They Will P A Y - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Who the f u c k do I have to teach a lesson? Who the h e l l thought it was okay to mock an artist, someone providing them with unlimited and f r e e fucking content during these trying times? Which foul mouthed little s h i t do I gotta beat up behind the school so that they can grow up into a half decent attempt at a human being? Who?


You should never, ever, have to be ashamed to make something you like. Your art is yours. Its for nobody but you. If some prick doesn't like it? Or thinks that somehow they're ""better"", than they can taste that block button and the underside of your shoe.

They don't like it? That's okay. Everyone has opinions. They chose to be malicious about it? To you? For making something nice? That by all means and regards would be content for them? They don't deserve anything other than absolute banishment. You can make Kyman if you want. You can make ANY ship you want. If they can't respect that, then you shouldn't have to listen to them bitch. You deserve bettter.

….i found out someone reblogged my art to make fun of it…

… i dont think I’ll draw kyman again… some kyman fans are extremely… mean spirited…

…i feel horrible.. having someone openly mock my art is really…

…i’ll remove the kyman picture… im sorry… i wont draw anymore kyman… please don’t mock my art………

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