Theocracy - Tumblr Posts

“In case you haven’t noticed … When they say “woke,” they mean Black. When they say “Soros” or “globalist,” they mean Jewish. When they say “parents’ rights,” they mean Christian zealots’ rights to overrule all other parents, ban books, and dictate lessons. When they say “freedom,” they mean freedom to inspect your son’s genitals and log your daughter’s periods. Freedom to indoctrinate and impose an agenda, just like they accuse their opponents of doing. Freedom to restrict voting and overturn elections. Freedom to deny medical treatment so women die and kids kill themselves. Freedom to wield the power of the state and applaud vigilante violence against anyone who disagrees or looks different. Today’s Republican Party serves exactly three groups: the NRA, untaxed billionaires, and bigots who want white supremacist theocracy. To say you’re a Republican is to say you have exactly two values: privilege and hate.”

— Paid for by Eric Grevstad, Bradenton, Florida

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8 months ago

i want to make something clear: the reason Biden and other centrist Democrats support Israel has little to do with Jewish people, at least not American Jews. we are a tiny population. our votes do not sway presidential elections. our votes barely ever sway anything at all outside of NYC politics. and, contrary to semi-popular belief, we do not control the media.

the first big reason Biden and other Democrats support Israel is because of evangelical Christians. a huge number of American hardline supporters of Israel do so for religious reasons. the second big reason Biden and other Democrats support Israel is because of the military, because Israel is our proxy in a long-term engagement against Iran that we've been involved in ever since American and British intelligence overthrew their democratically elected government in 1953.

not only is it disguting - in an ethical sense - that the core of the liberal base seems more shaken up by a mediocre debate showing than they do support for genocide, it's also terrible strategy. the vast majority of American supporters of Israel are Christians or nationalists (or both) who are going to vote for Republican choice no matter what Biden does for Israel. Chasing their votes is a fool's errand.

there are other paths. there are millions of voices going unheard. and there are is a lot of potential support in places other than the current target, a fictional "middle ground" between the status quo and outright fascism.

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