White Supremacy - Tumblr Posts
“This nightmare in New Zealand feels unfathomable. Except it isn’t. The hate that killed Muslims praying in Christchurch is the hate that killed Jews praying in Pittsburgh is the hate that killed African Americans praying in Charleston is the hate that killed Sikhs praying in Wisconsin. If we don’t face white supremacy it will destroy all of us. Please God, let all of us who know the pain of being targeted for who we are have patience with each others’ imperfections. So we can join together. And be safe together. And get free together.”
— Rabbi Mike Rothbaum

Yet they’re “pro life”

This went up quickly (at 24th and Bryant)
You know what the most frustrating thing about the vegans throwing a fit over my “Humans aren’t Parasites” post is? I really wasn’t trying to make a point about animal agriculture. Honestly, the example about subsistence hunting isn’t the main point. That post was actually inspired by thoughts I’ve been having about the National Park system and environmentalist groups.
See, I LOVE the National Parks. I always have a pass. I got to multiple parks a year. I LOVE them, and always viewed them as this unambiguously GOOD thing. Like, the best thing America has done.
BUT, I just finished reading this book called “I am the Grand Canyon” all about the native Havasupai people and their fight to gain back their rights to the lands above the canyon rim. Historically, they spent the summer months farming in the canyon, and then the winter months hunter-gathering up above the rim. When their reservation was made though, they lost basically all rights to the rim land (They had limited grazing rights to some of it, but it was renewed year to year and always threatened, and it was a whole thing), leading to a century long fight to get it back.
And in that book there are a couple of really poignant anecdotes- one man talks about how park rangers would come harass them if they tried to collect pinon nuts too close to park land- worried that they would take too many pinon nuts that the squirrels wanted. Despite the fact that the Havasupai had harvested pinon nuts for thousands and thousands of years without ever…like…starving the squirrels.
There’s another anecdote of them seeing the park rangers hauling away the bodies of dozens of deer- killed in the park because of overpopulation- while the Havasupai had been banned from hunting. (Making them more and more reliant on government aid just to survive the winter months.)
They talk about how they would traditionally carve out these natural cisterns above the rim to catch rainwater, and how all the animals benefitted from this, but it was difficult to maintain those cisterns when their “ownership” of the land was so disputed.
So here you have examples of when people are forcibly separated from their ecosystem and how it hurts both those people and the ecosystem.
And then when the Havasupai finally got legislation before Congress to give them ownership of the rim land back- their biggest opponent was the Parks system and the Sierra Club. The Sierra Club (a big conservation group here in the US) ran a huge smear campaign against these people on the belief that any humans owning this land other than the park system (which aims at conservation, even while developing for recreation) was unacceptable.
And it all got me thinking about how, as much as I love the National Parks, there are times when its insistence that nature be left “untouched” (except, ya know, for recreation) can actually harm both the native people who have traditionally been part of those ecosystems AND potentially the ecosystems themselves. And I just think there’s a lot of nuance there about recognizing that there are ways for us to be in balance with nature, and that our environmentalism should respect that and push for sustainability over preserving “pristine” human-less landscapes. Removing ourselves from nature isn’t the answer.
But apparently the idea that subsistence hunting might actually not be a moral catastrophe really set the vegans off. Woopie.

Television news refuses to cover this even though they are prominent at all his functions.
“In case you haven’t noticed … When they say “woke,” they mean Black. When they say “Soros” or “globalist,” they mean Jewish. When they say “parents’ rights,” they mean Christian zealots’ rights to overrule all other parents, ban books, and dictate lessons. When they say “freedom,” they mean freedom to inspect your son’s genitals and log your daughter’s periods. Freedom to indoctrinate and impose an agenda, just like they accuse their opponents of doing. Freedom to restrict voting and overturn elections. Freedom to deny medical treatment so women die and kids kill themselves. Freedom to wield the power of the state and applaud vigilante violence against anyone who disagrees or looks different. Today’s Republican Party serves exactly three groups: the NRA, untaxed billionaires, and bigots who want white supremacist theocracy. To say you’re a Republican is to say you have exactly two values: privilege and hate.”
— Paid for by Eric Grevstad, Bradenton, Florida

This will come as no surprise to most of you but when it comes to terrorism in the U.S., you are nearly 2x more likely to die at the hands of a neo-nazi racist terrorist than you are to die at the hands of a Muslim extremist terrorist.
Black women, Jewish women, Muslim women, and women of color have always had to earn what is freely given to others. It's always been this way.
Even those of our own ethnic groups have always expected us to go out of our ways to prove that we are worthy of even the most basic respect as human beings.
Because we are women, and because we are ethnic minorities, we are expected, required even, to always explain ourselves, justify ourselves, and apologize for being ourselves.
I recently unfriended and blocked an acquaintance on Facebook. He pretty much said to my face that "this is real and big stuff we're talking about here, not gender studies". The fact that he even brought "gender studies" into a completely unrelated topic of discussion is him telling me that I can't possibly possess the level of intelligence and education required to comprehend and debate the "real and big things" (and clearly because people's rights to exist in this world don't even make the cut of important things worthy of being taken seriously), basically using my staunch stance on trans rights as a means to dismiss me for being the poor little Asian immigrant who just doesn't know better.
He also happens to be biracial and half Asian. Not even mentioning the part where he is transphobic, which is a very white supremacist thing to do, he has pulled the exactly same spiel that is all too familiar to me because white men have done the exact same to me countless times. Never mind that he's got nothing to show for his arrogance and nothing to back up his attitude, but because I'm a woman and a woman of color, my opinions mean nothing and my words hold no weight. Not for a moment do I believe because he will claim a slice of the pea oh sea pie when it suits him, it means he is not exactly like all the misogynistic white men out there.
(Radfems do not even look in the direction of this post. You have never treated us an ounce better and you all only care about middle class and above white gentile women anyway.)
"Through military bases, large corporate industry, tourism, and religion, colonial powers have essentially wiped out most of the Hawaiian culture, forcing them to assimilate and forgo their own sovereignty. Beginning with the overthrow of the monarchy of the Kingdom of Hawai'i, the United States has continued to damage these beautiful islands and the indigenous people through greed and white supremacy."
- Lindsay Malfer, The Devastating Effects of Colonization on Hawai'i
something that i think most leftists fundamentally do not understand is this: the basic seed of white supremacism is not and has never been “white people are good and everyone else is bad”. the basic seed of white supremacism has always been “white people are capable and everyone else is incapable”. when explicit arguments in favor of white supremacy are put forth, they are almost always take this form. never “white people are the kindest and the most virtuous” always “white people have achieved, they have conquered, where no others have”. this is why the liberal idpol thing of “all badness in the world is the result of european imperialism” actually more or less supports a white supremacist narrative. sure, the value judgements are different, but the basic belief that white people are the driving force of history is almost identical. stop it! this shit is not helpful!
something that i think most leftists fundamentally do not understand is this: the basic seed of white supremacism is not and has never been “white people are good and everyone else is bad”. the basic seed of white supremacism has always been “white people are capable and everyone else is incapable”. when explicit arguments in favor of white supremacy are put forth, they are almost always take this form. never “white people are the kindest and the most virtuous” always “white people have achieved, they have conquered, where no others have”. this is why the liberal idpol thing of “all badness in the world is the result of european imperialism” actually more or less supports a white supremacist narrative. sure, the value judgements are different, but the basic belief that white people are the driving force of history is almost identical. stop it! this shit is not helpful!
something that i think most leftists fundamentally do not understand is this: the basic seed of white supremacism is not and has never been “white people are good and everyone else is bad”. the basic seed of white supremacism has always been “white people are capable and everyone else is incapable”. when explicit arguments in favor of white supremacy are put forth, they are almost always take this form. never “white people are the kindest and the most virtuous” always “white people have achieved, they have conquered, where no others have”. this is why the liberal idpol thing of “all badness in the world is the result of european imperialism” actually more or less supports a white supremacist narrative. sure, the value judgements are different, but the basic belief that white people are the driving force of history is almost identical. stop it! this shit is not helpful!

Antivaxxers wanna be seen as victims sO damn bad. 🙄
Even as they themselves are endangering others (immunocompromised, elderly, children etc.) when they refuse to be vaccinated, refuse to wear face masks, refuse to follow any kind of social distancing guidelines, and refuse to self-isolate if they contract a mild case of coronavirus. They want us to believe that somehow they’re the innocent victims, and everyone else is crazy?? Gtfoh 😒
And what’s with their endless comparisons to things like slavery, eugenics and the Holocaust??
Imma keep on saying this: for an overwhelming number of antivaxxers, being anti-vaccine is simply another part of their political identity. It’s no different than being a bible thumping anti-abortionist, or being against critical race theory, or being an AR-15 gun nut, or pro-Rittenhouse, or pro-Trump, or pro-police, or anti-BLM, or not believing in climate change….. If you made a Venn diagram of all their sociopolitical beliefs, it would damn near be a perfect circle. For them, being an antivaxxer is just one more crazy, despicable checkbox on their long list of selfish, harmful political “beliefs.”
Antivaxxers are not harmless, and they are not victims.
They are the victimizers.
Imagine being a woc radfem, when radical feminism is racist and had multiple occasions of alignment with nazism/facism and anti-semitism.

Women of colour who claim to be anti-imperialists while being radfems are fucking clowns. Imagine advocating for transphobia when transphobia is interconnected with White supremacy and colonialism. Decolonize your minds harder

it is so fucking exhausting and annoying how white women, including and maybe even especially in progressive and leftist spaces, continue acting like they are not themselves still beneficiaries of tremendous privilege simply because they endure sexist or misogynistic discrimination. being a woman does not excuse the fact that you are still white and you still reap the benefits of being white! you do not get to "but sexism!" your way out of being held accountable for saying and doing racist shit!
Want to know what all these pathetic race-obsessed white supremacists who harp on all day about how white men built modern civilisation have in common? They are usually a rowdy and cowardly bunch of insecure and pea-brained losers who have not achieved anything of great merit in their lives and as such feel inclined to latch onto the achievements of other white men, most of whom are dead, to feel some sense of self-importance. It’s really embarrassing and sad actually, they literally have nothing going for them or anything in their own lives to be proud of and they aren’t that bright either, so they just ride the accomplishments of other dead white men to feel superior.