The Last Of Us - Tumblr Posts

Aspen and Cat woooooo

Aspen And Cat Woooooo
Aspen And Cat Woooooo
Aspen And Cat Woooooo

They met cus Cat was out looking for stuff to sketch and Aspen almost blew her head off with an arrow how romantic <3

Aspens head is a bit fried cus of mushrooms but Cat just thinks she’s quirky

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1 year ago

he is so babygirl 🫶

cherrybannisters - (taylor's version)

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2 years ago
Joel And Tess Relationship Moodboard

Joel and Tess’ relationship Moodboard

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2 years ago

I am floored I am flabbergasted I cannot believe it

In the game, Bill and Frank were almost nothing. Bill was a joke character, he shows up, he’s a doomsday prepper, he helps you fight zombies, gives you a truck battery, and you leave. Ellie steals some comics and a gay porno magazine from him, and he’s never seen again.

Frank WAS nothing. You never see him. You find his BODY, he got bit and hung himself, and he got bit trying to escape Bill because he hated him so much and the note says he’s happier dead than living another day with Bill 

And then the show. The show took that shallow, mean storyline, and made it beautiful. 

Now Bill and Frank are real characters. We know them. Really KNOW them. And they don’t hate each other. In fact they’re in love. They’re really IN LOVE. And yes they argue and disagree sometimes but they’re a real couple who really love each other while still being two people so sometimes they fight. That doesn’t change that they’re in love 

And they GET TO BE IN LOVE, the whole time, they’re doing things for each other. They’re living in their little gated paradise and it’s beautiful. They make it pretty. They grow food. They’re eating gourmet meals. They’re not just surviving. They’re thriving. They’re living

They took that mean spirited game story, and they made it the point, the heart, the example of what people are still fighting for. The proof that yes, even in the middle of the apocalypse, you can still live a good life. Not an easy life, you will still have bad days, you’ll have bad days with the ones you love, but you will still love them, and they will still love you. And then, with all these grizzly, horrific deaths we see two deaths that are peaceful. Painless. Two men who die old, satisfied, and in the arms of their purpose. 

Don’t you see? It’s about hope 

Bill and Frank are hope  

I Am Floored I Am Flabbergasted I Cannot Believe It

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2 years ago
Among Us X The Last Of Us Crossover Courtesy Of My Sister

Among Us x The Last of Us crossover courtesy of my sister

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1 year ago

The last of us is one of the best and the worst thing ever that happened to me. I can't stop thinking about it. The story, the characters, the zombies, the setting, the music, everything is just perfect. The game mechanics and the show adaptation is on point. I want more of it.

TLOU will stay with me forever. I just want to keep talking about it, keep reading about it, keep listening about it. There's a lot I want to say about it. I just can't seem to express it all.

Feel free to fangirl/boy all over it. I'll read every comment.

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1 year ago
My Three Girlfriends.

My three girlfriends.

And yes, they smoke weed.

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8 months ago

Unpopular options on TLOUS fanfics/ and more

1. Ellie would never let you strap her down😭 I'm sorry if you ok with that, that's fine. I'm not judging, but home girl would NEVER let you do that to her.

2. Stop making Ellie seem like a man. No, she's not gonna pick you up and throw you. I also don't think she's this big dommy, mommy. idk why, but I don't see it.

3. I don't like Ellie x Abby. I'm sorry, I dont see it happening.

4. I also don't like how some people write Abby just because she's built like a "man" doesn't mean she acts like one 😭

My opinions on a the TLOUS game in general.

1. Joel is a bad person. I love him, don't get me wrong, but Joel did some really awful and gruesome things that didn't need to be done, but I understand.

2. All of abby friends deserved it but Owen and Mel which I'll talk about later. But they all deserved it they way they talked about how they KILLED KIDS!? was crazy and Manny showed how cooky a d unfair he was and how disrespectful they were to Joel's body.

3. Mel was not in the wrong for not liking abby. She only wanted Mel to come so she can keep Joel alive so she can keep hurting him. Then abby always seem to get in the way of her and Owen's relationship. Owen isn't perfect but the fact that he told abby not to kill Ellie and he said she went overboard showed how he had a little bit of humanity and what he said about thr fireflies being terrorists.

4. Let's stop acting like Abby is perfect 😭 she's to me sadistic. It's kind of the fact that she liked killing scars and even killing CHILDREN them saying it was their fault!? But not just that it's the way she killed Joel after he helped her it's all Joel knew was that someone was gonna cut a little girls head open to TRY and fix humanity Joel didn't know that man he did what he thought was right.

5. Dina had EVERY RIGHT to leave Ellie🤷🏾‍♀️ people say she left because she thought ellie was dead.but she knows ellie, and she knows she's not gonna let anyone do anything TO HER. She just didn't want to deal with the fact of losing another loved one, and Dina was tired of fighting and having to stick by Ellie and this obsession.

6. Tommy forced go after abby which is why we got the ending that we got I understand how hard it must be losing pretty much all you biological family is hard but damm he saw how good ellie had it and it's got ruined.

7. Naughty dog forced us to feel bad foe Abby Ik she may not know what the fireflies where really up to but other then that she and the other wolf members had it good growing up🤷🏾‍♀️ and I don't know what abby expected not for Joel's love ones to come after her? I only started liking abby because of how she took care of Lev and me.readimg fanfics. 😩 but other then that I don't like her and never will really feel bad for her.

8. I'm sorry but if it was Abby vs Ellie again Abby would win🤷🏾‍♀️ Ellie is a 5"5 skinny girl vs a 5'10 muscles Abby would win and the only reason she didn't was because all her muscles where gone.

9. I like the ending of TLOUS 2 Ellie saw Joel In Abby and she realized she can't hold this grunge and surprisingly I feel Joel wouldn't want Ellie to track down his killer and make it her life mission and he would be PISSED at Tommy for making Ellie track down Abby.

10. I feel like is Abby knew what the fireflies where doing she wouldn't stand for it. Not even if her dad said it was for humanity I feel like she would belive what he was doing was wrong.

11. Ellies NEVER gonna get over Riley that was her first love, and I feel like she loved Dina but never the way she loved Riley, and that goes for her relationship with Cat too.

Hiii sorry for my English again 😅 now these are MY OPINIONS

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I like how in this part they animated Joel's flinch when Bill shouts at Ellie; he leans away a bit and his face has a split-second frown.

thelurkinglurkerislurking - The Lurking Lurker
thelurkinglurkerislurking - The Lurking Lurker
thelurkinglurkerislurking - The Lurking Lurker
thelurkinglurkerislurking - The Lurking Lurker

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