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If we suspend reality as Julie often does and somehow Elijah was the one having a magical kid , how do you think would the storyline go? What would be the changes
I think Elijah would be terrified.
As we have seen in the series, he basically is his siblings parent (it really bothers me that this is only "acknowledged" in the last episode and barely at that) so raising a child wouldn't be something he wouldn't know how to do. He is loyal to the ones he loves and clearly loves his family more than he loves himself.
Bringing a child, especially his own child at that, into the toxic codependent mess that the Mikaelson are would for sure mess up with him. Elijah would be skeptical at first because vampires cannot procreate and all that stuff, but this show isn't known for having a consistent canon so let's ignore it, but he wouldn't react at all the way Klaus did with Hayley's pregnancy. Once he has a way to make sure the kid is 100% his, his demenaour would without a doubt change.
I'm not really sure if Elijah wouldn't see this magical baby as the salvation of his family. We all know he saw that in Hope and he never really saw her as her own person until s5, where she was a teenager who could express herself and stuff. But again, this is his child, someone who is gonna need him for everything half of their life and someone who is gonna be dependent on him.
And that, without a doubt, would drive him away from his obsession with Klaus's redemption, basically the 90% of his character.
Elijah would be forced to drop Klaus or hit him until his baby brother agrees to not kill his child because as I said in one of my posts, Klaus wouldn't approve of his siblings loving someone more than they loved him. It would be an interesting turn in his character, because Elijah was obssesed with redeeming Klaus for his whole life (and that never happened, Hope was the one Klaus loved the most but he was never redeemed). And as we've seen in The Originals, Elijah has prioritized his niece over his brother so imagine that with his own kid.
He would form a bond with the mother of his child way more quickly than klayley did, they would be family and Elijah wouldn't be nearly as possessive over his child the way Klaus is with Hope. He would trust his family to keep his baby safe, and he would trust the mother too. Of course he would be more protective, and that would make him more dangerous.
Obviously this child would soften him, and having a baby to actually raise may make him not treat Marcel like shit and in consequence, not kill him, because he knows what it is to love someone more than himself and stuff.
Simply put, Elijah would have loved this baby more than his siblings and would have been forced to change 55% of his behavior. His child wouldn't be the mythical tribrid tho, so I wonder what their life would have been like.
(I think it would be ironic if Hope and the hypotetical kid existed in the same universe, haylijah got together and Klaus and the mother of Elijah's baby also fell in love lmao.)