hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
Welcome to my hell- I mean... head

93 posts

Hey-there-22 - Welcome To My Hell- I Mean... Head - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
Days Five & Six: Magic & Books

Days Five & Six: Magic & Books

Hand studies of Esther and Simon


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5 months ago

Something about the Devlin house being a cesspit of old anger and pain.

Something about Charles laughing off the way his father smashed his cassette with a hammer.

Something About The Devlin House Being A Cesspit Of Old Anger And Pain.

Something about Crystal, who almost breaks the cassette in the Devlin house's hidden room with a hammer, nearly destroying Charles by accident.

Something About The Devlin House Being A Cesspit Of Old Anger And Pain.

Something about Charles, who always smiles to make others happy, even when he's hurting.

Something About The Devlin House Being A Cesspit Of Old Anger And Pain.

Something about Crystal, who's asked to think happy thoughts for the sake of getting them all out in one piece, and can't.

Something About The Devlin House Being A Cesspit Of Old Anger And Pain.

Something about how Charles cries when he reads the diary passage about walking on eggshells, reminded of his own father.

Something About The Devlin House Being A Cesspit Of Old Anger And Pain.

Something about how Crystal lashes out later, telling Charles he's made the people he cares about the most have to walk on eggshells, too.

Something About The Devlin House Being A Cesspit Of Old Anger And Pain.

Something about Crystal and Charles, with their mirrored worries about how people will view them if they see what lies under the surface.

Something About The Devlin House Being A Cesspit Of Old Anger And Pain.

Something about Crystal projecting her own fears, hard, and hurting both herself and Charles in the process.

Something About The Devlin House Being A Cesspit Of Old Anger And Pain.
5 months ago
Day 4 Light

Day 4 ー Light


5 months ago

What if Death is a person?


d2 death

What If Death Is A Person?
5 months ago

Hell is not eternal but I am


d3 eternity

Hell Is Not Eternal But I Am
5 months ago

Meanwhile on the TARDIS Jack: Yeah, Rose and the Doctor had a fight the other day. This is pretty much how it went down Nine: Anything that comes out of your stupid ape mouth is stupid! Rose: ... Rose: Doctor. Who. Jack: And he's still sulking, four days later An accurate depiction of the Ninth Doctor at that moment:

Meanwhile On The TARDISJack: Yeah, Rose And The Doctor Had A Fight The Other Day. This Is Pretty Much

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5 months ago

A little something (I don't quite know what) with Buffy Summers, the Doctor and Jack Harkness. Based on Lines by @wordsformurder

How can he love you for who you are if he doesn't even like who you are?

You've been together for 50 years but when he falls in love with a 19 year old you know it's the beginning of the end. She's smart and sweet, you can give her that. But she's so very small...

You all run into a boy soon after, however. He falls in love with you. The three of you. He has not yet learned to be afraid of loving

(But he will)

He's fun and flirty and so refreshing. He's in love with Life. He finds pleasures all around him, even if he has suffered so much in his past (you can see it in the shadows of his eyes)

You can't help but love him back

You run into trouble, like you always do

You fight

You die

You wake up to see the man who can't love you wearing a different face. His girl is there too. But there's no sight of the boy.

And that's when you find out. That just like this man in front of you, the boy is part of your Destiny

(The third side of the triangle)

You go back to him. You don't have to even stop to think about it. Those fifty years have come to an end. You'll see your man again, you know you will, but you can't stand the sight of him right now

(He abondened your third)

It's not long before the boy begins to fear love. Begins to hate what you are. He's still fond of you. But the truth of your being is too much for him

(He'll pretend it's not true)

He says he loves you but you know he does not mean it

(How can he love you for who you are if he doesn't even like who you are? History is reapeting itself)

You are alone


Even when destined to two others, you are alone

(It'll take the boy a century and a half to come to terms with who you are. To tell you he loves you and mean it

It'll take the man longer, but one day he'll stop running. It gets tiring after a while; Destiny is not something you can escape. You learned that long ago)

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5 months ago
@dbdpromptober 2 & 3: Death + Eternity

@dbdpromptober 2 & 3: Death + Eternity

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5 months ago

I know one thing: Dbd is the perfect series for Spooky season 🗣❗️

5 months ago
This Was Literally All I Could Think During That Scene.

This was literally all I could think during that scene.

5 months ago


5 months ago

I just had a realisation.

In the Payne/Rowland file the Night Nurse has, it says that Edwin died around noon (1:00 pm), and not at night, I mean, when the satanic ritual was performed. Does that mean that Saal took him to hell alive?

There was no blood covering his face when he took him, but Edwin tells Charles "this is the last me" when he asks about it. So are you telling me he died in hell?

His disappearance was label an act from God, that means he was gone, they never found a body, probably his grave is empty (?). The demon he was sacrificed to, took him to hell and he died there, being torture, and it wasn't fast.

And... that was the last him?

5 months ago
@hg-aneh Your Honor Theyre Silly

@hg-aneh your honor they’re silly

5 months ago

Danny Motta reacted to Dead Boy Detectives!

5 months ago
Steve Yockey Via Instagram

Steve Yockey via Instagram

5 months ago

"aRe YoU sTiLl WaTcHiNg DeAd BoY-" Netflix I have still been watching dead boy detectives for literally the past three months

5 months ago

The Cat King: You really do push all my buttons, Edwin.

Edwin: I was looking for mute.

5 months ago
#renew Dead Boy Detectives

#renew dead boy detectives

#renew dead boy detectives

#renew dead boy detectives

5 months ago
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
5 months ago
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head

hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head

hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head

hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head
hey-there-22 - Welcome to my hell- I mean... head

The parallelisms✨

I also love the hc that Edwin needed to confess to Charles in orther to get out of hell. He needed to stop being angry, to think, to clarify that he wasn't angry to Simon, to Charles and to himself. But most importantly, he needed to let go of his past through forgiveness ("come with me") and accept his feelings and that part of himself ("Charles, I'm in love with you").

That's why he confessed on the stairs, still in hell; because he needed to feel worthy of scaping in orther to do so.

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