This Is An Adjuration - Tumblr Posts
Me, trying to contain my excitement for what's to come:

This has been rattling around in my brain nonstop for days, thank you @life-in-winter

Who’s arrived with yet more memes!!
More Adjuration crack for @not-freyja
Check out the other brilliant memes in this series!

Adjuration memes part 4:

And a special edition off Vio’s bookshelf:

So… about that support group…
I think we all need hugs, so here is one for you.
Look I know I joked about it before, but... I think we've officially gotten to that point...
@glowingmin @life-in-winter @linkiscool33 @passerinesoncaffiene @deleetrix @sunny-porridge @zeldathusiast @lele5429 @bittirsweeteer
DM me your discord, discord invite is here, we're officially starting the Adjuration discord support group chat. Fucking hell...

So how y'all coping with chapter 59?
I am incredibly normal about This is an Adjuration by @not-freyja (lies)

There’s a moment where Shadow wonders if that feeling itself was dying, that the cold nothingness that he was in before was merely prelude. And then it hits him. He wonders. If he can think about things, then that means… Shadow opens his eyes. He isn’t sure, exactly, what the afterlife was supposed to look like, or if there even was one for creatures like him. But he would bet an entire cellar of evil root beer that this is not it.
The Beginning - Part 1

By the end of this there will be no pain.
Good night, Captain.
This is my first time drawing Warriors, if you don’t count his back in my very first fanart. I can’t believe it’s for this scene.
I just need some time to process.
Have I reached Legend's level of madness yet!?
Jfc this fic has made me see God I swear

Yet another chapter with supplemental material! Its in the chapter as well, here are the diagrams for Legend’s mental breakdown theorizing:

Have fun!

Eight expressions of varying degrees of confusion stare back at him and Legend sighs. “Okay, what’s not clicking?”
“Most of it,” Twilight has the courage to admit. “Most of it is just…”
“Nonsense?” Wild offers, and the Ordonian nods.
“Yeah, that.”
Freyja at Legend this chapter:

“I think this a worse idea than launching yourself out of a canon,” Twilight says. “And only three of us are even that stupid.”
Sky frowns, pensive. “Is it a worse idea than Wild using his shield and a strategically timed bomb to get to the top of a rock wall?”
“Well, uh…” The Rancher sighs, and finally shrugs. “If that’s the bar, then sure, you done cleared it. Not much of an accomplishment, really. But there you go.”
Wild grins shamelessly, “I get to keep my title!”
“Are we really proud of holding the title of ‘doer of the dumbest thing any of us have ever done?’” And Twilight just looks so tired there, he just sounds so done. It almost makes Green give in.

So I love Linked Universe, and have been engrossed by the amazing fanfic This is an Adjuration by the extremely talented @not-freyja. Been reading it and following it for the last few months, and uh, got some inspiration for a concept for a future Wind, post-Adjuration.
Drew him, and the lovely folks in the Discord server that I like to call the Adjunation wanted me to post it, so... here! Future Wind! Carrying the memory of his brothers wherever he goes!

Wild leads them, one little chime of his Slate at a time, closer and closer to what feels like some kind of cosmic joke. He has always known that Hylia herself at least has a sense of humor, a kind of gentle teasing to the way that she speaks to him through her statues.
An amused tint to the way she would tell him ‘no, Link, I cannot make you ever stronger than you are now.’ A sort of fond chuckle to the way her approval would emulate out as he enthusiastically threw dragon scales into the Holy Springs.
…He’s getting off topic again. What Wild is trying to say is that he knows for a fact that the Goddess loves him, and thinks laughing at him is fun. The two facts can coexist.
People (and gods, they probably count separately from people) are complicated.
Spoilers for This Is An Adjuration by NotFreyja on Ao3 under the cut!
Blood, implied/referenced Character Death
This scene in chapter 60 of This Is An Adjuration by @not-freyja (apologies for the ping) on Ao3!
This scene made me so damn sad so I attempted to draw fanart of it. I'm not very good at this type of genre of art but I tried lmao. It's such a good fic, and if you get a chance to and haven't already, go read it!!!
Also a thank you to Ghoul--chan in the LU server for help with Sky's arm posing by supplying references of their figurine in a similar pose.

Don't worry babe, I've got you!

And we have (somehow) blasted right through the 300k word ceiling. Nearly to the finish line folks, but have this 14k chapter that I cannot pick an excerpt from because way too many things are happening at the same time.

"You have to remember the love, Link
Let me show you."
This is an Adjuration by @not-freyja
Chapter 84: Link
I spend 10% of my time reading Adjuration heartbroken and grieving and sad in a cathartic way.
I spend 90% of my time reading Adjuration laughing my ass off, grinning like an idiot, bouncing with excitement, desperately trying to figure out what's going to happen next and in general having the time of my life.
Adjuration is a tragedy (a beautiful, meaningful tragedy) where some characters do die permanently. But if you watch or read and enjoy star wars, the hunger games, stranger things, lord of the rings, Harry Potter, marvel, Naruto, Fullmetal alchemist or literally any popular movies, books or TV shows where a character dies, then you should be fine. It isn't angst. Characters aren't being killed off left right and centre for no reason except shock value. They're dying because it's important to the plot of the story.
Hi! :D
I heard a lot of good things about your fic and it's been hanging in my 'for later' list for ever. I'm trying to avoid spoilers and am increadibly curious about the plot, but!
I see it's tagged with MCD and seeing (absolutely increadible) fanarts I think I know who that is for.
Here's the question:
Is it temporary main character death or permanent?
I know some authors tag deaths but not temporary deaths and I understand if you don’t want to say because of spoilers. It’s also tagged with "Tags May Change", so there's where my uncertainty comes from.
I know form experience I don’t do well with permanent MCD, even if I love a good whump, so sadly if it’s permanent I will have to pass on your fic, no matter how curious I am about it.
So I was just wondering if you could clarify it for me?
Sorry I'm so awkward about it 😅
Okay, two things:
1. MCD means that they die. Permanently, and least for the course of the fic. If it was temporary, I would elaborate in the tags. The “tags may change” is because it was being posted as a WIP, and I didn’t want to lie to someone if I ended up adding or removing a scene. I see where the ambiguity might be read there, but that tag is coming off any day now, when the last chapter goes up.
2. This fic is not whump. It is not angst, and it is not hurt/no comfort. I believe the level of pain has been greatly exaggerated by someone and now everyone thinks the fic is full of torture porn.
Adjuration is a tragedy, in the classic literature sense. Like Hamlet. Like the Count of Monte Cristo. As in, the bad things that happen are inevitable and entirely able to be seen coming, and the characters’ own fault.
Tragedy does not equal misery all the way down. In fact, the majority of the word count in there is comedy. Most of the time spent reading the fic is spent laughing, because half of the cast deals with stress via humor.
So yes, people (more than one of them) die. Of course they do. Adjuration is, put simply, a story where the premise of Link as a character is taken seriously. That means seriously. Send 14 people on a high stakes action mission, not all of them are making it out alive. That would be unrealistic. People die in action stories.
And with a main cast of fourteen Links, it’s an inevitability that one of those deaths would be one of them.
(Clarity: you have done nothing wrong, and I am not yelling at you. This is me elaborating on the issue because I keep being asked about all the whump and angst that just… isn’t there outside of three specific scenes in a 300k work. It’s like acting all of LOTR is whump cause you heard about Boromir. Like, that is literally how out of proportion this has been blown.)

Fanart for This is an Adjuration by @not-freyja
I loved reading this story, and there was a scene in chapter 84 that I wanted to draw!

No excerpt this time, just me politely informing you that this is, in fact, the last chapter.
I did it. We did it.
What a ride.