Theodoraisms - Tumblr Posts

he blinks. once, twice. wide smile fixing itself in place when he registers teddy before him. confusion crinkling features. “ i wouldn’t know how to flirt, ” he retorts instantly, and it may be the truest thing he’s ever said. “ i got distracted by the jello shots and i may have accidentally ended up having ten. . . more than ten. eleven and half because i spit one out when i realized it was watermelon flavoured. ” he’s taking, fast, as he usually tends to do. too focused to realize his hand is yet to let go of hers. “ well that depends on how socially acceptable it is for me to walk around looking like spider-man at a beach party. ”
LOCATION: the sunset villa beach party STATUS: closed / ace auelua @dreamerfms

"oh my goodness, i've been looking for you EVERYWHERE!" teddy practically shouts as she grabs ace's hands. "you've been flirting around this party leaving me high and dry, or what? starting to think i'm not so important to you..." teddy lets out a small huff before taking a deep breath. "whatever. i saw a face painter somewhere-- what do you say?"

“ i was about to bring you one, ” he insists, and it’s partially true. had been his intention before he’d gotten easily distracted. “ i was just testing them out first, you know, so i could bring you the best one. which is the cherry cola, by the way. naturally. ” coincidentally also his slushie flavour of choice. head shakes, wide grin in place as he glances across at her. “ you’re never too old to be a unicorn. besides, you’d make the prettiest unicorn in all of palmview. ” compliment rolls off his tongue with ease, and he thinks earlier words over, lips slightly pursed. “ now what small, non-harmful crime could one spider and a unicorn who is very important to him possibly commit together ? ”

"so many lies, such little time," teddy says with a shake of her head. a sigh escapes her lips as he goes on and on about jello. "and you didn't think to bring me one? extra hurtful, considering you also haven't said i am indeed important to you..." she drops their hands and goes to link their arms instead so they can start moving forward. "i'd say pretty acceptable... even more acceptable if you plan on committing a small crime and not getting caught. what do you think i should get? does a unicorn sound fun or too kiddy?"

it takes him by surprise, eyes momentarily wide as she wraps him up in her embrace. it stills him, acts of a affection something he’s not quite used to unless they come from his dog, and that’s usually because he wants fed. but he eases into it, a slight flutter in his chest. oh. that’s new. “ i already have a web shooter, ” he responds quickly, and it takes him far too long to realize how it might sound when he is in fact talking about a toy. “ oh god, wait, not that ! i mean, i-i do have that but i meant like, you know . . . oh my god i’m never opening my mouth again. ” cheeks are now vibrant with a rosy tint, embarrassment abundantly clear.

teddy is ready to keep her pout act up until he utters the words prettiest unicorn and very important to him. she abruptly stops to wrap her arms around him, almost knocking the both of them over. "well, ace of my heart, knowing you and me... we could definitely get into some trouble. theft from one of these stalls maybe? but something harmless, like a treat maybe. do you think the face paint comes with a web shooter?"