The Last Of Us Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts
43, 58, 75!!!
43: How has writing changed you?
For the worse.
But honestly? In so many ways. Writing has changed my life. It allows me to express my emotions in ways that I can’t do any other way. It’s this outlet for me, and the people I’ve met through writing mean so much to me. I love you writer buddies❤️
I’m not sure I can ever pinpoint exactly how writing has changed me, but it has. It has changed me, and it has shaped me, and it will change along with me.
Ew, earnestness? What the fuck, Paige? I read your blog for your obsessive analysis of the Last of Us, occasionally sharply put takes, and generally you being a dumbass. I didn’t sign up for you and your stupid fucking honesty.
Boo. Paige sucks.
58: What is the least thing a fic made you google when you were writing it?
I’ve been researching a lot of drugs (not a bad omen for Scars at all guys, don’t worry)
75: Do you know how your story ends before you start writing it?
Yes, absolutely. I actually have the last sentence of Scars already written down. I have a comprehensive plan. I have scene lists and foreshadowing and setup galore!
Thanks to the amazing @lauronk (the awesome bus lady herself) for the asks. Love u Lauren❤️❤️
legit cannot wait for aobg new ch 😭
Thanks so much!
It’s taking a bit longer than I planned (I rewrote one scene 5 times), but I’m almost done!
Here’s the plot of the chapter:
(Flashing Lights)

Chapter 1: Shrink
Tomorrow, 12PM PST
It’s time…
Scars Out Now!

(Warning: It’s a rough one…)
i am so waiting for abel code new ch.
when are you releasing it ???!!!
Right now, here you go!!
Thanks for asking!
Ask Game!
rules: list the names/titles of docs in your wip folder + open your inbox to asks about them!
Thanks for the tag @renegadeknight and @march-flowerr❤️
Ghosts, GHOSTS, Ghosts (TLOU), and Ghosts (for real this time)😭
Whumptober Thing
Fic Req
Plastic Folding Chairs
and obvi Scars c2 and AbelCode c6
No pressure tags: @lauronk, @adhdprincess, @bumblepony, @mildredellie, @logan178, @boopernatural and @wordspinning love u guys!
Ficlet request where sometime on the way to Jackson, Joel temporarily loses his hearing in his left ear causing him to be completely deaf and Ellie and him have to adapt.
Sorry this took a second! I combined your request and another, and by the time I was finished it lined up with a Whumptober prompt😅
Thanks for the suggestion!!
The Art of Failing [masterlist]
Werewolf!Joel Miller x F!Reader, Vampire!Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: violence and mild gore, mentions of blood and injures, reader is described as active and able to fight, eventual smut, loss of a child, angst to fluff, more warnings to come based on individual chapters
Summary: The Division of Mythological Affairs was created to protect and serve the supernatural community while keeping the knowledge of their existence a secret. You hoped to become an Agent of the DMA like your mother before you. Just as your dream begins to fall apart at the seams, you stumble across a missing persons report that could change everything. You are desperate to solve the case, to prove your ability, and you find yourself with unlikely allies⏤ a werewolf running from his pack and a vampire shunned from his coven. The stakes are high, lives are at risk, and success hinges on the three of you learning to work together.
![The Art Of Failing [masterlist]](
[a/n: this FIVE part series is in celebration of October! I'll update this post with the chapters as we go. Want notifications on my updates? Follow @theidiotupdates 💜 Wanna buy me a cup of coffee? Click here. ]
updates scheduled for 8PM EST, unless otherwise announced
![The Art Of Failing [masterlist]](
THE WITCHING HOUR [10/25/2023]
DAWN OF A NEW DAY [10/31/2023]
![The Art Of Failing [masterlist]](
does anybody have tlou game Joel Miller fic recs? don’t get me wrong i love the pedro ones but i want some of game joel💔
I am very new to this blog, so I’m not sure if anyone will see this but an anonymous on @joelscruff page got me curious…
I am very new to this blog, so I’m not sure if anyone will see this but an anonymous on @joelscruff page got me curious…
DON'T LOOK DOWN -> the last of us
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm absolutely losing my mind over this show. I have some friends who have played the game that are head over heels for it as well, but as someone who's never played, I'm SOLD. I'm in love with the world, with the characters, with the set design, EVERYTHING. Ever since I saw episode one I've had an idea rattling around in my head for an OC, so I did what I always do — come to Tumblr to flesh them out! I hope you enjoy this and please let me know if you do through comments or reblogs!! Remember that if you like a fic or any post for that matter, you should like and REBLOG it, because likes mean next to nothing. Support your fellow artists and spread the love!! Enjoy, my lovely readers <3
PAIRING: PLATONIC joel miller x fem!reader (I'm talking some SERIOUS found family stuff here) WARNINGS: Heavy use of guns and weapons, mentions of the apocalypse, DETAILED descriptions of violence, trauma, and death. Family member death. I definitely sobbed while writing this SUMMARY: After losing her family and getting found by the Fireflies, Y/n goes with Ellie and Joel on a treacherous journey to Salt Lake City.

"I spy with my little eye...something blue."
"Is it the sky?"
"No, dipshit, that's too obvious." Ellie said with an eye roll.
Y/n just scoffed, shaking her head. "Joel, you got any ideas?"
"How 'bout we start with making this the last round of this game?" he said gruffly. Ellie just gave him a glare and muttered something about him being a killjoy underneath her breath. Joel cleared his throat, looking around them — the open field to the left, the forest to the right. "You got me."
Ellie groaned, her head dropping. "It was Y/n's backpack, duh." she said. "Which, I'd like to add, has two guns in it. Not one. Two."
"Cause I actually know how to use them, genius." Y/n replied. "I'm kind of shit at aiming, but I can't point and shoot until the cows come home. If there's one good thing about the apocalypse, it's that it taught me some basic life skills really damn fast.
"Aren't you from Arizona? Hunting season's pretty much year-round down there. Didn't your dad take you out hunting or something?" Joel asked.
At those words, something in Y/n's eyes glazed over. "No. No he didn't." she said, her voice flat. After a moment, she sniffed and rubbed at her nose, turning her head away so as not to let them notice. But Joel saw. She coughed. "Come on, we should pick up the pace if we want to make it to Bill's by sundown."
With that, she sped up until she was walking a good ten feet in front of them. Joel watched her with confusion, which Ellie noted.
"She does that when she doesn't want anyone to see her cry," she explained quietly. "She's got some rough family stories."
"We all do." Joel replied.
But Ellie just shook her head, glancing back at Y/n. "Not like hers."

Ellie and Y/n huddled behind the hole in the wall, listening to the sounds of gunfire come and go. Pop, pop. Silence. Pop. Y/n could barely stand it. She flinched at the familiar sound of gunfire now.
Y/n popped out above from hers and Ellie's hideout and fired a few times into the open, not sticking around to see if she'd actually hit one of their attackers. She always figured it was better if she didn't know. Based on the number of shots coming from their end, she could tell that Joel was wildly outnumbered. They weren't FEDRA or Fireflies, but they had a big enough group to overwhelm one man. Glass shattered as a bullet from the other side shattered through the truck's windshield. Y/n peeked out as glass rained down on Joel. He was alone as the enemy approached. And Y/n couldn't let that happen.
Joel carefully made his way to the other side of the truck as someone stepped in through the obliterated doorway of the laundromat. Glass crunched under his feet. Every step he took brought him closer and closer to discovering Joel. They were running out of time.
Y/n turned to Ellie suddenly, startling her. She put her hands on either sides of Ellie's face, looking at her with an expression so serious that she knew it was in her own best interest to shut the hell up. "Listen to me, you need to stay here. Don't get up. Don't move. Don't even think about it. Don't get a bright idea and try to play hero, alright?"
Ellie gave a quick nod and Y/n stooped down, unzipping her backpack as quietly as she could and pulling out one of her pistols. She began to creep to the hole in the wall, but Ellie grabbed her sleeve before she could come into view. "What are you doing?"
Y/n turned back, trying not to let the fear coursing through her show to the younger girl. "I got a bright idea."
Y/n crept carefully through the hole in the wall as the man stepped closer towards Joel's hiding place. She held her breath, both hands wrapped around the pistol, her pointer finger on the trigger.
The man wheeled around, and Y/n, caught off-guard, abandoned the gun, placing a strong kick to the man's stomach. He stumbled back and the gunfire resumed, stronger now than ever. Joel used this moment to leap out of his hiding spot, jamming the butt of his rifle into the back of the man's head. He crumpled on the spot, blood pouring from the point of impact.
"I told you to stay there." Joel said angrily.
"I don't listen." Y/n said. A single gunshot whizzed past them and they crouched down to avoid it.
"If you go leaping into open fire, what's to stop Ellie from doing the same, huh?"
"She wouldn't follow me out here."
"How do you know?"
"Because I told her not to."
"I told you not to. And you didn't listen." Joel said, reaching up to fire. There was a yell as his bullet met its target, and the gunfire ceased instantly. He went to reload, but found the barrel had jammed.
Y/n stood up, glaring at Joel. "She listens to me. She trusts me." she said. "You're just the guy in charge of taking us from Point A to Point B."
"Trust isn't the point here, okay?" Joel replied, standing. "You're not setting a good example for her."
"You're not my dad, Joel!" Y/n replied, her tone low and harsh. "Ellie is the closest thing I've got to family. Once we reach Salt Lake City, I'm going to be the only one she has, and I'll be damned if I take that away from her. I can protect myself. So worry about yourself."
Joel had no answer for that. Suddenly the silence they were surrounded by seemed impossibly loud. Either they had killed their attackers or frightened them enough to make them turn around and run. Y/n wasn't sure which she'd prefer.
"Are you guys done arguing so I can come out now?" Ellie's voice came out muffled.
Y/n gave Joel one last pissed off look and turned around. "Hang on, I'm coming to get ya!" she said, heading back to the hole in the wall. "Here, hand me your stuff and I'll—"
The sudden sound of the back door to the laundromat bursting open silenced her. There was a gunshot and a yell — whether it was from Joel or his attacker, she couldn't tell. Y/n didn't wait to see what was happening before she practically shoved Ellie back into the hiding spot to keep her out of harm's way.
Y/n turned as someone in dark clothing knocked Joel to the ground, scrambling on top of him pressing his rifle to his neck to choke him. "Now you're gonna fucking pay! What you fucking did, you fucking killed yourself, motherfucker!" the guy shouted, his voice filled with rage. Joel struggled against him, but his grip stayed firm, pressing harder and harder down on his throat. His shoes squeaked against the floor as he tried desperately to move away, but it was useless.
The gun weighed heavy as Y/n lifted it. Arms straight out, finger over the trigger. Joel's struggling was becoming weaker and weaker with every passing second. Beads of sweat collected on Y/n brow. This was no time for indecision. No time for fear. She grit her teeth and gripped the gun even tighter.
The man let out a yell as he fell to the side, slumped against the wall. Joel immediately began to gasp and wheeze, taking in heaving breaths of air. Y/n stepped closer, the gun still held out, and she saw that she hadn't killed the man.
He was leaning against the wall, his chest heaving violently. When he removed his hands from under him, they were slick, coated with blood. He struggled to get himself up, grimacing at the pain, and Y/n realized with horror that he couldn't have been much older than she was.
He was just a kid.
"No, no, no, no, no! It's okay! It's okay. It's over. We're not fighting anymore." he shouted frantically, holding a bloodstained hand out to stop her. His voice had completely changed from before. What had been violent rage was now desperate pleading. "I'm gonna go home. I'll tell everyone you're good." he said, his voice choked with tears.
Y/n swallowed, refusing to lower her weapon as a lump in her throat began to form.
Suddenly he sobbed, his voice becoming high-pitched in distraught terror. "I don't know what to do. My legs don't work."
She had shot him in the spine. She must've paralyzed him.
"My mom isn't far, if you could get me to her." he cried.
Joel slowly began to get up, but Y/n was frozen in fear. She couldn't move, couldn't breathe. All she could do was watch this terrified kid beg for his life.
"We could trade with you guys. We could be friends. I didn't know!" he said, panting through tears. "I'm Bryan! I'm Bryan. What's your name?"
Y/n's throat constricted. Tears rushed to her eyes and she didn't stop them, but her body knew better. Tears were weakness. She pushed them away almost as an instinct, but something was still weighing heavy in her chest. Bryan.
Joel's hand suddenly reached out, grabbing the pistol from the top. Y/n suddenly became aware, her eyes darting to Joel's. He said nothing, but the look on his face said all she needed to know: You know what I have to do.
Slowly, she let go of the pistol and found that her hands were shaking violently. He turned back around, causing Bryan to panic. "Wait, wait, wait!" he shouted, doing his best to drag himself further away. all he was doing was backing himself further into a corner. Suddenly he reached into a holster and pulled out a large hunting knife, dropping it to the ground. "You can have it...It's a good knife." he said, his voice becoming even more ragged.
Joel bent down and took the knife from him. Y/n was feeling something she hadn't felt in a long time. Not since the time she watched her mother's eyes close for the last time.
Joel turned to her. "Get back behind the wall." he said.
"No, no, no, no! I'm sorry! Please, please. We could just talk! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Bryan shouted, holding his hand out as if to shield himself from them.
Y/n tried to speak, but choked on her words. She paused, not sure what to say. "Joel," she said finally, her voice coming out as nothing more than a rough whisper.
Joel's expression hardened. "Y/n. Get back."
But she couldn't leave. Bryan was crying out to her, apologizing to her, begging for help. There was nothing they could do to help him, and there was nothing he could do to hurt them. But he had seen their faces, and now he knew their names. And that kind of information was deadly.
Y/n just shook her head, her eyes glazing over just as they had earlier. Joel realized then that there was no convincing her. The damage had already been done. So he turned away from her and cocked the pistol.
"No, please! Please! I'm sorry!" Bryan's cries became even more frantic. "Please! You don't have to! No, no, no! We can just talk!"
He was babbling now. Y/n couldn't move. She looked at Bryan, and for and for one fleeting instant, she saw herself that one December night seven years ago. The night she lost everything but her life.
"Mom! Mom! Mom!"

Two days. It had been two days since Y/n had said a word to Joel or Ellie. It had also been two days since Joel had put a bullet in Bryan's head.
She walked like someone possessed, eyes staring blankly ahead, face frozen with no expression.
Ellie did her best to goad her into conversation, but she may as well have been talking to a brick wall. Y/n never replied to her questions or laughed at her jokes. Ellie didn't scare easily, but now she was terrified. Nothing quite like this had ever happened.
The only time they ever heard a sound from her was late into the night, when she thought they were both asleep. That was when she allowed herself to cry.
Joel awoke on the third night to complete silence. As the forest floor came into focus around him, he saw Y/n sleeping bag laying flat on the ground, empty.
He sat up, images of the worst immediately coming to mind. He looked to his other side and saw Ellie, fast asleep in her bedroll. `That calmed some of his nerves, but left a lot of his questions unanswered.
The sun was just barely beginning to rise in the east when he got up, looking around himself for any sign of Y/n. There were none. So, after glancing back one more time to make sure Ellie was safe, he picked a direction and began to walk, hoping to find the elder Pain in His Ass.
He wasn't sure how long he had walked before he found her. She was sitting on the forest floor with her back against the thick trunk of a tree, her knees tucked up to her chest with Joel's jacket draped over them. She looked up when he came around, her eyes red-rimmed and swollen.
For a moment, neither of them said anything, merely accepting the others' presence.
"I'm sorry I took your jacket." Y/n said. Her voice was rough and gravelly, and Joel discovered with surprise that he had almost forgotten what it sounded like.
"Don't worry about it." he replied. "Mind if I sit?"
She said nothing, giving a small nod and turning back to stare off into the distance. Joel moved to sit down next to her, grimacing at the pain in his joints as he did so. Y/n continued to sit like there was no one else there, her blank gaze focused on the horizon.
Joel had a pretty good idea what was bothering her. She had shot someone. And what was worse, she'd left them in pain. He almost thought it would've been better if she'd have killed him with the first bullet.
"He was crying for his mom." she said suddenly, cutting him off. "He was crying for his mom and you shot him."
Joel went silent for a moment. He'd had to do things he never imagined himself doing — that had been one of them. "I couldn't take the risk."
She knew what he meant, of course. She understood why he'd done it. And, most of all, she was almost sure that if she'd been in his position, she'd have done the same thing. But seeing firsthand what it looked like to beg for your life reminded her of things she'd rather leave in the past.
"My father was a smuggler." Y/n said, her voice hollow. "We never asked what he did; we just knew that, because of what he did, we lived a lot better than a lot of other people. I'm not really sure what he did — if he had made a bad deal, or double crossed someone that shouldn't be crossed, but I woke up on Christmas morning to gunshots coming from my living room. I should've stayed in my room, I know. But I couldn't just sit there and wait. My whole family was down there. So, I went to see if my dad was okay. He was dead before I got down the stairs. My mom grabbed me and my sister as these three guys pointed guns at our faces. She was screaming at them, begging them not to take her children, begging them to take mercy on us. All three of them shot at once."
Her voice stayed firm and toneless as she spoke. "By the time the bullet hit, I had accepted that I was going to die. My eyes shut and I never once thought they'd open again. But..." Y/n pulled down the hemline of her shirt an inch to reveal a thick white scar just below her collarbone, "fate took pity on me that day. Marlene found me just before I bled out. She kept me alive. And when I woke up, I was in the worst pain I'd ever experienced. All I could do was scream for my mom, ask if she was okay. I never got a straight answer, but I already knew what had happened. I just didn't want to believe it."
Joel listened carefully, his and Ellie's conversation echoing in his mind:
"She's got some rough family stories."
"We all do."
"Not like hers."
She was only seventeen years old — he knew that from the beginning. But now that truly seemed to sink in as he looked at her, sitting with her knees tucked to her chest, huddled under his blanket like it was a coat of armor.
"You shouldn't have had to see that," he said. "No one should."
Y/n nodded in agreement. She knew that it wasn't fair. That none of this was fair. But that didn't change that it had happened, or that she'd have to carry it with her wherever she went. It never really got lighter — that was the thing. All the memories did was get harder and harder to hold.
Her glass expression shattered then as she turned to him, tears falling out of her eyes before she could stop them. "I'm trying so hard to hang on, Joel, I really am," she said, her voice finally breaking. She all but collapsed, leaning her head on his shoulder as hers began to shake with sobs.
It had taken Joel years not to see Sarah in every kid he met — but things always fell through the cracks. When he'd least expect it, a sudden laugh or sarcastic comment would take him back to Austin, back to his daughter, and for a moment he'd almost forget that she was gone.
This was one of those times.
"Oh, Y/n," Joel said quietly, wrapping an arm around her. This girl was not Sarah. No one would ever be Sarah. But right then, Joel was almost sure that she was the closest he was ever going to get at a second chance.
"I'm sorry I don't listen," Y/n said through tears. "I know I need to set a good example for Ellie, but if we lose you...I can't be sure I can get her to the Fireflies by myself. We need you. I..."
She stopped herself just short of saying I need you.
"Hey, it's alright. It's okay. You're not gonna lose me." Joel said. "And sometimes...sometimes you just can't listen. You can't take unnecessary risks, but sometimes the situation demands them. You have the sense to know when that is. The world needs more people like that. Like you.
"Don't even think about losing anyone, okay? You just can't. This whole thing, it's like walking on a tight rope. You look down, that's where you're going. So don't look down."
Y/n was coming back to her senses by now, her shoulders stilling and her tears coming to a steady stop. She nodded, wiping away at the last few stray tears and sitting up. "Don't look down," she repeated. "Is that why you're so grumpy all the time? Because you're always looking down?"
She sort of half-smiled in a way that reminded him so starkly of Sarah that he almost forgot to breathe. But he recovered, giving her a wry grin in return. "It's questions like that that make me want to throw you in a lake."
"Please, with your balance, you'd throw yourself in before anyone else."
𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐑 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 -> e. williams

PAIRING: ellie williams x fem!reader WARNINGS: mentions of past trauma, head injuries, amnesia, underage drinking SUMMARY: the reader is ellie's best friend from FEDRA school who, after a run-in with an infected, suffers from a bout of amnesia, after years apart, ellie and y/n are handed over to joel to bring to the fireflies. their reunion is bittersweet due to y/n's condition, leading them to play a game of ellie's imagination in order to piece together the past.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: So I may or may not have taken the concept of "Real or not real?" from the Hunger Games, but LET ME BE OBSESSEDDDDD. Once I had this idea, I couldn't get it out of my head. My little creativity monkey wouldn't shut up, thus this fic was born. I don't know, I think it's adorable! Enjoy! also, mild spoiler because i just thought of it and it's funny: ...and they were roommates.

"And then you punched her right in the jaw! I'm not kidding, she had a bruise for the next couple of weeks. Couple stitches in her lip too," Ellie said, excitedly recounting a story from the past. "Obviously, Captain Kwong threw you in the hole for another two weeks, but it was worth it. At least, that's what you said."
You almost laughed at the story, forgetting momentarily that you were the star of it. At least the old you had the balls to do all the things you wish you could do now. "I sound pretty badass."
"You were," Ellie said without a beat. Then, more confidently, "You are."
You paused, sobering up a bit at the reminder. Sometimes when you heard these things about your past, you couldn't believe it. You were like some mythological legend you heard about but never imagined you could be ― and yet it was you. Nothing changed between the two versions other than time. Well, time and a traumatic brain injury. You couldn't really leave that bit out.
Ellie seemed to notice your sudden solemnity and was quick to change the subject. "You know, you were the one who introduced me to Pearl Jam?"
You looked up, interested.
"Yeah, yeah you did. You smuggled all these cassettes in and we'd listen to them on my Walkman. God, we'd be up until two, three in the morning just playing that shit on repeat. Our dorm guard hated us because we'd talk over it, too. Woke everybody up. We made a loooot of enemies back then."
"Seems like it. But, to be fair, you seem like kind of a difficult person to be around."
Ellie's jaw dropped as she feigned offense, throwing the pebble at her. "I'm very pleasant company, thank you very much."
Y/n rolled her eyes, muttering something sarcastic under her breath. There was a bottle of some amber liquid, hidden from Joel, closed in her fist. It burned when she swallowed it, but enough sips made her head heavy. It was nice. Warm. Almost fuzzy, even. She set it down, sighing deeply. "Sometimes I get these...these glimmers of the past, but I'm not sure if they're real or if I just made them up."
Ellie stopped. Contemplated. She leaned over, taking the bottle from Y/n's grip, and looking down the barrel to see how much was left. She wanted to help Y/n. She did. In fact, there was nothing in the fucking world she wanted more. It just so happened that what she suffered from was the most unhelpable problem in the fucking universe.
There was only one thing she could think to do to try and unravel the enigmatic fucking past.
"How about we play a game?" she asked, taking a swig from the bottle. "You tell me something you think you remember ― something from your glimmers ― " she added with a grin, "and I'll tell you if it's real or not real."
Y/n paused, thinking. "Real or not real. That could work," she mumbled. "Okay, um...I'll start with the first thing I remembered: my favorite FEDRA food was beans on toast."
"Easy. Real," Ellie said without a beat. "Every Wednesday you were so excited for that shit. It was fucking disgusting, too. I didn't get it. Still don't."
Y/n felt a pang of excitement in her chest. Something she remembered had been real. Not an illusion, but fact. That meant that maybe, maybe, she could recover.
"Gimme that," she muttered, taking the bottle from Ellie and taking a celebratory sip. The other girl laughed as Y/n swallowed, grasping for some other memory to recount. "Okay, um, there was a girl. We both hated her. Her name was...oh fuck, what was it? It started with a B."
"Yes! Bethany."
"She was the one you sent to the infirmary! Real." Ellie said, bubbling with excitement too. She could see how happy Y/n was now, knowing that she was slowly but surely grasping bits of her past. And that, if anything, made her a little happy too.
They started passing the bottle back and forth. Question, drink. Answer, drink. Warmth hummed in both of their chests, tearing sobriety in half.
Y/n's cheeks burned pink in the moonlight. "Okay, I'm not super sure about this one, but were the walls of our dorm blue?"
"Mm, not real," Ellie replied with a shake of her head. "Maybe that's something else though? Like maybe your house had blue walls?"
"Yeah, maybe."
Y/n's face had fallen a bit ― whether it was because a glimmer had been wrong or from the mention of home, she wasn't sure. It occurred to Ellie then that she may have had memories of home that she wasn't telling her. Maybe because there wasn't a person alive that could confirm them.
Either way, something had upset her. And Ellie didn't like that.
"Hey, you're, like, 6 for 7. These glimmers are pretty fuckin' reliable."
"Yeah, I guess," Y/n said, her grin returning. "Okay, next one...oh, I remember this one. It's about you."
"Indeed. You're the star, Ellie. So: there was a night that we went out on the roof and stared up at the sky for hours. You told me random shit about the moon and space ― cause you love that stuff. Real or not real."
"Real," Ellie confirmed. "It happened a couple times, actually. I think the last time was when we..." she trailed off, pausing briefly. "No. Never mind."
Y/n looked up, hastily cutting off her sip from the bottle. "Come on, what? You're withholding information from an amnesiac? That's, like, borderline illegal. Come on, I'm a big girl. I can take it."
But there were some things that Ellie, upon recognizing Y/n's condition, decided not to tell. There were some things you couldn't force on a person. And if history repeated itself, so be it. but if not, Ellie wouldn't be the one to force it.
"The last time we went up, I nearly pushed you off the roof, and you accused me of trying to murder you. Excuse me for trying to avoid a touchy subject."
She immediately regretted lying.
Y/n rolled her eyes, taking another sip. "Yeah, okay. Maybe it's better I don't remember that part. There's no stopping me from smothering you in your sleep."
Ellie laughed quietly, but Y/n sensed that she'd been slightly put out. Desperate to continue the game, she searched for any of the so-called glimmers she'd gotten recently. They'd all been fairly boring ― games of dodgeball, training at FEDRA school, and then...
There had been one glimmer that had stopped Y/n in her tracks. One that had woken her up in the middle of the night, heart beating so violently she could feel it in her teeth.
That one, she hoped, was real. But if it wasn't ― if it was just her imagination playing tricks on her ― and she asked Ellie anyway? That had the potential to be catastrophic.
When she was silent for a little too long, Ellie cocked her head, trying to discern the calculating look on Y/n's face. "What?"
"Hm?" Y/n asked, eyes still frozen to the ground. "Oh, nothing. Boring glimmers, blah blah blah."
"No, hey ― I want the boring. If we're going to get your memory back in tip-top shape, that means leaving no stone unturned. Come on, lay it on me. Boring as hell. Go."
Y/n sighed, throwing her head back. "Fine. Boring it is, I guess. I sucked at math. Real or not real."
"Real. You sucked bad."
"Expected. I was a fast runner. Real or not real."
"Hell yeah you were. Put me to shame. Real."
"Ah, some good news, finally," she joked. " didn't like me when we first met. Real or not real."
"Jesus, you're really exposing me here. Real."
Y/n's jaw dropped. "What?"
"Yeah. You smiled a lot and talked nonstop. I couldn't get you to shut up."
That sent Y/n into a fit of laughter, throwing her head back so quickly she almost tipped over, sending herself sprawling against the forest floor. "So when did you realize I wasn't a pain in the ass?"
Ellie paused, thinking. "Our third day of training. This girl, Megan, made fun of me because I couldn't make it all the way up the rope. Before I could tell her to fuck off, you stepped in. You called her bleached hair tacky and told her to find a more original insult. And when she didn't back down, you swung. She beat your ass, of course ― you couldn't fight for shit back then. But that was when I realized you were a pretty damn good roommate. And I started to listen when you talked."
Y/n's brows had furrowed halfway through the story as a new glimmer rapidly began to reveal itself. "You'd sneak out after lights out to visit me in the infirmary. You brought the Walkman with you and gave it to me to keep throughout the day."
Ellie swallowed, nodding. "That's real."
Y/n nodded in response, staring down at her dirty sneakers to avoid looking at Ellie. The other glimmer ― the terrifying one ― burned hot on her tongue, begging to be recounted. It was a risk, of course it was. But the old Y/n seemed to live in peace with those, even if they left her with a black eye.
"There's one more," she said quietly, her throat constricting. "I loved you. Like, really loved you. And I think you loved me back. Real or not real."
The bottle swayed in Ellie's hand. Y/n tore her eyes away from the ground to look up at Ellie, her heart thumping. And in the pale moonlight, she saw a nod. "Real."
Hi! just wanted to say that i absolutely love your writing and wanted to know if you could do a Tommy Miller x reader, where Tommy has had too much to drink and Joel takes him home to you but Tommy cannot stop talking about how much he loves you and how pretty you are as you take care of him. Like just super fluffy. Thanks so much if you decide to do this! :D

Drunken love sick fool
{Tommy has had one too many, luckily for him he has you}
This is too cute!! Hope you enjoy lovely 💕
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“Don’t let him overdo it, please for love of god Joel.” Is what you had told Joel before the pair of them left for a ‘well-deserved drink or two’ you don’t mind really, in fact, you’re glad they get along so well, but goodness are they bad influences to each other, and before they know it they’ve both drank their own body weight in whiskey.
Joel only chuckled at you, saying something about how he ‘can’t promise anything’ which in turn made you sigh, knowing that tonight you might have to nurse a very drunk Tommy.
“Honey! I’ve missed you!” you hear him before you see him, shouting your name with a thick southern accent that seemed ten times stronger than usual.
You can’t help but smile when you hear Joel trying to shush him, scolding him about how he’s ‘gonna wake up the whole street with his yapping’ as you grab the front door keys from the small bowl.
You wish you could be mad at him, mad at both of them but you completely melt when Tommy’s eyes meet your own, so full of love and joy as he smiles brightly at you and you feel your frustration crumble away.
“Sorry, he just-” Joel tries his hardest to come up with a good excuse as to why he’s returned your boyfriend back home to you as drunk as a skunk, but yet all that comes out is a guilty chuckle as he scratches the back of his neck with a smile.
“It’s alright Joel, but you owe me” You tell him as Tommy wraps his arms around you, nuzzling his nose against your neck as he mumbles something about how you smell like heaven.
He bites back his laughter as you try to keep his brother on both feet, “Well good luck to you, he’s been er- asking for ya” and you can tell by the teasing look that flashes through his eyes that there’s something you're not getting, and you dread to think what exactly he’s said.
You bid him your last goodbyes with Tommy still practically hanging off you before closing the door with a heavy sigh knowing you were in for a long night.
“Mm, honey- I’ve missed you” he whispers against your shoulder, hands soothing against your lower back as they slip underneath your shirt, splaying against your bare skin.
The feeling makes your skin tingle as you pull back slightly, brushing his hair behind his ear, “Missed you too baby” you whisper, breaking out into a fit of giggles as he peppers sloppy kisses all over your face.
“God, you’re so pretty, do y’know that? My lovely girl” he gasps looking at you with soft eyes as he studies your face. His hands come to rest against your hips, squeezing them softly as he continues to admire you.
“Come on let’s go get you some water” you tell him, dragging him to the kitchen. You help him to take a seat at the table before pouring him a glass of cold water.
Although he doesn’t stay seated for long at all, immediately standing back up to lean behind you, his strong arms warped around your midsection.
“Tommy I-” You can’t finish your sentence as peppers more kisses along your shoulder, his rough hands going back underneath your shirt as they rest against your belly.
“I love you” he whispers, voice laced with exhaustion as he goes on, “So, so, so much” he presses kisses between the words.
“I love you too Tommy” you giggle as you try to pry yourself away from him as he lets out a huff of dismay. He doesn't have any of it, taking no interest in your offer of some ice-cold water. No, he's adamant that the only thing he needs is you to cure his drunkness.
Time ticks by and it nears twelve am when you finally get him to drink some water as you go and get him a change of clothes and by some miracle, you’ve finally got him into bed, even if his shirt is inside out.
You sigh as you finally lay down pulling the sheets over the pair of you. Tommy's arms wrap around you as he inches himself closer to you, his head nuzzling against your shoulder as he rambles on and on about how ‘lucky he is to have such a beautiful girlfriend’ as his hands soothe against your stomach and you cant wait to tease him about it in the morning.
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Misc (miscellaneous)
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Mortal Kombat-
A Soft Moment - Liu Kang
Mornings - Bi-Han
The last of us-
Apple of my eye - Tommy Miller
Pretty angel - Tommy Miller
Drunken lovesick fool - Tommy Miller
Terrible cold - Felix Catton
bro bartender!ellie au where reader is a regular and ellie thinks they’re attractive and eventually ends in smut? 😋
You guys have literally the best ideas ever and I'm loving every single of them 🤩 Thank you for your request!!!
There Is No Escape From Love
A/N- This one was requested from my AO3 account. First time writing Ellie x Dina so I hope you like it <3 All your feedbacks are so important to me so let me know If you like my writing, how I should improve it etc.
Summary- Ellie has been with Cat for a long time, but Cat gets into a silly fight with Ellie and eventually Ellie finds herself in Dina's arms. Another day, Ellie is injured while on patrol with Joel, and when she returns to Jackson, she becomes the center of attention for Dina.
Warnings- killing, violence, pain, Ellie is in stress but Dina takes care of her. UwU so lovely <3

gif from Pinterest! ( this scene is just- Have no words ! )
Ellie was so attentive whenever she went on patrol that she sometimes came back to Jackson very energetically, and oddly enough, no one was minding her. But after the events with Cat, her mind was starting to get confused. She couldn't help thinking, 'Am I not really a good girlfriend?' In fact, the subject they were discussing was just as ridiculous, and Ellie seemed to go crazy when she thought about it. Cat was the girl who didn't like to go out much, fit the description of the nerdy high school girl, and that's what Ellie thought of whenever she thought of Cat.
Another evening, Ellie told Cat that she was going out with Dina and Jesse and that she would come, but Cat was upset and started a fight with Ellie out of nowhere. Ellie wasn't always that positive and she had stress issues, which Cat should have realized by now. But it happened, and when Ellie suddenly started to scatter and shout, she knew that Cat was scared of her, so she took a deep breath and walked out the door without turning around. Ellie needed to calm down so she decided to go with Dina and Jesse.
When she got to the place where they were, she was surprised to see a crying Dina in front of her and waited for a few seconds before sitting next to her. Apparently they had a fight with Jesse again.
When Dina saw Ellie coming, she stood up and stretched out her arms to hug her. Ellie did the same, hugging her girlfriend tightly. Ellie didn't ask why because she knew they were like this all the time and she couldn't take the chaos anymore. Ellie took her hand and dragged her to her place, and they talked all night about their past lives and the things they liked. Ellie talked about those comic books again and after a while the two of them were looking at each other so well that Ellie couldn't stop kissing her. Maybe Ellie had taken advantage of Dina's sad mood, but Dina was responding, too, and Ellie realized then that Dina wasn't empty to her.
When she woke up in the morning, Ellie felt a soft body next to her and wished that this moment would never end, but there was a patrol that day and she prepared slowly so as not to wake her, no matter how hard she tried, left a note on the nightstand next to her bed to indicate that she was leaving. Winter was approaching, but Ellie never felt cold because she had fought worse. When she got to where the horses were, her eyes searched for Jesse but couldn't find him, and when Joel arrived a few minutes later, they said a little hello and good morning to each other, and set off to blow the brains of the sick. Ellie was unaware of what was going to happen to her. If there was one thing Ellie didn't tell anyone, it was that she didn't expect to see anyone other than sick people out there because they had to be defensive and just like themselves, and you wouldn't know where they would come from. Jackson was being invaded in some way at least every month, and as a result, people fell short of their fun for a while. When Ellie first came here, she liked it so much that she had a hard time not hugging Joel, but she knew she was hurting that man too. She loved Joel and didn't think she could live without him, but Ellie wasn't very good at showing her feelings, so you could tell from her eyes what she was going through, and Joel could fully understand what Ellie was feeling. Because he was a teenager just like her, and he did the craziest thing in his adolescence and became Sarah's father, and that was a very bad thing for him at the time because what his mom and dad thought was more important than what he thought, but he somehow survived these events, but the day of the outbreak was in his life. It was the scariest and saddest day of his life, and Joel would never forget them.
Joel wanted to break the silence between them, but Ellie already understood that and rolled her eyes and waited for him to speak.
'' Kiddo, I'm sensing some bad things in you. Did someone hurt you? " Ellie didn't have to tell Joel that much, and she didn't feel obligated to say anything, but it was Joel and he wouldn't let it go. “No, I mean maybe yes… I dunno. Last night was rough and kinda cute at the same time and I don't know how I feel or… Pff I don't know Joel.” Joel nodded in understandment at what Ellie had said and smiled sweetly. ''Ya can always talk to me If you have something goin' on, you know that right? “ Ellie smiled at him too and nooded her head as yes. After a few moments of silence, Ellie decided to explain to Joel how she felt, but it didn't turn out the way she thought it would because an arrow pierced the tree right in front of her, and the horse she was riding, Shimmer, reared up in fright and rushed madly into the trees with Ellie. Although Ellie tried to stop her horse, unsure of what to do, she knew she was in danger and seemed nowhere to hide. “ Shimmer STOP! No wait, not that way. HEY I SAID- “ Shimmer threw Ellie off of her before she could finish speaking and the horse ran away herself. Maybe she could find her horse later, but when Ellie looked where she had fallen, all she saw was mud and blood. Se heard a whistle and wanted to get up quickly, but it wasn't that easy in her situation. She stood up cautiously, but was thrown to the ground by the pain of the arrow hitting her shoulder and writhing in pain.
She didn't know where Joel was, but she wasn't stupid enough to try to summon him because she knew she was surrounded by enemies. She quickly pulled out the arrow and was so careful not to shout that her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Ellie lay there breathing deep and silently, waiting for the enemies to go away, and they did. Hearing no sound, she got up and tried to get out of the mud, ignoring Shimmer. She paused at the sound of the bush and pulled out her gun. ''Who are you!? Come out, NOW! “ That person came out of hiding, listening to Ellie, and when Ellie saw it was Joel, she took a deep breath and walked towards him. Joel was breathing heavily, and he wasn't quite well either. He took Ellie in his arms and asked if she had anything, but then when he saw the scar on her arm, his eyes widened and he dragged her with him to the place where his own horse was. ''Now, you go to Jackson and head straight to infirmary. No buts Ellie you should go and patch this up. Please don't make me repeat myself. “Ellie nodded and got on Joel’s horse. She just stood there motionless and looked gratefully at Joel. “Thank you Joel. " Joel nodded, as if accepting Ellie's thanks, and with that, Ellie rode Joel's horse towards Jackson. When she got to the place where the big doors were, she said her own name, but her voice was too weak because of the pain. They opened the doors anyway, and Ellie came in, handed the horse over to the people present, and asked them to call Maria to the infirmary. When she arrived at the infirmary, the woman there asked her to sit on one of the beds and went to get some supplies to clean her wound. Ellie heard footsteps coming from the side of the door and straightened her posture. She was surprised to see the people entering because she wasn't expecting Dina here. “What are you doing here?” She asked, unable to keep the surprise in her voice. Dina was panting and when she got to Ellie she grabbed her hands tightly and then hugged her tightly.
“Oh Ellie I was so worried. I was going to the garden to pick somethings but I found Maria pacing around so I asked her what was up and she said you were hurt and I quickly came with her. How did this happen though? “ Instead of answering, Ellie looked at Maria and asked her to save her from answering for the moment. Maria rubbed her hands and cleared her throat, giving her authoritative speech. ''Well I'm sure Ellie would tell you everything in private so maybe you should just go with her and make her not to do anything stupid, yeah? " However, she looked at Ellie as if to say 'we'll talk later' and walked out of the infirmary. Unbeknownst to Ellie, her arm was bandaged and she was holding Dina's hand with her other hand. They left the infirmary hand in hand without saying a word, met Cat on the way, but both continued on their way without greeting. When they entered the garage where Ellie was staying, they both threw themselves into the seat at the same time, and when they realized this, they looked at each other and started laughing.
When their laughter was over, they looked into each other's eyes and kissed passionately, as if they never wanted to part. After a few moments, they broke their kiss, and Dina placed her hand on Ellie's cheek and looked at her lovingly, as if she had never seen her '' What would i do if you died there? I'm here for you Ellie so please don't get yourself away from me. I want you to love me. " Dina's words sounded to Ellie as if they were the words of a song and Dina wrote that song. It was then that Ellie realized that whenever Dina looked at her, Ellie was fascinated and there was no escape from it.
My Publishing Schedule
WARNING! this is my request publishing program. Apart from this program, I also write fics from my own drafts and I will share them with you outside of this program. I will try to be as active as I can. Thank you for the patience of those who submitted requests.
A/N- In fact, we can think of it as a precautionary measure, because in this way, both me and you will not be confused, and I will have time for both here and my own life. Remember, I'm here because it's a platform I love and I'm addicted to game characters that I love to write on. If there's a delay, realize that I'm not done yet because it's really harder than you think. I write and I translate it after writing because my native language is not English. Thank you to the people who support and understand me. <3
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday - If the program doesn't run properly, I can change it, but I'll let you know if something like this happens.
A/N- Some of you may wonder why I republish my fics. I wanted to start from the beginning and I really want ya'll to see them because we rarely have game imagines around here. I'm not implying that I write good but thanks to some of you, I know I'm good enough and I'll keep writing no matter what. This is not my job, this is my hobby and I won't stop. Thank you for supporting me both on here and AO3! Love ya'll 💜
Warnings- SMUT, daddykink , prof!Joel , age difference, a lot of dirty talk. 🥵

After leaving classes, you quickly made your way towards the campus exit. The thought of what Mr. Miller might do to you was eating away at you. You knew you'd lose your mind if you thought too much about it, but you couldn't help it. This was wrong. Yes, but you were both adults. Maybe you shouldn't care what anyone says. But how absurd would it be to reveal it in a public space. He could lose his job. What happened that day should have remained a secret and should not happen again. As you grapple with your thoughts, you realize that you have came all the way outside the door. When you got to the parking lot, you sat on a pavement and waited for that familiar face. You didn't know how it was going to unfold and maybe what you did was momentary, but Mr. Miller wasn't going to stop.You didn't know that you didn't provoke him until now and why you waited until this moment. It wasn't really your intention to do this, but a little fun never hurt anyone, right?
Suddenly, a shadow formed in your surroundings and when you looked down you saw a pair of black sporty but stylish shoes and knew he was coming. He held out his hand for you to hold as your heartbeat quickened with his presence, and you stood up with his help. Maybe Mr. Miller wasn't a gentleman, but he was never the type to fuck you and sleep with other women another evening. As you let go of your hand and walked to the place where he parked his car, you kept looking back to see if anyone could see it.
When you suddenly turned in front of you, you bumped into his huge body, causing you to retreat. He was laughing. Ahh he had that damn smile of course.That famous Texas grin and the way he supports his fingers on his belt. You just nodded when he looked at you from the side and asked if it was okay, but you knew he didn't like it. You knew very well that if you were a good girl he would reward you because for God's sake, what century are we in and didn't we watch Fifty Shades of Grey? He turned towards you and raised an eyebrow as if asking a question.
''What were we saying little girl? Yes or no right? Use your words for me. “ How did he expect you to answer when your heart raced so fast every time he spoke? Didn't he see the effect on you? Maybe he did, but for now he just ignored it. You muttered “yes” silently, and he slowly nodded his head okay.
The drive was quiet except for the country music on the radio. Occasionally he would open his mouth as if he wanted to ask you something, but then he would give up and close it.
Maybe he was saving what he wanted to say for later. Your hands were sweaty from playing with your hands from tension. When he came to his house, he said that you came with a quiet but full tone and you got out of the car with that. While you were opening the door of the house, your tension was not gone, but one of you had to attack and this tension, this silence should be replaced by better things. So after closing that outer door, you literally jumped on him and took those hot lips between yours. A few minutes later, his hands were roaming your entire body. Deciding to provoke him a little more, you grabbed his cock and groaned. He took you in his arms with this gesture and when you thought he was taking you to the bedroom, you hugged him even more and started kissing him again. No matter how close you were, even a centimeter between you was hurting. You both wanted more.
He threw you briskly onto the bed and climbed on top of you. He was kissing your neck and walking with both hands in other parts of you.
''You think you just gonna get away with this little one? After what you did in front off the whole classroom? Nah I don't think so. You deserve every punishment I'll give it to you. “ However, he grabbed your neck hard and pulled you towards him. You just groaned in a way that didn't know what to do as you became more aroused with every move.
“Please Daddy. Please have me right now. I'm begging you. I'm so sorry." No, you weren't sorry, you just wanted him to put out his current fire. The sooner this was over, the sooner you could cut ties with him. It couldn't be love or anything more.
With that, he started kissing your lips even harder and trying to take off your panties. You lifted your butt to help him and he impatiently pulled it off your leg. After that, the bra joined the panties. Mr. Miller seemed to have obeyed, for he was slower, but his movements were fine.
''Well then. Since you begged for me good, I'll give what you want but let me hear your little words. all right? If I don't then I stop immediately.'' You purred yes daddy a few times before you saw him take off his pants. You both threw your heads back and groaned as he slowly entered you, but Mr. Miller quickened his movements, supported by your voice.
He was kissing your neck and saying dirty words to you like these.
‘’ Yeah just like that kitten.’’
‘’ You’re gonna cum for me?’’
‘’ Let me hear you little girl.’’
‘’ Let them hear your little moans princess.’’
‘’ Daddy is so proud of you little one.’’
You both ended up saying dirty words to each other. When you lay next to him and look at him through your light hair, you see him breathing heavily and you rest your head on his chest. He gave you a kiss and started stroking your hair. Even though you didn't want this moment to end, it had to be when you woke up. But who knows? Maybe it wouldn't end. After throwing your thoughts away, you fell asleep in his arms.
Anon 4, here's your request!!! I hope you like this one because in my opinion the smut part actually turned out good :)

bro bartender!ellie au where reader is a regular and ellie thinks they’re attractive and eventually ends in smut? 😋
You guys have literally the best ideas ever and I'm loving every single of them 🤩 Thank you for your request!!!