Thetraitordemon - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

“...Now you mention it, that was a stupid thing to say. But some of you guys have healing powers right? So technically you have your own doctors...right?”

“You should probably see a doctor. I’d help out, but I’m broke.”
[Lol it’s autumn and the weather’s shit not much else to do XD]

“Do Seraphim need doctors though? I mean we don’t really need to eat or sleep so…”

“Going blind…” He muttered in thought. When was it he started to lose his sight? That was something he never thought of really but then it was odd to hear the other talk in a helpful way. “I suppose I could seek the help on the shepherd if needed but…”
Trailing off as he looked to him an amused look soon crossed his face. “Do I take that tip as you not wanting me to go blind? I didn’t expect and old man like me to manage to get a hellion like you to worry on losing my sight. Thinking it to be no longer fun when I go blind?” He grinned on his teasings though he did wonder on the truth of it.
“But I’ll consider it…if I meet them.”
“Not to mention a while ago me looking up at the sky might not help my sight one dang bit.”

“You’ll consider it?”
Lunarre clenched his his fists and rounded on the seraph, bristling with anger.
“You really don’t give a damn anymore do you, old man?” he snarled. He didn’t care how it looked, frustration poured out of him and nothing could stop it. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you care so little about yourself that blindness means nothing? Are you so wrapped up in your own crusade of friendship that you can’t see how pointless it is? If you’re really so stupid to think you can be of any help to anyone as you are - let alone blind - then maybe you deserve to lose your damned sight! Maybe then at last you’ll realise just how much of a stupid old man you are!”
Lunarre stopped suddenly, breathing hard. He wanted to take the stupid bastard’s eyes out himself! Why couldn’t he get it? Even if he laughed at the fact a hellion cared about him... surely he was not so far gone he couldn’t see the sincerity of Lunarre’s feelings, or that the situation was a serious one. What could Lunarre do to make Kimuri give a damn about his own self?

Ordinarily Lunarre would take exception to being called a kid, but thinking about it from an old fart's perspective - he was.
The hellion was more concerned about the unfocused eyes of said old fart. As much as he hated to admit it, this wasn't just some old geezer he could brush off anymore.
Lunarre masked his concern with a smirk.
“Yeah. How ya been, Gramps? Still doing stupid shit I see.”
@snickering-kitsune ♥’d

“Ah?” Stopping in his tracks the seraph looked over his shoulder. Admittedly, it was pointless for him to do so with his fading sight. But it was out of habit for him. The air of malevolence was obvious for him yet… he held no real reason to feel cautious.
“Is that you kid? Been a while hasn’t it?”

“Yep!” He grinned as he slipped his hands into his pockets.”Same old, same old and nothing new at all learned with what I want to know.” It was a shame really, but it was nothing new for him.
“I take things have been the same for you?”

Lunarre frowned. He hated that blasé attitude. He couldn’t understand - how could a life that mattered be so careless? It occurred to Lunarre that Kimuri’s life may not even matter to him at all. Kimuri may well be another fool like him, who believed the contrary once, but now knew better.
But was it better? It couldn’t be denied. At some point or other, Kimuri’s life began to matter to Lunarre. The feeling like a cold finger slipping down his spine shook the hellion.
Did that make Kimuri the fool, and Lunarre the deceiver? As he was now, could Lunarre accept it as anything but?
Was Lunarre deceiving himself all over again?
Once again, for a moment, Lunarre cursed the day he locked eyes with the seraph he called Gramps.
“You’re basically admitting it’s pointless,” the hellion muttered. “But you still keep on going. You wanna die that badly?”
He sighed.
“I can’t say it has,” Lunarre said, kicking a stone. “And that’s partly your fault. I oughta make you take responsibility, as my elder.” A sardonic sneer crossed his lips. “How about it, Gramps? You stop your crazy dreaming and I’ll quit the whole hellion thing. Good deal, right?”

“Not so much anymore. But I’d like to keep looking even if it is pointless.” There was once little reason for him to take his own well being into consideration. But since having a hellion of all beings seeming to be bothered on the fact… Well he thought it best to keep that in mind.
“Really now?” Well that was a surprise. That’s for sure. “My fault huh?” He tried not to laugh on the comment really… Yet even then the next words the hellion mentioned had him almost shocked. How was he to really reply to that?
“Can’t say that’s what I expected to hear from you Kid. I was expecting a few more jabs or something.” He let out a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Quitting the whole hellion thing? It’d be that easy for you?” Looking over his shoulder as if hearing something from behind him, the seraph thought for another moment.
“I suppose a change isn’t a bad thing.”

Lunarre could hardly believe his ears. The crazy old seraph had accepted! The shock made the insanity of his own words hit home. Could Lunarre ever be human again? He had killed the foolish boy he once was - at least, he thought he had.
If Gramps can do it, he thought, then I...
Suddenly the sensation of a foot over the edge, feeling air, struck terror into the heart of the hellion. The terror of casting oneself into the abyss, the helplessness of seeking care, the agony of falling when none was found.
Balgair’s mocking laugh, his boss’s cold eyes; both as clear as the day they had broke his heart.
No. Gramps had no reason to keep me around, Lunarre told himself, he’s not like them!
If anything, Lunarre had been a constant obstacle to the seraph, thwarting his self-destructive efforts. It made more sense for the seraph to have gotten rid of him long ago. The purity that emitted from the seraph was genuine. He felt that, was drawn to it, and yet...
In the grip of terror and pain, Lunarre said: “No, it won’t be that easy. I don’t even know if it’s possible anymore.”
He bit his lip.
“I killed the stupid kid I was - yet here I am, askin’ you to be with me like a lost kid! Some hellion I am. Even like this, I can’t be alone. I need somebody. When I’m with you, Gramps, I remember people I hate. People who took me in and threw me away. I remember them because I’m afraid you’ll be like them. After all this time, I feel like it’s a good thing to wake up in the morning. I feel it. You give a damn. You really give a damn. I can’t believe it - it’s too good to be true! I won’t be fooled again!”
His voice, rising to a shout, subsided, along with the fire that had flared out. Breathing out, Lunarre spoke again, his voice catching.
“But that said... I can’t leave you alone and go on like nothing happened. You’ve got under my skin. It pisses me off. I can’t ignore it. I can’t stop it. I don’t know what to do.”
Throwing himself down on the ground, Lunarre slammed a fist into the dirt.

“Damnit! I don’t know what to do!”

Tagged by: @timidplum [Thank you~~~]
Tagging: @kyutikitsune, @thetraitordemon @divinaaquis @ anyone who wants to!! :D
He didn’t expect that reaction when he accepted the offer and yet…. Maybe it was a good thing for the hellion. He bottled up his emotions for so long it seemed. To finally get out of his system…. Well, he thought that was a first step forward.

Slipping his hands into his pockets he waited for the other to calm down as he finally took a step closer. “You say it won’t be easy but yet it feels like you took a step in the right direction, Lunarre.” How long has it been since he actually said the hellion’s name?
He wasn’t sure.
“We all kill a part of ourselves at least once I feel. I believe I did so a long time ago… before I was what I am now.” What was he before a seraph? He still couldn’t reach those memories. “But we still keep a fragment in the end I believe. That, I think counts for something.”
Making his way over he knelt down before Lunarre, moving to place a hand carefully on his shoulder. A soft smile showing on his face. ”You are no stupid kid. And you’re right, pardon my language with this. But I really do give a damn. You do’t even know how it gets to me there might be a chance of me wandering and not running into you again cause you landed up killed somehow. I always take those run ins we have with joy because I’m glad you are still alive.“
It was odd for a seraph to say wasn’t it? Then he was a rather odd person from how the other talked on him.
Moving to sit beside the other he looked to the sky. ”Honestly. I doubt my vision will ever return. One day these colors I see will be no more and it’ll all be a pitch black void. I can still use the temperature around me to help me navigate but it won’t help on missing things that you can only see with the naked eye… Even then I see things you can’t see with the naked eye.“ He let out a laugh as he rested a hand on his back.
”Take things one step at a time, Lunarre. Change is not something that will happen in a blink of an eye. It’s a series of obstacles and challenges. But… you don’t need to go them alone. I’ll help out when needed. After all it’s not something you can always do on your own. So let’s help each other out as time goes on, alright?“ Looking to him with a smile he let out a chuckle.

“I’m up for giving a hug if you need one you know. I’m glad to see you’re not bottling this all in. I’m sure it’s nice to finally get it out too.”
Lunarre grit his teeth. He had never spilled his guts to anyone like this before. Not Balgair, the man who raised him, nor Rose, the girl to whose family he once thought he belonged. Kimuri was different, but Lunarre still felt exposed. He kept his face in his hands, huddled and silent.
The hellion bit his lip when he heard his name. The name ‘Lunarre’ meant ‘fox’, as did ‘Balgair’, the man who had given it to him. Balgair had raised a fox, someone to be as quick and wily as him. A thief, a miniature money-spinner. If it had been anyone else, it would have sounded bitter, but Kimuri was different. He spoke his name with love.

Tears pricked his eyes and Lunarre cursed himself. Even now he couldn’t bring himself to truly believe the seraph’s love for him. He wanted to, gods he wanted to. Perhaps this was the change the old fart was talking about. Maybe if he stuck by Kimuri’s side, leading him through darkness, Lunarre would change. It might take a hundred years or more, but Lunarre was willing. The ache of loneliness subsided when he was around the seraph, like it had for a time with the Scattered Bones.
This time, surely...
Deep down Lunarre had known his efforts to save the seraph’s sight was in vain, but hearing the truth from Kimuri’s mouth cut him. In that moment he knew he couldn’t leave the seraph alone, even if hurt.
So in the end it was all useless, huh...?
The offer of a hug made him tense up. The hand on his back had already made him twitch. He wasn’t used to it. He distrusted it instinctively. This was Kimuri, however. Kimuri was different. The hellion’s shoulders relaxed a little, inviting further touch. In truth, he wanted it. He needed it, now of all times.