked how they dealt with just how long cloning takes, and I was like… idk how to explain that that’s just Not a Factor. This is the show that has had 15 people play one character. They drive a police box through time with the parking brake still on, and oh yeah one time the box was a lady. It’s not fucking Andy Weir.
Ok there are two things in the 3 specials with the 14th doctor that realy anoy me.
Donna beeing able to just "let it go" and beeing ok
And the two tardises at the end
So in this probably very long and maby very confusing post ill try to fix them (aka write down how i would have done it with zero ofense or bad intent towards the people who wrote the actual episodes cause i still love them)
So we start with the donna problem cause it anoyes me the most. For this the star beast happens the same up until the scene where dr. Donna lets go of her timelord powers.
Instead of that the doctor manages to "contain" the timelord part of donna (and rose) and seal it away in her brain or something (i dont know. Its docor who it doesnt need to make sense) That gives them a unknown amount of time to get it out completly.
Donna and the doctor jump into the tardis to find a way to save her, coffee gets spiled, tardis goes crazy and basicly wild blue yonder happens exactly the same (maby a bit mor angst because of the still ongoing donna problem)
Then in the giggle we start to see donna get realy effekted by it. She has a constand head ache (makes her finding out the musik thing even more impressiv) and this beeing one of the reasons the doctor wants her to go back to the tardis in the toymakers shop (not only is he facing one of his most powerfull enemys but his friend is not in the best shape to deal with it as well wich stresses him out so hard)
Then the rest of the episode goes on normaly. They meet and play angainst the toy maker, he has his musical moment, the bigeneration happens and they win.
But instead of the price for them beeing the toymaker put in a box and the second tardis (yes i consider the second tardis as a price from the toymaker deal with it) 14ths price is donna and rose geting fixed and 15th gets to put the toymaker in a box for eternaty.
This way you get a storry line that goes throu all 3 episodes and fixes donna in a more rewarding maner than the way they did it in the show.
But you may now ask: "but natzomi if you think the secon tardis 15 gets at the end is a price for the doctor but in this version they both already got a reward then how do they both get a tardis?" And to you i say: they are the same tardis. But ✨️timetravel✨️
Like i said i dont like that there are two tardises at the end of the specials (yes i also said i think its a reward from the toymaker but that doesnt mean i like it. Why? I dont know i just think its a litle lazy and you could have done more with that)
Sooooooo to fix that problem you would need to add or change like only a hand full of scene.
Basicly the entity of star beast and wild blue yonder is the same no change there. But at the beginning of the giggle you add a litle scene (like 20 seconds max.) where the doctor notices a scratch on the console or a broken button or something that basicly doesnt stop the tardis from working in any way and he writes it of as the tardis having missed that while fixing herself or that she hurried back to get them in wild blue yonder. The rest of the episode continues normaly untill the end when they disgust the problem that 14 and 15 dont want to travel together, they are standing outside the tardis talking and then Boom. Out of nowhere a second tardis apears. They didnt do anything its just there. The exakt same tardis exept for that scrath on the console that only exists on the first tardis (the one we see throut the whole episode)
15 gets the one with no scrath 14 keeps his and everyone is happy.
But now we just need three more scenes later in the season to complet this storry. One where because of some fight or acident the tardis console gets a scrath on the console (extra points if the doctor doesnt know/see)
The second where the tardis just randomly leaves one day for like an hour or so (could be the start of an episode and the tardis disapearing kicks of the plot for that story)
And the last where the tardis returns (probably at the end of that same episode)
And now to get to the point ant explain the storry/idea ill just go over the events out of the perspective of the tardis (or at least her timeline)
In wild blue yonder she leaves to repair herself. Then she lands in the avengers unit tower and goes of with 15. After she gets the scratch she goes back to save 14 in wild blue yonder and then stayes with him for the rest of his life after he passes she comes back to 15 and the continues to travel with him.
This might also give the posibility for 15 getting his own interior since 14 probably changed it a lot while he had her and either 15 then could get the "old rundown" version with all of 14ths changes or the tardis changes completly for him.
Anyways its 3 am and i cant sleep cause i cant stop thinking about the stupid timetraveling alien man :)
i have so many feelings about the giggle but none of them can be put into words so have this

I’ve just read the novelisation of the Giggle and the ending has me on my knees - it goes into much more detail than the show so guess what

He chose it, he went to an estate agents and said ‘I want this pretty house’, offered them £60, then rang Kate Stewart and discovered he was getting paid by UNIT this whole time, was able to afford the house/mortgage and BOUGHT THAT HOUSE
The Nobles still have a house in London but they STAY WITH THE DOCTOR NEARLY ALL THE TIME
He chose the house with a sunroom so WILF COULD LIVE DOWNSTAIRS COMFORTABLY
The TARDIS at a newly regenerated 14: thank you for regenerating out side this time, that's so nice of you. I'll take good care of this new regeneration of yours.
Donna: *spills coffee in the console*
The TARDIS: ...
The TARDIS: fuck you, I'm crashing and leaving. I'm done.
15: *hits her with a gigant maze*
The TARDIS: WTF did you just do?
15: I am so sorry
The TARDIS, looking at 15 in the eye: Oh, you will be.
The TARDIS: *proceeds to never take this regeneration anywhere he wants, crashing and leaving (literally ghosting the Doctor) for now on.*
⚠️The giggle spoilers ahead
I love the Doctor and Donna's dynamic. Believe me, I really do. But the fact that the Doctor had to go all the way back to his tenth regeneration's face to find a living companion with whom he could live a normal live and stop travelling... It just breaks my heart.
Someone: who is your favourite character in DW?
Me, pointing to the golden tooth in the floor: I love them.
After the giggle ending I just have something to ask so we are all on the same page: we are never letting David Tennant leave, are we?
His last words were going to be "allons-y".
The complete opposite to "I don't wanna go".
The character growth✨
russell t davies said “cut”
neil patrick harris heard “serve cunt”
Doctor Who "The Giggle" spoilers below.
You know that bigeneration scene? the Doctor literally split into 2 people? and the clothes got split sorta evenly between them?

The 14th Doctor was running around commando in that scene.
Remember the bi-regeneration scene from The Giggle, Doctor Who.

So.. obviously, David Tennant is too much of a slut to risk having him walk around in a waistcoat and no shirt. They had to give him a long sleeve undershirt.
But this also means that 14th wore his trousers commando. 15th took the underwear.
He (David) is still a slut.
For legal reasons, I am joking the entire time.
I think about that time I came across somebody on the internet complaining about the casting and costuming choices, and was it a good idea to have Ncuti run around in his underwear, blah blah blah. (I'm pretty sure they just don't like the idea of a queer POC was casted as the next Doctor. but idk.)
I want to troll them and reply with a "What? Would you rather have David Tennant run around in his underwear?"
Remember the bi-regeneration scene from The Giggle, Doctor Who.

So.. obviously, David Tennant is too much of a slut to risk having him walk around in a waistcoat and no shirt. They had to give him a long sleeve undershirt.
But this also means that 14th wore his trousers commando. 15th took the underwear.
He (David) is still a slut.
For legal reasons, I am joking the entire time.
@bobcatblahs No, you're mistaken. 14 was barefoot. Their clothes did split.
David, as the Doctor, had ran around barefoot before.
Remember the bi-regeneration scene from The Giggle, Doctor Who.

So.. obviously, David Tennant is too much of a slut to risk having him walk around in a waistcoat and no shirt. They had to give him a long sleeve undershirt.
But this also means that 14th wore his trousers commando. 15th took the underwear.
He (David) is still a slut.
For legal reasons, I am joking the entire time.