Lmk Liu Er Mihou - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Me: I don't have a favorite sibling dynamic, what the heck are you talking about?

Also Me:

The mature younger sibling who pretends to dislike their older sibling because of how they act,

Me: I Don't Have A Favorite Sibling Dynamic, What The Heck Are You Talking About?

Me: I Don't Have A Favorite Sibling Dynamic, What The Heck Are You Talking About?

Me: I Don't Have A Favorite Sibling Dynamic, What The Heck Are You Talking About?

And their reckless older sibling who's trying to loosen them up and make sure they enjoy life, but will act more mature when the situation is serious

Me: I Don't Have A Favorite Sibling Dynamic, What The Heck Are You Talking About?

Me: I Don't Have A Favorite Sibling Dynamic, What The Heck Are You Talking About?

Me: I Don't Have A Favorite Sibling Dynamic, What The Heck Are You Talking About?

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2 years ago


Macaque And His Therapy Monkey

You cannot tell me he doesn't rant to the little guy. Man was just vibing in the background while the others were reliving trauma, and he looked good doing it.

Also does he live in Flower Fruit Mountain now?? Are he and Sun roommates?? Did they make up off camera Orr??


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2 years ago

Why does everything have to be shadowpeach??

I mean, don't get me wrong people can have their Ships and Headcanons as long as their not the gross ones (incest, proshipping, etc), but I've seen way too many content about it. And honestly I'm starting to think it's actually a bit overrated (Please don't attack me I beg of you),

I've also seen some toxic shippers force this on other people, (like threatening them and saying it's canon when it was never confirmed, you get the point). I personally headcanon them as brothers, and sometimes I get a bit weirded out when people sexualize them...and some people tend to do that A LOT,

I'm not saying that ALL shadowpeach shippers are like this or that they should stop shipping shadowpeach, I just want more wholesome content about the two of them, without it being involved with the ship just let them be friends or something,

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2 years ago

Wow, my dumbass could've never thought about this.

Ever since I watched Lmk, the Macaque Episode has always bugged me a bit.

In the Pilot, it shows us that Mk has been documenting SWK's WHOLE LIFE, which means he probably knows the entirety of JTTW.

Ever Since I Watched Lmk, The Macaque Episode Has Always Bugged Me A Bit.

Then why didn't he know about Macaque??

Macaque LITERALLY tells Mk his full name "The Six Eared Macaque"

Ever Since I Watched Lmk, The Macaque Episode Has Always Bugged Me A Bit.

How did Mk, Monkey King's successor, The person who keeps Monkey King's stories documented in a book, not know one of the most popular chapters???

Does the Macaque Chapter just not exist or???

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2 years ago
Yes That Is His New Child.

Yes that is his new child. 

Yes he will kill everyone in room and then himself if anything happened to them.

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2 years ago

So i'm putting together a reference of Macaque expressions/emotions because I like him a regular amount and this is the coolest frame by frame subtlety find i've found yet

So I'm Putting Together A Reference Of Macaque Expressions/emotions Because I Like Him A Regular Amount

like the fact that Wukong was willing capable of showing restraint and mercy but not for him-

So I'm Putting Together A Reference Of Macaque Expressions/emotions Because I Like Him A Regular Amount
So I'm Putting Together A Reference Of Macaque Expressions/emotions Because I Like Him A Regular Amount

also, absolutely enthralled he ended up like this from this

So I'm Putting Together A Reference Of Macaque Expressions/emotions Because I Like Him A Regular Amount
So I'm Putting Together A Reference Of Macaque Expressions/emotions Because I Like Him A Regular Amount

what happened bud

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2 years ago

I've always liked the headcanon that Wukong basically made Macaque.

Just imagine a random demon with shadow magic trying to hunt the monkeys on FFM and Wukong having a hard time catching them because they keep on teleporting using their shadows, when they do catch them and Wukong kills them, their magic still lingers there.

Wukong being Wukong, gets curious and tries to use the shadow magic on his own and accidentally creates a sentient shadow entity, the shadow then just runs around exploring, while Wukong is in a middle of an existential crisis, because oh my god he made that thing, and it's alive how the fuck?!

When they finally caught the shadow, their obviously confused on what to do with it, Wukong comes up and basically tries communicate with the shadow (wow, that's a first) and while Wukong is talking the shadow suddenly transforms into a black version of him (albeit a bit shorter than him) with six ears.

Wukong gets a bit confused by this until suddenly a thought pops into his head. The shadow is alive, it looks like Wukong, it acts and assumedly it has the mentality of a child, it was technically like a newborn monkey, he can't just leave it alone. So after a bit of hesitance he takes the shadow in.

since no one wanted to house the entity because of its strange features (that being the six ears) and Wukong was the one responsible of it being there in the first place it stayed with Wukong. After a while Wukong decides to give the shadow a name, Liu'er Mihou or The Six Eared Macaque,

After a few days of taking care of the shadow (since it was technically a copy of Wukong, that means it's a he, right?) Wukong starts to grow attached, when the shadow surprisingly spoken out of nowhere, calling Wukong his brother, he was obviously surprised and confused on how and where the shadow got the idea that he was his brother from.

But then looking back at it, it makes sense.

Wukong's basically raising him, so of course the shadow would see him sort of as a parental figure, and on the other hand Wukong has a family now! Sure he loved his subjects to death, but he never really had a family to call his own. And now he has someone who is basically his little brother and he is not letting this go.

Until he did..

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