The Lorax 2012 - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Teaser I guess HAHAHAHA

This will took alot of time

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1 year ago
HIIIII AAAAAA I Wanted To Do Something More Experimental Yk

HIIIII AAAAAA i wanted to do something more experimental yk

I must say that what inspired me to make this drawing was listening to the song Let ir grow (Celebrate the world) specifically for the last part of the song

( that song makes me feel too many things ToT JAKSJAK)

and btw, sorry for the inactivity Q-Q!!

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1 year ago

i'm just coming back to say that this is TOO COOL AAHJDHJAGGG i mean, as someone who since joining the fandom has tried to read as many things about the fandom as i can, it's fascinating, it doesn't matter if the video lasts a i just want to know and learn more about all this ;;v;;

Calling all Oncelings! I need your help!

Greetings, Onceler fandom! Tis I, MJ, just a little guy who wants your help on a big project I'm planning!

Here's the rundown: I want to do a deep-dive video on the Lorax, from its origins to its adaptations, to the cultural phenomenon that it has become, including a HUGE dedicated section to the fandom and its history! And I need your help with it! Keep reading if this interests you :D Rough outline of topics that I'm plannning on addressing:


The Original 1971 Book

The 1972 Short

The 2012 Illumination Movie (And what went WRONG, the cut content, analysis)

The 2015 Musical


The Onceler Fandom's Beginnings and Early Years (2012)

Shipping (Oncest, Normaler, the like)

Onceler OCs and aus! (Possibly an OC feature from those in the fandom!)

The Lorax in Meme Culture

The Resurgances of the Fandom (2015, 2021, 2023 Tiktok Boom)

Where's the fandom at now?

It's a huge project and that's why I want you all to help me with it! What do I want your help with? At the moment this is my list!

Research and Fact Checking on the "Content" Section, especially on lesser known topics like the musical or the cut content! (Pspspsps calling the five of you who actually know what the musical is)

RESEARCH AND FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCES OF THE ONCELER FANDOM'S EARLY DAYS!! I joined this place in 2023 so I don't know much about the early days of the fandom, and I want to know SO much more than I do! I want to know the scope, everything from the in-jokes to the aus to the deoncelerization. If you've been in this fandom since 2012 I would LOVE to hear from you!

Last but not least, I want the end of this video to be a love letter to this community, sharing firsthand experiences of what the Onceler as a character and the fandom means to you! I want to conduct interviews with people over discord (which is going to be a lot less fancy than it sounds so dw, it's not going to be an interrogation LMAO)

Specifics are subject to change but one thing will stay, I want to end the video to be made out of raw Love and Appreciation for this fandom, showcasing the side of this little corner of the internet that people who brush it off as mindless cringe don't see. All I've seen from this community is love and support and I want to be the video essayist who shows it for what it is!

At the moment I don't really have much of a plan (I'm not a very good planner lol), but if enough interets garners I know it'll help me streamline my motivation and come up with a game plan!

Feel free to leave me suggestions for where to go from here, maybe give out my discord? Make a Discord Server? Maybe there's something I can do solely on tumblr? I don't know! I don't know at all how Tumblr works! Help Me! Am just a little guy!

Alright that's all from me for now gamers, if this project interests you all in any capacity or you want to help out, please reblog/reply/message/ask/howeveranythingworksonthissite to let me know! Feel free to ask me questions or whatever as well! Peace out for now ✌️

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10 months ago
Fixing His Guitar

fixing his guitar 🎸

Happy bday onceler! :-) I can't even manage to explain the influence he had on me, I still love him after so much time

Also I think ive eaten too many marshmallows to celebrate today jajahsjsj

(other doodles) vvv

Fixing His Guitar

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6 months ago

Is it just me or have all four of (imo) some of the biggest tumblr sexymen fandoms had small revivals in the past few years. Like

In late 2022- early 2023 DHMIS had its revival and although Tony wasnt as popular he was still a favorite

In mid 2023 there was a brief Lorax revival

In Early 2024, Hazbin Hotel released and Alastor became popular again

And now, Mid 2024 Gravity Falls and Bill Cipher is having his revival

I wonder who the next sexyman to be revived will be?

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1 year ago

I love this art so much...😧 It looks creepy, but it's so cool

sovapng - •Sova•

Well, something very sad and not positive...😭 Omg it was really hard to draw

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