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Petition to now only refer to Jily as SunFlower because that’s way more catchy
@13personalities @short-insomniacs07 @bluebooks1 @uh-oh-no @my-castles-crumbling
@blurstardust @pianoandcookiedoughlover @ll-until-the-very-end-ll @https-enem @themortalityofundyingstars
@anything-for-my-moony-1971 @vintagetee13
(You don’t have to like Jily to support my petition)
i literally thought of it while on the highway lol
Petition to now only refer to Jily as SunFlower because that’s way more catchy
@13personalities @short-insomniacs07 @bluebooks1 @uh-oh-no @my-castles-crumbling @blurstardust @pianoandcookiedoughlover @ll-until-the-very-end-ll @https-enem @themortalityofundyingstars @anything-for-my-moony-1971 @vintagetee13
(You don’t have to like Jily to support my petition)
and then the letters somehow get mixed up…
more 1 am thoughts!! actually no I've been thinking about this a lot but consider
I think I've mentioned once that in my au sirius is the head of gryffindor house (since minnie is now the headmistress). now imagine harry gets in a bit of trouble for always getting into fights with Draco and duelling when he's not allowed so at some point 2 letters from sirius arrive at the Potters' residence. one addressed to Regulus and one to James. Reg's letter would be the formal one, written by "professor Black" stating how mr. Harry Potter has participated in unauthorized duelling much too frequently, inflicting serious damage on fellow students and how there will be consequences if he doesn't change his behavior and all that. meanwhile James' letter is like HOLY SHIT PRONGS HARRY JUST FUCKING OBLITERATED CISSY'S SON HIS EARS ARE NOW TWICE THE SIZE OF HIS FACE I'M SO FUCKING PROUD
The world may end if these people stop sending hate instead of actively doing crap. but idk. probably a bad idea. I’m just a woman, after all.
sometimes I wonder what would happen if people spent their time like...volunteering to help kids read or something instead of sending anonymous hate about fandom ships. but idk. probably a bad idea. I'm just a guy, after all.
Young Rita Skeeter Head-cannon Time!!!
So, since she was a Slytherin pureblood her family(mainly her father) drilled into her the blood purest views since 11. She was told that since her family motto(in vincula) means to be bound together, they would always stick together and join the Dark Lord when he started to gain power. Once Rita was 17, suggestive comments about being a death eater turned into hateful threats by her own parents. Luckily, she avoided this until she was 18 1/2, but was forced to join. Since young Rita was a badass, she convinced Voldemort that she could be a great spy. She told him about her ability to write, twist the truth out of people, and her brand new job at the Ministry. She then convinced him not to give her the mark (as all ministry workers were to be inspected daily) but to tie her to his army with an unbreakable vow. She vowed to “serve the dark lord until one side rejoiced in the end of the war” (which was very smart of her not to include a side). Finally, when the war ended, there was no evidence tying her to the death eaters.
(Bonus: her parents were killed in an Order attack by Mad-eye Moody ((she literally celebrated her dad dying)) but Bellatrix hated her for eternity and tried to kill her over 20 times)
Side note 1: there is no record of a skeeter family motto or anyone other than rita in jkr’s work so i made up some shit.
side note 2: the motto was literally found on google and i feel that it shows dedication to her life, family, and loved ones
side note 3: i ship quillkiller and believe rita caved into becoming a death eater easier because Bella was already one.
Tagging @bellatrix-black-bitch because I told them I would do this hc on my main and i don’t know their main
also tagging @13personalities because she might find this interesting or hate it but idk
"You're just like the nazis if you ship jegulus / if you like Regulus / Barty / Evan / any character that was a death eater"
What the fuck is wrong with you all??? That's not a good take you think it is.
My great grandparents were literally in concentration camps. How dare you make such an awful comparison? Comparing FICTIONAL CHARACTERS to real life events is actually very sick of you. To call someone a nazi or nazi sympathizers just because they enjoy exploring FICTION makes you a very gross person.
I don't care if you think you're superior for liking a different ship or for hating certain characters. You are not. You're actually well bellow everyone else for making such horrible comparisons. You are playing limbo with the underground with how terrible you are.
Jegulus oneshot
The Gryffindor common room was loud, too loud. But for once, in all 6 years the marauders had attended Hogwarts, James Potter was not the one making the noise. Maybe it was the fact that his only thoughts were about the pale Black brother’s lips that ever so slightly grazed his own in an abandoned classroom just this afternoon, or that not even his Lilyflower made him feel this way. He had never really taken a liking to the black brother before as Sirius claimed he was “a devil child” and basically forbade any contact between the two.
However, James knew that somewhere deep down he wanted that kiss. He knew that his lips craved for more and his mind wanted to run fingers down Regulus’ back till he shivered from pleasure. How could he ever face either black brother again in this state? As his thoughts started to run, so did James.
As his feet hit the cold, hard, stone floor of the majestic castle in rhythm with his heart, James felt a freedom. This newfound freedom seemed to tear James away from his fears and his troubles. His heartbeat pounding in his ears as he ran up stairs and through corridors. The pitter patter of the rain hitting the windows beside him only made the freedom greater. And finally, with one long breath, everything stopped. Standing only 1 meter away was Regulus Black. His faint laughter filled the halls in response to Pandora Rosier’s jokes, and his black hair stood perfect.
As soon as James made direct eye contact with the man he’d been avoiding, he stumbled over every excuse to his running he could think of (including but not limited to: “all the bathrooms were out of order, peeves was chasing me, Remus is in the hospital wing, I lost my rat, and many others). James watched as Pandora looked at him with such befuddlement and then frowned. His eyes lit up with worry and his heart began to pound in his chest. Suddenly, the castle seemed too small and James felt trapped.
What James didn’t notice was Pandora pecking Regulus’ cheek as her angelic voice floated down the hall as she sung, “Potter and Reggie sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” while going to check a disturbance. As James turned back to Regulus with beat red ears and a pounding heart, he saw the young boy frowning towards the recently departed blond. James didn’t dare to look into his forbidden lover’s glass eyes as he knew getting lost in them would lead to his demise. Instead, James looked out onto the glimmering Quidditch field dreaming of playing with Regulus instead of against him. This dream lasted a whole minute before a small yet strong voice spoke out.
“I genuinely don’t know why my brain just goes blank when I look at you. I think I'm going a little crazy.”
“Aren’t we all a little crazy though?”