These Are All So Bad Theyre Kind Of Good - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

kind of random, but i was looking through a book i had filled with puns, written in 1939. they are certainly not up to date with modern humour, but here are some that made a little bit of sense:

"Why are pens, ink, and paper, like fixed stars?" "They are stationary."

"When is a window like a star?" "When it's a sky- light."

"Why are bookshops always tall buildings?" "Because they contain thousands of stories."

"When is a theatrical manager like an astronomer?" "When he discovers a new 'star'."

"What tune can be made out of banknotes?" "A fort-une."

"Which is the strongest day in the week?" "Sunday, because all the rest are week-days."

"Why is the interior of a theatre ever a sorry sight?" "Because the boxes are always in tiers."

"What were the colours of the wind and waves in the last storm at sea?" "The wind blew and the waves rose."

"Why is a violin like a bank?" "Because it gives out notes."

"Can February March?" "No, but April May."

And the worst of these:

"Why are blind men like Plato, Socrates, and Seneca?" "Because they feel-loss-of-eyes (philosophize)"

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