They're Just Like Me And My Siblings Fr Fr - Tumblr Posts
Me: I don't have a favorite sibling dynamic, what the heck are you talking about?
Also Me:
The mature younger sibling who pretends to dislike their older sibling because of how they act,

And their reckless older sibling who's trying to loosen them up and make sure they enjoy life, but will act more mature when the situation is serious

I'm not the only one who sees the Demon Accountant Lady as Jin and Yin's older sister, right...?
I mean, come on, she has Soo Much tired older sibling energy.

She tries to stop them from being idiots all the time, but will just somehow get involved in their mischief

She also saves their butts on the first episode of season 4,

Jin and Yin are the annoyingly mischievous younger brothers, while Demon Accountant Lady here has "They're Dumbasses, but they're MY Dumbasses so you better not hurt them," energy.