The Stand - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Walter O’Dim: You’re sister’s really hot. Mordred Deschain: That’s my mom! Walter O’Dim: Ha! Even Hotter.

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5 years ago
A Quick Sketch I Did The Other Day To Loosen Up Before Working On Commissions! Stephen King Really Did

a quick sketch i did the other day to loosen up before working on commissions! stephen king really did me dirty for not letting nick and randall have a fistfight :’(

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5 years ago
Randall And Church For @he-who-walks

randall and church for @he-who-walks <3 hope you enjoy!

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4 years ago
Tag Yourself As A Stephen King Book!

tag yourself as a stephen king book!

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4 years ago
Cold Got You Down? Chills? Fever? Sounds Like You Need A Buddy: Flu Buddy!
Cold Got You Down? Chills? Fever? Sounds Like You Need A Buddy: Flu Buddy!
Cold Got You Down? Chills? Fever? Sounds Like You Need A Buddy: Flu Buddy!
Cold Got You Down? Chills? Fever? Sounds Like You Need A Buddy: Flu Buddy!

Cold got you down? chills? fever? Sounds like you need a buddy: flu buddy!

The Stand (1994)

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4 years ago
The Stand | 2020.12.17
The Stand | 2020.12.17
The Stand | 2020.12.17
The Stand | 2020.12.17
The Stand | 2020.12.17
The Stand | 2020.12.17
The Stand | 2020.12.17
The Stand | 2020.12.17
The Stand | 2020.12.17

The Stand | 2020.12.17 ​​​​

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4 years ago
Randall Flagg Be Like *sits On Every Rooftop In The Corner Of Your Vision No Matter Which Way You Look

randall flagg be like *sits on every rooftop in the corner of your vision no matter which way you look

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4 years ago

My Stand meme collection so far (mostly Flagg cuz there ain't enough memes for him)

My Stand Meme Collection So Far (mostly Flagg Cuz There Ain't Enough Memes For Him)
My Stand Meme Collection So Far (mostly Flagg Cuz There Ain't Enough Memes For Him)
My Stand Meme Collection So Far (mostly Flagg Cuz There Ain't Enough Memes For Him)
My Stand Meme Collection So Far (mostly Flagg Cuz There Ain't Enough Memes For Him)
My Stand Meme Collection So Far (mostly Flagg Cuz There Ain't Enough Memes For Him)
My Stand Meme Collection So Far (mostly Flagg Cuz There Ain't Enough Memes For Him)
My Stand Meme Collection So Far (mostly Flagg Cuz There Ain't Enough Memes For Him)

Made all these on my phone cuz I'm poor and Mematic won't open

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4 years ago

Reviews: The Stand: Captain Trips


Halloween Havoc rambles on!  I decided to read a Stephen King Classic via it’s comic book adaptation from Marvel Knights 4 and Afterlife with Archie scribe and future Riverdale showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sarcasa. A deadly plauge sweeps across the US that kills in it’s wake while the goverment tries to cover it up. Because that’s not at all terrifingly close to home.  But as this pandemic creeps around the US we meet 5 dispearte people with a part to play in what the world becomes after the end: Stu, a hard nosed man who finds himself imprisoned by the government since he was next to patient zero for the outbreak and lived. Frannie, a young woman who finds herself pregnant and dealing with her disaproving mother and the babie’s less than ideal dad. Larry, a would be one hit wonder whose come home to new york to dry out and to let Stephen King go on for several pages about how much he fucking hates new york, because that was important. Nick, a deaf and mute teen drifter who finds himself subbing for a kind sherieff who sadly got the disease. And Lloyd, a dumb criminal who finds himself in jail after a robbery gone bad. And waiting in their dreams and the shadows for his acendency, the walking dude, Randall Flagg, evil itself. Waiting paitently for the soon dawning time of his ascendency. Spoilers and the review itself under the cut. 

Keep reading

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4 years ago
October 2: The Walkin Dude

October 2: The Walkin’ Dude

Randall Flagg, the dark man, strode south on US 51, listening to the nightsounds that pressed close on both sides of this narrow road that would take him sooner or later out of Idaho and into Nevada. From Nevada he might go anywhere. From New Orleans to Nogales, from Portland, Oregon, to Portland, Maine, it was his country, and none knew or loved it better. He knew where the roads went, and he walked them at night. Now, an hour before dawn, he was somewhere between Grasmere and Riddle, west of Twin Falls, still north of the Duck Valley Reservation that spreads across two states. And wasn’t it fine?

He walked rapidly, rundown bootheels clocking against the paved surface of the road, and if car lights showed on the horizon he faded back and back, down over the soft shoulder to the high grass where the night bugs made their homes … and the car would pass him, the driver perhaps feeling a slight chill as if he had driven through an air pocket, his sleeping wife and children stirring uneasily, as if all had been touched with a bad dream at the same instant.

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4 years ago

randall flagg be like “i know a place” and then he brings you here


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4 years ago

Hold on, can you guys send me gifs/images of Randall Flagg? Either version is fine but I don't want any from the dark tower film, thanks.

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1 year ago


He's a fairytale..

Sweet and shy.. Nice guy.


Owen Teague...

I've been dedicating videos and a lot of love to him for years now. (but only now can I show what I'm doing.)

He is an amazing and talented person who inspires me to develop in my work, as do some people from my environment.

I've known him and his projects for much longer than I've known Evan Peters.

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3 years ago

Poll: Which Stephen King Book is the best?

To all book nerds out there: I want to start reading Stephen King and that's why i am interested about your opinions. Take the poll below and let me know your favourite King novels. I will read the top 3!

Poll: Which Stephen King Book Is The Best?
Poll: Which Stephen King Book Is The Best?
Poll: Which Stephen King Book Is The Best?
Poll: Which Stephen King Book Is The Best?
Poll: Which Stephen King Book Is The Best?
Poll: Which Stephen King Book Is The Best?

What is your favourite Stephen King Book |
What's your opinion? Vote now: Carrie, The long walk, The Shining, The Stand, It, Pet Sametary, Salems Lot, Firestarter, Cujo, The running m

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2 years ago

I is a cuddle bun while Skin Daddy watches the TV show "The Stand". I getting all da pets.

I Is A Cuddle Bun While Skin Daddy Watches The TV Show "The Stand". I Getting All Da Pets.

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