Just some scorbus aestehticโกโกโก

Had to come to your inbox to show you this because in my head this seems very cathie coded, mostly the chorus ๐ญ๐คง
Like oblivious, maybe in denial Cater singing this to her??๐๐ Also a bit cringe I know but hey Austin and Ally was a very dear show to me when I was younger sksjskskk
Hello Mah! โ
I've never seen Austin and Ally before, so I didn't know about this song!
All I can think about is Cater writing this song for Ruthie back when he was in denial of his feelings, and he presents it to the Pop Music Club so they can perform it at their next show. He would be staring at Ruthie (who's at the front of the crowd) as he sings it โก
So, here's a Cathie fic about it! Enjoy! โก
(It ended up WAY longer than I thought it would be lol)

โ ๐๐ช๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฒ๐ฎ: ๐๐ธ๐ฝ ๐ ๐๐ธ๐ฟ๐ฎ ๐ข๐ธ๐ท๐ฐ โ

โ The Pop Music Club was sitting in their club room, eating snacks as they talked. They had a show coming up in a few weeks, and were debating on what to perform. There were certain songs they would always play, but this time they wanted to do something different, to really make the show stand out. Lilia suggested they try a new genre, while Kalim suggested they incorporate a new instrument. Cater didn't really have any suggestions, scrolling through Magicam for inspiration. While scrolling he comes across a new post from Ruthie, a picture of her pet hamster Raisin with his cheeks stuffed, a sunflower seed in his hands. In the post Ruthie coos about how cute he is, a smile coming to Cater's face as he likes it.
โ As he continues scrolling he comes across fan edits, dancing videos, comedy skits, memes. He was about to switch apps when he comes across a post, a girl gushing about how her partner wrote a song for her, as a surprise for her birthday. The post includes a short clip of them singing to her, the girl standing there in shock for a moment before looking like she could cry. In the comments everyone talked about how romantic it was, some saying how they wished they had a partner like that.
โ A sudden thought occurs to him, looking up from his phone and turning towards the others as he suggests, "Why don't we try writing our own songs?" Kalim and Lilia look to each other for a moment before agreeing, the two of them excited at the idea of writing their own song. After eating a few more snacks and talking for a little bit longer, they go their separate ways, each of them needing to have a song written for their next club meeting.
โ Cater stretched in his desk chair, sighing. He had been staring at his computer for a few hours now, a blank word document in front of him. He kept thinking and trying yet a song just wouldn't come to him, getting up from his chair. He grabs his phone and earbuds before moving to lay on his bed, needing a break. He scrolls through Magicam as he listens to music, liking and sharing certain posts. He sees a post from the bakery in the village near Night Raven, announcing new items they would be adding to their menu soon. One of the items is a dessert that seems to be trending right now, everyone talking about how good it is.
โ He smiles as his mind immediately goes to Ruthie, knowing how much she loves sweets. Without thinking he shares the post with her, sending another message right after that asking if she'd like to go with him when the bakery debuts their new desserts. It takes a few minutes before she responds, but her reaction was what he expected, telling him she would love to go with him and how excited she was to try the desserts. Her message had a mix of heart emojis throughout it, something she always did. Their was one particular heart emoji she seemed to use more than the others, Cater putting it next to her name in his phone. He did it because the heart emoji reminded him of her, that's all. There was no other reason. (At least, that's what he keeps telling himself)
โ It's a few days later when the bakery debuts their new desserts, Cater waking up early knowing how busy the bakery will be. Ruthie was waiting for him outside campus, standing at the entrance gates. She was dressed more casually than usual, wearing a black long sleeved shirt tucked into a pink knee length skirt. She paired the outfit with the stockings and black Mary Janes she usually wore, her favorite headband on her head to match. Cater couldn't help but stare, thinking how good she looked. When she noticed him she ran over to him, thanking him again for inviting her. Cater wasn't paying attention as she continued to talk, eyes focused on her mouth. There was just something about that pink lip gloss she always wore that he was drawn to, tempting him. It makes him want to...
โ He shakes his head, stopping himself from continuing that thought. They make their way to the bakery, talking and laughing along the way. As they pass by a house Cater catches a glimpse of their reflection in the window, the sight almost making him stop. He never thought about how Ruthie holds onto his arm whenever they go somewhere, enjoying having her close. But seeing their reflection, how she holds onto his arm, looking up at him as they talk, he couldn't help but think...
We look like a couple
โ It doesn't help that others would mistake them as such, strangers calling Ruthie his girlfriend or his dorm mates telling him to enjoy his "date". Trey had even complimented his appearance that morning, asking him what he was dressed up for. They're wrong, Cater thinks. We're just friends. Yet, the idea of them being "just friends" hurt, Cater choosing not to linger on it.
โ There was already a line when they got to the bakery, having to wait around fifteen minutes before they could enter. Cater attention was drawn to the dessert that was trending, ordering it to take a picture for his Magicam. Ruthie went to order one as well before Cater stopped her, reminding her that she could just eat his. She laughed, saying she forgot and thanking him. Once they got their dessert they went to sit outside, not wanting to stay in with how packed it was.
โ It was a nice day out, the table they chose giving them a nice view. Cater took the dessert out of it container, setting it up so that it looked good. He used the natural lighting to help take his photo, immediately uploading it to Magicam. When he looked up from his phone he noticed Ruthie sitting across from him, eyeing the dessert eagerly. His heart raced as he told her he just needed to take one more photo before she could dig in, focusing on her rather than the dessert as he took it. As soon as he said she could eat it, she started digging in, making happy noises due to how good it was.
โ They stayed there for a while, Cater scrolling through his phone as Ruthie ate, talking and laughing in between. Whenever Cater saw a video or a meme he knew she would like, he would hold his phone out to her, watching as she tried not to choke on the dessert while laughing. Before they went their separate ways Cater gave her a hug, thanking her for coming with him. She hugged him back, telling him that she should be the one thanking him, considering he paid for the dessert. She promises him she'll treat him next time as they wave goodbye, Cater watching her go before heading back to Night Raven.
โ As soon as he got back to Heartslabyul Ace was there, a teasing grin on his face as he asked how his "date" went. Cater gave him a look, used to his behavior as he tells him it wasn't a date. After a moment he goes on, letting him know he had a good time, and that the dessert seems to be worth the hype. He heads to his room, running into Deuce along the way. He too asks how his "date" went, though his question seemed more genuine, Cater not having the heart to correct him. He breathes a sigh of relief once he's inside, immediately laying in his bed.
โ He did his best to relax, mind racing as he pulled up the picture he took of Ruthie earlier. It had turned out better than he thought, her eyes lit up as she looked at the dessert on the table. She looked almost like she was glowing with how the sun hit her face, her hands clapped together in excitement. She looked so happy, so cute. He had to resist the urge to make it his phone background, shaking his head. He sat his phone on his chest, holding his arm over his eyes. He just needed to calm down, everything would be alright. He and Ruthie were friends, they were only hanging out. They weren't dating, she wasn't his girlfriend, he wasn't...
He wasn't...
"I'm not in love with her" he mutters to himself, though his racing heart wants to prove him wrong.
โ It's in this moment that he realizes what he wants his song to be about, slowly getting up and moving to his desk. He writes what he's thinking, what he's feeling, using it as inspiration. After having to edit and rewrite it a few times he was finally happy with it, realizing how late it was when he checked his phone.
โ At their next club meeting Cater bursts into the club room, presenting the song he had written. Lilia gave him a knowing look as he read the lyrics, Kalim complimenting him on how good it was. After talking some more and discussing the songs Lilia and Kalim had written, they decided to perform the song Cater wrote, with him singing the lead vocals. As it got closer to their show date they began advertising it, posting on their socials and putting up flyers around campus. Ruthie even made a post on her Magicam about it, encouraging anyone would could to attend. She texted Cater the night before the show, telling him how excited she was, wishing them good luck. He tried not to think about how it made his heart skip a beat.
โ The night of their show the Pop Music Club was buzzing with excitement, a fairly large crowd coming to see them. As they went on stage Cater's eyes were drawn towards the front, right where Ruthie stood in the crowd. She waved at him, mouthing good luck as he gave her a small wave back. They did their usual introduction, playing some of the songs they were known for before playing the one Cater wrote near the end. He did his best to focus on different parts of the crowd as he sang, but he couldn't help how he would always go back to Ruthie, locking eyes with her more than once.
You're always on my mind I think about you all the time Um, no Let's not talk about it Drama, we can live without it Catch a wave if we're bored There's a clock we'll ignore Find a way around it Hey girl, I can tell there's something Even when you say it's nothing When you're playing with your hair Like you just don't care It's a tell you're bluffing Now please don't take this the wrong way I love the things you do It's how you do the things you love Well it's not a love song, not a love song I love the way you get me But correct me If I'm wrong This is not a love song, not a love song I love the things you do It's how you do the things you love The way you sing it, Put me through it I guess I always knew it (I always knew) I love the way you get me But correct me If I'm wrong This is not a love song (not a love song) Not a love song (I know it's not a love song)
Bonus scene:
โ After their show the boys headed backstage, ecstatic by how well their performance had gone. Lilia turns to Cater, a knowing smile on his face as he informs him, "You do realize that was a love song you wrote, don't you Cater?"
Cater stumbles for a moment, laughing awkwardly as he shakes his head. "It totally wasn't! I don't know where you got that idea from, Lilia!"
Lilia eyes shine with amusement at his response, asking, "Oh, really? Can I ask what the inspiration was for the song, then? Perhaps, you had someone in mind...?"
Cater was quiet after that, knowing his response wouldn't help his case. He couldn't say that he wrote the song thinking of Ruthie, after all. โก

๐ฃ๐ฑ๐ช๐ท๐ด ๐๐ธ๐พ! โก

If you didn't know, I'm participating in Art Fight this year! :) (Same username, but you can also click that link!) So I'll be posting references here and there, as I work towards getting my blog presentable, with everyone I'd like to show!
First down is Valleys! They actually have an ask blog, but I've been very slow at keeping up, because of school taking my time. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of it, I miss them lots!
Hope to see you all there in July! :)

Valentin & Mitchย |ย 678/?? Morning Coffee โ