Lego Monkie King - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

So i'm putting together a reference of Macaque expressions/emotions because I like him a regular amount and this is the coolest frame by frame subtlety find i've found yet

So I'm Putting Together A Reference Of Macaque Expressions/emotions Because I Like Him A Regular Amount

like the fact that Wukong was willing capable of showing restraint and mercy but not for him-

So I'm Putting Together A Reference Of Macaque Expressions/emotions Because I Like Him A Regular Amount
So I'm Putting Together A Reference Of Macaque Expressions/emotions Because I Like Him A Regular Amount

also, absolutely enthralled he ended up like this from this

So I'm Putting Together A Reference Of Macaque Expressions/emotions Because I Like Him A Regular Amount
So I'm Putting Together A Reference Of Macaque Expressions/emotions Because I Like Him A Regular Amount

what happened bud

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2 years ago

I've always liked the headcanon that Wukong basically made Macaque.

Just imagine a random demon with shadow magic trying to hunt the monkeys on FFM and Wukong having a hard time catching them because they keep on teleporting using their shadows, when they do catch them and Wukong kills them, their magic still lingers there.

Wukong being Wukong, gets curious and tries to use the shadow magic on his own and accidentally creates a sentient shadow entity, the shadow then just runs around exploring, while Wukong is in a middle of an existential crisis, because oh my god he made that thing, and it's alive how the fuck?!

When they finally caught the shadow, their obviously confused on what to do with it, Wukong comes up and basically tries communicate with the shadow (wow, that's a first) and while Wukong is talking the shadow suddenly transforms into a black version of him (albeit a bit shorter than him) with six ears.

Wukong gets a bit confused by this until suddenly a thought pops into his head. The shadow is alive, it looks like Wukong, it acts and assumedly it has the mentality of a child, it was technically like a newborn monkey, he can't just leave it alone. So after a bit of hesitance he takes the shadow in.

since no one wanted to house the entity because of its strange features (that being the six ears) and Wukong was the one responsible of it being there in the first place it stayed with Wukong. After a while Wukong decides to give the shadow a name, Liu'er Mihou or The Six Eared Macaque,

After a few days of taking care of the shadow (since it was technically a copy of Wukong, that means it's a he, right?) Wukong starts to grow attached, when the shadow surprisingly spoken out of nowhere, calling Wukong his brother, he was obviously surprised and confused on how and where the shadow got the idea that he was his brother from.

But then looking back at it, it makes sense.

Wukong's basically raising him, so of course the shadow would see him sort of as a parental figure, and on the other hand Wukong has a family now! Sure he loved his subjects to death, but he never really had a family to call his own. And now he has someone who is basically his little brother and he is not letting this go.

Until he did..

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3 years ago

Monkie Kid S3....ENG Spoilers??




First look into the full Exclusive English Dubbed short clip

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2 years ago

Monkie Kid S3 ENG SPOILERS!!




Macaque: "ooo WUUUKOOOOOONG!!!"

Me: (nose bleading)

I freakin LOVE...the English voices acting of the first and second wow😳

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1 year ago

Chapter One: New Year Disaster

Standing there as everything burns. What went wrong? This once peaceful town is now a blazing inferno: cars on fire, buildings destroyed, homes, and business are nothing but charred remains. The streets were littered with debris and corpses. The only sounds that could be heard are the crying of children and the wailing sirens from emergency vehicles. This place is like a war zone. Everything is gone, black smoke obscures the sky with the setting sun’s rays giving it a hellish glow. A dark-furred monkey stood in the streets as the EMS rushed past him.

His golden eyes pooled with unshaded tears, scrunching his nose in disgust at the horrid smell. His lips formed a scowl as he growled. The town he grew up in was no more, this safe haven was now hell. Who had done this? And why this town, his home, his neighbors, friends, and the children. Both of his hands curled into a fist. He shouldn’t have left to go into the city, his body shook with rage the townspeople had done nothing to deserve this. They were good people; both humans and demons lived in peace.

“I will find whoever did this and when I do… I’ll kill them.” The dark-furred monkey growled. A hand placed itself on his shoulder making him look back. Seeing his father with a broken expression hurt him. Mac hasn’t seen that look ever since his mother passed away.

“I know, son. I’m just as angry as you are.” They both looked back at the scene before them with a grim expression. Today of all days. Just why? It's the lunar new year and this had to have happened.

...Hours prior...

Our scene is set in a small town on the outskirts of the city. The sun is over the horizon as an edgy monkey laid in bed. A groan came from him as he tiredly glanced at the bedside clock. His fuzzy vision focused on the time it was barely even… wait a minute it’s almost…eight! Oh shit! Throwing off the covers he scrambled to get dressed and bolted out of the room whilst grabbing his bag. A yellow, red, and black colored bag with a devilish grinning money logo on the side. Running down the steps almost tripping luckily he balanced himself and if the stairs didn't kill him first, his grandfather would.

Rushing to the door a voice called out, “Whoa, there champ. Why the rush?” His father sat at the table reading the newspaper and had a cup of coffee in hand. “I called your grandfather ahead of time and told him that you overslept. Now your lunch is on the table by the door. Have a good day, Mac. Also be back before 1800.”

Snatching it off the table, stuffing it into his bag. He waved at his father, calling out a quick love you and ran like hell towards the city. Dodging people left and right, ducking under and jumping over things, all the while getting shouted at. Waving them off with a cheeky grin and continuing on his way to his grandfather’s dojo. Now, Mac is no stranger when it comes to showing off and boy does he love doing parkour just to get others attention. Rather it be jumping from car to car, or lamppost to lamppost you name it he's done it.

Turning a corner, Macaque slowed his pace to walk. Breathing heavily he took a moment to steady his breathing in and out, inhale and exhale. Relaxing the mind and body. Now with a steady breathing, Mac continued his way to the dojo. The jet black-furred monkey had finally made it to his grandfather’s dojo. Macaque had opened the door… THWACK. He was met with a staff to the head.

“ACK! Geez, you old monkey! The hell was that for?!” Macaque exclaimed while rubbing his throbbing head. The elder monkey cheekily grinned and then laughed. “Oh ho, my dear grandson, this is the last year of having you as my student. It’s a must.”

Glaring at the elderly still rubbing the now sore spot, he marched right past and grumbled. “Yeah, it’s a must, my ass.” Which resulted in another hit to his backside. “Gah! Oh that tears it! You lost your staff privileges.” Grabbing it away from his grandfather, Mac tossed it up on to a high self and out of the old monkey’s reach.

“My grandson! Why must you treat me this way?! Do you want me not to get back off the floor if I were to fall!?” He scoffed at the dramatic monkey and went about his business. Placing his bag by the coffee table making his way to boxes of new year’s decorations. It’s like this every year, that old monkey waits till the last minute to set up for the new year.

Some time passes and the dojo is all decorated. Macaque is sprawled out on the couch napping. With one arm on his chest and right leg propped on the arm of the coach as the other arm and leg dangle off the side. A shack lunch bag sitting on the table with an empty bowl and half eaten mooncake sat to the side. The six eared monkey murmuring in his sleep scratches an itch on the side of his face.

“Mmm pha~ so sleepy.” He stretched, waking his tired bones and himself. Lazily setting up, macaque still with a sleep dazed expression looking at the wall clock which read 1800… fuck was all he could think without bedding his grandfather good bye, Mac grabbed his bag and bolted for the door and barreled down the streets.

‘Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. OH SHIT! I’m late, I'm late, I'm late! Dad’s gonna kill me!!’ He inwardly cried. Macaque wasn’t paying any attention until fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars drove by causing him to jump back. Something wasn’t right you usually don’t see that many emergency responders unless… oh god no… please no! No! Don’t let it be the town he called home all his life. Running faster, dodging, jumping, and zipping by people not caring for the shouts. Macaque just had to get home. He has to know, just has to. Mac can’t lose another parent; he can't! His mother is already gone. He’s not ready to lose his father.

Arriving home, Mac was horrified by the state that everything was in. The town was gone, nothing remained where it once was. Everything and I mean everything was burning. The firemen were busy putting out the fires, policemen set up blockades, and the EMS were checking up on people and loading up the injured.

His mind raced and his body shook with rage. One question popped into his thoughts. Who did this?

Present Moment

Both father and son stare at the sight. This once was their home; the lively town is just... hell. A heavy silence fell between them. Neither one dared to speak, the somber cries filled their ears. The six-eared monkey regretted going into the city when he should've stayed to help the townspeople. The older male patted his son's shoulder in comfort.

"It'll be alright, Mac. We can get through this just like before. A monkey troop of two! We're warriors, remember that my boy." His worn face bore a wide grin. So optimistic the man was.

Mac huffed a laugh and nodded, "Yeah, just like before."

Before… back when his mother was killed. That moment haunts him. The blood pooling around her body; the scared expression ever frozen on her face.

"Macaque, son… I know I miss her too." Pulling him into a much needed hug. "She'll always love you. You're her little shadow warrior."

"Guess, grandpa is gonna have guests for new years after all." Macaque spoke. The pain in his voice was a dead give away.

The father nods, "Come now, son, let's go and spend the new year with Huizhong."

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2 years ago

Lego Monkie Kid fanfic idea.

Pigsy, Tang, & Monkey King are like fathers to MK so it got me thinking. What if MK had a mother figure? Why not? She runs an orphanage that MK & Mei visit on occasion when not working or saving the world. The kids there love hearing about the duo’s adventures.

MK hauls butt to Flower Mountain. He bursts through the doors of Monkey King’s dojo.

Monkey King: Hey kiddo, what’s up? Today’s not a training day.

He starts to take a sip of his drink.

MK: I need you to fight for my mom’s hand in marriage!

Monkey King spits his drink out and then starts coughing.

Monkey King: What the hell kid?! I’m going to need an explanation.

MK launches into his speech about how he knows this orphanage owner who is like a mom to him. She’s been getting harassed by this dude who wants to marry her as she comes from a rich family. She kept turning him down until he somehow got a hold of the deed to the building where she & the orphans live. He says if she doesn’t marry him then he will tear the building down. Feeling the pressure she agrees, but doesn’t tell MK.

MK: So I need you to fight this dude because his family has this tradition or whatever that if two suitors are interested in the some bride then they have to fight each other for her hand.

Monkey King sits in stunned silence.

MK: You don’t have to actually marry her after the fight, but it would get the creepy dude to back off because once he loses, he can’t ask her for her hand ever again.


That’s all I got as an idea for the story.

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1 year ago

Planning on writing a Slowburn fanfic, but i wanna make 1st Person POV & 3rd Person POV. Yet I also want to gain readers but I know some people don’t prefer the other

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